
All work and no play



10 Years
Athena I
10-20-2016, 02:55 PM

Baine was crouched down close to the ground, trying to hide a thicker patch of grass that was mostly in the shade of a tree. Her bright white fur and pale pink skin made it hard to hide from prey and stalk it sometimes, but she did her best to make it work. It There was no changing what she was born with after all! Luckily, today she wasn't stalking a rabbit or a deer or even a racoon. No, today she was stalking a very special sort of prey. She grinned a little as she snuck toward her target, her pale pink gaze narrowing in on him. When she got a little closer she jumped up and out toward the pup that had run smack into at the last meeting. She yelled, "Boo!" as she leaped, her whole face lighting up with a playful grin and her fluffy tail wagging away behind her. She giggled and dropped down into a play crouch in front of Fable, her tongue lolling out the side of her mouth as she grinned. She had been much too serious lately and after getting run into by this excited pup at the meeting it made her realize that all that excitement she had when she was that age had gotten chased away by her worries and stress. She just wanted to have some fun! "Hey, Fable! Did I surprise you?"

"Talk" "You" Think


10-20-2016, 03:10 PM

Fable Ancora

He was pretty sad today, the usually energetic boy was sitting in the plains with his head hung low. His front paws shuffled back and forth, a beetle running over his pale paws. Generally he would be all over the bug and try to catch it, but he just didn't feel like it today. Fable had been trying his best to make his Ma and Da proud, but there was something wrong with their mother. She wasn't around a lot, and to the large pup he thought that that was all his fault. He just wasn't good enough for her, right? Otherwise she would be around lots more. He had tried to catch lots of things for her to capture her attention and bring her around again, but he wasn't very good at hunting yet. After that momma deer had chased him he had been more careful with what kind of prey he went after, but there just wasn't a lot around anymore. Did Ma take all the animals with her when she went away? A frown tugged his black lips down, and he raised his left paw to look at the black beetle that sat there. It was like it was mocking him, daring him to try and bite into its crunchy shell. Fable wasn't in a good mood though, so he shook his paw until it was flung off. There, it could go do something else and leave him alone to be sad. He was allowed to be sads! He wasn't good enough for his own mother, and he had to come up with a plan to fix that.

Just as he was about to stand up, he heard a loud boo and someone land on the ground beside him. Fable yelped, spinning around as his hackles stood on end. But just as he was turning, his too large paws tripped over himself and he fell over to his side. Rolling to his back, he blinked up at the pink girl that had tripped over at the meeting. Confused for a moment, it didn't take long for his tail to start wagging as she dropped into a play bow and asked if she had scared him. Quickly jumping to his paws, his earlier sour mood was erased as he dropped into a similar pose, his front limbs beating on the ground a few times. Letting out a few high pitched puppy barks his head nodded up and down quickly. "You did, you dids! You scware me real good like, a jwumped rwight up an' almost fallded o'er. And, and then I dids! I dids fall rwight over! Cause... look look!" He exclaimed, raising up and hopping over to her with his left front paw raised. Flopping the appendage up and down, he tried to show her just how big his paws where. "I gots fat pwaws! They so big and fat, but Da said that 'ust means I gonna be big and stwrong!" He did want to be big and strong, maybe his mother would notice him then!




10 Years
Athena I
10-20-2016, 09:30 PM

She felt a little bad for scaring the pup so bad that he tripped over his own paws and fell over, but as soon as he looked at her and his tail started wagging she didn't feel bad any more. As long as she didn't accidently hurt him it was fine! He hopped up and bounced back at her and she giggled as she patted her front paws against the ground back at him. This was just what she needed. A little bit of silly went a long way. She couldn't keep the smile off her face while she was watched him and listened to him talking about how much she had scared him and how she had almost sent him toppling over but then he actually did topple over. She let her rump fall to the ground with a soft thump so that she was just laying on her stomach when he got up and hopped over to her with one paw raised to show her just how big his over-sized puppy paws were. She nodded in agreement, raising one of her forepaws to hold it up next to hers for comparison. She certainly wasn't all that tall, especially not compared to some of her siblings, and his paws were already the size of hers if not bigger! "Absolutely you are!" she confirmed, giving him yet another big smile. "I'll be looking up at you before you know it!"

She chuckled and wondered to herself how pups had so much energy. She knew she herself was quite the rambunctious pup back in the day, talking the head off of everyone she met if they gave her the chance. She had calmed down a good bit since then, but she was still quite the talker. "Do you wanna play a game with me, Fable?" she asked, her tail brushing against the ground behind her while she looked at him curiously. "What kind of games do you like to play?"

"Talk" "You" Think


10-20-2016, 10:24 PM

Fable Ancora

When Baine held her paw beside his, he noticed that they were almost the same size. Wait what?? How could they be the same size when he was so little and she was so big? Did that mean that he was going to be bigger than her when he was all grown up? For some reason the idea made him sad, and he put his paw back down with a frown. He didn't want to be bigger than everyone! He wanted to be big but not like... that big. If he towered over everyone then they were going to be scared of him! That was something that Fable didn't want, not even a little bit. But his sadness only lasted for a moment when she asked if he wanted to play a game. Oh boy a game! Letting out an excited yip he placed his paw down and bounded around her a few times, hardly able to contain himself. He loved games, lots of games, hunting games, chasing games, games coming up with games! She flipped it around again and asked him what he like to play, making the energetic pup pause as he leaned against her laying form. Now that was a hard question, 'cause he liked all the games! But which ones did he love best?

"Ummm..." he said, looking up at the expansion of blue skies about them. He couldn't pick, so his gray and white head turned to her as his tongue hung out of his mouth. "I can't pwick one, 'cause I wike dem all! You pwick a game, and den we can pway it!" The boy stammered out. He was in such a rush to get words out that sometimes they made no sense at all. But that only added to his cuteness factor, didn't it?




10 Years
Athena I
11-13-2016, 09:38 PM

She noticed that he suddenly got very sad over something as he looked at their paws side by side and she worried that she had done something wrong. She thought it was a good thing that he was gonna be big and strong so she thought he'd like seeing how big his paws were next to hers! She about just about to ask and make sure she hadn't upset him, but once she asked about the game all other worries seem to be left forgotten. She was relieved at that and she laughed lightly while he bounced around her in his endless excitement.

She chuckled softly when he told her to pick cause he liked them all too much. "All the games are really fun, huh?" she asked as she pondered what they might play. She thought maybe hide and seek, but it was so hard for her to hide with her bright white coat! Unless it was the middle of winter of course. She thought of tag, but she didn't want him to trip and hurt himself. She was sure it was hard to chase after someone when your paws were so disproportionate to your body. She hummed thoughtfully till she finally thought of an idea. "Oh, I know! Do you like stories?" she asked him, giving him a grin. "How about a story telling competition? Whoever thinks up the biggest, best story will win!" She was sure with a pup's imagination he was bound to think up some doozies.

"Talk" "You" Think


11-19-2016, 02:45 AM

Fable Ancora

He wiggled where he stood while she thought of games to play, nearly bouncing where he was as he waited not so patiently. After a really long time she finally spoke again, saying that the were going to have a contest to see who could tell the best story. Oh, stories! That was okay, right? He didn’t know many stories, he was still learning things all the time, but he knew that he had to give it a try. Pausing for a moment, he tried to think about what he could tell the pale girl. Oh, he knew! Hopping up, his tail wagged behind him as he thought about then the mother deer chased him. That was a good story, right? "Otay well I went off an’ fought dat I could get a deer all by myself. So I was gonna get dis fawn but den da Ma comes pwounding after me an’ tries to gets me! Bu’ I was rweally fast and ran so hawrd dat I fought I was gonna die! But den Knight came in an’ went “ROAR” at da momma deers, bu’ it was still gonna gets him! So I jumped rwight over an’ pushed him outta da way, an’ even made the momma deer misses! And den she rans off ‘cause we were too swrong for her to fwight," he said, his words nearly tumbling over each other as he told the story as best he could. He didn’t know that stories could be made up too, and that was the very best story he had! He wanted to go get the deer again after with Knight, but his brother said that it was too dangerous without Da. But he loved his brothers a lot, and his sister even though they didn’t talk a lot. Looking at Baine expectantly, he waited for her story.