
Make me feel this way

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

11-13-2016, 01:46 PM

He was only here for a visit. With the news that he was going to be a father well it was an interesting fact. It had been some time since he found out Xeph was going to make a pack and thus far it was still standing it seemed. As his nose brushed across the borders he felt a smile over come him. Riv wondered how the old man was doing, as such he did consider him a father figure in his life at one point. Rivaxorus had been feeling dissatisfied and he wasn't entirely sure why. Maybe a visit would do him good.

He lifted his head in a call for his friend. It wasn't so urgent but he still wanted to make his presence known. As he sat down at the borders his tail flicked back and forth. Smiling slightly, he found that easy sometimes and other times he didn't. He wasn't really sad per say he just almost felt as if he had nothing to do. Idle paws bothered him immensely.




9 Years
11-15-2016, 01:15 AM

When Xephyris heard the sound of a familiar voice calling to him from the borders, he stopped what he was doing and smirked, a forepaw lifted as he prepared to change his direction. He wasn't far from his daughters, but they were free to roam as they pleased, so long as they didn't go too far. He looked to them, ensuring they didn't look like they were going anywhere they shouldn't, before bounding away from them toward the edge of the territory. It was there that he saw the much taller, young man's frame, and he moved swiftly toward Rivaxorus II. It had been quite some time since he'd seen him, and he wondered if he had finally decided he needed a place to stay. As he approached, he dipped his head, a grin spreading across his maw as his silver eyes scanned over the man.

It was then that it occurred to him how much his daughters resembled the young man. How much Riv resembled Limno... was it just a coincidence? He'd noticed it just slightly before, but hadn't given it much though, yet seeing Riv in front of him, it was becoming very apparent. The white eye patch, the reddish-brown coat, gray ears, white underbelly... "Riv, it's good to see you," he said, blinking his eyes as he tried to keep his thoughts under control, "How can I help you?" His tail swished slightly, the muscles of his shoulders tensing. He was just becoming too curious about this strange, coincidental resemblance. But he was also curious as to why Riv had come. Did he need something? And where was Zephyra? It seemed strange to see the man without the green-coated lady by his side.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

11-15-2016, 02:17 AM

Riv smiled as he saw Xephyris showed up. Oh good, he hadn't made this trip for nothing then, well they weren't far off considering they had been in the north. Though the young lad didn't know what to think of himself. He found himself, and then lost himself all over again. As his tail shifted to one side Xephyris asked if he could help him. "It's EXCELLENT to see you Xephyris. I came for a visit to see how you were doing." he didn't take Zephyra with him because he said he wouldn't be long. After all he was sure she needed some sort of space - if only a little at all.

"You seem to have a puzzling look on your face though. Is something wrong?" he'd save his news for a bit later. Seeing as Xephyris seemed to be trying to connect dots in his head. The young boy was curious, maybe he could be of some help within Xeph's ailments. Even if they weren't physical at that.




9 Years
11-17-2016, 01:37 AM

Xephyris chuckled a little bit at the male's initial response. His gray and white head dipped again to the younger male, before raising his head to meet silver eyes with the duo-toned, purple and yellow gaze of the other. It really was good to see Riv again, it felt like it had been much too long. "I'm doing well, as is the pack," he assured the man, tail flicking. When the younger man made a point that Xeph seemed to have a puzzled looked upon his face, his ears twitched, eyes glancing around for a moment before coming to meet dead on to Riv's face. It was true, there was certainly something on his mind, and it would be a good thing for Riv to know. In fact, he would be the perfect wolf to share these words with for the first time.

"I want you to meet my daughters," he announced, watching Riv's face. It would be a surprise to his friend that he had children at all, nevermind what he was about to tell him. "I've mulled it over in my mind a bit..." he began with a mysterious tone, about to make it more known what he meant as he tilted his head and blinked his eyes at Riv, "My girls hold an uncanny resemblance to you... now that you're here in front of me, I just know it... come, I'll show you." Xephyris didn't know exactly what it was. But he could see it clearly now; the red-hued brown shades, the gray ears, white underbelly, and most of all the white eye patches. There had to be some relation. But what could it be? Was Riv somehow related to his girls? Then that meant... Limno had some sort of connection with Riv. But in what way? Was it all possible?

Whatever it was, Xephyris was confused, and all the same, he was amused, and he somewhat thrilled. In a way, if it were true, this would mean that he, Riv, and his daughters were somehow related. Perhaps the young man knew enough about his heritage to shed some light on it...

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

11-17-2016, 08:31 PM

The man was a little surprised. Xephyris was a father now was he? Not only that but his children looked like himself. Rivaxorus was curious, he knew of his uncle and aunt from his mothers biological side. Though he only found out from Quelt that... his aunt wasn't entirely a wolf someone wanted to associate with. Brows furrowed forward he remembered the scarred man's words. "Well what a surprise, I'd love to meet them. You see.... Zephyra is pregnant." he gave a rather awkward smile. "I also know about an aunt and an uncle I had so perhaps if you tell me their mothers name I could connect some dots for you. Is she around?" if so at least he could give the man a warning.

Rivaxorus would stand to follow the smaller man. Feeling a little odd to be in pack territory, he was a free wolf now. No one to tell him what to do - unless it was his wife of course. In which even then he struggled with himself these days despite being so young. As his tail flicked a little he smiled, ignoring those thoughts and concentrating on the fact he was potentially meeting his cousins.




9 Years
11-23-2016, 12:29 AM

Xeph smirked with amusement when he saw the surprised look upon Riv's visage. He couldn't even help the way his tail waved back and forth a little more enthusiastically when the younger man said he'd like to meet them - his girls had certainly made a soft spot in his heart. He adored them, and it would be fascinating to find out if they were somehow related to a friend of his that he respected and cared for. He tilted his head, and then a knowing grin spread across his maw when Riv then mentioned that Zephyra was pregnant. Ah, so they had finally gotten the job done. Xephyris had wondered what would happen between the young couple, and if they would ever have the family Riv had so wanted. Things had seemed rocky and uncertain for a while, so it was good to hear that they'd made things work for the better. "Congratulations Riv," the silver-coated man rumbled, shaking out his coat, "You young folks have come a long way. When the pups come along, feel free to come visit with them." He chuckled slightly at his own comment, feeling like he was sounding like an old man.

The Alpha led the way as they began to traverse further into Vyper's territory. As their conversation drew on, Rivaxorus mentioned that he knew of an aunt and uncle he had, and requested the name of his daughters' mother. He nodded his broad head, ears flicking slightly. "She's not around anymore... as far as I can tell, she took off on us," he murmured, eyes flicking down for a moment before meeting Riv's gaze again, "Her name was Limno. Do you recognize that name?" As he thought about it more and more, it would really make sense if they were related. Limno had many of the same markings and coloration that both Riv and his own mother had held. Aside from the difference in height, they resembled each other in many ways. Now he began to wonder if Riv would have any clues as to her whereabouts, but he would leave the question for later.

At last they would arrive into the heart of the land, and from here, he could see his girls romping in the black sand, right where they were supposed to be. He smiled, pressing forward a little faster to get to them, woofing to them to get their attention. "Memphis, Saffron! I've brought someone to meet you," he called to them, rounding them up as he waited for Riv to catch up, the pups having their attention drawn to the adults now...

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]



11-30-2016, 10:34 PM

Memphis had been previously trying to play fight with Saffron. The two of them being so close in size right now it made her want to practice that way. To grow up to be strong like their daddy. Who cared if their mom wasn't around anymore - since she was it was their turn to take care of Dad. As such when her father said there was someone here to meet them she scrambled to her paws. Staring at a rather HUGE wolf who kind of looked like her..... Just with a little bit of gray and two different colored eyes.

"Daddy whose dis, he has our eye patch!" Memphis quickly pawed at Rivaxorus before rolling over to her father. Puffing up she demanded to know what was going on. A friend, a relative that they didn't know about. OH GOSH what if it was a prince destined to take her away from her home! That had to be it, well she was going to stay right here with her dad and sister.

"Talk" "You" Think



2 Years
12-05-2016, 02:15 AM
Wrestling with Memphis was always so much fun, whether she won or lost. Often she would lose, being the smaller of the two, but it didn't matter to her, as long as they spent the time together. Today, she was sure she was going to win. Maybe, just maybe if she pushed a little harder... and then the sound of their father's voice interrupted everything, and her sister went scrambling away to go meet him. Flopping onto her butt, Saffron sat for a moment, her head lowered and eyes glaring at the adults. But she couldn't change anything, so she sighed and decided she might as well go over and see who dad had brought home to meet them. Obviously it wasn't their mom. However, strangely enough, as Saffron padded over to see who it was, she noticed some similarities in the very tall male, as she glanced between him and her sister. Herself, Memphis and this unknown male all had the eyepatch, and their coat colors weren't too different, either. Her curiosity flared, however guarded she may have felt about it.

Trying to appear somewhat uninterested as she approached, she sat by her father's front legs, staring up at the large male he'd brought. "Well, who's dat anyways?" the pup demanded somewhat grumpily, pressing herself against her father's leg. It wasn't that she had no interest in the stranger... just that she was a little uncertain.

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

12-05-2016, 05:07 AM

The man was filled with a sense of worry as soon as Xephyris said the name. Rivaxorus stopped in his tracks for a moment. He shook his head and continued on, watching as the two pups tumbled towards Xephyris. Both of them, it put a small pain in his heart. Reminding him how much he missed his mom, but he couldn't help but to smile a bit. "Well I would be Rivaxorus II you can call me Riv. I'm your cousin, see your mom was my mom's sister." he said with a soft wag of his tail. Then would nudge his head off to the side to talk with Xeph for a moment. Hoping that he'd be out of the kids hearing.

"Xephyris I... I'm sorry but my mom warned me about Limno. Apparently she's a very two faced wolf she enjoys prying herself into wolves lives and then enjoying seeing them in pain. In fact a friend of mine was mated to her before. She stole him away from his family and forced him into wolf fights of some sort. Abandoning their children as well. She has two massive dire wolf mates where ever she is from." Rivaxorus wasn't sure what to say. How did you explain to a kid their mom was a piece of shit that didn't care about them anyway. "If you see her again I wouldn't let her anywhere near your kids. She might even try to hurt you." The man would furrow his eyes together looking concerned. He was more sad that this had happened to Xephyris of all wolves.

"Talk" "You" Think



9 Years
12-14-2016, 01:37 AM

Xeph noticed the way that the younger man stopped in his tracks just momentarily, as though somewhat disturbed by the name he'd shared. Did Limno's name ring a bell? If so, was it something of concern? From Riv's reaction, it appeared like there might be more to the woman than he had originally thought. After all, she had seemed so needy at the time he'd met her, he'd been sure she needed someone to care for her. To him, it seemed odd that she was missing, somewhat suspicious. He assumed that perhaps something had happened to her, or someone else was involved in her disappearance. Currently, he still believed such. Why would any woman leave such young pups without any notice? However, now was not the time to ask questions, as his girls came bounding up to meet Rivaxorus - they seemed curious about him too, and it was almost as though they noticed the resemblance immediately. So, perhaps his suspicions were correct after all. It was a sweet interaction to watch, and the normally stoic man felt his heart melting just a bit - okay, maybe more than just a bit. His daughters were precious to him, and he'd always had a soft spot for Riv, too. Seeing them get together in such a way was touching in a way he hadn't expected.

After Memphis and Saffron had introduced themselves and spoken to Riv briefly, Xeph stepped to the side with the man, the girls going back to tumbling about together. His brows furrowed, his expression hardening as Riv told him what he knew about Limno. He listened carefully, a cold fury raging through his veins. His tail twitched as the younger man finished his words. So, Limno was a deceptive, manipulative wolf then... he clenched his teeth together as he attempted to control his anger. Rather than a furious outburst, Xephyris' fury would come out in an icy cold string of words. "So, she thinks she can just keep getting away with this, does she?" he rumbled in the lowest of tones, "I bet she goes running back to those two males when she's gotten herself in trouble... well she's got another thing coming. I'll be the last wolf she ever crosses."

Silvery, blue-speckled eyes glanced to his innocent daughters. They didn't deserve this, to be abandoned by their mother so carelessly. And after all that he had offered that woman... he could barely contain his rage. He had given her a home, high rank, respect and power, and provided for her when he had hardly known her. This was how she repaid him. By leaving him with pups without so much as a word when he was a busy man although he loved his girls so very much, and felt most infuriated on their behalf. How dare Limno do this to them? "I won't let her anywhere near my girls," he growled, claws digging into the black sand, "Riv, do you have any clues as to where she might be? I need to find her, so I can settle this once and for all. She may be the mother of my pups, but if she is so content to leave us like this, then she's of no use to us, and she will not go unpunished." The underlying tone of fury was evident in his voice, and he could only hope the Riv would help him if it was possible.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

12-14-2016, 03:53 AM

It really did upset him that this had happened to a friend. He of all wolves knew how it was to lose a parent too. What was worse was these girls - their mother could give two shits about them. His eyes scanned over the young pups. Making his eyes narrowed as his attention turned back towards Xephyris. Nodding his head - she wouldn't be aloud to so much as call them her daughters. She didn't deserve that much. "I only have a few guesses, but I could look for her if you want. I'm not bound to some pack lands so I can go anywhere.... besides Yoshiko would probably enjoy the time to herself." he smirked for a moment. Though he sat down as he curled his tail around his haunches.

"What do you want to do about their other family though? As far as I know there's a girl and boy in Abaven though they could be elsewhere now. IF of course you ever wanted them to meet their half siblings." Rivaxorus just wanted to pass this information on. After all - he'd want to know if he were in that situation. The large male didn't know if he was doing the right thing. He just wanted to help where he could.
