
I just wanna break this crown



4 Years
01-15-2017, 01:00 AM
You're so cynical, Narcissistic Cannibal

With silent steps, the ghost queen moves through the thin grasses that grew beneath huge trees that looked similar to mushrooms. The wispy grey-green grasses reach up to whisper against her ashen pelt, but it does not grab her attention as it seemed to want. Instead, her focus is on the trees and their strange look. She wondered for a moment if she had come to some alien plane of existence where mushrooms were trees, but the cawing of Corvus in the sky reminded her of reality. "Yes, sweetling, search around." As if he had heard her command, the lightly colored magpie flew off to hunt for anything living.

She went deeper into the odd looking forest, noting the sap of some had found a way out, most likely through holes made by birds. There wasn't much interest in hunting, but she would not object to a meal. It felt like a different world here, one that was a few seasons behind the other. The air was crisp, and tasted faintly of autumn. Pale rose eyes watch the terrain before her, keeping an eye out for anything that would trip her up or make a sound she didn't expect. It was in her nature to stifle any noise that came from walking. Every now and then she could be spotted tilting her painted face to the sky in search of Corvus, even though he had probably made a wide perimeter around them to look for game. The bird was always hungry, and no doubt she knew what he was craving. She felt the sting as well, the need to consume. If the season was truly Fall, she would need to gain weight before winter. So she kept moving, hoping to run into anything she could eat.

Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.



3 Years
01-19-2017, 11:50 AM

The day had been long for the giant who walked alone, wounds upon his eyes had scabbed over and begun the healing process. It had always fascinated him how a body had been able to come back from the harshest of wounds, not that the bite marks up his eyes were anything more than minor. Bloody orbs crossing the path of an unscented trail that was hidden by brush, becoming his new walk way on his afternoon walk this day. Coarse flesh rose and fell rippling like the waves from the sea, luckily he'd groomed himself before having set out. -Always Watching-

Frame shifting more calculated upon hearing noise ahead of him, not really being a brute to fear much he continued his pace normally. "Yes, sweetling, search around." Dark thoughts searching deep into the shadows, an "Ah" like sound escaping silently from the tri-colored body of his. So, it was the monster known as Vianni whom had spoke, paws carrying him up a small rock to overlook the woman in white. -So intriguing- '"Hier dachte ich, ich hätte den Girlie losgeworden."'

A darkened state of rapture held its grasp deep within his voice, making notes of the subtle amount of blood-lust that crept its way into his heart. Such feeling were never to be known least he find the female suitable for his company. He was a Master by design and would find many lovers in his life time, only these lovers had to be the queens of violence for him to be satisfied with a night of rough temptation. "Und, Vat Bringt the Gurlie out dis far?" A coy smile forming cross his copper spotted lips, making sure his presence had shattered the veil that had previously consumed it.


Warning! This male is unpredictable and is prone to use language, attack, and gore. This character is cannibal, so thread at your own risk.



4 Years
01-19-2017, 12:50 PM (This post was last modified: 01-19-2017, 01:46 PM by Vianni.)
You're so cynical, Nacrissistic Cannibal!
Got to bring myself back from the dead!
Things had been quiet, peaceful almost. Moving through the loosely wooded land, she kept one rose colored eye on the sky and an ear out for anything that would signal approach. The wildlife had gone silent, her passing causing the smaller animals of the plain a fair amount of nervousness as she made her way around. Caw! Caaw-caw! Kohl rimmed eyes found the speeding form of Corvus as he came to her, alarms blaring in the form of his voice. His pale grey and white wings beat the air as he rocketed at her. Landing on her back, he kept looking over her shoulder and moving nervously along her spine. When she hears the voice, her ears flatten and her hackles raise. Pupils dilate as she slowly turns, looking at the larger male with a calm, predatory expression on her face. Taking in the sight of the male, she commits his face to memory. Red eyes flared at her from a sea of rust surrounded by pitch, his lips were tinged with a tan that seemed to be flame-like, and all she could think was challenge him. He would be quite the prize, she would never be hungry again!

Even though she heard his question, she kept her silence, dusty rose eyes looking him over before she gives a smirk. Planting her haunches in the silvery green grass, she wraps her tail around her soot-booted paws and stares at him. Corvus comes to stand between her front paws, his nervous blue eyes shifting between his wolf-mother and the strange devil that makes her fur raise. While he wasn't sure what would happen between the pair, he did know that his hunger was ramping up and he would have to eat soon. With no other prey in the area, Corvus made a questioning Caw? in a small voice. The tone was one Vianni knew well, and it made her crack a wide smile and laugh at his question. Perhaps, they could eat the male. If he did something she didn't like, so far he had only spoken to her, but what would her silence provoke. One misstep is all she needed, and she would take him to feed her young bird. He was a child to her and she would care for any of his needs.

 "Talking" | Thinking
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.