
Louder Than Thunder [Pack Claiming]



6 Years

12-19-2016, 03:55 AM (This post was last modified: 12-26-2016, 08:14 PM by Shrapnel.)
OOC: This is a starting meeting for Lirim! I've already added the original five followers who I did threads with to the pack roster so they're expected to attend, though with Christmas right around the corner I know everyone is busy so I'll give this a while. This is an all welcome thread so feel free to throw your wolf in here if they're interested in joining the pack.

The deadline for the first round is January 3rd so that gives everyone about two weeks.

This was it - today was the day. She'd spent what felt like forever planning this and now she could claim a new home. It felt strange to be leaving her old way of life behind, but it was an exciting thrill nonetheless. It was still cold outside, snow still littering the ground and falling lightly from the sky, but Faite was too excited to care.

Rounding up her kids had been a whole new matter entirely. They were now old enough to make the journey, but they were still young and she'd had more of them than she'd expected for her first litter. She was grateful for Zell's presence in all of it - he was more than helpful and would hopefully continue to remain so as they made a new life in their new home.

Snow flakes peppered her back as she scouted around the territory for a good meeting place. She'd already been through the valley and the plain and had found that they both were good territories. Choosing one of the desert locations closer to her old home would have been suicide. The past seasons had already been harsh and starving her new pack wasn't exactly on her to-do list. Both territories had rivers running through both and while the plains had no trees, the valley made up for it. Both would hopefully be prime hunting spots when spring rolled around once more.

Eventually she came to a clearing by the slow moving river - chunks of ice floated in it and she watched it curiously for a moment. At least they would have a good source of water. She surveyed the area and found it suitable for a large group of wolves. Not that she'd gained a lot of followers yet, but it couldn't hurt to be prepared. She took a seat in front of it and looked around once more. There was a lot of work to be done between finding time for her kids and marking the new borders, but she looked forward to it. With that thought in mind she raised her head and let out the loudest howl she could muster. It was both a summoning howl and a claim - this territory was now hers.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



3 Years
12-19-2016, 08:13 AM

The snow had decided to trickle down from the heavens today. As Ritsy's bright red eyes looked upwards towards the cloudy sky. Watching the flakes fall softly as one poked onto his nose. It was gentle though, Ritsy's instincts told him that this winter would be harsh in another sense. The amount of rain meant more cold and more flooding. Regardless it was only a mild understanding of it. As he finally came aware his little limbs would stretch out. Bits and pieces of his fur falling off as he decided to scratch behind his ear. The mangled looking male hoping to his feet. He was about to take in a big breath, when he heard pretty blue's call. Her pack no less?

As such the hunched over creature would take a stroll towards the spot she had called. Smiling as his tongue lolled out and trailed out of his mouth care free. Filled with a sense of new beginning, but ever still playful he really didn't care where he was at. As soon as he saw that he was the first one there. He decided to take a run for it. Aiming to fling himself straight into Faite's side while screaming out her nickname "PRETTTYYY BLUUEEEEE". Of course there was no force behind it. He could easily go over or under her if she wished it. With clear excitement in his voice too.


Warning: This character is prone to violent unpredictable actions



3 Years
Extra large
12-19-2016, 08:51 AM

This was that chance he had been thinking about. The large thick male removed himself from the small rabbit he had consumed only moment before the call. Destiny pulled at his muscles as he tested them on the outside of the valley. In there lied a woman he did not know. Her name and face were a mystery. Yet he was taking it upon himself to ignore his authority complex. Trusting that maybe his own individuality would still be in tact after he ranked himself among these wolves members. As such Hakon would thrust himself forward softly. Paws carrying him to the call where two had gathered. The woman he could place as the caller... and a rather gross looking male.

Hakon tried to ignore it, after all they seemed to know each other and that had to be good enough for him. This woman had the scent of pups on her. As the scent moved over the glands in his mouth, he could deduct that much. The linger scent of another pack as well - but this was fresh and brand new. Something he striven to look for. As such he placed himself in front of her and greeted her with a dip of his head. "Greetings milady, my name is Hakon Ryder. I couldn't help but to notice your call nearby. I seem to not have a home... so maybe I can help this one out instead." he explained as he straightened himself to the smaller female. Though still remaining respectful with his tone of course.




7 Years
Athena I

12-19-2016, 07:45 PM

Zuriel had followed her sister fairly closely as she left to go stake her claim on her new territory, but it was hard leaving the area near Celestial. After all, the last time she had left it hadn't ended well. This was different though. She wasn't just wandering off into the unknown by herself. She was following her sister to their new home. It was still so strange to think of somewhere else as home, but she had willingly agreed to do this with Faite and she wouldn't turn back on her word. Her blue gaze drifted around the snowy landscape when she arrived, a little hope beginning to bloom in her heart. This place would be wonderful for herbs once spring came. A tiny curve of a smile touched her lips and she settled on her haunches while her gaze lingered on the icy river for a moment.

Others began to gather as well and her ears flicked while she watched them closely. Surely anyone that Faite had asked to join her would be trustworthy, but Zuriel had little in the way of trust these days. Her ears flicked when she saw the monochromatic wolf that had pressed to Faite, but she kept herself quiet, letting her gaze drift to the dark, purple-eyed male that was speaking to Faite instead. Oh she hoped this was all going to be okay. She shifted a bit to sit more comfortably with her now fairly round stomach. Part of her wished she wasn't so thin so her pregnancy wouldn't be so glaringly obvious so soon. A sigh passed her lips and she shoved down the anxiety that was creeping up on her. No time for that now. There was a meeting to be held.

"Talk" "You" Think



9 Years
Dragon Mod

Valentines 2020Trick 2019
12-20-2016, 02:06 PM

She ran ahead of her father, though was still some way behind her mother as they left the place with the noisy birds to another territory where they said they'd be living. Momma was starting a pack! She was daughter of an alphess! She didn't entirely get the concept quite yet, but it sounded important anyway. "Huwwy up, slowpokes!" She skidded to a stop, her little tail wagging a million miles a second as she turned in circles, waiting for her dad and the others to catch up. She was beyond excited! They hadn't been out of the den very long and already they were going on adventures! Ah, she was loving life! After a few spins, she turned and darted off again as she followed after her mothers trail.

Just as Faite howled to stake a claim, Kairi's eyes widened. Oh no! She wasn't there yet! She had to hurry! Flinging herself into the great beyond, she ran lopsided, her paws constantly tripping over themselves as she tried to hurry up. But as soon as her mom came into view, she giggled and charged right up to her. That is, until she noticed a strange ugly looking creature. Stopping almost immediately, her fur stood on end like a cat. What was it? She nearly seemed to tiptoe a wide berth around the thing until she was standing as far away as she possibly could from it, though touching her mom's front leg, she stared at the foul looking creature. Moments later, her ears would flick as her dad's voice would be heard.

Walk, "Talk" Think




11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
12-20-2016, 02:18 PM

Well. This was a lot more than he had anticipated. But he would not go back on his word. He walked along with his pups, Kairi bounding ahead and completely ignoring his orders to stay nearby. Grumbling, he kept an eye on her, ready to leap into action should anything decide to attack her. He had to admit, he was excited about this. He hadn't expected for his life to turn out this way, but he was glad it did. Since the moment the pups were born, he felt...different. Like it changed him in ways he didn't know about. And now here he was, guiding a bunch of pups towards their new home. Ears pricked as Faite's howl rang out, and lucky for them they were close by.

Kairi of course, ran on ahead. And he too would quicken his pace as the scent of others reached him. He knew more or less about Zuriel's presence, having smelled her on Faite and around the estuary, but he didn't personally know her. And the other two? Males... A low growl emanated within his throat, and the large brute would arrive with his tail over his back, blue eyes spotting a...what the hell was that!? There was a thing practically clinging to Faite's side! "Not under my watch!" He hissed. Bounding forth, Zell issued a warning growl to the unsightly cretin, charging towards him as if he were going to ram straight into him. Teeth slightly bared, he stared at the creature as he placed himself in between it and Faite. "Back off, buddy!" He growled. He'd never met this guy, let alone even seen or heard of him. Was he one of Faite's followers? Or some sort of...parasite that lived around here? Snorting, he turned to find another male, one that was less of an eyesore than the little dirty thing. He eyed him too, however, making it clear that he best not approach any further.  

He supposed this was one of those things that had changed about him...even though they weren't so-called mates, he still felt very protective over her, and of course, their pups.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



8 Years
12-20-2016, 02:35 PM (This post was last modified: 12-20-2016, 02:40 PM by Stardust.)
There is strength in your tears !!

She was moving as fast as her long, graceful legs could carry her. Moving from the obsidian beach she made her way to Emerald Valley, where the call for Lirim had been raised. The sound of triumph and joy had spread for miles, reaching Star's ears in a faint summons for home. Saying goodbye to White Tooth, Star dipped her head to him and left him to stand alone on the black sandy beach and sprinted straight for Faite. Along the way, the bubbly girl had accidentally flushed a snow hare from it's bush. Chasing the animal had taken more time than she wanted, but the white fur of the hare was too pretty and would make too great a gift for her new leader for her to pass up. Once she caught up to the rodent, Star smacks out with a gloved paw and throws the small animal off balance before she ducks her head to quickly snap down on its neck before it could right itself. Her force was great enough to break the vertebrae in the hare's neck, leaving little blood to mar its coat. The pale tan flag of her tail went straight up in pride, and with the gift in her jaws, Stardust made the rest of the trek home.

She was surprised by the valley that Faite had chosen. Gently rolling hills were blanketed in snow, but still breathtaking to say the least. There was a sparkling trail in the distance that told her there was a river right smack dab in the middle of the territory. From her position, Star could see the others that had gathered and felt a bit of nervous anticipation streak coldly down her spine. Taking a breath, she moves forward at a proud trot, the hare swinging wildly in a trophy like fashion. Once she reached the group, Star noticed the tense way the cream and red male stared at the other two males. There were pups present as well, and the idea of having little ones around raised the excitement about the pack's future. Eyeing the male nervously, she made her way to the pair. There was a possessive air about the creamy wolf, but Star moved forward to stand before Faite. Putting the white snowshoe hare at Faite's paws, Star grins at her leader and waves her tail happily. "Congratulations, on getting your pack together! I am so very excited to see us flourish, I will have to go and get the herbs we stashed soon. But, I wish to acquaint myself with my new brothers and sisters and find a den first!" With a short dip of her head, Star attempted to contain the need to leap and spin about with her excitement. It was evident in the excited quaking of her muscles that she was just about ready to explode with joyous energy, but there were too many wolves around and she didn't wish to make a fool of herself on her first meeting with the members of her new family. Instead, she made her way to each wolf and introduced herself, then moved to recline near Faite. From the looks of things, Star would have a good home here. Faite had done extremely well in finding this territory and making it her own.

female - 3 yrs - 36 inches - no mate
sagari of lirim

The character you are currently reading is Stardust, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Stardust's profile!



3 Years
Extra large
Athena I
12-20-2016, 09:08 PM
Breasal was oh so excited as he followed along beside his father as they made their way to the place they were moving to. Kairi was running ahead and he grinned as he hopped forward to catch up with her. His overly large paws tripped him up a bit, but he didn't let that stop him. He wouldn't let Kairi get there without him! When he heard their mother's howl he jumped a little and hurried on right behind his sister. They had to hurry up and get there! Kairi saw the little wolf thing first and between her reaction and their father's Breasal had plenty of reason to be just as bothered. After all he was touching their mom! That wasn't okay!! He planted himself next to his dad, fluffing up his dark, fuzzy puppy fur and bunching up his face in a scowl. "Yeah!" he added onto what his dad said about backing off. He felt really intimidating, but really he just looked like a black and russet-brown fur ball with his fur all fluffed up. That didn't stop him from feeling like he was doing a good job though. He looked up at Zell with a grin, looking to see if his dad had noticed how he was being all protective just like him.

His tail wagged and he trotted over to join Kairi so he could sit next to mom too, plopping down on his rump with a quiet thud. There were so many more wolves here than he had ever seen in his whole life!! Did bunches of wolves always live in packs? He was so excited to meet them all! He gave the nice tan lady that brought his momma a rabbit a big smile, hoping that maybe he would make a good impression. He had no idea who she was, but she seemed really nice! His blue eyes darted every where while he took in all the new scents and sounds and sights. There was so much to do and see here!



2 Years
Extra large
12-26-2016, 08:30 PM

Things were already so different! He'd barely gotten used to the noisy estuary when Momma said they were moving. She'd done her best to explain to them that they were going to be joining this strange thing called a pack and that she'd be an alpha, their leader, but Rory hadn't really understood much of what she'd said. He got the idea that leader was something important, but the whole pack thing didn't make a whole lot of sense quite yet, but he was more than excited already!

They left and he watched as their mom went ahead of them. He stuck to his dad's side and grinned the whole time as they walked. He kept eyeing the rest of his siblings as the entered the valley and that's when he heard Faite's howl. Ears perked up on top of his head the best they could and the next thing he knew Kairi was racing ahead. He glanced towards Zell to see if this was okay, but Breasal running after her soon caught his attention and he quickly forgot that they were supposed to stay close by.

Laughing wildly he chased after them but by that point Zell was running to. He arrived after his father and slowed just enough to creep in between their mom's legs as Zell confronted a weird deformed looking wolf. He'd never seen a wolf's back stick out like that so his head cocked to the side as he made himself comfortable practically underneath Faite. Was the guy even a wolf? Then there was the pretty purple eyed looking male. He was just as big as their dad! And then there was a pretty gray lady that they'd met already. He faintly understood that she was family. Then a pretty pale lady came with a hare and his tail thumped wildly as she placed it in front of his mom. Was that for them?! He listened as she talked to Mom, but he didn't hear anything about the rabbit so his face fell slightly. Maybe it wasn't?

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: VZK9Ywk.png]



6 Years

12-26-2016, 08:52 PM
ooc: I just want to respond to this now so my meeting post isn't absolutely gigantic with greetings. Everyone still has until January 3rd to get their wolf in for the first round.

The first to arrive was Ritsy which was a small surprise to her. She'd ran into the male only days ago and invited him to join her, but she hadn't quite expected him to be first. Still she offered him a broad smile as he called his nickname for her and flung himself into her side. She braced herself and took the impact (not that there was much of one) easy enough since he hadn't put any force behind it. She offered him a friendly tail wag and a soft bump of her shoulder.

"It's good to see you could make it Ritsy."

The approach of a stranger soon caught her attention. He was as large as Zell will purple hues and a strong stature. She smiled at him warmly and her ears flicked towards him as he greeted her politely. The manners were a nice touch and her tail wagged once again as he revealed he was without a home, but was willing to see if he could join hers instead. "My name is Faite Adravendi. You're certainly welcome to join us. I look forward to getting to know you." It was hard to imagine her call had attracted a stranger, but she was excited for it. She'd managed to gain just enough followers to start her pack, but if others were interested as well then that was even better.

Zuriel had arrived as well and she offered her sister a friendly tail wag. She knew this was a big step for her. All she'd known was Celestial and being surrounded by the bulk of the family. Helping her start something new, with pups on the way no less, was certainly something Faite appreciated. It also meant she could keep an eye on her and see if Elias dared to show his face again. Having a pack meant she could also have others on the look out for him if he ever came to Lirim to look for her sibling.

Kairi arriving brought her attention away and she stared down at her with a chuckle as the girl went out of her way to stay as far away from Ritsy as possible without getting too far away from her. She was just about to reassure Kairi that Ritsy was friendly when Zell's large form roughly pushed its way in between herself and Ritsy. The growling caused her ears to flatten against her head as she glared at him. She opened her mouth to snap at him but paused when her other kids pooled around her feet. Then Stardust arrived to distract her further and she forced a friendly smile on her face as the other woman dropped a rabbit at her feet.

"I hope the Valley proves to be a suitable home. I tried to find a place with nice soil for herbs, but I suppose we won't really know until spring. Until then I hope you're able to find a good den and if you need help getting your herbs please tell me."

With all the formalities out of the way she turned her attention back towards Zell and glared at him again. She was disappointed that a dramatic scene had already taken place at the very first meeting. She'd expected friendliness and smiles and everyone getting acquainted with one another. She hadn't expected everyone to be best friends right away, but she hadn't exactly expected Zell to go rogue on her either. What had that been about?

"Zell, Ritsy is a friend. He didn't mean me any harm."

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



3 Years
12-26-2016, 10:00 PM (This post was last modified: 12-26-2016, 10:24 PM by Ritsy.)

Ritsy's happiness was sucked away from him. He shrank instantly, lowering as much as possible. His stump of a tail pointed downwards since he didn't have a full one to tuck. His ears went to sit directly on the back of his skull. A soft whimper leaving the male's throat as he was instantly kicked into fear. Looking at the small creature who backed up the larger man... must have been the dad of Faite's pups. "Ritsy.... was only playing." he seemed genuinely confused as to what he had done wrong. Quizzically looking at Zell and back to the child. However his obvious submissive stance stayed as he shivered slightly.

When faite spoke Ritsy instantly tried to slink beside her. To the other side of her where Zell wasn't. The tiny balls of fluff were there but he was as close to the ground as he could get. As a child would hide behind a big sibling or a mother. His red eyes looked up at Faite as he swallowed. Laying there he'd refuse to move, pouting and afraid but he wouldn't let his ray of sunshine be taken away from him.


Warning: This character is prone to violent unpredictable actions



5 Years
12-28-2016, 01:51 PM
I am my own woman !!

The call of her mother was not lost on the girl, but she found herself hanging back and staying near the tail of her father. When her sister called for them to hurry, the young girl found herself racing ahead, despite her obvious hesitance. If her mother had found enough wolves to make a pack, that meant there would be strangers. Still, she kept pace with her siblings, even daring a small sparkling laugh against her wishes. That is, until they were on the edge of the meeting place. Jaidah halted on the outer edge of the gathering, watching everything unfold before she moved. There was a rather sick near her mother, but Faite didn't seem to mind company. Her father and brother however, certainly did, and wasted no time in terrifying the poor creature until it tried to slink to the other side where her other brother and sister were.

Making up her mind, Jaidah moves to put herself between her father, brother and the strange, ugly thing they were bullying. Her legs went stiff as she put her back to the scared creature, making a disappointed face at her father. "You're scaring him!" She spoke defiantly, her masked face contorted with mixed anger and sympathy. "He is pack now, okay? And mommy didn't seem to mind him being that close." Once her mother spoke, Jaidah looked up and softened her expression when she looked back at her father.

Letting her mom handle things, Jaidah sat and stared at Ritzy. A tilt came to her head, her mismatched eyes wandering to the various missing patches of fur and scaly, scabbed bits of skin. His appearance was rather off-putting, but the harsh smell of dry, fungal skin was even more so. While she knew virtually nothing of the world, her instincts demanded she not touch him, or come too close. But, she would defend him with all her small, fragile looking body had. Her mother accepted him, and so would she, but only because it seemed like no one else would. She looked around at the other wolves present, but her fascination was held in large part for Ritzy. "Hi, I'm Jaidah!" She stated her name simply and brightly, waving her russet-brown tail behind her.

female - 0 yrs - 36 inches - no mate - no home
Jaidah smells like cinnamon and pumpkin spices, she also has bi-colored eyes, her right eye is yellow, left blue.

The character you are currently reading is Jaidah, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Jaidah's profile!



7 Years
Extra large
12-29-2016, 11:44 PM
His presence is loud, commanding, despite the fact he is silent. The pup moves in such a fashion that it's nearly impossible not to know he's there. Though he's but a child, he's got some clout. Large paws-- Torin will grow into them. He'll be a brawler at its finest, and he knows it. Careful as always, but a powder keg. Standing with weight over his left side, ready to take off with his right. Mom had called. Torin had come.

He stands away from his father, from his siblings. Blue and gold eyes survey silently, stolid and steady as a rock. The shadow of something larger hangs in the air around the pale creature. He is not a ghost, but he's something... more grim. A certain energy swirls around his very being. Electric, but silent. The calm before the storm. A boy, for now. Soft edges, but they will be hard soon enough. Torin waits and watches, looking to his mother. So. This was a pack.

bet you'd be disappointed



9 Years
01-02-2017, 12:54 AM

The call from his cousin did not go unheard. And for the first time in a long time, Rin raced with the winds to reach his destination with a feeling of excitement. This time, he was running towards his future...instead of running away. Kyung was becoming nothing more than a distant memory left behind with each step he took. Everything that had been holding him back, his haunts, his nightmares...they too, were being swallowed by the distance he put behind him. He slowly realized that he was made for better things. And he didn't want to keep living in the shadow of his childhood haunts. Sure, maybe there wasn't anything that would change his brothers hatred towards him...but at least here, he could have a new and fresh start. A new beginning. A new lease on life. And it would start with Lirim. His cousins pack. He was older than her, and while he didn't know much about leading a pack, he still had knowledge from his travels that he could share. Lanky legs swallowed up the plains, the scents of many drawing closer.

Soon enough, light green eyes would find a cluster of wolves, though upon approaching he could feel a sort of...tension in the air. He looked at Faite, dipping his head to her as he stood at the edge of the crowd. Gaze fell to the pups around her feet, his curiosity drawn to them. Were these her pups? They certainly resembled her! And the father? He glanced towards the irritated looking large male at her side, and he assumed he was...her mate? He smiled then. This was already starting to feel like a home...



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



6 Years

01-05-2017, 06:32 PM (This post was last modified: 01-05-2017, 06:32 PM by Faite.)
ooc: Okay I tried to keep this really short. Second round is required for those choosing a rank. If you're absolutely unable to post then please skype or pm me what rank you'd like for your character and we can assume they spoke up in the meeting. If you cant settle on a rank then you have until the end of January to choose. If anyone would like a thread with Faite just make one and link me or message me.

Next round ends January 12th

Faite had to suppress the huge sigh of frustration that she wanted to let out. It probably would have made her feel better, but she felt like it would have set off the wrong mood. Was she even allowed to be outwardly irritated? Probably not. So the next best plan was sucking it up and dealing with it later. She wasn't glad that one of their children had already copied Zell was was rude to Ritsy, but Jaidah's defense of her mangy friend was encouraging. It meant despite the fact that they were impressionable they still had some good core values. She'd just have to work extra hard to explain to them later that causing a scene, and being rude, wasn't acceptable behavior from them.

She glanced towards Ritsy as he slunk around to her other side and she flashed him an apologetic look. She looked back in time to see Rin finally make it and her smile turned into a relieved one. That looked to be just about everyone and she was eager for the actual meeting to begin before anyone else could interrupt it. She imagined since it was all new and getting everyone in one area was going to be hectic, so she looked forward to fast forwarding it so mostly everyone got along.

"Thank you all for coming." She started off after clearing her throat. A more natural smile tugged along her lips - this was finally it. "I won't bore you all to death since it's cold and I'm sure no one wants to sit here all day. I hope Lirim will prove to be a suitable home for all of you. We've staked a claim in the valley as well as the dancefloor so I hope that gives you a good idea of what area to patrol." She paused for a moment, letting them take a moment to process everything. "Lirim's laws are simple. Respect one another, try to be friendly, pull your own weight, and enjoy yourselves. Unlike most packs, the ranks are simplified with a very laid back hierarchy. For now I invite you all to tell me what rank you'd like, but don't worry, if you find it doesn't suit you you can come to me to change it. For now your options are Arsenio, which is the fighting and main patrol rank, Nova, which will be the healers, diplomats, and emmisarries, Theron, which are the trackers and hunters, and Levada, which are teachers, crafters, and traders. If you're unsure and want a bit more time you're free to remain at the Sagari rank, which is a temporary rank for newcomers, and I'll bug you later about choosing something. So please, speak up, and if you have any questions or concerns feel free to speak now or come to me after the meeting."

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]