
It's Raining plots!



10 Years
11-14-2016, 10:32 PM

My main girl, she's the center of most of my activity. Having lost her pack a few years ago she is still reeling from the events of her past. She was an alpha but now she is a wolf without a purpose, and after much debate she is setting off to find a new one.

Caelum is a kind woman, easy to get along with and always concerned for the wellbeing of others. One might even say she can have a sort of motherly way about her at times though she'd just brush it off as trying to be good to those around her. Meeting her at this time often doesn't result in the warm greetings and excitement that she offered before the attack, though with some coaxing one might be able to see a hint of that side of her again.

Looking for:

Friends - Cae could really use a few loyal buds in her life. To be honest I don't think I've ever given her any real good friends, which means so far her only close relationships were with Zephyr and their family, and now Inverno. Basically this girl needs friendship badly.

Enemies/rivals - I'm tentative about this but I'd still like it as a possibility. Since I have the plots with the tribe and of course Styx, this story-line has some main baddies who will be in place soon enough. However, this doesn't mean she can't have a few other wolves who cause trouble for her in the meantime! And of course a rival or someone to unlock the competitive part of her that has been dormant so long would be great for getting her to start feeling better and stuff.

Family - You can find apps for her pups here. Link! These characters should be either three or four years old now, and their history post-attack is entirely up to the adopters. Since no one has applied yet and her old litter sizes and names of kids were never mentioned, I will let as many people apply as are interested.

She also has a brother who has never been mentioned IC so he could also be applied for even though I never mentioned him in the adoption thread. I would love to have her interact with some of her family members, so let me know if you are interested in adopting and plotting!

Acquaintances - Meeting anyone in general would be great for her. I want Caelum to start being social again, as that is a quality she needs to get back if she is to start being her old self. Let me know if you wanna thread her with anyone! Good, bad, any kind of interaction is acceptable as long as we discuss it a little bit before hand.

Spars - I want her to get back into fighting shape again, so spars with someone who won't get too intense would be great, especially since she probably can't heal herself. Oops. Caelum would also really enjoy fight lessons/tips.

Hunts - I'm pretty sure I've never had her hunt since I made her so the poor girl is probably hungry. Probably wouldn't be any less than three since I'd like for her to catch something larger, and she'd probably go hunting with Inverno.

Not looking for:

Relationships - Cae is currently not looking for romance right now, what with things getting a bit complex with her friendship with Inverno, and the return of Zephyr who she will likely bump into soon. I will however allow some flirtatious interactions bc why not.

Flings - Not really her style anyways.

A trip!

Caelum has recently come to the conclusion that she needs to get back on her paws finally. One way I plan to get her there is by having her go and explore the lands of Ardent! So far I haven't taken her out of a relatively small section of the land, so she will finally be able to go meet wolves she might not have otherwise.

The primary reason for this trip is to have her meet some of the pack leaders in ardent, and get some advice from them and others she might happen across on her way. If anyone wants to join her in traveling for any part of her journey they are welcome to as well. Inverno should be going with her for most if not all of it. Her threads from now on will be following my intended trail for her to take so bear this in mind when plotting with her. Also if you posess an Alpha character feel free to talk to me about threads, they won't all be happening soon as I am posting every thread in order of how they will happen.

The tribe(see adoption thread for some details on the leaders of this group and a vauge idea of the followers. Click!)

They are going to be some main villains in this story of Caelum's. It is not needed to create an entirely new character to be a part of it, you can simply have a wolf who likes to steal, harm others and cause chaos join their "ranks".

The group CAN be a formal pack type group, though they don't have to be. Seeing as it is a group tied together by nothing more than dark intentions it isn't exactly going to have a lot of formal rules and requirements. Lead by the tribe "alpha" and Styx, this is a group not for the feint of heart. They are often involved in the terrible tales one might her other wolves telling, the dark shadowy figures in the dead of night that kill and steal just for the hell of it.

There are only a few agreed upon rules. One, respect the leader and his right hand, Styx. Two, there will be honor among these criminals only when they remain in the group. Leaving carries no penalty but removes the protection one gets here, and other tribe members can seek to do as they wish to you without repercussions. They may accept jobs given to them by outsiders for pay or trade, as long as it is agreed to by the leader. And lastly, raids are extremely common with these guys. They will attack others and take anything they are able to, be it items or food, or even pups!

Details are subject to change, but I am extremely flexible with plots involving these guys. If you want to make or join a character with them let me know since the group isn't all put together yet.