
Starving Winter [AW]


12-18-2016, 11:19 PM

She loved to be one with the planet. The mountains must have been her favorite place, being the tallest creature in all of Boreas. Looking out at the beauty of the world. Though the season was not one to be climbing mountains. It was cold enough down below and the wind was much more harsh up here. But she was desperate to help her pack in this cruel winter.

Her nose smelled a husky scent, one that was so pale because the wind was blowing it away. But she knew something was up her and she'd be damned if she didn't come home to Bass with a meal.

Halfway up the mountain she found a small cave, vacant from any creature. She tucked herself away into the crevice, escaping the winds and hopefully warming herself up before continuing thee rest of the way up the mountain and to her goal. She wasn't expecting anyone to join her, but maybe they were after the same thing she was. Loner or not, she would help anyone who came by.

OOC: Hunting Dall Sheep

Walk "Talk"



9 Years
Extra large
12-21-2016, 09:08 PM (This post was last modified: 12-22-2016, 05:32 PM by Frostbite.)

His stomach twisted and roared, angry with him and empty. He needed to hunt and needed to fill his stomach. He had let himself go to long without food and now that it was winter, food would be more tough to come by since he was alone. The tall male was okay hunting alone, his size making it a bit easier to take down larger prey on his own. He could hunt rabbits easily, but they didn't fill him and he needed a meal that would fill him. A meal that could last a couple of days so that he could find a place to settle for the winter. In the spring he hoped to pick back up on his big search and working on his plans for his large family clan to eventually join him. They needed new lands that they wouldn't be chased from one that they could thrive in and not have to worry about the attack that happened years ago.

Pushing his way up the mountain he took his time, careful that his size wouldn't break the path away and make him fall. The wind was blowing the scents away from him, but something told him that there would be a decent meal closer to the top of this mountain. So he pushed himself up the mountain at a steady pace. The cold didn't bother him much, his fur had really thickened up for winter this year and was providing good protection for him. His focus remained on getting a meal, helping him to continue on. Eyes squeezed to slits trying to keep things from blowing into his eyes.

Soon the man spotted a cave and the large male pushed on. He would take a break and regain his thoughts and make a plan for whatever prey there may be. Once he reached the cave his red eyes spotted another taking shelter within them.

"Afternoon," he called before entering the cave and remaining towards the entrance in case she didn't want to share the cave. "Mind if I share this cave for a small break from the wind?"

"Talk" | 'Think'


12-22-2016, 08:43 PM

She would look up at the large stranger, not startled by  his appearance since the loud wind flowed in his voice as he first spoke to her. Ears perked as she gave the man a smile to his kind question. It was sweet of him to ask, but Lyre didn't care. "Hello. No, I don't mind." She mentioned with a nod of her chin pointing beside her. "My name is Lyre. Who are you?"

Lyre was a very friendly, social wolf. She hadn't found many friends in Abaven yet but she was looking forward to it. She was glad that someone would finally join her, Abaven or not. He was nice and that was all that mattered. He wasn't trying to remove her throat or something. "If you'd like, you can help me with my hunt. We could try and go for two meals so we each have something to take back."

Walk "Talk" Think



9 Years
Extra large
12-22-2016, 09:04 PM

She welcomed him in, a relief to him. Moving in he took a seat beside her while his ears took in her words. She had a vary unique name in his opinion and mentally he repeated it several times so he could remember it for the future. Who knows after this he may see the women more often.

"It's nice to meet you Lyre, I'm Frostbite Wreckage," he replied with a light smile and a friendly wag of his tail.

It was nice to come across a friendly wolf and maybe she was up here for the same reason he was. It would be nice to have someone to hunt with and to have some company. It had been a while since he actually had any company, wolves he met on his travels never stayed long and this time of year were more in mind of surviving then being with others. She began to speak again and his ears perked to catch her words. So she was up here for the same purpose. He nodded his head in a quiet agreement.

"I think that would be a good idea. Whenever your ready you may lead the way and I'll fallow your lead," he said with another nod.

"Talk" | 'Think'


12-23-2016, 08:42 PM

Lyre offered a smile to the man. She too was also in need of some company lately and was glad that the male was kind. She would sit there in silence for a few moments, looking at him and then looking out the cave exit. She was just waiting to warm up a little and build up some confidence before starting her journey. Eventually she looked back one more time to the man before pulling her head as if to say, "come along."

She exited the cave, trenching up the rest of the mountain until she reached the top. The wind was blowing loudly in her ears so she would stop and wait for the man to come up to her side where she could yell into his own ear. Pointing her chin forward she would show him the hidden horns of sheep in a small herd before them, "You are large enough to take one down yourself. I will injure one so that when you are done we can take down the other. You may have the pick after we each get our kills."

Nodding to him, hoping he understood what he was saying, she would then take off in a trot and then a gallop towards the herd. Watching the sheep scatter finally noticing her close appearance, she was easily able to spot out one that was small enough for her to catch up to by herself. She would take off at it, legs hopping over top of the snow, her body uneasy against the wind. But she would be hot on heels with her mouth wide open, snapping at the sheep's legs. Eventually catching up to it, she would finally grab a hold of it's left back leg and roll with a latched grip on it. The two beings lost their balance with each other and would then be covered in the snow of the mountain. The sheep stood up before her and she would quickly regain her footing, looking back to see if the male was still out and around her or if he had ditched. Hoping he would see that she sought help, she would continue to run after it with exhausted breath.

Walk "Talk" Think



9 Years
Extra large
01-14-2017, 06:35 PM

He relaxed and warmed up while he waited for the women. He wasn't sure when she would want to get started. He was more then ready to take down a meal, but wouldn't start without her. A bit of time passed before the women motioned him to fallow ad he pulled his tall body to a stand and fallowed her with ease. He fallowed her to the top of the mountain then saw her stop and wait for him to come to her side. He moved up beside her and crouched so he could here her better. She laid out the plan and the male nodded in agreement. His eyes looked towards the hidden horns his stomach twisting in hunger. Licking his lips he was so ready to get something to eat.

He fallowed after her quickly and as the herd split he made a sharp left his eyes quickly picking out a large doe. He took off in a run his long gait making it easy to get to his target, the main problem would be is the sheep's quick reflexes and agility. He cut her from the herd and away from the rocks. Chasing her down and doing his best to keep up with her sharp turns until he lunged and toppled her over. Clenching his jaws around her throat he picked her up and carried her while she died from his bite. Eyes searched for the women and when he finally spotted her he dropped his kill and took off towards her.

They had just gotten up from the snow and saw the women look behind her, looking for him he assumed. His approach was from the left side of both of them, picking up his speed to get to the sheep quickly before it escaped the women. Long strides and long legs covered ground quickly before he lunged into the sheep and shoving her into the snow. Forcing his weight onto the sheep he allowed the female to make the final kill blow while he held the sheep down in the snow.

"Talk" | 'Think'

Art by Antubis0