
Lost in the arms of Destiny



5 Years
11-13-2016, 10:29 PM (This post was last modified: 12-15-2016, 12:13 PM by Caliber.)
Break this bittersweet spell on me!

Coal rimmed ears swivel uselessly upon my crown, catching only the loudest of noises from within the depths of my inky home. Water dripped steadily from deep inside the cavern, sharp green and white eyes search the shadows with the ease of a wolf who has lived in darkness for the better part of a year. I could not see anything, but that didn't mean I was in the clear to continue my trek toward water. The flutter of wings caught my attention, and I look up, watching the bats as they fly overhead. I needed patience if I was going to catch one, something I found myself in short supply of for today. My sleek frame moves through the paths that will take me to the pool of water I know lays deep within the twisting paths of the caverns. Having lived here for so long, I have come to know every nook and cranny there is to know about this place. I have found its secrets more out of necessity and luck than actually searching. Like the bats, I will have to wait until they leave their roost tonight before I can catch a few to hold me until tomorrow morning when they return.

I could hardly believe I was finally rid of the ones who hunted me. I know why they did, but it was who the hunters were that really put the salt on the wound. Still, I was better off alone anyway. Ashen gray paws move over the dark floor of the cave, my shadowy body keeping me hidden and my paws barely whispering against the stone. Reaching the water, I bend down to drink, slowly lapping at the cold, crisp liquid. Green and white eyes scan subconsciously around as I do so, ensuring that I am indeed alone in my home. Assured that I will not be bothered, my body relaxes and I lay beside the underground pool.

Caliber can be extremely grumpy at times and has been known to kill when he is pushed too far. Please use caution when threading with him!