
Wait, what did you say? More puppies!?

Thaddeus Rogue

06-02-2013, 12:49 PM
Yes that is right, they are coming another batch of Clash descendent puppies, and they are so lovely looking, designed by your truely >D Now the number me and Eve wants are liquid, we will have as many as whats to be adopted out (even if I have to make more), so peps if you want one you can have on‌e =) Sept for the one Taske chooses because she gets first pic >D

Pup A- user posted image (Taken- Eve)

Pup B- user posted image (Azaya)

Pup C- user posted image (Taken- Taske)

Pup D- user posted image (Dirk)

Pup E- user posted image

Pup F- user posted image

Pup G- user posted image

Pup H- user posted image (Rina)

Eye color is up to you all and no you do not have to go by the small bit of personality that the pics show, I just chose the pose that best showed its markings.

If you want one

Eye color:
Pup Number:
RP sample:

puppy lineart-



06-02-2013, 01:36 PM
Omg look at E such a perfect bby! I already have two puppies I really shouldn't but I probably will audition anyways! They're all so preeetty ;;


06-02-2013, 04:15 PM (This post was last modified: 06-03-2013, 09:31 AM by Rina.)
Name: Oran
Personality: As a pup she will be like any other. Playful, mischievous,generally curious. She has a love for plants and the wilderness, but her favourite pass-time is wrestling. She has quite a large build for a girl, certainly strong. She likes to practice her howling, although it is only a waver. She treats all as her equals, and does not judge based on appearances. She loves her siblings, and treats then as best friends, although, if they go away to play, she usually tends to stay with an adult. Because of this, she learns a lot and listens to anything and everything intently. You better be careful what conversations you have on front of her.
Eye color: One purple, one green
Pup Number: G or H
Allignment: Neutral Good
RP sample: Oran wandered through the gorse bushes beside mummy. I wonder where my brothers and sisters are? She wondered, absent-mindedly. She came to a small clearing, surrounded by blackcurrant bushes YUM! I hit Maybe I should wait for my brothers and sisters? Nah, they didn't want to come with me.
Before long, Oran' s muzzle was stationed with berry juice. Her stomach was bulging with said berries as she made her way back to mummy. How happy mummy will be to see I found some food all by myself! she proudly entered the cave, which was their home, to find mummy asleep! How could just be asleep when I've been finding? She padded forward again to come just beside mummy, but suddenly felt very tired. She lay down next to mummy' s soft, perfect fur. Finding makes you sleep- her thoughts were cut off as she fell into berry induced sleep.


06-02-2013, 11:58 PM
Name: Kaz or Kiejer (not sure which one I like better)
  • BUTTFACE: Kaz's alternate name is Buttface, because of how annoying he can be. He's the kind of wolf who never lets you live down something embarrassing, plays too rough, puts spiders in your fur, trips you in front of your crush, or does something bad and blames it on you. He's that annoying sibling that everyone loves to hate. He doesn't adapt well to change and ridicules anything he doesn't understand. He can be a bit of a bully if he comes across someone around his age who he thinks is weird.
  • ATHLETE: Kaz is a hard worker who considers it his entire purpose in life to become a warrior. He trains hard and is extremely competitive, and he's not very humble. Kaz is aware of his physical talents. He's that annoying, meathead jock that teases other smaller wolves because they're not as big and strong as him. Coincidentally, in his teen years, Kaz's nickname crosses over from Buttface to Meathead.
  • RECKLESS: Kaz is a daredevil and very bold, but, unfortunately, that boldness is not matched with intelligence. He's prone to doing stupid things in the name of bravery or manliness, and doesn't have very good leadership skills. If he were to lead an army into battle, he'd probably attack relentlessly until everyone was dead, unless luck was on his side. Then his recklessness would pay off.
Eye color: Gold
Pup Number:
  • MALE: B or D (because B and D are numbers XP)
  • FEMALE: F or G (I'd prefer a female, as then her personality would be a lot more atypical and interesting, as females are not usually testosterone-fueled meatheads. XD)
Allignment: Neutral Good
RP sample:
Kaz ran his tongue over his teeth as he eyed the stump in front of him. Hours ago, his siblings had dared him to jump on top of the stump, and then laughed at him as he barely missed the top, crashed, and tumbled to the ground. They had meant to get him back for being mean to them the other day by humiliating him, but Kaz was not the sort of wolf who could handle humiliation well. Since then, he'd jumped, crashed, and fallen again and again. His legs were sore and bruised, but he didn't care. He would defeat this challenge.

Backing up, Kaz prepared for another jump. His hind legs were like a coiled spring behind him, and his little fuzzy puppy butt wiggled above his head. Taking a deep breath, he surged forward and jumped, his paws making sweet contact with the top of the stump. Frantically, he scrabbled to pull himself up, his hind claws getting a grip on the bark and allowing him to slowly pull himself up on top of the stump. With all four paws finally on the surface of the stump, Kaz threw his head back and let loose a wild puppy howl. Hearing the noise, his siblings scampered over to the stump, their eyes wide with wonder.

"How'd you get up there?" one of his brothers asked. Kaz gave a dramatic laugh and puffed out his chest.
"Never underestimate a warrior!" he shouted, launching himself at the nearest sibling. The puppies scattered as he gave chase, eager to pin down one of his siblings and rub their little muzzle into the snow.

It's done now. :)



06-03-2013, 01:24 AM (This post was last modified: 06-21-2013, 01:15 AM by Song.)
never mind sorry <3


06-03-2013, 04:56 AM
Personality:Affinity is very shy when she is around others. Sometimes she will often stumble over her words, which to some find it adorable.If you can get her out of her shy bubble, you will find the fun playful side of her. Despise her quietness Affinity can get a temper on her. When she gets mad it is hard to tell due to the fact her voice never gets louder than a soft talk.
Eye color:Darkred around the pupil that goes about half way down then the res gold.
Pup Number:G
RP sample:The morning brought golden rays of light that illuminated the den, A small bundle of fur nuzzled herself deeper into her mother's pelt. The warmth is all she wanted and both the sun and her mother satisfied that feeling. Well that was until she felt a nuzzle upon her head. Opening her eyes she looked up at her mother who smiled delightfully down upon the small pup. "Good morning mother" She spoke in a very soft manner. To some it was almost a whisper, and if you did not listen hard enough you would miss every word.

Coming to her paws Affinity Let out a yawn, and stretched a bit before she felt the nuzzle of her mother once more. She was leading her out of the den, for what reasons Affinity did not know. Maybe her mother wanted her to play out side, if that was the case, wells he will go out side but spend most of her time in solitude. Her red golden eyes looked at the land that rested before her, it was lovely, and the white fluffy snow was delightful to the eyes.

Her snout came upon the ground a few sniffs here and there before she raised her head once more to look around. She saw others up and about already, doing their daily what ever they did. The female pup took a step out of the den and begun to walk to a nice spot by a tree. She liked to spend most of her time here, thinking, and relaxing. That did not last very long due to the fact she had plentyful other siblings to worry about.


06-12-2013, 02:48 PM
Name: Alia

Alia is easy to anger and quick to strike, but she thinks before she acts. Everything is FAST FAST FAST or in the trash for her. You might see her and think 'oh, what a sweet little girl' as she smiles and laughs. Baaaad choice. If she looks dreamy or distracted, its because someone is bothering her. And the dreamy look is wondering how she should get rid of the guy. The thing that makes her such a great fighter is the fact that everyone underestimates her. As she gets older she gets more rebellious, adventurous, and reckless.

As she gets older she gets more rebellious, adventurous, and reckless. She gets into a gang, starts spending time with guys much older than her-in more intimate ways, you know-gets into fights, and occasionally gets high. Nothing her family does will sway her from this way of life and she often speaks out against her parents. Quite obviously the 'bad girl' of the family, her beauty takes a turn for the deadly side; not quite the diva she had a chance of becoming, but beautiful none the less. She's smart and streetwise and spends a lot of time with the gang in a loner land. Eventually she'll decide to make her own rules and leave the den, unusually early, and for much different reasons than her siblings. She also loves to swim and get wet, and it will be a bonus if she is in mud. Alia is also always going on an adventure, and will stay away for a while.

Eye color: Light Blue
Pup Number: B
Allignment: Lawful Good
RP sample:

Night was coming quickly, and Alia's family was getting ready to go to sleep. Well, all the wolves in her family...except one. The dark gray white wolf teen scanned the area with her frosty ice blue eyes. Then she turned around and watched her siblings yelp for their father's attention. But Alia would just pretend, for now, until she could go out into her world. Her world is not dawn, or day, or dusk; and she has to share it, the night. Her world is the world were everything starts to hunt, or sleep. Yes, there is a few owls hunting for mice, and some bats, but Alia would pay no mind to them.

Alia would travel only to one place, with no stops on the way there, and greet only a few wolves, and pay no mind to anything else. But now, Alia must pretend to sleep until the soft snoring of her family would alert her. Alia curled into her sleeping postion and closed her eyes until there was the soft snoring she had waited for. Now she could move, and go to the gang she led. Alia uncurled herself, and went to the edge of the den. She stretched then began to run across the grass to her gang. She caught a few bats, then paused for a rest. Then she continued to her gang.

She was back in her world, and everything was perfect; until morning.


06-23-2013, 02:33 PM

Azaya you are granted B

Rina you are granted H

Dirk you are granted D!!!



5 Years
06-23-2013, 04:32 PM
Yay! Thanks so much guys! I've always wanted to play a pup. Thanks you guys -hugs-


06-26-2013, 01:50 AM
Name: Sparrow
Personality: Sparrow is a calm and level headed individual. She is quite inquisitive and curious as well, always wanting to know everything there is to know about, well, everything! She has a personality that is adored by most, and one that she values greatly! She likes to be around other wolves, be they adults, elders, pups, Alphas, or medics. She likes to go around and help others, learn what she can, and give advice to those that need it. With so much to learn, she has (or will have) quite an extensive knowledge of Alacritis and its inhabitants. She is an adventurous individual that wants nothing more then to learn about the land and be herself. She is quite docile, only fighting when necessary. She has a way with words, preferring to talk and attempt to avoid a fight if possible.

However, when it comes down to it, Sparrow is a fierce opponent. Her claws are very sharp, and with her small frame she is easily able to run and attack with quick nips, bites, or scratches. Her claws are her prized fighting weapons, she refers to them as her "Talons." She is brave, loyal, respective, loves to learn, and will always be a loyal friend for life. No matter where she goes.
Sometimes though, she can be sharp tongued and have a flaring temper when she gets really annoyed. Luckily, she can be very forgiving.
Though sometimes she can also be easily hurt, even if she doesn't admit it.
Eye color: deep green
Pup Number: G or F
Allignment: Neutral Good
RP sample: Sparrow's nose sniffed along the cold ground. Snow trailed on her paws as she looked for her siblings. They had been playing a game of hide and seek. This time, it was her turn to be the seeker. Her parents had gone off on a hunt, so her and her littermates were left by themselves. Today, they'd pass the time by playing. She raised her head, ears perked and tail held high as she listened for any sign of them nearby. Following the trails were easy enough,but once they had gotten closer to the rocks it became harder to find their trail. She hopped on top of the rocks, scenting the air for any sign of them. Hopping down on the other side, a powerful scent had hit her nose. A strange one at that. The gray and white cub hesitated, this scent felt hostile. She didn't know how she knew, but whatever it was, was dangerous. She quickly turned the other way, but what she was faced with was a nightmare. A short bulky creature shuffled towards her, its grey and black mass lumbering at a fast pace. Its teeth were bared, dagger like claws throwing up snow behind it. It charged towards her like a raging bull.

Frozen to the spot, the young pups eyes widened in fear. The animal drew closer, finally she pulled herself out of her fear trance and moved just as the badger struck where she had been standing moments ago. She leaped to the top of the rock she had been on before, and glared down at the creature. Growling, she jumped down on top of it. Talons scoring across its sides as her teeth sought the back of its neck. The beast roared as it shook its head side to side. He lumbered back, Sparrow hung on for dear life. She knew if it got the chance, it'd rip her apart. She lunged forward and snatched up its ear in her teeth. The badger roared in frustration as it shook her off, enraged.
Sparrow landed on her back, quickly flipping over to face her attacker with teeth bared accompanied by vicious snarling. The badger shook its head side to side, thinking. Sparrow stepped forward, challenging the beast. But finally, it backed off. This piece of meat was too much to work for...he didn't want to fight his next meal, so it lumbered off in frustration.
Sparrow had lived to fight another day.


07-01-2013, 03:38 PM
Thank you, so much!