
In Silence We Yearn



5 Years
11-01-2016, 05:51 PM

Silence had become his companion once again. There had been next to no stirrings from his brothers and Vincenzo had yet to meet anyone he felt could be initiated. Not that he was entirely sure on how to begin. He tried to think back on how he'd first been pulled in but that required him to think of Enrico, a man he much preferred to imagine being ripped into tiny pieces by a flock of crows. Vincenzo's wandering led him north though he supposed his wanderings weren't entirely aimless. He was looking for the pack that belonged to the man he'd spoken with near the geysers. Vincenzo didn't have much of a plan but it made sense to him that seeing the inner workings of a pack could prove beneficial and it gave him something to do in the mean time as well as a contingency plan if the worst should happen and the Fratelli Rossi fade into the shadows. Coming to the border Vincenzo lifted up his head and howled for the alpha.




9 Years
11-07-2016, 05:11 PM

Xephyris lifted his head as a howl echoed out across his territory. Someone was calling for his presence. Exhausted but dutiful, he rose from where he was resting, looking to his daughters where they romped. They were still so young, and he hated leaving them alone, but he had little choice with their mother vanished. "Girls, stay close to home when I'm not here," he rumbled, eyeing them sternly so that they understood he meant it. He didn't like the idea of them roaming on their own. Leaving the girls to their own devices, he headed toward the border. He hadn't known what to expect when he approached the figure in the distance, but as he got closer, he began to recognize the wolf, and picked up his pace when he realized who it was. Although they'd only become acquainted for a brief time, Xephyris had enjoyed the brute's company, however short-lived. He wondered what brought Vincenzo here, and he would soon find out.

He dipped his head slightly in a polite greeting, but still held himself with an authoritative posture. "Greetings, Vincezo," his low voice came forth, "What brings you to the borders of Vyper today?" He then fell silent as his silver, blue-flecked eyes scanned over the scarred brute, wondering what his business was. Perhaps he had come to join, which would please the Alpha greatly. For now, his ears perked forward, listening for what the man would say.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]



5 Years
11-23-2016, 10:05 PM

Vincenzo waited like a shadow, silent and still and dark until even his thoughts fell quiet. He was oblivious to time, his focus on his breathing and the world around him as he let his mind drift into the abyss in a strange meditation. Ears flicked forward at the sound of approaching paws as he slowly brought himself back to the present. Grinning he dipped his head in greeting at the approaching form of Xephyris. He'd been practicing his english and felt ready to try his paw at a longer and more meaningful conversation.

"Good day to you, Xephyris. I have thinking on our talk and I have decided I want to join your pack. I want to join Vyper if this makes you pleased. I am a fighter. Test me, you can see." He felt a bit of embarrassment, sure he'd gotten some of that wrong but hopefully he worked out enough so that the man could understand him and that he hadn't come across as to blunt.




9 Years
12-05-2016, 03:58 AM

He saw the grin upon the other man's face, and it made Xephyris eager to hear what Vincenzo was going to say. He had gotten a vibe from the man the last time they'd met, that they would get along quite well if given a chance. So, quietly he listened, as the man spoke with a foreign accent, although it sounded like he'd been working on his English since the last time. A grin of his own crossed his gray and white muzzle, his silver, blue-flecked eyes sharpening as he focused on the dark-coated male. "Good to see you Vincenzo," he greeted the male in return, "Welcome to Vyper. I'm sure we'll benefit from your arrival, but... let's just make sure, hmm? We can grab a bite to eat afterward." He winked at the brute to indicate that he was merely joking. He had no doubts about the male in the least. The other brute was covered in scars, so it was obvious he was experienced in battle, and clearly he wasn't afraid to take on a challenge. His reason for taking on the challenge was not for any doubts, but merely for the fun of it. Vincenzo seemed like someone who would enjoy the fight just for the fun of it, so why shouldn't they engage in a little match?

Smirking, Xephyris lowered himself into a ready posture, his elbows and knees bent, tail held out behind him in alignment with his spine. His head lowered just enough to align with his spine as well, chin tucking to protect his throat, while his hackles raised defensively. His ears flicked back, eyes narrowed and scarred muzzle wrinkled up to protect his face, jaws parting to expose his teeth. His paws shifted apart evenly, toes splayed and claws digging into the ground. Having set his defenses, he let an eager growl rumble within his throat, watching Vincenzo as he waited for the other to ready himself as well. When he was sure that they were both ready to spar, Xephyris leapt forward, hoping to close the distance between them.

He was aiming to thrust the front of his left shoulder blade into the other male's left shoulder blade, hoping to leave his opponent with a moderate bruise. Next, he hoped to slam the front of his chest just into the front side of Vincenzo's left shoulder where the meaty part starts just behind the shoulder bone, hoping to leave a moderate bruise there as well. His parted jaws, head whipping to the left, would aim for the meaty part of Vincenzo's shoulder, hoping to clamp down momentarily and leave a mild puncture. Finally, his left forepaw aimed to slam down on his opponent's left forepaw, hoping to leave just a mild bruise. He had no intention to seriously hurt the brute, hoping for a good wrestling match to get a little more acquainted.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]



5 Years
12-17-2016, 03:23 PM
ooc: I'm assuming this isn't an official challenge correct?

Vincenzo made a mental note to continue practicing this foreign language. At first he'd just brushed it off. He was only planning to stay in Boreas long enough to find and kill a traitor but as seemed to be the ballad of the Fratelli Rossi of lateā€¦ things did not go according to plan. If he wished to stay, work, and live here he would need to know the common tongue. Vincenzo nodded at the alpha's words and grinned, his muscles flexing eagerly with the desire to prove himself as well as work off some steam that had been building for quite some time. His ears pinned to his head, lips drawing back to reveal his teeth as his limbs coiled beneath him, his weight balanced across them, his tail and head shifted to align with his spine as his neck scrunched back, his shoulders rolling forward. Golden eyes narrowed as he determined that Xephyris would make the first move. It was he was doing the testing after all. It would be Vincenzo's duty to respond in a manner befitting of a warrior. His hackles raised, claws digging into the earth as he tucked his chin, waiting for the other to move.

Xephyris shot forward and Vincenzo tensed as he shuffled quickly to his own right to pull his left shoulder out of play, causing Xeph's shoulder lunge and chest to miss their intended targets. Vincenzo would not escape the other mans jaws though as Xeph's fangs would nick the meaty part of his shoulder, drawing blood and leaving a light puncture. His earlier shuffle to the right thankfully pulled his left forepaw out of reach of Xeph's paw slam and Vincenzo quickly moved to retaliate.

Arcing his body to his own left Vincenzo sought to generate enough momentum in his twist as he tried to slam his right shoulder into Xeph's left side, just behind his left elbow, hopefully with enough force to leave decent bruising. His left forepaw raised as he attempted to slam it down on Xeph's left forepaw in a playful attempt to turn his opponents attack back on him. Seeking only mild bruising. Vincenzo could understand this was meant as a game of fisticuffs, of feeling each other out though it was a form of training he was somewhat unfamiliar with. His head would twist to his left as he sought to seize Xephyris' scruff in his jaws, just before the mans shoulder blades with no intent more than getting a hold in the thick fur on the back of the mans neck.
