
Explorin's and Stuffs! [Chrysanthe]


05-11-2013, 12:47 AM

Gabriel was curiosity given physical form, if he had a meal for every time he had strayed from the den and for every time his mama or papa had been forced to drag his sorry hide back... he would be undoubtedly fat. He was forever sneaking away, following one scent or another, rump high n the air, tail waggling incessantly and front end practically smearing the dirt. Normally... he didn't get to far before mama or papa rounded him up, but today! He hadn't been tracing a scent! he had just gone off to explore! He bounded through the forest, tripping, stumbling, rolling, fighting to stand and repeating the process. Cuts and bruises littered his young pelt but he didn't care! He was going on an adventure!

Small blades of grass clung to his fur, dirt was smooshed between his toes, tiny twigs wedged themselves in her short, bristly ebony fur... he was a walking disaster... but an excited one! He pounced at lizards, caught and slurped one done, and then proceeding to attempt to gag it back up, to no avail, and finally he explored the inside of a log, housing something that looked quite prickly... he wisely didn't pounce at that.

He raced as fast as his oversized paws would carry him until he came across a small babbling stream. he stopped, quirked his head and starred. What... what was it? Why was the ground moving? Why was the ground blue? ...Was the ground supposed to do that. His tail waggled back and forth as he tentatively approached the stream, he crouched low, rump waving in the air as he slowly scooted forward, tentatively sniffing the earth. It didn't smell like dirt. hesitantly he placed a paw forward and to his shock and bewilderment and with a startled yelp, his paw went through the earth, he lost his balance and careened into the shallow stream.



06-01-2013, 12:31 AM
Chrysanthe had been there when her young siblings were born - but since then she had been waiting for them to grow large enough to explore, as was much of the rest of the pack. It seemed that Valhalla was teeming with new life, and although she was saddened that she would miss her siblings to much of their growing, she would appreciate them while she was here. They were uplifting, every single one of their tiny frames, and she loved them fiercely, just as she did the rest of her family.

Which was why she was following the scent of a little one that seemed to have wandered away from the den. She wasn't sure which child it was that had bounded off on his own, but she was following him - so far the scent was relatively close, and he couldn't have gotten far on his stubby little legs. When he was finally in her sights, she smiled, watching him waddle through the plains as fast as he physically could. Yet when she saw what his eyes had settled on, she froze, dread overtaking her. "No, don't!" She yelped, but she was too late, he had scooted forward enough to touch the stream, and lost his balance.

In an instant she was bounding toward him and into the shallow water. Shallow to her was enough to potentially drown the small child - and with that in mind she looked for him frantically so that she could pluck him out of the water. Once she saw his scruffy black fur, she gathered him by his scruff into her mouth, before sitting him onto the bank of the stream. "Are you okay? Talk to me!" She nosed him gently, her muzzle prodding at his tiny face.


06-17-2013, 11:33 PM

Gabriel huffed, his tiny bodice grunting once before the water over swept him and the tiny fluff of fur and flesh was swept away by the heady current, two toned eyes blinked widely, and he failed miserably as the current swept him along, his lack of size and muscle making it almost laughable, his efforts to escape. he squealed and flailed, limbs propelling uselessly, as he was dragged. he had a brief moment of utter panic and then the next minute he was being pulled from the icy cling of death and being dropped onto blessedly dry lands. He coughed and sputtered, his body careening this way and that as he attempted to steady himself and finally gave up, collapsing on his soft underbelly as he spit up water. he blinked animatedly.

"Santhy!" The word was forcibly pulled from his larynx but the obvious excitement that the word carried was still evident, his little, scraggly tail battered this way and that, in his excitement to see the woman his mama had said was his sister. her maw was close and affectionately his small pink tongue escaped his lips to bathe her maw in sweet loving kisses as he slowly dragged himself to stand. he couldn't pronounce her name right just yet but he loved his elder sister dearly. "Santhy!" he babbled a bit more excitedly as he stumbled foreword to perch himself against her forelimb. "Love you!" He mumbled into her fur happily, two toned eyes seeking his elder sisters.



06-18-2013, 12:17 AM
She was so worried about him, there was so much that could have gone wrong - that still could go wrong. Thoughts would shift from getting him out of the icy river to getting him home before he got sick. When he started talking, she sighed in relief, but there was still an edge of concern to her features. An edge that was quickly melting as the babe spoke her name as well as he could, and she softly smiled, laughing gently as his tiny pink tongue licked her muzzle. He was so tiny, she couldn't believe that he managed to get so far away from his den! The pup couldn't even say her name quite yet, but she would give him his props, it was a mouthful.

"Gabe, you shouldn't wander by yourself." She said before plucking the boy up and sitting him down further from the water. With that she laid down beside him, curling herself around him in order to keep the child warm. "I love you too Gabby." She said, letting her tail curl around and tickle at the pup's face. "Lets make a deal, alright? When you go on adventures, you bring someone with you. They're more fun that way anyways." If he ever wanted to explore, she would take him wherever he wanted. He was one of her beloved siblings after all - and she didn't have a whole lot of time left with him here in Valhalla.

She could already see that he would be an adventurous one, tough as nails - after what he went through he could be scared or shivering but it seemed the pup was quick to bounce back. It brought a smile to her face - she was already proud of him. She couldn't wait to see how the little boy grew up over time.


06-22-2013, 11:30 AM

Gabriel was full of energy and innocent curiosity! he hadn't meant to careen head first into the icy bite of the river! It just sorta happened! Santhy had saved him though! maybe he would just have to explore the river when it wasn't being so mean! Stupid river. He leaned against the long pillars that his sister called her legs, she was so much taller than he was! He didn't wanna be that tall though, he liked gliding underneath everybody, it was fun to see how long he could go without being noticed! He almost giggled to himself at the thought.

Gabriel groaned as the elder gave him the same lecture his mama always did, nobody understood! He couldn't go explorin' with his siblings, all they wanted to do was wrestle and tackle him and Gabriel hated... hated, hated, hated, getting dirty. He didn't see it having any point, there was no rhyme or reason for it. He liked studying things, watching, it never bothered him to watch his family, it just upset him when they teased him about it, he didn't tease them about wanting to be dirty, and so the boy explored, it was just easier that way.

"I don't like explorin' with my siblings all they wanna do is get me dirty." Gabriel grunted, two toned eyes shifting to the sides, "And mama and dada have their hands full with everybody else, I don't usually hurt fall in the river when I go explorin Santhy!" Gabriel giggled happily batting at her slightly with a tiny paw.



06-25-2013, 12:03 AM (This post was last modified: 06-25-2013, 12:04 AM by Chrysanthe.)
Chrysanthe watched the boy, unsure of his expressions some of the time. She couldn't tell whether he was the quiet sort, or the sort that liked to get into trouble and have a bit of fun. Either way, she would be able to tell as he grew up - she would have to ask to see him whenever she had the chance after she moved to Seracia. "I'm sure that they would stop getting you dirty if you asked." Erani's children were no doubt, as sweet as she was. The healer was an excellent mother after all. "Well, how about you take me? I'll take you with me, whenever I go patrolling near your dens." That was a daily trip, and it would help Gabby here get out and see Valhalla without any chance of him getting into trouble. "I'll teach you everything I can before I head to Seracia." It was a promise. She didn't have long most likely, a few weeks at most, but he would grow a lot in those few weeks and she really didn't want to miss it. This way was a win for both of them, wasn't it? "I promise not to get any dirt on you." She herself was probably more of a rough and tumble pup at his age. Dirt never scared her, blood didn't either, an aptitude for getting her paws dirty and caring nothing about it. And here she was, about to become Princess of some royal kingdom that would probably look down on her for it.


07-10-2013, 05:04 PM

Gabriel watched his elder sibling... she didn't anything like his mama or his papa but his mum had told him many times that he wasn't supposed to look at blood, but rather look at the soul, the heart of a creature, and if mama said that Chrysanthe was a sibling, than she was. Or at least thats how he twisted everything in his own mind. Gabriel scoffed at her words about his siblings, he was tired of hearing how cute they were, how adorable, he hated how they looked at them simply because they choose to act like... like... idiots! He didn't like their play but more often than not they dragged him into the mixture. Its why he left so often, he preferred the solitude over the company. ?They wouldn''t understand, they never have, I like being different Santhy, don't worry so much bout me Santhy! They are the ones always comin home with bruises and cuts! I just come home wet!? He giggled and as if to prove his point, he vehemently shook, sending droplets of water spraying everywhere.

At the mention of her leaving, Gabriel, drooped a bit, but just as quickly he perked up, tongue lolling from the sides of his mouth. ?I'mma miss you Santhy, but its for the good of Valhalla right? Besides Pip and me are best friends! She will still be here and together we will come visit you!? His naive mind had everything laid out as he beamed at his elder sister. In his mind, everything would be that simple.