
Reap Just What You Sow


06-21-2013, 01:34 AM

Gabriel hadn't been home, Gabriel hadn't even been in Valhalla. He knew he was in trouble, he knew he was going to be punished, he anticipated it, saw it coming. He didn't want to go home, he didn't want to step back across those borders... three days... three days he had vanished into the wilds, the rotting corpse of some animal had tided him over and he was more than capable of fetching a drink. He didn't wanna go home, he didn't wanna be home and yet... two toned oculars gazed upon the border, a mixture of emotions swirling in the depths of his eyes. He hated her, he hated her for making him feel this way, she betrayed him, Pip loved him, Pip had promised, Pip was gone. Gone to some kingdom far away, to marry some prince. She had forgotten him, she had left him, she had promised and now she was gone.

Betrayal twisted its way into a painful thump somewhere in the depths of his chest. It hurt far more than the young pup cared to admit, he had cried, he had whined, he had ran. Pip was one of few who understood him, gave him the time of day and now she was gone and the young pup had no idea how to handle the miserable pain wearing down on him... and so he buried it. Pushed it beneath the surface until cerulean gold hardened into cold topaz and sapphire. For a long time Gabriel eyed the border of his home, his body now more gangly than pup like, his paws still too big and his body still too small. With a deep breath and pushing away all of that hurt, he slowly stepped back into Valhalla, dreading the confrontation he was sure to have.


06-21-2013, 02:15 AM (This post was last modified: 07-12-2013, 08:03 PM by Gael.)

He'd been feeling uneasy about his return to Valhalla. Despite the warm greeting he'd gotten from Aza, he'd obviously been gone too long to properly reinstall himself back into his home. His conversation with his uncle had left him feeling more of a foolish child than an actual man. He was a year old now, but after that conversation, he might as well have been a three month old pup again. But his uncle had been right. He really shouldn't have been spouting off things without really having have had the entire story. He had been a bit immature and irrational about the situation, but a part of him was glad that Syrinx had shown him the error of his ways. He would pledge that from now on, he would not open his mouth if he didn't have the sufficient amount of information from which to be able to opinionate with.

Despite that, Gael had been feeling out of place in Valhalla. His sister was off doing who knows what and he hadn't seen his brother since they had both set off. His parents were still in Glaciem and he had no idea when they were going to come back. Would they be happy that their wayward son had finally come back, after nearly a year of being gone? Would they be mad? He supposed he would have to find out when they came back and he saw them. For now, all he could do was wonder and wander. Wander around Valhalla, trying to see what he could do. There was no one around it seemed, or at least he hadn't been able to run into anyone since having met with Aza and Syrinx at the border the day before. Part of him just wanted to find somewhere nice in the middle of Val where he could just curl up and sleep the day away until he could find some kind of use for himself, but his legs demanded he continue to wander. Though he wasn't too keen on wandering outside of Val since he still wanted to meet, maybe re-meet his family members. Would he run into anymore today? There was only one way to find out.

Figuring that the border was the best place to start, since that's where Aza had been yesterday, the young Adravendi made his way back to the invisible border, only noticeable by the scent marks from his aunt Chrysanthe. And what a surprise. Cerulean pools spotted an obsidian figure coming back across the border. The scent was unfamiliar, but the tint of Valhalla was unmistakable. A pack-mate perhaps? By his scent Gael could tell the young one was a male, a bit younger than him, maybe by a couple months. The cherub of puphood was beginning to fade away into the gangly lines that suited a growing yearling. Though he wasn't quite there yet, the boy's paws and body just still a tad bit disproportioned. There was a kind of upset aura about the young boy, something that immediately drew the multi-colored youth's attention. Without hesitation he approached the young onyx child, gaze gentle as he lowered his crown to the boy's level, plume wagging gently between his hocks as he spoke. Something troubles you young brother? The boy in question wasn't related to him, he could tell that much, but any Valhalla member was a family member in his eyes, blood related or not.

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06-21-2013, 02:30 AM

Something was changing within the onyx youth. Something was shifting, growing, manifesting beneath the surface, he already felt different and while that had never truly bothered him, he had always felt strange. Why didn't he enjoy romping through the trees? Wrestling in the dirt? Exchanging insults in a fight just as quickly as one sustained blows. Why didn't he like the coppery tang of blood? Why did he have the irresistible impulse to be clean? Why was he so different? And why did the only person who had ever understood him... leave him alone?

These were questions he had asked himself a thousand times over the last few days until eventually he had stopped crying, he had stopped feeling heavy and weighed down, he had stopped wanting to please other people. Something in him had snapped, not something major, he wasn't going to go crazy and start screaming or causing a scene, he wasn't going to leave or runaway... but something small within him broke and his features hardened, grew distant, almost as if his mind had ventured elsewhere.

The gangly pup moved with a slow almost heavy countenance, his gait measured, calculated, a consistent mantra of one... two... three... four, echoing through his skull and as predetermined he had barely stepped but a few feet into Valhalla before a stranger chanced upon him, someone Gabriel had never met but probably should have at one point. Gabriel couldn't bring himself to care. Regardless he lowered his skull, ears pinned back against his cranium, plume curling between his hind limbs, submissive, obedient. Even after the friendly tone released itself into the air, Gabriel's muscles released there tension but his posture did not change and silence reigned for a long minute. What was he supposed to say.

"M'fine thank you." His tone was low but polite, still respectful, two toned eyes never strayed from this stranger.


06-21-2013, 02:53 AM

It felt rather odd to be in Valhalla after having been gone for nearly a year. It had felt good to get away from home at the time, when his father had been busy with pack business and hadn't had much time for he and his siblings. To stretch his legs and dip his toes into what was the rest of the world. It was surely a big place out there, with more than its share of things, places and people to explore and get to know. But he was alone in his wandering. Soleon had only accompanied him for a while before having taken off on his own path. He had tried to get his brother to stay with him, but Soleon was persistent in taking his own way and so Gael had relented, parting with his brother for the last time. And so the young Adravendi had gone off on his own, exploring, learning, meeting new people, all the while a quiet ache thrumming in his chest. For as good as leaving home felt, a part of him always missed it. He'd missed his warm bed, curled up beside his siblings, with his parents just inches away if he'd been having a nightmare or just wanted someone to curl up to that wasn't Aza or Sol. He was back now. But damn, things had changed.

He, for one, had changed. He wasn't the tiny pup from all that time ago, who liked to romp around with Sol and Aza and just stare at plants all day. Albeit he was still interested in learning everything he could about herbs, the things that used to interest him as a child no longer held his attention. He was older now, a yearling and now that he was back in Valhalla, he was going to need to include himself in the affairs of the pack. He couldn't just expect to meander through life, completely ignorant as to what was going on inside his own family. The decisions that were taking place and that would take place in the future would affect him just as much, perhaps even more so, as all the other Valhallan wolves and he felt that he needed to be included in them as much as he could. And some of those decisions had already been made during his absence. His father had passed down the crown back to his grandfather, who then passed it to his aunt Epiphron and the stranger Icarus, which was now finally passed down to his aunt Chrysanthe, but not before his uncle Syrinx had tried to come and claim it for himself. In the end, many things had happened and he was barely catching up. He would no longer look to the outside world to fill his desires. Those desires were unimportant now. He was nearly a grown man and he needed to start acting like one.

The movements of the dark youngster before him snapped him from his brooding thoughts, cerulean gems watching as the boy's posture morphed into a submissive one; audits pinned, tail curled, frame seeming to shrink. Gael shook his head, allowing his limbs to fold beneath him, silver belly kissing the earth as he lied before the child, audits pinning themselves flat against his skull, ivory tipped plume curling around his haunches. There, they were equals now. He never wanted to feel like he was above someone else, because in truth he wasn't. He was just another guy in the pack. No one special. The Adravendi flicked one ear forward in attention to the child's words, who dismissed his worries, covering them up as he explained that he was fine. Well you don't look very fine. I've learned to read others little brother and I can see that something upsets you. Tell me what's wrong. Maybe I can help. He didn't like seeing the little one before him upset, it wasn't right. He was still young, still able to enjoy life. He shouldn't be spending those precious moments worry about something or being upset about something that he most likely shouldn't be upset about in the first place.

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06-21-2013, 03:06 AM

He didn't want to be here, he wanted to fade, to blend in the shadows, to vanish into his own world, his own dimension, free from dirt and grime, free from differences or strangeness, free from the empty ache of betrayal, but he couldn't. He possessed no magical powers, no extraterrestrial abilities, he was merely Gabriel, an onyx colored pup who wouldn't grow much larger than average, who would never be that important and who obviously couldn't hold onto one of the few precious wolves in his life. He was angry, he was bitter, he was hurting and he buried it, pushed it down and off the surface. He didn't need pain, he didn't need anger.

He expected the male to leave, or perhaps, summon forth his parents, he would be scolded one way or another, of this he was certain... neither occurred. He watched tensing and then relaxing as the male slowly lowered his body to the earth, belly brushing the grass as he leaned forward, head raised. They were equal now in height, obviously he was determined to talk to the small onyx pup. Gabriel didn't move nor did he answer for quite a long period of time, he had no desire to spew these wretched feelings, if anything he wanted to forget they existed. he had always been strange, no one would notice.

Slowly, ever so slowly he lowered his bodice to the grass, mimicking the larger male as he settled. Long onyx limbs stretched out to his right and in front of him, sprawling haphazardly across the grass. With a huff he would settle. Eyes narrowing more in curiosity than in malice. His mind churned debating what it was he wished to say. He didn't really feel like speaking but he had a feeling that he wouldn't be allowed to leave until he had.

"You can't fix me, I'm too strange." The half lie fell easily from his maw and as if to prove his own point, his snout scrunched up in disgust at the simple use of strange, as if even he found it in poor taste to describe himself.


06-21-2013, 03:28 AM

Helping others was what he did. It was what he was born to do. At least that's what he'd always told himself. Since having gone out on his own, he'd been able to satisfy his need to help others. Whether it be rescuing someone from a dangerous situation, deflecting a dangerous situation, talking to someone and allowing them to vent to him or just helping someone with something as mundane as carrying something, whatever help he could offer he would. He really liked helping others. It made him feel good about himself, to have someone appreciate his help. He was never cocky about though. That wasn't like Gael. He was pretty humble about offering his help to others, preferring a simple thanks and a smile to an actual payment or reward. He needed none. Just the satisfaction of being able to aid someone else was payment enough.

And that's what he was trying to do with the young boy before him. The child was distressed. It wasn't something that was life threatening, like a mortal wound or some kind of sickness, but something that was more internal. The young Adravendi wasn't sure what was the cause of it, since he had barely stumbled across the child, but it was obviously something that was really upsetting him. He could see it in the boy's mismatched eyes. There was some kind of hurt there, a sense of betrayal coming through his azure and golden gems. What could have possibly happened to make the poor thing feel such a strong emotion like betrayal? The child took his time answering, watching as Gael slowly lowered himself to the ground, bringing the himself down to an equal height, trying to show the boy that he honestly meant no harm and was only trying to help. And slowly, the boy allowed himself to mimic the multi-colored youth's posture, his elongated limbs splaying out in front of him as he splayed himself across the grass, dual-toned eyes narrowing in curiosity at the larger brute as thought of his answer. The knight allowed his crown to rest against his paws, patient cerulean gaze focused on his pack brother, awaiting an answer if one was to come.

And one did. Could he sense that Gael wasn't about to let him off the hook that easily? You can't fix me, I'm too strange. He would've laughed had he not been trying to figure out what was wrong the young boy. Laughing at his silliness wouldn't have bee the smart thing to do, though he could sense some truth to the child's words as his dark muzzle crinkled in disgust at the mention of himself. Brows furrowed together in disbelief. Little brother you're not strange. You're one of the most normal boys I've ever met. Trust me. I've met strange wolves. You are definitely not one of them. came his gentle response, audits flickering forward in a friendly manner, wondering if he would be able to get the child to talk to him. As strange as you may think you are, keeping things inside is never good for you. You feel better when you talk about them. He added on as an after thought, hoping that he would be able to coax the little one into confiding in him and allow Gael to help him.

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06-21-2013, 10:55 AM

Gabriel focused on the feel of the dap grass beneath his belly, the moisture that trickled through the air, the bitter chill of winter. He had no feeling towards such things and he focused on that notion, clung to it. It helped him hide the hodge podge of disappointments that settled within his chest. He wasn't sure why this male was so hell bent on talking to him, it wasn't like Gabriel had been openly affectionate or kind, in fact quite the opposite, he had been mildly rude and rather unsociable, shouldn't he be handing him over to his mom, chastising him for ever leaving Valhalla's borders? he was barely six months, hardly, at least by his parents standards, old enough to explore Valhalla, not speaking of the rest of the world.

He watched him, keen eyes darting about the rather sizeable torso of his new advisory, because that was this was right? he was trying to pry, to reach inside and drag out all that pain the Gabriel had spent the past several days compressing into a ball that he shoved into the back of his mind. He would convince himself he didn't care, he would convince himself that he never wanted to see Pip again, he would convince himself that he wanted to stay the way he was and everyone else could go sit on it. And God damn it he would convince himself of those facts. He would. he was strong, at least in heart and he was determined not to feel this crappy ever again.

His eyes would narrow, body tensing, defensive as the males words would slide against his audits, had he been raised in a crueler home he would have snarled, as it were, his lip curled and then relaxed, silence reigned once more, Gabriel had never been one to do things rashly. He would think this through, calculate as he always did and finally his lips would part, his tone considerably colder. "You don't know me." The lyrics would fall with an air of almost disinterest. "Talking about things that wound you only makes the pain worse. I'm tired of talking it doesn't do any good." He would like away, eyes trailing back to the border almost longingly. No one harassed him, he was allowed to think and focus on his own thoughts, but this was his home and he couldn't bring himself to abandon it.


06-21-2013, 03:20 PM

He didn't give up easily. It wasn't in his vocabulary. There was always a way to help someone, one way or another. To give up on someone was to not care and Gael cared. Not necessarily because he became attached to everyone or was an emotional kind of guy, but because he wanted to be the one person that even when the entire world gave up, he never did. If he ever got to a point in his life where he wanted to completely give up on everything, he would hope that there would be someone, whether it a family member or a complete stranger, that wouldn't want to give up on him. Someone who would push him because they weren't about to let him give up on something that wasn't worth parting with. That's the kind of guy he wanted to be. For anyone and everyone. He wanted to be the rock, the safety blanket for those who believed that they had no one. Because no one was alone. No one was ever truly alone.

And that's what he was trying to do with the little onyx boy before him. The child was in distress, having just apparently set foot back on Valhalla, much like himself. Whereas Gael was trouble by the fact that maybe he wouldn't have a place in his home again, this child had something else going on. Something had hurt him, betrayed him and made him feel like he was unimportant and that wasn't right. No one should feel like they didn't matter because everyone mattered. Everyone was important, to someone somewhere, everyone mattered. He was sure the little fellow had parents somewhere here in Valhalla, but as to where they were at the moment, was anyone's guess. Did they know what was going on with their son? Probably not, since the dark youth didn't seem like the type to go looking for his parents for help. The Adravendi could understand that. Parents weren't always the ideal people to talk to about your feelings, since they didn't always understand. But Gael wasn't his parents. He wasn't even a friend, though he hoped by the end of this maybe he could make something out of their little encounter. The boy had every reason to trust him and every reason not to. He hoped he would choose every reason to trust him because he wanted to help the young lad. With whatever he could, he would help the young boy.

His words didn't seem to bode well with the youth, the boy's frame tensing defensively, ebon kissers curling up for a moment before relaxing. Audits pinned themselves against his head, brows furrowing atop his eyes as he studied the boy. Why did he react that way whenever he talked about himself? And then, he spoke. You don't know me. Talking about things that wound you only makes the pain worse. I'm tired of talking it doesn't do any good. A quiet sigh slipped past chocolate lips. But just because I don't know you, I shouldn't help you? I don't see it like that little brother. And yes, I know talking about it sometimes doesn't make you feel any better, but if you talk about it, it can help you understand why the other person did what they did. Because it has to do with someone else, doesn't it? He was going out on a limb here, trying to see if he could hit something, maybe get some clues as to why the boy was feeling betrayed. Or maybe figuring out who was the one that had caused this feeling of betrayal.

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06-22-2013, 12:43 AM

Gabriel had no dreams, no desires, no hopes. He wanted to be nothing, nothing but a shadow, a fragment dispelled and trapped within darkness, a silent guardian, a watcher from the deadly shadows, his curiosity was insatiable, his hunger for knowledge, untouchable. He wanted, always to be a creature of darkness, he liked the shadows, they were familiar, coiling around him heavy and thick like a blanket, stretching and protecting him from harm. An old friend, never biting, never betraying, he would wear its cloak like a shield. It was a constant, it would never leave him and despite himself, his eyes slid shut, blocking out the darkness it was a beautiful thing that knowledge, that bliss. He let that thought enrapture his soul and only when he had pushed the emotions from his eyes did he allow them to slide open once more, gaze landing on the figure before him. he had almost forgotten that the male was there.

His lanky body was stretched out, body sprawled awkwardly, he didn't know it yet, but for the rest of his day he was doomed to a gangly form. He would never puff out with muscles, slender and lanky would forever describe him. A huff would escape his jaws and two toned oculars would narrow. this male was attempting to pry too deep, Gabriel didn't want to be saved, there was nothing too save him from. He had no desire to leave Valhalla, he wished no harm upon his family... was this not enough? Did they expect him to snap? To break? Is this why they were now hounding him?

Gabriel knew he wasn't on the same mental wave length, he didn't seem to be on the same thought pattern as anyone else, he choose to isolate himself, it was his decision. In his own mind he wasn't different, he wasn't strange, in his own mind he could be whatever he choose. This male had no pull in Gabriel's world. "You claim I am not strange, that is why I stated you did not know me." Gabriel narrowed his eyes as the male twisted his words. "I don't need to understand anything. What is done is done, it won't change." Gabriel's voice was harsh and the child had had enough, limbs drawing beneath him he pulled his lanky form to his feet, dipping his head in silent dismissal. "Good day sir." With that the pup stalked deeper into the territory, praying like hell the male wouldn't follow him.


06-22-2013, 12:27 PM

Everyone needed help. At some point in their life, someone needed help with something. Whether it be because they weren't capable physically of doing something, they lacked the knowledge to complete the task, or they simply couldn't do it. There has never been one person on earth that has never needed help. It's impossible to say that no one has never needed any kind of assistance. But the sad reality of it all was that sometimes others didn't want help, as much as they needed it. Some were just to proud to ask for help, choosing to struggle through it rather than take the easy way out and have someone help them. Others simply never asked for help because they didn't trust the rest of the world. And still others just didn't know how to ask for help and they end up putting themselves in over their head. Gael was the kind of guy that would always answer the call of help if it was within his realm of possibility, and even if it wasn't, he would find some make to make it be. But as helpful as he was with the rest of the world, he wasn't too sure if he would be able to ask someone else for help were the time ever to arise.

Kind of like now for instance. Having just newly returned to Valhalla, he was struggling with figuring out just where exactly he fit in again. His parents were off in Glaciem, doing who knows what, so they couldn't be of much help now. His sister was named Heir, so obviously she already had her place set. His aunt Chrys was the alpha, his aunt Pip was off to marry a Prince and become Princess of another pack and his uncle Syrinx would sooner or later be taking over the Adravendi family. Everyone had their place. Except for him. Where did he belong? He most likely wasn't going to hold a high rank, and that was completely fine with him, but would he hold any kind of rank? He'd always had an interest in being a warrior, just like his father. Maybe he could train under the residential lead warrior and perhaps aspire to take his or her place. He just really hoped that he would be able to make his parents proud, especially his father, with whatever place he happened to take in the pack. They probably would've told him that he didn't need to really start worrying about that yet, but he had to. He was already a year old, no longer a na?ve young pup that needed to be watched over. He would soon be two and as a man, he would have to find somewhere to fit into the pack. The question was where.

You claim I am not strange, that is why I stated you did not know me. I don't need to understand anything. What is done is done, it won't change. Good day sir. A sense of defeat washed over Gael as he watched the youth rise to his paws, beginning to pad off back into Valhalla, perhaps to find his parents or something of the sort. The yearling lifted himself to his paws, taking a brief moment to shake himself free of debris before turning around in the direction the young was talking off, jaws unhinging as he gave it one last shot. Nothing is set in stone. Things change in the blink of an eye and this could be your one shot to make something happen. Are you really going to let that go? If the boy still refused him after this, then he would leave well enough alone. It was clear his help was unwanted, so the young man saw no real purpose in continuing to pester the youth when his good-intentioned pestering might backfire and make the youth dislike him probably more than he already did.

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06-22-2013, 12:57 PM

Gabriel knew, somewhere in his heart of hearts that he would struggle with these... emotions until his dying day, he knew that he was over-reacting, he knew the thoughts and feelings swiveling within his chest were unreasonable, but he felt them anyway and they devastated him. He didn't know that later on in life he would be crippled, torn down by the mental nuisances that would plague him, and as he grew such things would only grow worse. It hadn't been a wound inflicted upon him, nor an injury. No one had caused this disturbance in him, nothing devastatingly tragic had occurred in his life, it would develop into a mental disorder that was coded in his DNA, it could not be treated, he just didn't know it yet and he took these blows of depression the best way he could...without complaint.

He wondered if his family would reject him if these fast moods would ever drive him away, he didn't know, he didn't even know why he felt so utterly horrible, even if he wished it he couldn't explain it, he was stuck, drowning in his own problems, problems he could not articulate because he knew something was wrong, something was off other than the sudden abandonment of his elder sister. She had promised, and she was gone and he was entitled to be angry, but that should have passed, should have been replaced by gentle understanding but it wasn't and Gabriel was tired of thinking, tired of analyzing and he stood, rising to leave the male behind him. He didn't wanna talk anymore.

But of course life was cruel and decided to throw him another curveball, the male couldn't let him be because Valhalla was a family and each and every one of its members cared. They cared too much, and for the first time, Gabriel felt bitter towards his homes philosophies. He stopped at the barked words, ears swinging backwards to pin against his cranium, tail hanging listlessly between his legs and eyes narrowed into dangerous points. Darkness, cynicism, hatred, they colored his words and painted his toxic lyrics in a tone that never should have graced such a young creatures tongue. "Can you crack open my skull? Root your way through my brain to find what's wrong with me? Can you rewind time and prevent my sister from leaving me for some Seracian Prince? Can you make her keep her promises? Can you stop my siblings from teasing me, taunting me, smearing dirt on my coat? You cannot change things that are beyond your power, I cannot change things that are not within my power, do not give me false hope, stop lying to me!" By the end of his words his voice had climbed to a scream, eyes wild and unfocused he lost himself in his speech, his anger, his frustration. Nobody understood him, nobody tried to understand him and this... this male was trying to fill him with so many falsities! Gabriel wanted to hurt him! Wanted to bite him!



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-22-2013, 01:29 PM

Erani had been wild with worry for her youngest son. They all had. He?d been gone for three days. Not a fresh trace in those three days anywhere in Valhalla. So she had taken to running the borders as often as she could. Surreal had been miserable. The wedding itself had gone well, and it had done her heart well to see Epiphron so happy. But Gabriel had been so quiet. And had slipped away without anyone noticing. It was Surreal who had noticed first. And then a desperate search. But at some point, Gabriel had lost them.

Perhaps they had lost him before he?d even slipped away. She had tried her best to keep him from going this path. But as she caught his scent and charged toward it, she slowed to a silent trot as she heard his voice. It made her stomach hurt and her heart clench. The venom he was directing at a wolf who only wanted to help. The hate. Her thoughts turned to Neo, and jerked away again. No. Not her Gabriel. Not him, too. Her son?s voice had risen to a scream that she had never expected to hear from him.

She stepped from the shadows. ?Gabriel!? She said his name without a rise in her voice. Only immeasurable pain. She stood and gazed at him. Wanting to rewind time herself to stop his trailing down the path of hatred. No mother wanted to hear hate in her child?s voice. The other wolf, Gael as she recognized him, was ignored as she kept her full attention on her child.


06-22-2013, 01:42 PM

Gabriel's brief bout with insanity snapped to a halt as his name split through the air like the crack of a whip, the snapping of a cord and whatever had come apart inside the obsidian male, wove back together, completing his mind and making him irrationally...calm. The pup didn't move, didn't flinch, he drew in a steady breath and released it, silence lingered, dangling out of reach like a taunting piece of meat. He suddenly didn't know why he had left, or why he even cared that Pip was gone. It didn't impact him other than the fact that she had broken a promise or two. Why would he allow such a thing to effect him so greatly? Pip was wiped from his brain. Forgotten, forlorn, a memory, little less and nothing more. He no longer cared if he ever saw her again and...peace, resettled in his soul. He was still Gabriel, that had not changed, he wouldn't wrestle with his siblings and they would still tease him for it. His father would give more attention to his siblings and his mother would dote on him. Such was the way of things. It wouldn't change.

The tension fell from his body, tail remaining listless, but eyes losing their malice, an almost detached expression came over the youths maw and without moving, his gave darted to the ivory pelt of his mothers pelt. He dipped his head soundlessly. A respectful, silent greeting. He awaited her punishment. he deserved it, he knew it. "Mother." The word was spoken low but with a great deal of reverence, all previous vindictive qualities gone. It was simple, gentle. His mom had not earned his disrespect, she had always been there for him, he owed her nothing short of utter obedience, it was his mind that so oft pulled him away.


06-22-2013, 01:49 PM

There was something deeper with this child, something much much deeper than just a simple sense of betrayal. He wasn't sure where it was coming from, or what it really was, but it was much more than Gael had originally anticipated. He had clearly gotten himself in way over his head, but it was too late to back down now. How could he let this boy go without trying to help him? That would be wrong. It would go against his very nature. But it broke him inside, made him feel like a straight failure that the child was rejecting his help. Was he truly so beyond the point of help now? He was just a pup! He shouldn't be locking himself away like that, turning his back to the world. He should be enjoying the world, getting to know it, figuring it out, not pushing it away. Just exactly what had happened to the young child that made him act the way he did?

The boy stopped at his words, turning to face him, dual-hued eyes narrowed to dangerous slits as poisoned words slipped from his ebon jaws. Can you crack open my skull? Root your way through my brain to find what's wrong with me? Can you rewind time and prevent my sister from leaving me for some Seracian Prince? Can you make her keep her promises? Can you stop my siblings from teasing me, taunting me, smearing dirt on my coat? You cannot change things that are beyond your power, I cannot change things that are not within my power, do not give me false hope, stop lying to me! Seracian prince...Epiphron? His aunt? The child was distressed because his aunt had abandoned him? But why? Epiphron was completing her duty to her family by marrying the Seracian prince. It was to help form an alliance between Valhalla and Seracia. Did the boy not know that? Audits pinned flat against his skull as the boy continued on, asking if he could stop the taunting of his siblings, screaming at Gael to not give him false hopes. No, I unfortunately can't rewind time and stop all those things from happening, but if it was within my power, know that I would do that in a heart beat. Epiphron didn't leave to you to hurt you, she left because she was helping out Valhalla. She was helping our family form a friendship with Seracia. But just because she's gone off to be married in anther kingdom doesn't mean that she's gone from your life forever. I can guarantee you that you can go visit her there as much as you like. Maybe even live over there with her if you really want to and can convince your parents to let you. I might not be able to erase what's been in the past, but I can help you make a new future. I can become a friend to you, to help guide you, to keep you safe so you won't have to worry about your siblings taunting you any longer. I can help you little brother, but only if you let me. I promise you I do not fill you with false hopes nor lies. I speak only the truth. His voice was calm, a soothing timbre compared to boy's frenzied scream.

And then from the shadows emerged a white woman, ebony marks adorning her limbs. She called out to the child, Gabriel was his name. Her scent was similar to his and from her tone he could only assume it was his mother. Gael took a step back, watching Gabriel's mother warily, wondering what she would think upon seeing her son talking to a stranger. Gabriel called out to her, acknowledging her presence. Hopefully she wouldn't turn on him. He would not fight her if it got to that. He had simply been trying to help her son, nothing more.

Talk like this


06-22-2013, 02:05 PM

The calmness remained, even after the male responded, his mother, regardless if she knew it or not, had woven the frayed pieces of his mind back together, had woven the pieces firmly, he could almost feel that cold steel needle placing the stitches within the soft tissues of his brain and it completely wiped the anxiety and depression and frustration and anger and hurt and everything else he was feeling from his mind. Numb, he supposed was the right way to describe what he was feeling. Numb, he decided he liked. His tail flickered, seemingly subconscious of his own will. His gaze flickered between the two wolves before him, his mother remained silent, saying no more than his name, his attention turned to the male who had pelted out a symphony of crap. Pip said she would be there for him too. Distrust, it seemed, now came to him with ease and he cocked his head to the side, a mockery of innocent curiosity. His gaze remained deceptively blank, this calmness was addictive.

"Epiphron?" It was the first time he spoke her full name, he had always called her Pip, but Pip held no place within his heart or within his mind, he had squeezed her out. She was unimportant, a phantom from past lives. Gabriel didn't care about Epiphron, he only loved Pip, the elder sister who was always there to nuzzle and play, without dirtying him too much. Pip was dead, Pip was gone. Epiphron had chosen Seracia, this male would not fool him. "Chrysanthe was supposed to marry Maverick. Epiphron chose to take her place. She was selfish, she sacrificed nothing. I don't need her, not anymore. She's made her choice and I've made mine. Why would I want to live with a traitor? Someone who willingly gave up there family for something that just came along? Valhalla is our home and she chose to throw us all away." His voice was calm and level, he had full control of his emotions...for the present and he forced them down. His words were harsh but they were truthful, he had understood that much in the pack meeting. Chrysanthe was to marry him for an alliance, Pip willingly took Chrysanthe's position. Chrysanthe would have gone for duty, Epiphron was gone for pleasure.

"I don't need any friends. I don't want any. They only bring pain, I just wanna be left alone." That was spoken much softer, much quieter, the pup was starting to form a headache, why couldn't they just leave?

Lyric I


4 Years
06-22-2013, 02:35 PM
Her brother had vanished, for a whole three days they had seen hide nor hair of Gabriel. Lyric wasn't sure why her brother had been so standoffish lately, but the girl hadn't a clue as to how she could help. And so she watched, sticking close to her other siblings, and quite possibly added to the pain in his isolated heart. But she was naive, she didn't know, and she loved him just as much as Arella and Surreal. She followed her mother as she stalked the territory, patrolling for any sightings of her beloved son.

She heard it, heard his yelling, although she couldn't quite make out words from where she was. The anger in his voice made her recoil, and she pressed closer to Erani. Why was he so angry? What had happened to make him run away? He was so hard to understand, the girl was lost, but she knew that she wanted to help, somehow.

When her mother stepped out of the shadows, she stayed behind, her swirling mismatched eyes pinned on the dark male that was her brother. He greeted her with a strange sort of kindness, something that she hadn't heard in her siblings before. 'Brother, what has happened to you?' She held back a whine, her ears twitching when the brown male started talking. He seemed to make sense - they could go and visit Pip whenever they wanted, Seracia and Valhalla were friends, it didn't matter if they went back and forth. Was this what Gabriel was so upset about? She winced at his response, hearing him speak so ill of Epiphron.

In her mind, hearing him speak of their sister that way meant that he never loved her. Calling her a traitor, saying he didn't need her, he couldn't have truly loved the girl because if he did he would be happy with her. Her lips twitched, and she sighed, hearing him say that friends only brought him pain. Did he feel the same way about his siblings? They loved him, and although she wasn't sure about the others, she would have loved to spend more time with Gabe. But if she was only going to hurt him... Lyric stayed put, waiting for her mother to either take Gabe back to the dens or for her to leave. She just wanted to pad beside, more than anything else.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-22-2013, 02:44 PM (This post was last modified: 06-22-2013, 02:46 PM by Erani.)

Erani listened to her son speaking, her ears falling back further and further. Finally, she gave a low growl to her son, a command for silence. ?What happens, Gabriel, when you have no friends to come and help you when you are in a situation that you can?t escape on your own? When I am dead and gone? When you have pushed family away because they take steps in their own lives? Friends may bring pain, my son, but they also bring pleasure, if you would learn to accept them, let them in. Your siblings tease and play because they are young and carefree. You have a great deal to learn, and you cannot learn like this. Your words, and the hate I see in them, hurts me, Gabriel.

?Epiphron is no traitor, nor is she selfish. Not everyone can keep the promises they make. She didn?t throw us all away. She?s not leaving forever. She hasn?t thrown you out of her heart, like you are doing to her. You want to be left alone. Well, I have experience in being alone, Gabriel, my quiet son, and it is a living Hell.?
Her words were spoken quietly, but her pain riddled each syllable as a barely controlled tremor. ?Your family loves your for who you are. Surreal has been miserable because she feels like she did something to chase you away. She loves you, but you push her away when she tries to be with you.? Why was it always the ones she loved? Either dying or turning to the dark path?

?Gabriel. You have so much life ahead of you. Don?t throw it away to hate. I?ve seen wolves that have. I don?t want to see you as one of them.? She finished, and felt a small body pressing against her. She hadn?t felt it in the shock of her son?s speech, hadn?t realized that Lyric had followed her. Her tail swept around her youngest child, holding her close. Was it always the pups she gave the most time to that turned out this way? Perhaps she had doted too much on Gabriel. She hadn?t given him a reason to spend more time with the rest of his siblings and learn to deal with them and actually enjoy them. No reason to spend more time with his father. "I love you very much. Seeing you like this... I can't take this pain."


06-22-2013, 03:15 PM

Gabriel closed his oculars, it was now the male that fell silent, the one whose name he still did not know. His mind supplied him words, jumbled phrases, thoughts and ideas, fragments of memories, pieces of pain. He had tried to please his siblings, he had tried to please him family, he had left because he had been so upset and he hadn't wished to worry them. He wasn't selfish, at least not in his own mind. He kept hurting people, but people hurt him. His siblings, he loved them, he loved Valhalla, he loved his parents, why did they all think he hated them? This was exactly why he was retreating further. No one understood him. No one could understand him. He didn't hate anyone, not even Epiphron, he merely didn't care one way or another if he saw her again, this was how he dealt with his pain, he had been taught no other way and he buried it. It wounded him when his brothers and sisters smashed him into the dirt because they knew how much he hated it, it wounded him when they called him coward and scaredy-cat, it wounded him when his parents did nothing, but he buried such emotions, hid them, locked them away.

He had never stopped any of them, he had never stopped loving Valhalla, and yet they made him the villain, the evil doer, because he was subject he no longer wished to associate with Epiphron? Because he was tired of being taunted and teased. He didn't understand them and they didn't understand him and that hurt too... but he didn't know what to do about it, he had never known how to deal with pain, he had never been taught and like everything else, he shoved it down, sealed the box and drained every emotion from exhausted two toned orbs as his eyes slid open.

The male stood silent, watching and for the moment Gabriel ignored him, eyes trained upon his mother, ignoring even his sister for now. He lowered his skull, his tail curling between his legs. He was right, he was the mistake, there was something wrong with him, not with everyone else. Tears flooded his young eyes and oozed down his maw. He was just tired of hurting. "I'm sorry mama for being so different... I try to be like you and papa, I try to make you happy but I...I don't know how. I'm sorry I'm such a failure mama." He trembled slightly, muscles quaking, voice cracking. He glanced to the side and down, hiding his eyes, hiding his pain. "Do you hate me mama? Would you be happier if I wasn't here?"



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-22-2013, 03:43 PM (This post was last modified: 06-22-2013, 03:48 PM by Erani.)

As her son wilted, she bent to run her tongue over his face. His words stung her just as badly as the rest had. ?You aren?t a failure, Gabriel. And I will never hate you. You and your siblings are my joys in life. My happiness. Your father?s joy and happiness. I?d never want you to never exist. But I want you to interact with your siblings, and if they tease, tease right back. They?re only playing when they tease. If it was said to hurt you, you would know the difference. If you fall, get right back up and charge back into the fray. If you get dirty, you jump in the water and wash up. Surreal wants to talk to you. I?ll talk to the rest about the teasing.?

She nosed her son gently. ?We love you, Gabriel. And none of us wish you weren?t around. Now, lets go to the den. It?s getting ready to snow again.? She turned and looked at Gael. ?Gael. It?s good to see you home safely. Good day.? She nodded and nosed her two children toward the direction of the den. She would do her best to stall Gabriel?s exploration of the darker path. For now, she wanted all her children with her and Nova, because the death of Cairo was fresh on her mind, and she needed them all there.


06-22-2013, 03:48 PM

Without a word, Gabriel jerked away from his mother as if her touch physically burned him. He didn't react as severely to the nudge but still flinched. Without another word he kept his posture lowered and submissive obediently following his mother, he respected her too much to go against her wishes. He allowed her to lead him back to the den, he was exhausted, he needed the rest.