
It's a Jungle Out There



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
01-19-2017, 06:18 AM
It had been some time since the young alpha had taken an escape away from the pack lands. Things had grown quiet, and it kind of disturbed him in some ways. He was questioning alot of things, like who he could really trust and who was waiting to turn against him, or even abandon their loyalty to the pack. It was an unsettling feeling to say the least, and he hated that he was getting so paranoid about it. He wanted to get the pack together for a meeting, the last one having been in the fall. At Boreas' fall season. It was fall again, but this time in Auster. It was weird the way the seasons seemed opposite here than they did on the mainland. But the lands here were also more abundant and untouched, full of mysteries just waiting to be solved! He supposed that is what led him out every other day, when he wasn't busy at least. Eventually, he would take a trip to Boreas. A business trip maybe...he was still a skeptic when it came to diplomatic affairs. He was kind of leaning towards having someone else do that, but then again, he wanted to be the one to assess the others and determine who would make good allies (if any), and who might be potential threats...

The male would think on that later. For now, he was more keen on exploring this area. The water beside him did little to ease his mind, though he supposed there was little of that these days. Was this what it felt like to be an alpha? Did it get easier? Or did it get harder? He supposed time would tell. As the brown male ambled along, he was quite unaware of another presence watching him. The lowest of rumbles emanating from the foliage, though the falls were all Dragon could hear. He was being watched.
Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.