
Welcome to the Hotel California :]


06-20-2013, 12:27 AM

Eria was still wondering what the two-legged figure was. She had never seen anything - or anyone - of that nature, so having anything other than a four-legged animal in front of her was surprising. The curiosity that ran through her mind was present in her light ocean blue eyes, which explained why they moved from the human drawing to the next few that surrounded them: another bison, a few arrows that surrounded its head and back, and a fire with logs beneath it. Her brows furrowed and she narrowed her eyes when she saw the picture of the fire. It looked so familiar, but she couldn't put her paw on it.
After a few seconds of staring, Eria realized that she had pressed her face closer to the wall. The cold stone made her nose tingle and she slowly pulled back with a couple of retreating paw steps. She shook her head gently and looked over at Pontifex. Now that she could see him clearly, she knew she was meant to find him near Glaciem. The fact that they had helped each other out after only knowing each other for a few short hours made a difference in how she would have seen him without the hospitalities. Eria put this thought into a deeper crevice of her mind, intending on using it later.
She spoke to Pontifex as she looked at him before turning her gaze back to the drawings. "I hope that...whatever it doesn't come back. There's just something about it, even though it looks harmless, that doesn't seem right." The tip of her tail curled and she gave a harmless snarl towards the human stick figure. "If I ever see one, I think I would run.."


Pontifex I


06-20-2013, 12:51 AM

The symbols and drawings on the wall were certainly interesting. He had never seen things like those before. Then again, he didn't go around exploring caves that often, so he wouldn't know if every cave on the planet had markings like this. Maybe they did, maybe they didn't. He was really sure that he would ever figure that one out. He wasn't worried about it.

It had been a good day all in all. He had made a new companion, if he could go as far as calling her that. Eria was extremely nice and very good company. He wouldn't mind being around her more often. Of course he only saw her as a friend, and she was sure she only saw him the same way. If they continued to build their relationship, he could see them becoming very good friends. And that was something he needed; a friend. Something he had never had before. Eria's words broke him from his thoughts, golden gaze returning to her ebony figure as she put distance between herself and the wall, snarling at the figures on the wall. I'm sure whatever those things are they won't be coming back anytime soon. he reassured her, a yawn splitting his jaws. Wow, he hadn't realized how tired he'd been getting. Think we should settle down for the night? I'm finding it hard to keep my eyes open. The brute moved away from the drawings to another part of the cave, where there were no drawings, allowing his legs to collapse beneath him as he laid himself down on the cold stone, crown resting against his forelimbs as he looked to his companion, waiting for her to join him so they could rest for the night.

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06-20-2013, 01:04 AM

"I hope not, Ponti. Having them return amongst us wolves...I don't know what would happen if they did." Something about the small stick man on the wall made her skin crawl, but she put her thoughts aside and let them fade. Why worry over something that wasn't there at all? Her ears unfolded and she finally looked away from the wall in front of her. Eria turned her head to watch Pontifex as he padded towards the other side of the cave. As he lowered himself to the ground, a small smile appeared on her face.
Once her companion made the comment about being sleepy, she felt a wave of that sleepiness wash over her. She turned to pad in his direction, only to stop at the water to enjoy a quick drink. Eria had her fill before too long and continued to sweep across the floor towards him. She planted her haunches on the ground before reclining to her stomach. The dark-furred femme leaned over and nuzzled Pontifex on his cheek. It was a friendly nuzzle, one that she didn't show to a lot of other wolves. As she pulled back, she said softly, "I'm glad we found each other, Ponti. I can't wait to see what other adventures we will have." Eria released a huge yawn and then stretched out her front legs. She curled up close to Pontifex and lowered her head to the ground. His warmth and her sleepiness would soon lead her to inky blackness. Oh, sleep. How she missed it so.
-EXIT Eria-


Pontifex I


06-21-2013, 03:46 AM

I'm glad we found each other too Eria. he murmured sleepily, golden gaze tracking his darker companions movement as she padded towards him, allowing her figure to settle down beside him. They weren't exactly touching, but they were close enough to where they could feel each others body heat. And with Eria safely curled up beside him, the dual-pelted knight was able to relax and allow the dream land to take him. Lids fell closed over golden gems, muscles relaxing as his subconscious began to take over. Sleep was a peaceful thing. Something he really needed a lot of at the moment.


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