



5 Years
Dire wolf

03-06-2017, 12:46 AM (This post was last modified: 03-06-2017, 12:47 AM by Amon.)

Amon had wandered far, and then farther. He had no idea where his kids were, for once, or if they'd even followed him this far south. He had come to another land altogether, and found it... Quite to his liking, actually. The terrain was lush, and varied. The seasons were not at all what he had expected, and he found immense relief in the dreary, cool days after the heat of summer. Most of the plants seemed to have succumbed to the chill, but Amon was still able to note variety in the withered husks left behind. He told himself he would bring Lilith here one day when it would be in full bloom. The world was shrouded in a dense fog, dampening the ambient sounds of the world around him, and bringing the titanic shadow a rare moment of peace. He allowed himself to draw in a deep breath, reveling the heady smells of damp earth and cold air.
"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



5 Years
Dire wolf

03-06-2017, 01:06 AM
She had managed to get home once again, though the season away found her landing in Auster during the wet season. Winter had arrived, though the response her body usually had was delayed by her journey to Boreas. Devising a plan to stay in the northern areas of Auster, Naamah makes her way to the garden of the gods, ready to be lost in the labyrinth of stone slabs that littered the place. A strange sort of excitement washed over her, perhaps the climate change would reach her much faster than she thought. Striding confidently through the fog, Naamah smiles at the soft sounds of her new friend. The other wolf had been lucky that Naamah could see the use in having a bird, and she hadn't killed him...yet. Corvus held his reservations, but he was beginning to warm up to the giant woman.

Moving through the mists, she comes upon a familiar shadow, though his actual outline makes her question the truth of his presence. "It's him, approach. I would know that body anywhere..." Lilith laughed in her head, and the sensation that the dark entity was writhing pleasurably within her mind was overwhelming. Making a motion to the bird upon her shoulder to be silent, Naamah clears her throat, approaching from behind and slightly left of the hulking male. "You follow? I come home, it is nice, no?" Broken common tongue graces the air with lilting notes of honey and smoke. There is a parting of white and black as she smiles, seemingly pleased to find him here.
I took a sip from the Devil's cup.
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.



5 Years
Dire wolf

03-06-2017, 01:15 AM

In truth, Amon had had no idea the familiar female lurked nearby. When her voice broke into his peaceful moment, he startled ever so slightly. The behemoth struggled between irritation and pleasant surprise. He had found the woman's brief, sometimes brutal nature made for engaging companionship. Rather it be her than one of the typical runts he stumbled upon, at least. Very well, there was no returning to his meditation now. He accepted than Naamah had shattered the moment and turned to her in full.  "Call it a coincidence," he rumbled. She called this place her home and he looked about. Well, coincidence indeed. "It is very calming. A nice place for some time alone," he agreed in a dry tone, perhaps hinting that she had intruded on time he'd rather spend alone, but his sense of propriety forbade him from anything more than a hint of gilded venom in his tone.
"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



5 Years
Dire wolf

03-06-2017, 01:32 AM
His voice was not unlike thunder, and she wondered at the deep, rumbling quality of it. It seemed more than coincidence to her that they continue to meet like this. His dry hint had not gone unnoticed, and had even made her smile grow wider as her amusement levels rose. She studied him for a moment, gauging his mood from what little she knew of him. Well, to her it didn't seem as though he wished to be alone any longer and Naamah settled on the stone platform she had been standing on. "I am forever ruin your day, hm? Not a thing I heard often, but you? Always I am ruining." She rather pointedly suggests he has bad manners, and gives her black tail a thump against the stone, a small smile sneaking passed her lips again.

Lilith purrs as Naamah lets out a small chuckle, the sounds blending as the other woman peeks out from the confines of her vessel's mind. Naamah's pupils dilate to slits and she looks the male over before her eyes return to normal, the motion barely discernible in the thickness of the fog. She says nothing, though Naamah gets the impression of her smiling. "What bring you to Auster? The God's Garden?" Her mismatched eyes watch him as she tries to look annoyed with him, though her good mood sinks into the false expression.
I took a sip from the Devil's cup.
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.



5 Years
Dire wolf

03-06-2017, 01:45 AM

The woman seemed simply amused by his mild displeasure, and again Amon found himself strung between two emotions: frustration and bemusement. He could not bring himself to be harsh with a wolf had accepted was more than a mere mortal artifact, but he had not yet determined her overall worth. At the very least, he deigned she might be amusing the talk to. "I have a hard time believing my days are the only ones you are capable of tarnishing," he said in a somewhat lighter tone, and this time with a healthy dose of easily discernible sarcasm." Their kind did not often go without causing the suffering of... well, something or other. She asked what brought him to Auster and he could only shrug. "Curiosity. To escape the heat of the north. It's a beautiful place, of course, so it was not a difficult choice to linger a while." In truth, there was something about the fog that he found enchanting. The world was hidden, for a moment. Absent, as if time too had frozen. They were alone in their little bubble of space and time, it seemed. He continued to root around the garden, unwilling to sully himself with such philosophical thoughts. The brutish man clawed at a clump of dying herbs, uncertain what they were called but finding the scent they gave as he crushed them perfectly pleasant, and an apt use of his focus as well.
"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



5 Years
Dire wolf

03-06-2017, 02:30 PM
His response brings another amused giggle to Naamah, and she waves her tail in a wide sweep against the smooth stone beneath her. There was a fascination with the stormy colored heathen, perhaps it was the way he hadn't run from her. Maybe it was his strength, most wolves fell beneath her paws in begging heaps of pathetic. Weakness would have seen the male as prey, but his strength called to her inner beast. She entertained the idea as she translated her response to the common tongue. "I have ruin many days, yes. Though...most vitare...ah, avoid me. You, we speak. I find this...strange? No, different, yes, this is different." Her other question was answered with a shrug, and he mentioned the beauty of the place.

It was a wonder, cloaked with fog and damn near silent. The thickness of the fog added an illusion of isolation that Naamah found herself growing more and more fond of. Watching his interaction with the plant life, Naamah tilts her head and chuckles softly. "This is a very nice smell. Spicy..." She moves then, coming down from the foundation and moving to get a better view of him, though she did maintain a respectful distance. "I was missing home, so I come to rest and escape heat also." Lilith's laughter rang out so loudly within her mind that Naamah nearly growled outwardly at the volume with her head. Du lief in Hitze, Naamah. Es ist Winter in unserem Haus. The woman snickered and Naamah mentally shook the crap out of her for switching her mind to such thoughts. Externally, however, she seemed to be patiently waiting for further conversation.

I took a sip from the Devil's cup.
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.



5 Years
Dire wolf

03-06-2017, 07:13 PM

Naamah was, as always, strangely unaffected by the male. Amon was used to the ever present thrum of unease in the wolves he dealt with on a day-to-day basis, and this did not exclude his family. He was used to a pause before they spoke, a quiver if he expressed his inevitable frustration or discontent. With this shadowy femme, there was none of this. In fact, she seemed almost... glad to see him. It wasn't something he was accustomed to, least of all from one not of his blood. She confessed that yes, she had ruined many a day, and that drew a raspy chuckle from the depths of his maw. He was surprised (though perhaps he should not have been) that she felt somewhat similar to him. "Strange, different, either or. Makes no difference to me." Hell, as far as he was concerned either word worked just fine in this scenario.

She seemed as pleased by this odd plant as he was, though Amon would confess to uncertainty when it came to plants in this realm. He could not place it's name. "Yes, always nice to escape the heat. I favor cooler climates as well," he confessed, verging dangerously close to 'small talk.' He nearly shuddered at the very concept. Yet, for some reason, he continued. "This is much preferred. You know the area well, then?" He would not pass up an opportunity to gather intel. Or perhaps another meal... His stomach grumbled in response to the thought, but he pushed it away. Perhaps later, but for not he waited to hear if Naamah had ought of interest to offer about the surrounding land.
"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



5 Years
Dire wolf

03-10-2017, 02:18 PM
He seemed put off, as though he wasn't used to having another around who was not intimidated by his height or the sheer strength that poured from him in waves. Naamah's eyes glittered with amusement as he continued their conversation, Lilith practically buzzing in her mind. Why the shadowy woman had so much interest in the male, Naamah couldn't say, but something in him riled her. His attempts at making conversation caused her eyes to lock on his jaw, prompting for information about her home. Manners made the man, and his attempts at civility were noted. "I have knowing of some parts, yes." Her face was serious for a moment, but she was action in motion as she leapt down from her rock.

Stalking within a couple of few short feet from him, Naamah looked him over and then gave a slow smile. "You want the tour? You pay owe for dinner, I think. Prey here is easy." There wasn't many occasions when the girl couldn't work an angle. What could this beast do on unfamiliar soil?
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.



5 Years
Dire wolf

03-14-2017, 08:34 AM

Naamah admitted that she was familiar enough with the area, and Amon was glad of it. He was a man used to advantage, in whatever form it may be, which included a concrete knowledge of where he roamed and the flora and fauna which he might find there. He would soak up whatever information she chose to part with... But, it would seem that it came with a price. She gave him a sly smile and told him he owed her dinner first. He owed her something. His mind seemed to skip a gear, jolting as it stopped and started again. His eyes narrowed and he gave her a thoughtful look. He did not owe anyone anything and the insinuation ought to be enough to raise his temper.

And yet, somehow, she continued to escape his ire.

Surprising even himself, he tossed his head back and let out a hearty bark of laughter. "You tread on rotting ice, madam," he said at last. "But aye, I will find you a meal. This won't take but a moment." Perhaps it was her own somewhat haughty persona, her size more akin to his, the promise of violence in her ruby eyes. He would not admit that he was glad of the strange woman's company, still a bit uncertain if he actually was, but he didn't feel a need to run her off, which left her far better off than most strangers who crossed his path.

Amon turned his hulking frame around and disappeared into the mist. It's presence was doing him no favors, scattering scents and dramatically reducing visibility, but he was unperturbed. Large prey was likely out of the question, so he put his nose to the ground, seeking signs of perhaps a rabbit warren or nest game birds. So absorbed was he with the earth beneath his feet, he almost did not notice a doe flicking her tail anxiously at him from a few yards ahead. The smell of her washed over him at once and his head whipped up. She could not have been more than twenty yards ahead but... she did not run. Amon froze, considering. She was a hefty creature, and while he was certain he would be able to catch and bring down such a beast in other conditions, he did not like the idea of a headlong sprint through the thick fog. Then again, with the way she was just frozen there, almost taunting him into chasing her- Oh.

Amon grinned. Clever, he thought. But not clever enough. He turned his attention away from her, sniffing the air anew. She let out a concerned bleat but it was too late. When her fawn burst from cover he was on it in a heartbeat. It was likely a late birth, still young enough that it had been hiding in the bracken when he approached. The mother had likely known he was there long before he had detected her, and while he commended her efforts, in the end it was no use. His teeth clamped down around the frail neck of the fawn, and he shook. The mother had fled by the time he looked up.

More than proud of himself (and how clever he'd been to outsmart the doe's dastardly scheme) he returned to Naamah with the fawn dangling from his jaws and a bit of swagger in his step. It had not been the easiest thing in the world to bring back, it's hind hooves dragging along the ground between his paws, but here he was. He dropped the carcass at her paws and gave her a sweeping, overly dramatic bow. "One meal, as requested," he rumbled out. He turned then and lay down, content to rest a bit while she ate, and fully intending to claim whatever was left of the carcass after she had had her fill.

"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



5 Years
Dire wolf

03-15-2017, 11:29 PM (This post was last modified: 03-16-2017, 12:05 AM by Naamah.)
Welcome to where time stands still,

The masked woman felt her smile grow larger as Amon seemed to be having some trouble coming to terms with her demands. One dark ear slid back on her ashen grey crown as the male's face contorted into a smile and the thunderous roll of his laughter boomed into the mists. 'You tread on rotting ice...' He said his bit, though Naamah was unsure how ice could rot, she chose to ignore the failure in logic on his part and let her own lips widen her smile. Her black flag waved behind her with enough force to whip the fine mists gathered around them, as well as making her hips sway slightly as she stood before him. "I am thanking you most severely, sir! You are making my day!" She did not realize that she had mistaken the word 'sincerely' for the word 'severely' in her happiness at his acceptance. She could not help the lecherous stare that lingered on his muscular frame as he turned and stalked away. There was a pang of regret for sending him away from her, and a pouty expression crossed her face. "Es sollte das Gefühl, nicht auf diese Weise einen Wolf Teil Firma von mir zu haben, vor allem, wenn er mit einem Auftrag zu senden." She spoke quietly to herself as the first long moments of solitude began, her other half swirled darkly within her mind as Naamah puzzled over the sudden chill that reached her.

There was a deep, rumbling purr echoing as the darkly cloaked woman was given time to mull over the strange loneliness that suddenly took her over. Surely, it was only seasonal fluxes in hormones. "Sie mögen ihn, dann Haustier? Seltsam wie es sein mag, ich mag ihn auch. Er kann gefährlich sein, wie ich. Dennoch gibt es Anstand und eine seltene Verfeinerung, die vertraut und zerknirscht ist." Lilith practically oozed attraction, and Naamah bit back a snort. It was rare for the woman to be so calm in another wolf's presence, yet Amon made Lilith practically sing with her contentment. There was a moderate amount of surprise when she heard the rustling of grass and the muffled thud against packed earth, there was a stirring of the mists that brought the tantalizing scent of fawn to her nose. Naamah gave a deep, sultry purr with her pleasure at his catch. She turned toward him, her mismatched eyes not missing the pride that dripped from him like water from a duck's back. Strength and show dazzled her, and she had to restrain Lilith before she jumped him then and there. Hell, she had to restrain herself. When he placed the fawn at her paws and gave her a bow, she let a delighted peel of laughter escape her and she dipped her head to him. "Lucky to find these late infans...that" Her body dropped to splay her front paws on either side of the carcass and proceeded to anchor it with her left paw and divide the young deer in half. The front half - the head and front limbs - she picked up to drag it head down to lay it at his feet. "You worked, this is best part for me." With a wave of her tail and a sidelong look that said she would clearly take no refusal, she turned back and returned to her own meal.

She settled in to eat, cleaning her meal and delving into the muscled legs and back of the fawn. After she finished, she swiftly cleans herself then studies her tourist. Usually after the first encounter she has with others they try their best to avoid her, or don't survive the initial contact. This male seemed rather partial to her company, and she found it intriguing. "You heard what I say early, yes? This is the God's Garden, always there is mist, comes from rivers in the east. If you find East." There is a chuckle and an odd spark that comes to her eyes. She knows how to find which way to go, the gardens and the labyrinth of woods she called home. There was some nervousness that the pack who claimed the castle in the west would soon want her gardens as well. She wondered if he would have questions, no doubt her dialogue left room for them.

"Naamah talks." | "Lilith talks." Scroll over for translations

Where no one ever leaves,  And no one ever will!!
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.



5 Years
Dire wolf

03-17-2017, 03:50 PM

His catch was well received, not that Amon expected anything less. He was eager for whatever information she might provide him, eager to weigh it's value to him. This continent seemed expansive, and vastly different from the world he had come to know in the north. He watched, somewhat surprised, as Naamah tore the carcass apart and handed him a half of his own. Amon was uncertain he would have done the same, but you wouldn't catch him complaining. With a titan's appetite he wordlessly tore into the meal, savoring the sweet taste of the still-warm flesh as it slid across his tongue. Bones cracked between his mighty jaws, young and soft and filled with delicious marrow.

Gore coated his mouth when he looked away from his meal to see how Naamah was faring with her portion. He licked his jowls in a desperate bid to save as much as he could. It was a decent portion for him, though he wished the fawn had been somewhat more meaty. Then again, he was not one to balk at an opportunity such as the one that had been presented to him. To fulfill her side of the bargain, Naamah began to speak. The God's Garden she called it, and Amon nearly let a bark of laughter loose. How fitting.

She spoke of rivers in the east and he decided that it would be worth his while to investigate at least those before returning to Boreas. He was ever hunting for a kingdom suitable for his children to inherit, something worthy of their stolen birthright. Auster seemed lush and fertile, largely uninhabited, and he had to start somewhere right? "Do you know of any packs of mongrels in the area?" Amon rumbled, thinking of several northern congregations with a healthy dose of derision. The distaste clearly colored his tone, but Naamah did not strike him as one to sully herself with the common rabble anyways. He still had not figured the woman out entirely, nor did he expect to, but the intellectual problem she presented continued to fascinate.
"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



5 Years
Dire wolf

03-18-2017, 01:40 PM (This post was last modified: 03-18-2017, 02:11 PM by Naamah.)
Welcome to where time stands still,

Naamah felt the corners of her lips turn up in a pleased smile as surprise lit up the male's face when she gave him what was owed for hunting. The woman could be cordial when it suited her, after all. Even savage wolves needed company every now and then, and for a wolf to so easily hunt for her meant the world to Naamah. Lilith purred delightedly as she watched from the blackened corners of Naamah's mind, the fiend seemingly just as pleased with the man's reaction as her host. When he didn't hesitate to accept her gift, she moved back to her portion of the fawn and lay into her meal. It was perfection, warmth and the metallic, gamy tenderness of the meat gave her a chill and she found her eyes closing slightly as she savored the young deer. As she ate, there was a near constant, but nonetheless pleasant, purring growl that came from her. It was both warning and announcement, she was happy and she wouldn't be sharing anymore of her meal. Once there is nothing left but leg and spinal bones, stripped bare of anything edible and laying in a neat pile by her paws, Naamah cleans herself and begins her side of their deal.

It would seem she had roused his curiosity, and he asked her of the packs in Auster. The word pack was understood, but she wasn't quite sure what a mongrel was. Unless he meant someone lowborn. Her nose wrinkled a bit and she gave a huff, "There is one, on north part of Auster. I do not know the name, but they have the Castle and Starlit plains." She gives him a grin, there were pauses in her speech as she thought and translated in her head. Her tone was pleasant enough, though it was colored with the same distaste his own voice held. She was only giving him what he asked for, nothing more. Her head tilted slightly as she studies him. "There are no others on this land, but many in Boreas." He did not seem like the type of wolf to seek out a leader, perhaps he thought to know simply because he was looking for somewhere to put some roots down. Maybe he was like her, held her same goals of rising to the top and creating something worthwhile that would shake the world to its core. A girl could only dream, right?

"Naamah talks." | "Lilith talks." Scroll over for translations

Where no one ever leaves,  And no one ever will!!
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.



5 Years
Dire wolf

03-18-2017, 03:12 PM

Amon drank in her words. Only one pack south of the land bridge? What fortune. He had no cause to fear the mangey insurrections in the first place, though even Amon would admit that in great numbers they would be... irksome. This southern continent was becoming more appealing to him with each moment that passed, but he still thirsted for more knowledge. Naamah spoke of a "castle," and although the word was unfamiliar to him he was not eager to admit it. He hummed, deep in thought, staring at the bloodied earth between his paws. It was time to bring his family along, he decided. Together they would take stock of this new realm and come to a final conclusion, but that would take time.

He had squeezed the last drop of use from this encounter, he decided. He had enough new knowledge to move forward, to begin formulating a plan. For the moment, her use had waned in his eyes. So it was with great strength he heaved to his feet, gargantuan form looming. "Thank you for the information, Naamah. I believe it's time to continue my journey, and call my family to join me." He then gave a dry, dark chuckle. "Should you run amuck of any other titanic wolves sharing my features, speak my name and they will step aside." He would speak her name to the others, easily imagine his sister or his children attempting to tear the woman's throat out for pure sport, just to see if they could.

He had a difficult time believing this woman did not carry some form of the ancient, powerful blood that ran through his veins as well. She had the look, the countenance, the cold brutality. It was enough to be admired for, in his eyes. Yes, he would pass the information along, and as he turned away he caught himself wondering if they would cross paths again.

-Attempted exit?-
"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



5 Years
Dire wolf

03-18-2017, 03:46 PM

She could almost see the gears turning in his head as she mentioned the pack lands, and there was a glint that came to her eye when she observed him. The end of their conversation was coming, Naamah could almost feel his readiness to leave. When he spoke of doing just that, the darkly pelted woman inclined her head and smiled knowingly. "Thank you, for hunting, and your questions. It was most pleasant, Amon." Standing to see him off, Naamah waves her tail at his second line of common tongue. "If it is needed, I will call out your name as if I pray." She gives a cheeky wink and a small giggle. "Good day, and much luck on your way."  Her eyes followed him until she could no longer make his form out through the mists.

Once she was sure he was out of earshot, she spoke aloud to her mental companion. "Erit forsitan eo iterum copiam intuendi?" She said it in Latin, as a question, as though she was unsure she could ever run into the shadow kissed male again. Lilith merely chuckled and had  Naamah shrug her shoulders as her pupils dilated. Her voice lowered an octave and became huskier, but no less attractive and smooth. "Viele Dinge können auftreten, Kind." It was uttered as a comfort, in guttural but soothing German, and Naamah nodded her head as if she had been given a certainty. Her eyes returned to normal and she gave one last look in the direction the male went before turning to go her own way home.

-exit <3-
"Naamah" "Lilith" Think / "You." Scroll for translations.
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.