
I hear the chimes



6 Years
10-03-2016, 04:05 PM

ooc: Me and Dragon agreed okami would be the one to find him, so please wait to post until after Okami is posted.

The autmn had rolled in so easily. Vereux felt old, and tired as it was. Finding a nice place to curl up in the pines was hard for someone like him. Especially now that he couldn't see. The world was dark and his last eye that had been taken from him ached. Crusted over, perhaps the male just hadn't cared enough to even treat the wound. As he carefully walked with his paws to guide him. Listening to the wind blow through the tree's of the place he'd lived almost all of his life in. Making him stop when he felt the edge of a tree. Perking his head for a single moment as he tried to drag in another breath but was met with sharp pain. He'd just take a small nap - after all he promised charm they'd go out to hunt herb again later.

Tired he would circle a few times before curling his body around itself. Shaking for a single moment as he could feel his breath heat up the cool air of the north. Having no sight never bothered him, then again at the moment it almost felt like nothing bothered him. He was alone after all. Not in a sense that anyone wold believe but for a long time it felt like his heart just didn't belong. As Vereux's ears flicked he wheezed softly. No matter, he would go talk with charm later - and perhaps they could take okami with them. Hell if Enlil wanted to join them the more the merrier.

He closed his eyes - at least the blind eyes that he had since the other was sewn shut from the blood and pain. The male soon drifted off to sleep, were his lungs started to cease. Sputtering breaths left his maw, until finally his heart stopped beating for the last time. The male's body frozen there as he took in his final breaths from the sickness taking him away. The promises he made didn't matter much now. As Vereux would no longer be a part of this world.

-exit vereux through death-
“Vereux” “Avalon”



9 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
10-10-2016, 07:47 PM

She had found something so very interesting! The snowy white girl wanted to show her family, so she set off in search of them with one of them gently held between her teeth. What she had found was a small field of white lilies clustered in a little hidden part of the territory. Well, maybe not so hidden...but they were growing rather close to a large boulder near the edge of the land. She had taken one, wanting to show her mom and dad and siblings. And what was so interesting to her about them, was the fact that the flowers looked almost exactly like her in color. They were a pretty white with the palest of pinks on them, their petals thick and open as if welcoming whatever sun they could get. With a wagging tail, the large girl practically walked with a bounce to her step, blue eyes on the lookout for any of the ones she was looking for.

Low and behold, she would see the figure of her father lying down several yards ahead of her. And with an even more excited burst to her step, she quickly made her way towards him. "Daddy! Look wha' I found!" She circled around towards his front, gently putting the flower on the ground as she gazed at it for a moment. "Isn't it pretty?" She smiled, tail continuing it's wagging as she was oblivious to the lack of her father's answer. "I found a whole bunch of them! Wanna see?" She pawed at it, eyes turning up to see his eyes closed. Oops. Was he sleeping? She hoped he didn't get upset by her saying the words 'look' and 'see'...she knew he couldn't see anymore, and she was trying to get used to that fact. She waited a few seconds, but still he did not answer. Maybe he was just really, really tired? She gently nudged his muzzle, trying to wake him as gently as she could. "Daddy, wake up! It's me, Okami!" She looked at him for a moment, brows beginning to furrow, her tail painfully slowing down until eventually it came to a complete stop.

"Daddy?" She stepped forward to nudge him again, but no matter where she touched him or how she did it, he didn't move nor did he make a sound. What was going on? Was he too sick to move? Was he hibernating? Did wolves do that? Blue eyes glanced across his body, ears folding back as she noticed now that he was completely still. Was...he even breathing? Her heart pounded painfully against her chest, afraid of what exactly was going on. She didn't know about death, or the cycle from birth to death that every living thing went through. But she felt that something was wrong here, and she was scared. "Daddy wake up!" She quickly nipped his ear, hoping that maybe it would wake him. She always woke up when someone nipped her ear, but even with that he didn't move.

Panicking now, her eyes watered and her throat tightened from the fear that gripped her. She needed help. He wasn't moving, and she didn't know what to do. Taking a step back, she raised her head howled for her family. Her mom, her siblings, someone, anyone that could help! It was an urgent call, laced with fear. Lowering her head, she whined, then would begin to lick his muzzle, hoping that he might finally stir while they waited for help to come.



Arrow is allowed to crash her threads, regardless of the tag



8 Years
10-21-2016, 04:25 PM
Something was happening. Enlil wasn’t sure what it was, but by the tone in his larger sister’s voice he was sure it wasn’t good. He felt something stirring in his gut as he raced in the direction of her call. Enlil wasn’t sure what he’d be able to do, if anything, but he was going to try his hardest to do all that he could. But there was nothing anyone in the world could prepare him for what was going to come.

Arriving on the scene Enlil saw Okami and their father. His gaze shifted to his sister, a puzzled look on his face. Why was she getting so worked up? Their papa just looked like he was sleeping. Paws lead him closer and he spoke quietly, ears twitching some. “What’s wrong Okami? Papa looks like he’s napping.” The innocent boy didn’t take in the consideration of how still their father’s form was as he came to stand next to his sister. “He must have been really tired if you can’t wake him up.”



9 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
10-21-2016, 06:06 PM

She waited for what seemed like an eternity, but the reality was that only a few minutes had passed. Whimpering still, she stopped licking his muzzle when she heard the approach of another. Blue gaze lifted to see Enlil coming towards her, stopping with a puzzled look. Her own brows furrowed as she listened to his question, doubt and confusion crossing her features. Looking back at their dad, she frowned. "Do you think so? Daddy usually always wakes up when we nip his ears but...I did that and he's not getting up." Blue eyes roamed his still figure, worry still etched in her gaze. Maybe her eyesight was just that bad, and maybe he was still breathing. Maybe he was really tired from his wounds that he was just in a really deep sleep. Still, she couldn't help but feel something nagging at her mind, and it wasn't anything pleasant.

Sighing, she looked back at her brother, wondering where the others were. Wouldn't they have come by now? She lowered her head, gently nosing Vereux's neck in another attempt to wake him. When he still didn't stir, she furrowed her brows and abandoned the task. "Daddy feels like he's getting cold, we need to keep him warm Enlil! That way he can rest better." Moving towards him, she placed herself in the crook of his curled body, her head resting on his shoulders. The last thing she wanted was for her dad to catch a cold or get sick from sleeping out in the open. And with his other wounds, he might be more susceptible to it. Right? Maybe the others would be here soon to help them keep their dad warm, and they could all take a nap in one big family pile.



Arrow is allowed to crash her threads, regardless of the tag



4 Years
11-01-2016, 11:08 PM

Afrit was still unbelievably bored. She was angry that she couldn't ever find any of her siblings to play with so she set out with a huff. She hadn't spent much time with any of her family, other than Enlil that one time, since she'd gotten better. She wanted some attention! Shouldn't they be happy she wasn't sick anymore? She refused the believe that they were all so busy that they couldn't spare her ten minutes.

She took after the scents she smelled and it took her a long time to actually follow one that actually led her to someone. She arrived very late but was surprised to see Enlil and Okami both around their dad. She gasped silently and scurried over to see what they were up to. She lowered her voice as much as she could, which was still a very loud whisper, and spoke.

"Guys, what are you doing?! You're gonna wake him up and then he's gonna be upset." She pouted. She didn't want them to get in trouble.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: JQXUdOq.png]