
Darkness will Rise



1 Year
11-27-2016, 11:21 PM
With a half choked breath the she-wolf of chocolate brown, black and white rose up from the waters of the oceans deep once she found the tide was not as choppy as she'd have believed. She'd managed somehow to get there safely on a piece of driftwood until it had toppled her over and sent her below. Luckily she'd been able to pull herself up before she could drown.

Sighting land ahead she swam for shore and with a huff of breath she lay half in and half out of the waters. Her forelegs stretched forward onto the bay where all manner of marine animal could be seen.

With a mutter to herself under her breath, "I can't stay here. I have to keep going." She forced herself to rise and shake out her pelt once all four paws were safely on dry land. Only then did she allow herself to collapse once more - exhausted. Yet she dare not close her eyes whilst she caught her breath.

She never wanted to do that again. Who knew how far she was from her family! From the noble and ancient Den of Incubus were the family had been for generation upon generation. If only she'd been more careful. No! It hadn't been her fault but that blasted cousin of hers. The stupid male.


12-05-2016, 03:34 PM

Had it not been for the piece of driftwood, with the slightest scent of another wolf clinging to it, Arsenal would not have known to look. Even now, he was unsure if such a thing had just been there and the scent was of a passing wolf, or if said wolf had used it but was gone. Did he even care,anyways? He was resentful of his siblings once more, and even he didn't know for sure why. Still, he didn't want to go out and save some wolf that had seemed dumb enough to go out into the ocean when they couldn't swim enough. Or if the water was rough.

Still, somehow, he ended up attempting to nudge one awake. The female had collapsed, and appeared to be asleep or dead. Ears flattening, Arsenal aimed a final nudge at her before edging away.



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (120)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

13 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
12-05-2016, 03:42 PM

Finally, he was in new lands without his lame family. Though upon investigating surrounding lands, he swore he could smell his sire around. It made Greed paranoid, like the old man was following him. Stalking him. A low growl rose in his throat at the thought of it. If Liar thought he could get Greed to follow him on his stupid whim of a dream, he thought wrong. Tail lashing, he bounded further away from Talis territory as he sought out new places to explore. As a yearling, he now had free reign over where he could go and what he could do. Mentors were being assigned now, so he could finally learn some stuff that perhaps his sire should have taught, but didn't. Pathetic! He thought with disgust. Instead, the former Alpha Avalon was the one doing most of the warrior training. Though she seemed to be a better parent then his own damn dad. Typical. "Course I'd get stuck with a lame ass family!" He muttered.

Before he could think about it more, he stopped in his tracks when he spotted something on the sands of the bay he had arrived at. Cold blue eyes narrowed, zeroing in on whatever it could be. What the hell was it? The more he stared, the more he realized it was another wolf. boring! Ah boring as it may be, at least it was something to keep him occupied. He didn't exactly take off to explore and admire the pretty sights anyway. As he decided to mull over what he should do, he spotted something approaching the collapsed wolf.

Whoever it was, walked right up to it and began to touch it. What the fuck? Was he trying to eat it or something? Flicking his tail, the yearling decided it was high time he make himself known. Bounding towards the two, he stared at the dark colored male as he circled around behind him, blue gaze momentarily flicking towards the one on the ground. Her eyes weren't closed, and she was breathing. Either they were together or this guy was a blind idiot! "Tryin' to sneak in a smooch, ya perv?" Yep. He would assume that.


Art||Plot with me!

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1 Year
12-05-2016, 03:55 PM
For a moment she was too winded to do anything but glare at the male who nudged her. A male. And one without the blood of the Incubus coursing through their veins. A delicacy if she were so hungry that she'd succumb to partaking of a snack from a lesser being that dared call itself a member of the wolves. To her only the Incubus clan could be noted as true wolves worthy of worship and admiration.

With a twitch of an ear and an eye she heard yet another voice. Speaking of a smooch. With a guttural growl she rose on weary paws. "No one smooches me. Certainly not a male unworthy of the Incubus blessing." Preferably no male at all. Not unless she wanted to have pups one day and only then she still felt they needed the Incubus blessing given to her and the Incubus family to initiate said male into the fold. But she wasn't looking, felt far too young as yet to think about it.

She muttered to herself, "Just my luck I'd be found by lowly males."


12-05-2016, 05:36 PM
(Kinda M for language? Also I apologize in advance for how he acts in this post.)

The arrival of another was enough to make Arsenal turn his head slightly. Really, if it hadn't been for the yearlings words, he wouldn't have given him a second glance. As it was, he froze, mismatched eyes widening in shock. What the hell? Why the fuck would I- His words were cut off by the realization that the other wolf was still younger, but by the sudden movement from the female.

He was about to turn, and apologize for his language, but the words caught him off guard and he growled low in his throat, anger getting the best of him. I won't help you next time if that's how you're gonna act." He was more than a little angry, fur bristling as he walked off a distance, not too far, leaving with some final words. Can't even get a fucking thank you for making sure someone's not half dead.



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (120)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

13 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
12-05-2016, 08:38 PM

Oh my. This was the most entertaining thing he could have come across! Greed snickered at the woman's comment, and it turned into full blown laughter at the male that thought he was helping. Oh, this was too good! "Yeah, you sure helped alot by trying to smooch her awake!" He snickered again, blue eyes on the male as he continued to laugh at him. "What a loser!" Then when the woman stood up and said something about lowly males, he sneered. "Like you're something to look at." Ah yes. This was the kind of thing he was looking for. In the pack, he had to be careful about what he said to most of them. But out here with these rogue losers, he had no filter. "So asides from drowning and trying to cop a feel," Gaze swept from one to the other. His previous position when he had arrived barring the male from leaving, "What else are you losers here for?"


Art||Plot with me!

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



1 Year
12-06-2016, 03:22 AM
Swinging her head to look at one male and then the other her eyes still narrowed she rolled her eyes. "As if nudging me helped me at all. Fool. If you'd really care to help you'd give me your tail or one of your legs to eat." Perhaps some males were even more empty headed than she'd initially thought and her opinion of them wasn't too high in the first place. Her gaze trailed after the one who'd given her a nudge even though clearly she'd been breathing and awake - just exhausted and in need of a break. Which she hadn't been able to get in peace!

Lifting her right leg up she lowered her head to give it a lick. "Oh, it's nothing about your looks. Besides an Incubus's strength is not in their appearance. How shallow to comment on ones looks. It is simply that you were born a lowly male good enough only to procreate. Alas you have no Incubus blood running through your veins and thus are unworthy unless the Incubus blessing you receive. But gaining that would be far too difficult a feat I'm certain." With that said she placed her leg back down and gave her body another shake to dislodge any remaining water clinging to her fur.

She rolled her eyes once more, this time at being called a loser. "I am here because my cousin, another lowly male, but not as low as yourselves for he has the blood of Incubus flowing through him, wished to play a game. Though I was loath to do so I still humored him. Alas he took it a bit too far and the log fell from where it had been since long before our births and sent me out to sea where I washed up on foreign lands."

Growing weary of explaining, of saying anything she looked toward the sky and wondered if her family would be looking for her. The Incubus's always stuck together. And her cousin who'd been trying to gain her favor no doubt had not meant to lose her to the sea. She wondered if they thought her dead, only then would they cease to follow or try and locate her.


12-06-2016, 07:48 AM

Ears flattening against his skull, Arsenal turned his attention to the black and white male, the female being ignored for now. The slightest hint of a snarl on his jaws, he backed away slightly so he was about four feet away, facing the other directly. Anger radiated off of him, and he growled quietly. I'll show you who's the damn loser. He didn't really plan to hurt the yearling all that much.

As he was already face to face with the other, and only a short distance away, Arsenal fell into his defenses easily. His paws slid into a stable, even stance. His toes spread and his claws dug slightly into the sand. He bent his knees slightly, as his tail and neck evened out with his spine. He rolled his shoulders forward, bunching his scruff around his neck. Arsenal tucked his chin over his throat, head lowering ever so slightly. His ears flattened against his skull, and he narrowed his eyes until they were near slits. Finally, his lips lifted to show his fangs, and, after a moment, his weight was distributed evenly between all four paws.

It didn't take long for Arsenal to move, closing the distance between the two, hopefully. Moving towards Greed's right side, he attempted to slam his left shoulder into the flesh just behind Greed's right shoulder and cause some slight to moderate bruising in that area. he knew he likely would gain bruises as well, but it would be worth it. At the same time, his left paw lifted, Arsenal shifting his weight onto his other three paws, hoping to slam it down on Greed's right paw and cause some major bruising or even a light fracture. His jaws opened slightly, hoping to latch onto the skin near Greed's eye and cause light lacerations or scrapes.

1/3(?) rounds
Medium build



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (120)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

13 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
12-06-2016, 10:49 AM

Oh man. Things just kept getting better and better. He practically snorted laughter from his nose as the weird female called the other male a fool. He couldn't remember the last time he had a good laugh! Certainly not at all with his family. Maybe he just liked seeing the humiliation of others and watching them get pissed. Yeah. That had to be it. Blue gaze turned to the female for a moment, his attention half on her and half on the male. He raised a brow as she began to speak alot of nonsense. At least, it was nothing but nonsense to him. "Pfft. You're one to talk about being shallow! 'Lowly male this, lowly male that' blah blah blah, " He rolled his eyes at her, the last part being said in a mocking tone. "I didn't ask for your life's story. And I sure as hell am not interested in 'procreating' with something like you!" What was she? A kid? Oh wait. They were both yearlings, it seemed. But even if they weren't, he still wasn't interested in fucking her.

It was then he caught movement from the corner of his eye, realizing then that the male only said a single line before falling into a fighting stance. Oh ho ho! "Aw, did a kid really piss you off that much? Pathetic!" He too would begin to fall into his own defenses.

**Fight starts here**

The boys hackles bristled with delight along his spine. Ears pinning against his skull, his head lowering over his throat, chin tucking slightly and aligning with his spine; tail flagging out to align perfectly as well as for balance and easier maneuverability. His toes flexed, spreading over the sand and claws digging in for better traction. Shoulders rolled forward to protect his neck. The dual toned male also pulled his head back slightly to roll the fat and fur on his scruff to further add some padding. Lastly, he would bend his joints to bring him slightly lower to the ground, hind legs coiled and ready to spring him into action.  Weight distributed across all four limbs, eyes narrowing on the older male and his teeth baring in a sneer as his muzzle wrinkled and bunched the skin around his face; making for a harder grip. "I'll show you what a pack wolf can do!"

At four feet apart, there perhaps wasn't that much room. But Greed was ready the moment the older male was. Still, as soon as Arsenal came at him, Greed kicked off with his hind legs, coming to meet the other male head on at full force! Greed wasn't stupid enough to keep himself open, let alone allow someone to flat out get to his sides without making them work for it. Greed would quickly lift his front end off the ground, legs propelling him forward and up. He aimed to slam his fore-chest right into the base of Arsenals throat, attempting to use his weight and force to cut off the air flow and make the man stagger. Due to this, Arsenals attempted shoulder slam would not hit its intended target as it instead, made contact with the outer left side of Greeds chest instead; leaving a moderate bruise.

Also thanks to his movement, Arsenals paw slam would miss. And here it was time to make another move of his own. In one quick motion, Greed would bring his left paw slamming down towards Arsenals right paw, attempting to pin it to the ground and fracture or break the inner two toes. Simultaneously, he would attempt to scratch Arsenals chest on the lower right side with his left paw; more for a distraction then anything. Greeds weight would redistribute to his hind end, abdomen muscles tightening as he continued his onslaught.

Lastly, as Arsenal sought to bite Greed's face, Greed would quickly tilt his head towards Arsenals jaws,  his own jaws (Greeds) wide open. He aimed to wrap his own wide open chompers over and around Arsenals as it seemed the male had only opened his slightly for a baby bite. Top fangs aimed to come over the top of Arsenals muzzle, and bottom fangs aimed to wrap beneath the bottom jaw. He aimed to align his teeth directly across the center of the older male's jaws, wanting to gain a solid grip and lacerate and make the man succumb to pain [counter to arsenals bite].

Greed was ecstatic. Driven. hungry for blood. This was his first time in a real fight, and he was excited to finally put all that training to the test! And this male had been stupid enough to become his first chew toy.

Greed VS Arsenal for DOMINANCE
ROUND: 1/3
Height: 36"
Build: Medium


Art||Plot with me!

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1 Year
12-06-2016, 11:38 AM
"Oh no? Then why ask what I'm doing here at all?" She stared at the black and white male with an arch above her eyes. With a sweep of her tail she shrugged her shoulders. "Not like you'd get the chance. I've no interest in you so the point is moot." Parting her jowls she yawned.

With a blink she took note that the older male was quite angered by certain words. Perhaps she'd offended him as well. Alas it was just her way, the Incubus way to rile others that did not have a drop of Incubus in them and further that she had no care of males.

She watched with bated breath as the two males went for one another. Did she root for one or the other she wondered? She didn't know either one! They were strangers. Not of her lineage. Just random passerby's that happened to have witnessed one of her less than savory moments as she washed ashore and regained her land legs.

"Perhaps one of you isn't so lowly after all," she murmured to herself, her gaze transfixed on the male who'd begun the fight. He still wasn't of the Incubus blood lineage, but it was always possible to gain prestige and reputation among her family even if they were outsiders.

The Judge


01-09-2017, 02:12 PM
And the winner is...

Greed! Due to Arsenal agreeing to a default, the fight has defaulted in Greed's favor. Arsenal must give up by submitting, passing out, or fleeing.