
Let's face it



7 Years
Extra large
12-11-2016, 01:05 AM (This post was last modified: 12-11-2016, 09:11 PM by Mara.)
Ooc: Mara is a bit prone to cursing. It's not too bad but could escalate as this goes on lol.

Well shit.

He was gone, just like that. Of course her brothers' disappearance wasn't what had Mara in a particularly foul mood, no it would have been fine and fucking dandy under any other circumstances really. This wasn't fine though. This was just plain rude and he was gunna feel her fangs if she saw him again anytime soon. That awful sibling of hers had just up and disappeared, leaving Mara in charge of his annoying ass slave girl. Wonderful, just what she wanted on a perfectly good day for napping.

Now, could there be anything else that might make this situation more frustrating for her? Of course, that was just her luck and she shouldn't expect anything less at this point. Ugh. Not only did she get to look after brothers little slave girl, but they'd ended up in a place with so much freaking snow! Horrible. Just horrible. She let out a displeased growl to emphasize her annoyance at this. Her paws were so cold. Maybe... a nap was in order.

It was settled. She flopped down, right where she'd been walking without hesitating even a second past the moment she'd made the decision. It was too cold to care about finding her sibling. Maybe if she lay here long enough that annoying girl would take her opportunity and leave. Mara could dream, right?



3 Years
12-11-2016, 01:34 AM (This post was last modified: 12-16-2016, 06:32 PM by Evelyn.)

Oh for fucks sake.

Velia's lips curled when the woman just folded into a sad little pile of fur like the sad little bitch she was. Really, this wasn't what she had in mind when she was stalking the two of them. It was her brother that she had wanted from the get go, not this little piss ball. Her orange eyes rolled as she sat down behind her, taking a few deep breaths to set up her usual ruse. All this snow would show her blood too much, and leave tracks. No this wasn't a good time. Which meant that she had to remain her obedient, good girl. One more deep breath was all it took, peeking at the darker scarred woman. "Umm... you might wanna get out of the snow before you nap! I can't have you freezing now, miss," she said in a sweet voice, a giggle following. Velia almost gagged at the sound of herself, but she couldn't break character, not yet. Now she needed to get this sad sack of shit somewhere where she wouldn't freeze to death. That would be convenient though, wouldn't it? No, no, it needed to be by her own paws. Licking at her black lips, she stood up and shook the snow off her rump. 'Get up you fat bitch, before I drag you into a fucking den and slot your throat.'

Art by Monster
This character usually thinks not very nice things and often swears in her dialogue. While appearing innocent, her thoughts can be cruel and mean. This is your warning that most her posts will be mature.



7 Years
Extra large
12-11-2016, 08:54 AM
One yellow eye opened halfway to gaze at Velia with a look of disdain. Mara actually never opened her eyes more than halfway. It gave her a look of total exhaustion(or irritation) at all times. This annoying little shit had probably never even seen Mara look alert with eyes wide open, not even in combat.

Before she froze to death? Well shit, that sounded like an even better reason to stay here. A faint chuckle drifted from the heap of wolf, slowly growing louder until it was easily heard. It only ceased when her other eye popped open to its halfway point and stared at the little brown creature. "Oooh, sweet little Velia wants me to get up? Fuck off. No. And good luck finding hiiiim by yourself. I wonder if you'll ever find your master alone. Probably not, hm?" a lazy grin slid over her maw. She couldn't fathom what made this girl tick, and frankly she didn't care too much. It wasn't Mara's idea to keep her around anyways, so if her brother wanted this little ball of sunshine and piss he should've thought about it before he left.

Relaxing once more, her body sunk heavily into the snow. Glancing to her left, she noted a dip in the snow. Well, more of a drop that had to be a couple feet. Grinning, she made eye contact with the brown annoyance and began kicking her back legs, pushing herself towards the trench in the hopes of falling into it and escaping Velia annoying voice. And her annoying insistence on Mara getting up. Hell, all she wanted was a fucking nap.



3 Years
12-11-2016, 11:03 AM (This post was last modified: 12-16-2016, 06:32 PM by Evelyn.)

She offered the female a smile as she peeked at her with one eye, batting her eyelashes in an innocent way. She knew how grumpy Mara got when she wanted to sleep, but she needed her help to find her brother. If she found him alone, she knew that he would drag her around to look for her, or blame her for Mary's death. While she was hoping that that would be the case, it needed to be when they were together, or she at least got somone to confirm that it was a freak accident... just like her missing tail. But she spoke, and Velia pushed down the flash of irritation that tried to appear in her gaze. She needed her alive, at least for now. "I'm sure master wouldn't be pleased if you didn't find him in one piece. There is no use upsetting him," she said softly, her dark brown tail swinging behind her. Soon enough the tables would turn and it would be him referring to her as master, the need to obtain him was great. Velia wanted him for herself, he would make a good little pet. It was a burning desire of hers to claim him, but it was kind of hard to do when he kept wandering off like this. If the end prize wasn't so grand, she would have just ended it already. Mara was painfully lazy, it would have been all too easy. Her ability to dispatch others was surprising though, as she has proved with the battle with the badger. Velia couldn't underestimate her.

When the darker wolf started to kick her legs to push her towards the ditch, she almost lost it. A sigh passed through her parted jaws, exhaling so that she wouldn't be able to growl at her. She was an infuriating wolf. She knew that the lazy sack of shit was going to do what she liked, so she had no choice but to follow her. Honestly, if she just stood up and I don't know, actually walk over, it would have been easier. Now there was a spray of kicked up snow, and Mara was covered. "Can I at least hunt for you, miss?" Velia asked, having a hard time keeping her voice in a polite tone. She looked away as if looking for animals, but it was to hide the fire burning in her eyes. How this wolf had even survived this long was beyond her.

Art by Monster
This character usually thinks not very nice things and often swears in her dialogue. While appearing innocent, her thoughts can be cruel and mean. This is your warning that most her posts will be mature.



7 Years
Extra large
12-12-2016, 09:46 PM
What a persistent little shit. Maybe Mara should have pushed Velia off one of the drops here... But that sounded like a hell of a lot more work than she was willing to put forth today. Instead she continued sliding herself lazily through the snow, disappearing into the ditch and almost burying herself in the process. Peace at last?

Once,a very long time ago for about two minutes Mara contemplated why she was so lazy and uninterested in most things. That had been a fuckin' weird day. Today was not like that however, today was all about finding the best way to both be lazy and escape Velia's annoying ass voice. It was her favorite sort of challenge, one of few she'd readily accept. The little twerp tried to hide it, but a few times Mara had seen a faint glimmer of annoyance when she did stuff like this around the brown ball of sunshine and rainbows. It pleased Mara, so sometimes she tried to replicate her actions just to see if she could get on the other girls nerves, no matter how slightly.

Even with much of her body under the cover of the snow, still that voice reached her. It was met with a snarky reply, "Oh, I don't know, CAN you? But what good would it do to hunt for someone who hungers for PEACE AND QUIET." Suddenly her body flailed for a moment, sending her head shooting up out of the snow, "Wait, actually if you could catch me some peace and quiet, I might be impressed. Go forth, young huntress, go forth and catch me a nap!" She giggled a bit, eyeing Velia before flopping backwards back into the snow's sweet, chilly embrace. Good luck to any who wished to move her, for Mara was both tired and pissy and ready for conflict in whatever form it presented itself. If a physical fight wasn't in the cards she was always happy to settle for verbal matches.



3 Years
12-20-2016, 03:30 PM

For fucks sake this woman got under her skin. All she wanted to do was chop of her head and parade it around like a trophy. That would show her to not be such a sad sack of shit. If only her brother was here, then she would actually have something to do besides make sure she didn't freeze to death. It would really be tasty to watch her slowly die to the cold, but she would have a lot to answer too if that tasty piece of wolf came back to look for them. Her eyes glared daggers at her as she flounced into the pile of snow, nearly coating herself in the white powder. When her head shot up after her first sentence, her face melted back into the sweet, innocent look that she had to keep on it around them. "Gosh, Miss, you're just setting me up to fail here!" she said with a soft, tinkling laugh. She could nap after she covered the north with her blood.

No, no. Calm down Velia.

Closing her orange eyes, she took a deep breath before staring at the back of Mara. She knew that it would be impossible to move her now that she had settled in, and she wouldn't mind a little break from her whiny ass. Maybe she could find a hare somewhere, even though the brown woman doubted it with how much snow was around them. With a small exhale, she sat down at the top of the little ditch, not moving an inch. Instead she glanced across the horizon, just waiting to see what Mara said next. She had no doubt that she would try to dismiss her, which was just fine and dandy. Velia didn't even want to be here, but she was trapped. For now. Her time would come soon enough.

Art by Monster
This character usually thinks not very nice things and often swears in her dialogue. While appearing innocent, her thoughts can be cruel and mean. This is your warning that most her posts will be mature.



7 Years
Extra large
12-27-2016, 04:59 PM
With her body mostly in the snow sounds from above were nicely muffled. Not quite muffled enough unfortunately, but it was a fuck ton better than having to listen to that dumb wolf's cheery saccharine voice. She did find it odd that the ridiculous scrap of fluff and cheer hadn't left yet. Maybe if Mara found a deeper trench she could throw the smaller wolf into it and go get a proper nap. That sounded nice. She'd almost relaxed again when the reply came Mara groaned loudly, attempting to convey her irritation without moving from her spot.

Soon after her sounds of frustration had left her Mara found herself face to face with a hare. Apparently she'd landed near to where it was burrowing it's way through the snow. There was silence as the two creatures eyed one another, one contemplating fleeing and the other deciding if she wanted to bite the others face off. The creature made a surprising choice and leapt at the tired wolf's face, causing her to subtle backwards out of the snow and freeing a path for the tiny creature to go running off across the deep snow.

Sitting on her rump, ears slicked back against her head accompanied by a look of incredible displeasure and loathing Mara growled low in her throat for several seconds. Velia forgotten, she quickly decided to abandon nap time and pursue the foul creature that has left her cheeks burning with embarrassment. Sleep was important, but killing the hare was now her priority. Though she wasn't able to keep herself above the snow, treading on the surface as the hare seemed to do, her legs were long enough that she could bound through it at a good clip, amber eyes narrowed and locked onto her target. The Hare dodged right, circling back towards where they'd come from. Unfortunately for it agility was one of Mara's strengths and she mimicked it's split-second change of direction with ease, slowly closing the distance. She'd kill it.

Unfortunately for Mara, she'd failed to notice how the Hare was heading right for Velia until it was nearly too late. The Hare dodged to the left, Causing Mara to hit the brakes and attempt to follow it. At the very least she was likely to send a cloud of snow flying at the brown girl. Growling in frustration she searched frantically for her quarry, only to find it had disappeared into the snow. Damn, that little shit was fast. Vowing to not be undone by her own inattention again, Mara stalked off without a word, half-tail swishing behind her. Her nap was ruined and she hadn't even caught that annoying little snack. What a waste of time.
[Image: 1feWy51.png?1]

Mara is rude, lazy, and really likes to swear sometimes. She is not pleasant in the slightest.