
shout into the void

Selene I


4 Years
09-27-2016, 05:12 PM

Selene could be a void. She could be a void. Damn pretty void she'd been then, really. There's the absence of light, and then there's the all consuming light. That's the best part really. A contrast. She's a contrast. High headed, both pretty and not. Don't look at her insides, you see. Don't look at her insides, they're confused. She's confused. Hell, she's always confused. Maybe that's why she crosses into the lifeless caverns, eyes wide. The girl has been looking for a void to shout into, and it looks like she's found her place. It looks like she's found the actual voice where she can actually shout into a literal void. This was the dream of every emo teen, and she was living in it. Freaking beautiful.

Standing at the edge of the caverns, she yells. Just fucking screams. Tips her head back and just shouts. At first it's just abject, an expulsion of sound, propulsion of all the things that she's been feeling lately. It was coming, and coming, and continuing to come forth from her insides. Racking them, rocking them, and actually freaking soothing all the turmoil in her system. It felt good. Imagine that? Something so simple as living out all those bad 2000's post emocore fantasies could bring her back to feeling... less shitty. How great was that. Selene feels fantastic, so she just keeps screaming.

[Image: PeVC6RS.png]



7 Years
10-19-2016, 01:02 PM

The screams came from the left - no no - from the right. The black and white wolf ran first one way, then the other, paws skittering on the half frozen rock beneath her feet. Maybe they came from above? From below? From without? From within? The twists and turns of the place made for a dozen different echos - all explosions of raw emotion, raw pain, raw pleasure in the purity of feeling given life through sound. Orica might have thought it a whole pack of wolves if she hadn't been listening keenly when it first started. Spirits above, she'd been searching. She'd been wanting signs of life. She got it tenfold.  

She bent her head low, one foreleg crooked to rub a paw at her ear. That had not been pleasant. The first gush took her by surprise. She shook her head, every fur on her body floofed against more than the cold now. She couldn't even be certain it was a wolf. It sounded like a demon. It could be a ghost or ghoul. A spirit of the mountains angered by her presence. Though what objection it could have, she didn't know. Well, she knew something of appeasing ghosts. And something of healing wolves. She padded on, ears bent sideways, wishing to see what she was dealing with.

The healer ghosted her way along the caverns, weaving between pillars of stone and stepping through puddles of ice cold solution that dripped from the ceiling - the tears of the underworld. Glaciem had had places like this. In the depths of winter, they took shelter in a network of caves in the heart of their territory. Or they had. They were safe and defensible if one was not stupid about them. If they were thoroughly explored and marked out. Orica had been born in one such place - in a nest of dried tundra moss and pine boughs and fur from musk ox kills. It could've been a place just such as this, the small fae thought as she looked down a shallow corridor.

With the shouts still echoing she figured that it wasn't likely to be an attacked wolf - it would've been eaten by now. And if stuck somewhere - why didn't it articulate words into something like 'help'? Orica sent up a howl of her own. Maybe it would be lost in the choas, or maybe it would make it through. Either way the voice - whether spirit or wolf - would have the chance to know it was no longer alone.


Selene I


4 Years
10-22-2016, 10:36 AM

Yelling as a means of reducing stress is something Selene will have to try more. Already she can feel her disposition settling, but her want for cuss words is only growing. She can feel it fucking bubbling up in her chest and making their god damn way around her head. That feels silly. It feels fucking silly and she fucking loves it. Everything is fantastic, and here she is. A void. Maybe she's the void. If Selene was a void, she'd be the most full void that you ever did god damn see. Right. She'd stop that. It was getting to be ridiculous now. She was starting to giggle as she shouted, and there was something more than lovely about it. Therapeutic shouting. If Selene had been a healer, she would have suggested it to everyone, all at once. Maybe she'd even do it by shouting.

There was a weird echo, one that bounced her shouts right back. How odd. Did she really sound like that? Inwardly, Selene cringed. That was terrible. She couldn't actually sound like that, could she? Oh goddess of the moon that was terrible. It distracted the girl from her shouting for long enough to come up with a new plan. She was going to see, once and for all, if she really was that awful.

Summoning the deepest breath she could, Selene rocked back on her heels. An earth shattering "Hello?" bubbled forth from her insides, and she was really and truly uncertain what would answer. After that moment, she's quiet once more, prepared for the reverberating sound to bounce back to herself. Something in Selene's chest left her feeling unsure, anxious and waiting for the sound to come back.

And when it does, there's a bit of self disgust that bubbles up. Oh that was terrible. At the head of the crack, she flops down. How could anyone take her seriously when she sounded like that?

[Image: PeVC6RS.png]