



6 Years
Extra large

11-25-2016, 08:13 PM (This post was last modified: 11-25-2016, 08:27 PM by Elias.)

Truth be told, the brute was bored. Bored and lonely, and starting to go a tad crazy in the absence of his sister. It'd been entirely too long since he'd last seen her, not since their hunts and the move. He wasn't mad at her, but he was rather unwell from trying to cope. Of course, it really was his own fault for constantly being on the move. Wide jaws suddenly split into a gigantic yawn with his crown held back and his hackles suddenly prickling and then instantly smoothing out as he started to wake up. An adapted neutral expression relaxed on his face as his long limbs moved him across the lush lands of Auster. It was just entering summer here and the colossus' thin hide certainly appreciated the warmer whether, though it did not escape him that there was a new pack in the area.. along with several other travelers- only a few that he'd managed to meet so far.

Large toes were spread out across the smooth sand of the shoreline, creating a stable landing for every fluid step in his haunting run. His spine never seemed to change it's height as his body worked effortlessly together to move under the cool cloak of night. He was a beast with an impressive sinew beneath a light yet densely grown in hide of silver armor, though his armor was not without it's cracks. Aged scars made up giant vales along the titan's left breast and up across his pauldrons, and newer ones marred the serenity of his still features along his maw. Though, even his flaws came together with his weathered features and left a perfect portrayal of everything that he was: a survivor. An adaptive visitor of every land he came across and every situation he found himself in, though it seemed he had an involuntary penchant for situations that often became pushed to extremes and every encounter became a test of character.

In twilight on this evening, however, he would do everything in his strength to admire Auster for what it offered and free his mind. It felt to him that everything had been crumbling around him for as long as he could remember and he was scrambling to hold it all together and keep it from crashing down. When his crimson stare found itself staring at an illuminated, glowing sea dancing beneath the distortion of the ocean's waves.. all previous thoughts ceased and he simply ran with perfection in his sights. His heavy yet precisely driven paws would flirt with the receding waves when they'd sail out, and then he'd have to run again to avoid it's climb. It was a dance he was all too thrilled about having with the ocean at midnight in the company of only his own soul, but for now he was at peace and while energetic, not quite so.. disturbed.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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4 Years
11-25-2016, 08:42 PM
After Safir’s last meeting with Poser she hadn’t done much, she had met with a wolf named Storm but that was about it. As she came upon a sandy area she spotted another wolf, who was much much bigger than her. He had scars on his side too, Safir was used to dealing with wolves that were bigger than her it was almost a meeting by meeting occurrence. But she didn’t always have to deal with wolves with an aura such as this, it almost exuded the words stay away in her mind. Surely the other wolf would have caught her scent by now so she couldn’t very well run away and there wasn’t much of a place to hide. Safir basically just stood there frozen in place, she was scared for once there wasn’t a place where she could hide and observe before making a move. Not much scared her these days but the height combined with the aura she thought she was receiving were not something she had prepared herself to face against.
[Image: ojtJhNT.png]
[Image: safir_pixel_by_reflectedmemories-d8nbhy0.png][Image: ylVIm7C.png]



6 Years
Extra large

11-25-2016, 08:53 PM (This post was last modified: 11-25-2016, 08:54 PM by Elias.)

With the salt of the ocean flooding his senses, it took some time for him to notice that he was no longer alone. As soon as her scent did break through the smell of the sea, the beast ceased his play with the waves and stopped in his tracks, unwavering even as the cold ocean waters rushed past his well-muscled limbs on their climb up shore. His ears fixated on every sound that might be caught over the roar of the waves while his rubies moved to survey her features. She didn't look threatening, and honestly nothing about the male's attitude made it seem like he had threatening intentions for her, either.

However, the more he watched her the more of her frightened behavior he recorded. Already, she was beckoning the devil out of him and he'd only just laid eyes on her. Willing himself to overcome the urge to prey upon her fear, he stood taller as he waltzed calmly down the beach to be in her company. He slowed as he came up on her and left a solid three feet between the two of them, providing she never ran away, as he inspected her closely and narrowed his intelligent, ruby stare. He was honestly clueless as to what he'd done to upset her but it was clear to him that he had, and suddenly he found the inward battle begin to start.

His lips seemed to tremble under the pressure of the mixed orders his brain was relaying to them, caught in between lashing out into a snarl and remaining stoic and unphased. His strength persevered for the moment as he stilled the muscles of his face and kept them smooth during his reply hissed through clenched teeth. "Why are you quivering... girl?"

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!



4 Years
11-26-2016, 05:20 PM
The other wolf turned and looked at her, he came closer there was no backing out of this encounter now. He seemed to almost inspect her with his eyes, the wolf seemed almost confused as to what he should do with his mouth. When he seemed to figure it out he spoke, he asked why she was quivering. Safir tried to compose herself, she couldn’t let fear over take her. It seemed to her as if she had a right to be somewhat afraid of this man. “Because I have never seen another wolf of your height.” She would reply, for it was the truth but not the entirety. For she had been scared not only of his height but also what she thought she could sense from his aura.
[Image: ojtJhNT.png]
[Image: safir_pixel_by_reflectedmemories-d8nbhy0.png][Image: ylVIm7C.png]



6 Years
Extra large

11-27-2016, 02:09 PM

An interesting part of what Elias was was that he was never any one thing. He was never angry wholly, never happy wholly, but rather a constant brew of emotions that struggled and fought each other to take control of the body they drove. As he looked down to Safir he noticed that she had attempted to bring her composure back and he seemed to relax the muscles of his shoulders slightly as he watched. Her words should not have come as a surprise to him, though he couldn't help but look momentarily bewildered. His family had a great supply of tall wolves, his father even having been taller than himself. It was interesting to think that so many in these lands had so little experience with them.

He suddenly felt a sense of pride from the fear he was bringing out of her, knowing it was related to his height only made him stand a little taller as a charming smile crept up his lips, complete with blood-stained and yellowed teeth beneath his wide and seemingly always in a craze red eyes. He could feel another wave lap at his toes, though they were far enough up the shore now that only the waves that reached out the strongest managed to touch them. Still, the cold touch of the waters hit him like a spark of electricity and sent a cool shiver running down his spine. He looked again at this scared girl and saw her in a new light.. a better light. A more fun light.

But no, she was.. so innocent. He didn't know her and she was already so scared.. how could he even think-- he turned his head away from her suddenly as he tried to keep control of himself. His smile disappeared as his facial muscles smoothed out, relaxing his expression into one of near embarrassment. He took a step back from her as he looked out over the waves and thought carefully. M-maybe he could befriend her? At least try, before the other took over. "There's no need to be afraid," he whispered on a low and rumbling growl, a gentle growl like one a father might provide to his frightened children. "I'm.. I'm not going to hurt you, I'm just tall. My name is Elias, what is yours?"

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!



4 Years
11-27-2016, 10:19 PM
The man smiled when she said she was afraid of his height, was he proud of that? Safir was confused and then he stopped smiling and turned away from her. Safir was very confused, he told her not to be afraid and that he wasn’t going to hurt her. Safir wasn’t sure about this wolf Elias as he says, he seemed to be almost fighting something internally. It wasn’t her place though to meddle in other people’s matters, especially ones as tall as this. If he wanted to he could probably kill her quiet easily. Safir was more curious and confused now than afraid, that was an emotion she had left behind a while ago.  She took a few steps in the direction of Elias “My names Safir, and as you can see I’m quite a lot shorter than the average wolf.” She smiled in her mind she had almost made some kind of a joke, unbeknownst to her this was a step towards something much greater leaving her slave instincts and training behind at last.
[Image: ojtJhNT.png]
[Image: safir_pixel_by_reflectedmemories-d8nbhy0.png][Image: ylVIm7C.png]



6 Years
Extra large

11-30-2016, 11:03 PM

Elias had even kept his ears down with relative respect as he watched her, hoping she'd relax some so that he could as well. She seemed to be growing more confident, though it didn't have the relaxing effect that Elias was hoping for. As she took a couple steps toward him, he tensed up.. his upper lip immediately raising to flash the thick of his teeth to her in warning. His hackles prickled up between his shoulder blades though remained down elsewhere. No, no. He didn't want that.

As she spoke, he lifted his ears and lowered his lip, putting away his intimidating mask to put on another of sheer curiosity. He listened with relaxed features, his head even canting slightly in response as he looked over her form, double checking her height just to be sure. "Not too short to defend yourself. I've seen a lot of fight in twerps half your size." He grinned, "Though, you probably shouldn't be alone unless you have the training to compensate for your weakness." He growled, his grin still present though ever so deceiving. The fiend took a couple steps toward her, as if challenging her for the steps she'd taken earlier that he didn't want. She needed to step back just a bit, or he wasn't going to be happy.

His marred chest flexed slightly as he lifted his head, tensing the muscles of his abdomen and front legs in order to appear taller. At this point, it really wasn't even because he needed to make himself look taller- he knew she was already having some sort of inferiority complex over it.. and the only reason he did so now was to play with that insecurity of hers. Oh, why was this so fun? Well, it wasn't all just cruel intentions, was it? After all, perhaps he could teach her to defend herself.. of course, it might be against her will on how she leans, but.. well, Elias needed the entertainment, and she could learn from the lesson.

With his mind now made up, his eyes seemed to roll just for a second- leaving him vulnerable but there was an obvious change to the wolf's demeanor. He was no longer trembling and uncertain when those eyes opened, he was grinning ear to ear with enthusiastic happiness and overbearing confidence. Mmmm, the ego boost felt good and his darker side was thrilled to be free once again. He'd tried to take over so many times before, but Elias couldn't be won over unless there was some sort of.. justification he could come up with to rationalize the need for cruel behavior. He didn't like it, but.. sometimes.. he just knew it had to be done.

In total glee, the inhabiting demon using Elias' body like some sort of vessel opened it's grin, his jaws hanging agape and drooling as he approached the poor girl. His ears perked and his tail thrashed behind him with wild excitement as he kept his steps slow and steady, as if he expected her to bolt at any moment. Calmly, his ruby gaze met her own and dark chuckle released low from the depths of his lungs. "You know, you really should be more careful," spoken in jest. In a split second, his legs tensed as he pushed into the sand as he lunged forward; volatile jaws would swing shut, locking as soon as they came together at the air in front of the woman's face. He made sure to stay away from her about half of a foot, but he aimed to come dangerously close. Was she easily scared? He was eager to find out.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!



4 Years
12-01-2016, 06:21 PM

Safir saw that when she had stepped closer to the man he seemed to get angry, he bared his teeth and his hackles rose. This took her back a bit she wasn’t expecting him to get angry just because she got closer to him, he seemed to calm down though as she spoke. He then replied by commenting on her ability to fight, why had that been brought up? She didn’t necessarily look at her height as a weakness, more like an advantage it let her slip away easier she didn’t really care too much for confrontation. He took a couple steps towards her, she took one step back she wasn’t sure she wanted to be this close to him yet. Then the atmosphere seemed to take a turn he made himself seem a bit taller, he was smiling but it didn’t feel like it was a friendly one. He began to come even closer to her and she slowly started backing up and looking behind her every so often she felt like she was some kind of prey, this didn’t seem like it was going anywhere good. Elias locked eyes with her and said “You know, you really should be more careful” He then lunged towards her face with his jaws, she instinctively pulled her head backwards. He missed, was it on purpose surely if he had meant to hurt her he would have hurt her. He had to have had a motive for doing that, but what was it. Surely the lunge had surprised her but she wasn’t going to leave just yet, “I’m a raised slave. Who says I see my height as a weakness? Who says I’m not careful?” This may be bolder than she normally got but she felt like she had to say it.

[Image: ojtJhNT.png]
[Image: safir_pixel_by_reflectedmemories-d8nbhy0.png][Image: ylVIm7C.png]