
I'm Beaten Down


12-03-2016, 07:06 PM
Auster - The Runestones

It was surprisingly very rare for another wolf and Necro to meet under any circumstances. It was pretty quiet down on the southern continent. And besides, anytime the boy saw another wolf he ran like a frightened doe.

Today he found himself in The Runestones, where he noticed the strange, tall pillars from afar. Just exploring today, he had to escape from his den at some point. He smelled around the stones here until his nose caught the scent of some of the plants. He searched around the perimeter of the formations, scaling every corner and edge until he picked up something. It hadn't smelled poisonous, so he picked it from the root and held the Lamb's ear in his mouth. He wasn't sure what it could be used for but he would keep it around just in case or figure out what it was used for when the time came. Finished with his endeavor, he would turn away and start to trek home, walking back through the center of the circle of stones.

Walk "Talk" Think

Sora I


3 Years
12-04-2016, 12:58 PM
Sora would emerge from her den, there was a small stone cave in the area that she had made her home in. It was the same den that she and her two brothers had been raised in. She was in the process of cleaning it out of whatever small animals had made their homes in it in the years she had been gone from it. Particularly she was eradicating a group of rats while Alisa was making arrangements with a family of Fennec foxes who had been living there. Sora came outside to dispose of a rat corpse that she had grasped between her teeth, she spotted a stranger who had started walking away from the area it appeared that he had some sort of plant dangling from his mouth. She wondered what it was when she noticed an area of disrupted earth, when they had gotten here Sora had taken note of all the herbs around the area. if she remembered correctly what had been there was a lamb’s ear plant, she had  intentions to make a collection of herbs inside of her den for healing purposes if the need ever arrived. She had wanted to collect the lamb’s ear properly but that hope was disturbed. She would call out to the male “uf woul oo eoon a” realizing she still had the rat in her mouth she would spit it to the side, “Um, sir would you please return that to me? I was intending to collect it after I cleared out my den.”
[Image: oeFbF2h.png]
[Image: sora_by_nnightcrawler-dais0jt.png]
Sora has a Fennec fox companion who is unless otherwise stated is with her. Alisa's speech is orange Sora's speech is green


12-04-2016, 09:12 PM

The tiny boy would stop dead in his tracks as a woman's voice would come from behind him. Very slowly he would turn his neck to spy her kindly standing in wait of his response. But he was terrified. Without another thought, he would drop his findings and scurry away behind one of the large stones placed around here. It wasn't one of his smartest moves but nice wolves were easier to get away from than vicious ones.

Behind the stone, Necro dug himself a few inches of dirt off the surface and then crawled into a ball inside of the small dent as if the woman wouldn't see him if she came around the corner. Necrosis was left to believe that any other wolf than his family would turn into a mop and try to kill him. No one would care for his well being but himself after his parents had left him. He was considered a monster to everyone else, but as anyone else could see he was the opposite. He was scared by his own shadow.

Walk "Talk" Think

Sora I


3 Years
12-04-2016, 09:39 PM
Sora would look on in confusion as the wolf set down the lamb’s ear and scurried off behind one of the rocks. She would slowly walk over to the herb and pick it up. She would bring it over closer to the entrance to her den. “You don’t have to be scared of me, I’m not going to hurt you. I hate hurting other wolves.” Sora would look over as Alisa exited the den, Sora made a motion with her paw to tell Alisa to be quiet. She signaled for Alisa to jump up onto her back, with a confused look the Fennec fox did so. Sora would slowly make a wide turn around the rock so that she could look at the other wolf from at least ten feet away. She would lay down to make her height not seem as frightening to the smaller wolf. Quietly she would start to say “If it’s your color that you think I’m afraid of I’m not, I’ve seen plenty of wolves with bright colors on their pelts. My name’s Sora Latchme, what’s yours?”
[Image: oeFbF2h.png]
[Image: sora_by_nnightcrawler-dais0jt.png]
Sora has a Fennec fox companion who is unless otherwise stated is with her. Alisa's speech is orange Sora's speech is green


12-06-2016, 02:04 PM

Eventually, the woman would come around being cautious not to scare him off. This relaxed Necro little, but enough to where he wouldn't dart again. His chin laid flat with the ground with low ears as he looked up, towards the laying girl. She assured him that she was not afraid of his color and then introduced herself. Widened ruby eyes continued to stare at her until eventually he would speak himself.

"I'm Necrosis."

He had met friendly wolves before so speaking to the girl wasn't too bad. Though he would never intentionally put his life in danger even if there was no need for him to think that way. It was funny that Dione meant to raise her children to conquer the world. Toxin and Ganja may have followed these trails, but Necro was led astray somehow. Being left with Marina only made him more confused about her teachings.

"Mamma always told me to run and hide from other wolves."

Walk "Talk" Think

Sora I


3 Years
12-14-2016, 10:18 PM
So it seemed that she had managed to calm down the other wolf  bit, they began to speak. So their name was Necrosis, Sora couldn’t claim that she had heard anything like that name before. So his mother had told him to run from other wolves, was his color an oddity in his lineage? Did his mother see him as something to be ashamed of? The wolf looked old enough to be on his own by now so why did he still listen to his mother? “Nice to meet you Necrosis, even if your mother told you to run from other wolves there’s no need for that here. Most of the wolves I’ve met are nice and aren’t scared of anyone. Also it doesn’t seem like your mother is around anymore.”She could only smell the scents of nature and his own scent on the male. “You don’t have to do everything your mother says when you’re on your own, If you don’t want to run from other wolves you don’t have to.” It pained her to see another wolf who was so scared of letting himself be seen, she rather liked the bright colors of his pelt if she had that she would’ve shown it off not hidden it. Maybe she could help him, help give him some confidence or pride maybe both.
[Image: oeFbF2h.png]
[Image: sora_by_nnightcrawler-dais0jt.png]
Sora has a Fennec fox companion who is unless otherwise stated is with her. Alisa's speech is orange Sora's speech is green


12-17-2016, 02:14 PM

He did look at her, still wide eyed but calmed. He listened to everything she had to say but couldn't say himself that he agreed. "I've seen very mean wolves..." He trailed. But the comment on his mother not being around would somehow crush the man's heart yet again. "My mother had to leave a long time ago... Maybe if I'm good she will come back?" He didn't care that the stranger would now know the stories of his child hood, he saw no problem in letting out his emotions. Though he didn't truly have "emotions." The only thing that had always hurt him was losing his mother. But he would never feel sad, or angry, or even happy. He really did miss his parents but for some reason he never acted the same as other wolves. He could be someone who broke bad news to other wolves no problem.

"I've seen the mean wolves and I know listening to Mother will only help me." Necro acted as if he were still a young wolf, even younger than a yearling. He never really grew up and had a real childhood. He aged without being around others and learning how to take care of himself. So he didn't act mature in the way of speaking or thinking. But he was a very serious, loyal wolf so that could count as some maturity level.

Walk "Talk" Think