



7 Years
Extra large
02-01-2017, 06:49 PM

The evening was drawing to a close as the last golden rays of sunlight sunk below the horizon, leaving only an hour or so before it would be entirely dark. Having gotten a delightful amount of rest and uninterrupted alone time the past few days after so many unwanted interactions Mara was finally feeling as close to 'good' and 'well rested' as the woman was capable of feeling. She lay curled up in a makeshift bed of pine bows below some young saplings, hoping to avoid being noticed by any passersby. So far there'd been none, and now she let out a yawn and slowly rose to her paws, stretching languidly for some time. half-lidded yellow-orange eyes scanned her surroundings - leaving the wolf pleased to find she was alone. A quick sniff of the air confirmed this, so with that she began trotting slowly, hardly faster than a walk, over the vast plain.

It had recently struck Mara that her sibling was likely not in these lands. She'd yet to catch even a small wisp of his scent. If he'd caught hers she had no doubt the man would easily catch up with her, which meant she had a choice to make. Gah, she hated choices. Having to make decisions, travel, figure things out, all that crap was such an inconvenience. Screw that shit. Snorting irritably the female climbed to the top of a rise and flopped down, grimacing and refusing to do much of anything for a long while simply because she could. Damn that brother of hers. And his little slave girl, too. Half-tail swishing Mara rolled onto her back and growled to herself, protesting the idea of activity yet not entirely interested in a nap at this moment.

For some time the dark creature lay there, irritated both by her lack of purpose in this moment as well as the fact that it even bothered her. Frowning she thought to herself, Please give me someone to rip into. She just needed to occupy her time for a bit. Would a good fight do the trick? Or maybe just irritating someone else so they felt as shitty as she did. That might be amusing. Ugh.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: 1feWy51.png?1]

Mara is rude, lazy, and really likes to swear sometimes. She is not pleasant in the slightest.

Erebos I


6 Years
02-01-2017, 07:34 PM (This post was last modified: 02-01-2017, 07:35 PM by Erebos I.)

He didn't like to wander too far away from the white forest that he had started to come home, but in a moment of sanity it felt like the right thing to do. Maybe if he got away from there he would be able to cling to his stable mind, but of course the voiced caught up with him. Liliya ran at his side as he raced through the snow, kicking up a flurry behind his splotched hind legs. Erebos knew that he couldn't outrun them, but it was the feeling of freedom for the moment. He couldn't hear them, and the cold took away any sensation of the ghost at his side. Feeling like a mental break down was hot on his heels, he pushed onward. He couldn't believe that he had kept that poor girl, the guilt had been heating him up on the inside since he realized what he had done. But once again, he couldn't run away from it all.

Not caring if his legs broke off, he pushed his body to the limits as the gentle caress of Liliya reached him. The first whispers of voices touched his mind and he pushed on. His tongue was hanging from his maw as his lungs screamed for a break, but he was relentless. It wasn't until he reached the ridge and tripped over a bundle of something that he lost himself completely.

Crashing into a pile of snow after getting quite a bit of air, everything went black for a moment. He slid along the ground until he came to a halt, laying still for a few heartbeats. Groaning, the gray and white man picked himself up and flipped around to see what had happened. He spotted the woman laying on the crest of the hill, a growl leaving him as he shook himself. "What the fuck do you think you are doing?" he spat, a burning rage shimmering in his blue and pink eyes.

'Look at that scarred piece of shit, looks like she's had more than one wolf trip over her before.' Eunike chuckled, making Ere's ears lay flat against his skull. Aletha and Lili joined in with their own laughter, making the wolf growl again. He didn't want them here, not now. He wanted to know why the hell someone thought it was a good idea to just lay at the top of a hill. Did she want someone to trip over her? His lips flipped upwards as he snarled at her, his legs set apart. They shook slightly, overused to the point of near exhaustion. If this was going to come to a fight, he needed to make it fast.


'Aletha speaks' 'Eunike speaks' 'Liliya speaks'
Art by Sigath

This is a mean, cruel man at times. He can be unpredictable, swears, and bites. The voices in his head can say very not-nice things as well, please thread at your own risk.



7 Years
Extra large
02-01-2017, 10:56 PM

Thoughts of her irritation ceased - what the fuck?! A sudden pain could be felt on her side accompanied by a thud and the sound of a creature hitting the snow so heavily she nearly flinched. Flipping around to see the groaning hunk of fluff that had so carelessly managed to trip over her and send his graceless ass flying into a lump of stubbornly unmelted snow. She'd have laughed at his misfortune had he tripped over someone else. But no, he managed to likely leave a bruise on her already scarred hide. A sneer contorted her face further than the marks from past fights had done, firey eyes lighting up with what could only be described as violence. In her head he was already bleeding right now.

Hauling herself to a standing position, Mara had only just begun to slide into what would be a defensive, ready to fight stance when he spoke. "What the fuck do you think you are doing?" A condescending snort erupted from the woman in response to his words, features momentarily slackening as she observed, thoroughly unimpressed and showing no signs of feeling particularly threatened by him. Her sorry excuse for a tail flicked side to side irritable while she eyed the irksome and pathetic excuse for a wolf with hostility,
"What the fuck were you doing running around without looking in front of your damn paws?" Venomous was a term made to describe Mara's tone just then, eyes narrowed to slits and every fiber of her being screaming at her to rip him to pieces for being such a dumb, vexing stain on this earth.

His snarl was met with one of her own, louder and more violent, followed with the crack of teeth snapping together loudly, her hackles raising along her back. What a bold man. Boldness was met with disdain. Close to launching an attack, her attention was momentarily drawn away from her own reactivity as she eyed the shaky legs and huffing breaths coming from the man before her. A low chuckle dripped from her onyx lips,
"That's not a good idea, I don't play fair and you're in no condition to start shit with me." Not that she cared. If the fool wanted to get torn up in a scuffle with her, so be it, but for some reason he snarling beast intrigued her. She chalked it up to this being the first unfriendly face she'd seen in some time. It was refreshing in a way... Sure, she'd still fight him, but he'd managed to intrigue her and that was uncommon. Her face betrayed nothing; Mara had no intention of letting this snarling beast have any clue as to what went on in her mind, her tail raising slightly above her back in an expression of the creeping dominant feeling that grew in her as she faced off with the man.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: 1feWy51.png?1]

Mara is rude, lazy, and really likes to swear sometimes. She is not pleasant in the slightest.

Erebos I


6 Years
02-05-2017, 12:30 PM

The female was quick to sit up, leaving him room for his pink and blue eyes to roam over her. She was indeed scarred, her blonde cheeks nearly matching her eyes. He sneered at her, a set of three scars cutting across one eye and a long one down each side. It looks like she got chewed up and spat back out again. No wonder why she had a shitty attitude and just lazed about on random hills. She looked at him and flicked her tail behind him, making him notice that it was only half a tail. Where was the other half? Letting out a chuckle, his eyes roamed from her behind to her gaze, ears back as he listened to her speak. 'You don't have to answer to anybody, it was obviously her mistake. I mean look at her, she could have been a rock for all you knew!' Aletha whispered, making the wolf nod his head. She was right, it wasn't his fault at all. It couldn't be, and this stranger was wrong. Again his lips curled upwards, but his quivering body told him that he was in no position to fight her. She realized it as well, commenting that it wasn't a good idea. He took a moment to consider her offer, after all she had been the first to calm down. Lifting his chin up, he took a seat while his face relaxed. He may be crazy, but he wasn't stupid.

Well, all the time.

'You can't let her win this! She was the one that made you fall, what if you had been hurt?' Screamed one of the voices, making Erebos flinch. There was obvious confliction in him mismatched gaze, he knew that if a fight started he wouldn't likely stop until enough blood had been spilled. Licking his lips, his ears lay flat against his skull, teeth gnashing together. A soft growl left him as his tail curled around his flank, eyes narrowing towards the strange woman. It was hard to fight against the voices in his head, with the sound of Liliya growling beside him as she took a few steps towards the grumpy woman. Ere's head turned to watch the ghostly shape of her cutting towards the gray woman, he couldn't help but stand up and follow her. Keeping his eyes on the spectral, he saw out of his peripherals that they were very close to the other wolf. Stopping short, he realized that he was once again playing right into their trap. They wanted him to fight, wanted him to draw blood and get lost in the scent. A whine slipped out of his mouth as he turned towards the golden eyed one, his tongue flicking over his lips again in a nervous habit. "I... I don't want to fight." He growled, taking a step backwards. He was recessing, pushing against everything within him that craved blood.


'Aletha speaks' 'Eunike speaks' 'Liliya speaks'
Art by Sigath

This is a mean, cruel man at times. He can be unpredictable, swears, and bites. The voices in his head can say very not-nice things as well, please thread at your own risk.



7 Years
Extra large
02-09-2017, 01:28 AM

As he looked at her she returned the gesture and found little to catch her interest. Why were all the wolves here so dreadfully uninteresting… If they were going to be so inconsiderate as to interrupt her peace and quiet and fucking trip over her, the least these irritations could do was be more interesting. Her lip twitched when she noticed him eyeing her pathetic excuse for a tail, still sore about that whole incident. Of course she’d come out of the incident on top, but all anyone ever saw or heard was that she’d lost half her tail in the scuffle. Snorting irritably she returned her gaze to that of the man with his mismatched eyes.

When he relaxed Mara would slowly allow herself to follow suit, lips covering her ivory teeth and hackles laying flat, though she’d maintain a ready stance in case this wolf changed his mind. She was more than ready to beat the hell out of anyone who wanted to start shit with her, whether it was this man or anyone she happened across later this fine, dark evening. The itch to fight was making itself impossible to ignore, though she’d be fine with waiting to summon someone else if this fool would calm himself and stop threatening strangers when he could hardly stand. Not that she cared for his well being; Mara just wanted to ensure any fights she got into would last long enough to be worth the effort.

Eyeing him with an air of mild, barely maintained interest she would begin to decide there was something odd about him. His behavior was odd, though she couldn’t quite put her paw on why. He seemed to occasionally be reacting to something in his own mind, as if lost in thought every so often and then returning to the present. When he started to approach closer the scarred woman would watch him carefully with amber eyes narrowed wearily. When he spoke she twitched an ear, taking in the sight of this odd wolf. Certain her suspicions about him probably being batshit crazy would likely turn out to be true (the evidence was already beginning to pile up), Mara curled a lip at the pathetic wolf, ”Then find your backbone and make your choice, fool. No one else can and I am not a patient wolf. What’ll it be?”

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: 1feWy51.png?1]

Mara is rude, lazy, and really likes to swear sometimes. She is not pleasant in the slightest.

Erebos I


6 Years
04-10-2017, 02:04 PM

He fought hard with his inner demons, his body twitching as he tried to push the voices away. But the harder he pushed, the more Aletha shoved herself into the forefront of his brain. Liliya was standing at the woman's side now, goading him on with her bared fangs. But then the scarred wolf flipped her lips at him, making his own eyes narrow. He was losing the battle, and the more she spoke the more pissed off he got. Growling, his hackles raised as he stood more solid on his paws. His breaths were still ragged, but it was more from trying to control his body over being out of breath. She said he needed to grow a backbone, which was enough to shut off everything else.

He visibly changed once his darker side completely took over. He stood taller, his lips curled as vicious growls poured out of his maw. Erebos' ears were flat against his skull as he took a few more stalking steps towards her. "What did you say to me?" He spat, words hardly being formed over the growls. It was clear that this was a different wolf than before, and that he would not hesitate to kill the larger woman. Liliya cooed as she walked over to his side, leaning down to whisper sweet nothings into his ear. It was all he needed, pink and blue eyes growing darker in colour. This was the killer, the wolf who wouldn't hesitate to take someones life. Squaring off, he appraised her quickly, before launching towards her in hopes of closing their distance to a mere two feet.


'Aletha speaks' 'Eunike speaks' 'Liliya speaks'
Art by Sigath

This is a mean, cruel man at times. He can be unpredictable, swears, and bites. The voices in his head can say very not-nice things as well, please thread at your own risk.



7 Years
Extra large
04-10-2017, 03:03 PM

Mara wasn't terribly thrilled with this mess of a wolf, at least, not until she watched something change before her eyes. How odd... She much preferred this more confident and more threatening wolf to the scattered creature she'd been presented with but moments ago. A rumbling laugh echoed in the space between the two riled wolves. Yes, this was much better.

"What did you say to me?"

Never once flinching or shying away from the confrontation, Mara instead eyed him in a cool manner, glad for this shift in his manner rather than continuing to question it. Whatever was wrong with this guy wasn't something she need waste time mulling over. "You heard me. Though this is an improvement. Much better, more... dangerous." she smirked, standing tall with tail raised, though still prepared if he planned to go through with an attack, her body not entirely slipping from it's ready position. Really, whatever he chose to do would be fine with her. The bite of fangs in flesh would be just s satisfying as exploring this new and improved creature.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: 1feWy51.png?1]

Mara is rude, lazy, and really likes to swear sometimes. She is not pleasant in the slightest.

Erebos I


6 Years
04-10-2017, 04:08 PM (This post was last modified: 04-10-2017, 04:09 PM by Evelyn.)

It was hard to hear her words through the blood pounding in his ears, all the voices seeming to hold their breath as they waited for the first taste of flesh in a long time. Swallowing hard he eyed the distance, knowing that he wouldn't be able to stop once it all started. He was past the tipping point though, it was too late to just walk away. She was clearly ready for him, but he didn't care about that. Her hungry orange eyes told him that she was waiting just as much as he was, seeking out this fight to calm something. With Liliya at his side he was ready. His muscles were rested from his run, but he was still shaking slightly under all the pressure. Erebos' head lowered to align with his spine, his tail raising to do the same. His ears pinned back tightly against his skull as pink and blue eyes narrowed in her direction. His legs were an equal distance apart, toes splayed as his claws bit into the frozen ground for more traction. Lips pulled back from his teeth as his jaws parted, ready and willing to tear her throat out. Rolling his shoulders forward he didn't hesitate to spring into action.

While the male was only an inch shorter, he was hoping that it would be enough of an advantage to get the better of her. Rushing forward, he attempted to slam the front of his right shoulder into the crest of her chest, dead center. Quickly he aimed his parted jaws for her neck, twisting his head towards his left to try to obtain his bite. His bottom jaw was aimed for the middle underside of her neck, directly over her windpipe, his top jaw for the left outer side of her neck. He hoped to bite down hard, seeking to obtain a solid grip and cut off her breathing. Everything around his was red as he tried to attack the female with all his might, wanting to tear out her throat.

Round 1/2?
Height: 35 inches
Build: Medium
Notes: Non-judged fight, but using the correct formats! Mon I don't mind making a few notes as we go along here too!


'Aletha speaks' 'Eunike speaks' 'Liliya speaks'
Art by Sigath

This is a mean, cruel man at times. He can be unpredictable, swears, and bites. The voices in his head can say very not-nice things as well, please thread at your own risk.



7 Years
Extra large
04-11-2017, 03:47 PM

That hunger she'd felt earlier was boiling up inside of her, waking the bloodlust she'd forced to lay dormant for too long. It was clear both wolves needed this fight, so she'd dispense with the talking and move onto the good shit. Let both parties satisfy their cravings, and may the best wolf win.

As soon as his body began to move she set her defenses, hackles raising, legs spread equally apart for balance, tail moving to align with her spine. She gazed at him with peircing orange eyes, narrowed to keep them safe during the fray soon to ensue, ears flicking back to pin against her skull and lips curling into a snarl as she let another growl rip from her throat, shoulders rolling forward a bit. Dark claws dug into the ground, toes spreading out and joints loose as she braced for his attack. She tucked her chin to protect her throat, ready for the attack to come.

When he charged, she waited patiently, side-stepping quickly just before impact so his blow wouldn't hit it's mark, but more ended up colliding with her own right shoulder forcefully. Recovering from the blow, she further tucked her chin when she saw him going for her throat, letting her front legs bend more so she was lower relative to him despite her very slight advantage in height. He might bite into the side of her neck, or rend some flesh of her throat, but hopefully she'd be spared a crushing bite to the neck for now.

Trying to move forward along his right side so they were paralell to one another, Mara kept low, aiming a hard bite at the soft flesh where his hind leg met his side, hoping even if she missed she'd catch some skin along the way. Her hind right leg snuck out towards the grey-tones brute in hopes of pulling his right front leg out from under him and knocking him off balance, weight shifting to make up for the balance off set by the action. Afterwards she'd try to side-step away, gaining some distance but keeping parallel with  him as he'd move, then quickling charging into him as he'd done to her, throwing her right shoulder forward to try and slam it into the end of his ribcage nearest his hind end.

Round 1/2
Height: 35 inches
Notes: Tips are VERY much welcomed Eve<3

Walk. "Talk" "You" Think

Table image by InstantCoyote
[Image: 1feWy51.png?1]

Mara is rude, lazy, and really likes to swear sometimes. She is not pleasant in the slightest.

Erebos I


6 Years
04-11-2017, 11:50 PM

Erebos growled when he wasn't able to crush her windpipe, but instead caught the left side of her neck. The first taste of blood on his tongue set all his senses on fire, his form nearly convulsing in excitement. His once narrowed eyes flew open as his tongue ran over her wound, a grumbling moan followed. It had been far too long since he had fed this side of him, and now that he had had a sample there was no stopping him. So focused on the taste of her, she was able to slip past him to aim a bite on his thigh. He hissed as her teeth bit into the flesh right where his leg met his belly, far too close to his goods to be comfortable. Pain laced through him, nearly making him quake. But it also pushed him forward, Lili whispering words of encouragement in his ear. Licking his now bloody lips, he saw his chance when her right hing leg came towards him. Quickly lowering his head, he attempted to bite down hard on the limb that was practically offered to him. He tried to take her leg near the back of his mouth, hoping to crush and hold onto the ankle of her hind left leg. If he was able to do so, he would be able to catch her off balance and hopefully flip her to expose her belly and throat. This movement tucked his chin towards his chest, his shoulders rolling forward as his stance stayed square. Hopefully this would stop any and all movements that the woman wanted to make. [Attempted counter to her dodge and charge attack.]

Erebos' ears were pricked up, not usually seen in a fight. But he was excited, listening to the words that twisted around them. They wanted him to kill her, to gut her and leave her flesh for the crows to eat. A manic laughter left him, his toes spreading as his claws bit into the ground below him. Each limb was placed an equal distance apart, but his weight was shifted over to his left side to keep it off his injured hind leg. This was, in his mind, a battle to the death. A few wounds weren't unheard of, but he would paint the snow with her blood tonight.

Round 2/2
Height: 35 inches
Build: Medium
Notes: Okay going to do this before I post. First thing I notice is that there is a lot of movement here, you have to remember to give your opponent enough time to react. General rule of thumb I go by is three attacks with their movements in there. I would have stopped at the bite, since the dodge and then charge would be seen as too much movement. Also remember that in fights, you're the one to decide how much damage you take and where. So for Erebos' bite, it's okay that it missed where he was aiming but exactly where did he bite down? Was he able to get the grip that he was attempting to get? How much damage did his bite do? If so, then you wouldn't have been able to move forward since he would then have to let go of her, unless she tore out of his grips to go for his leg. Other then that it was pretty good, nice and clear attack points. <3 If you want to add another round to get in more practice go ahead. Since it's non-judged we're good to do that!


'Aletha speaks' 'Eunike speaks' 'Liliya speaks'
Art by Sigath

This is a mean, cruel man at times. He can be unpredictable, swears, and bites. The voices in his head can say very not-nice things as well, please thread at your own risk.



7 Years
Extra large
04-18-2017, 01:47 PM

Air hissed between her teeth at the smarting pain from his teeth on her neck, but something about that kind of pain was oddly enjoyable. She felt alive. Sinking her fangs into his leg was even better. Win or lose, at least she was getting something out of this no matter the outcome.

Unfortunately her angle was a bad one to notice his jaws approaching her hind leg, so it was with a sharp and pained growl that her head turned sharply to see the mans fangs sinking into the vulnerable limb. Redistributing her weight to make up for the shift, leaning towards the man who held her captive, Mara's eyes narrowed further. Sitting in place for a moment and trying desperately to lean towards him so she couldn't be knocked over, she considered her options, desperate to free herself before serious damage was done - losing half her tail was quite enough permanent damage for the dark woman, she wasn't fond of the idea of sustaining a bad injury to the leg anytime soon. Deciding to play on her great flexibility, the grey woman twisted around very suddenly, sort of half jumping with her front legs to push her front end closer to her rear half in hopes of aiming her open jaws at the left side of his face while it remained attached to her leg. She'd end up stumbling whether or not he let go to avoid the attack, the result of being stuck in such a precarious position.

She didn't go far though, barely managing to stay upright the woman opted to keep it close range from now on despite the injuries sustained, hind leg held gingerly and hunger for more blows to be exchanged shining in her eyes. To feel awake once in a while was truly delightful. Stepping to keep her chest near to his side, she yanked her right front limb upwards in hoped on hitting him dead center in the left side of his rib-cage for some nice bruising at least.

Round 2/3
Height: 35 inches
Notes: Adding another round so we can hopefully have a clearer outcome. Really enjoying this, idk how good I'm doing but it's been fun so far!

Walk. "Talk" "You" Think

Table image by InstantCoyote
[Image: 1feWy51.png?1]

Mara is rude, lazy, and really likes to swear sometimes. She is not pleasant in the slightest.