
so this is it.


11-09-2016, 10:18 PM
There's something nearly unreal about the feeling in her heart as she holds her head high. Hunting side by side with another strong woman-- how lovely a thing that was. Her cousin. Her family. It's such an experience, and she adores it. Bright eyes and adrenaline filled veins, there's a brilliance. There's usually a brilliance when it comes to working with the brave. This is next level. This is all new all the time. Things are falling into place.

"That was fantastic." Fortune grins. It colors her face and brings her posture to something more comfortable and more comforting all at once. "We should do it again sometime, keep everyone fed and work on working together. If you'd like to, that is." There's a wag to her tail, the deepest of breaths returning to her lungs.

It's only now that she realizes the dull ache, the small trickle of blood at her shoulder. Damned sheep had sharp hooves. "Just a little sore, I'll be all good by morning. Ewes can be ornery," The brave chances a grin at Faite, head tossing. "How do you propose we get her back?" There's something about working with a pack that escapes her. The whole family unit isn't out to eat, so they'd have to transport it... drag? Dragging would probably be the most effective, but didn't sound all that much fun. Maybe Faite had an easier way to get the dirty work done.

shock & awe



6 Years

11-11-2016, 03:16 PM

Faite's breathing had returned to normal (she was barely aware it had been heavier in the first place) as the adrenaline completely left her body. She was worried about her cousin as she looked her up and down and she easily found the spot that she'd been kicked. It didn't seem to be anything threatening so she relaxed. Fortune's bright grin was infectious and it wasn't long before Faite was grinning as well. She just couldn't help herself.

"I'd love to do another hunt some time. That was more fun than I've had in a little while."

Her ears flicked at Fortune's admission of a little pain. Soreness was to be expected and the bleeding wasn't overly terrible. She still worried slightly so she was still keen for it to get looked at. "Just clean yourself up and seek out one of the pack healers so that doesn't get infected." Accidents couldn't always be avoided and she was just glad Fortune had scraped by with only a kick to somewhere minor. Her other question posed a more serious problem. They couldn't just leave the ewe here to be picked at by scavengers. She frowned at this now and concentrated. Surely it would be too heavy to carry between the both of them and tearing it into pieces to carry didn't sound like it'd be easier. It'd be less heavy, but then it'd cause a mess and leave a blood trail behind them.

"We cold bury it I suppose. Or we could try and figure out a way to drag it between the both of us."

Walk, "Talk" Think

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