
And if home screams to me



2 Years
03-04-2017, 09:37 PM

Qualm had a bundle of herbs in his mouth, wrapped finely in a leaf. He knew for certain Abaven probably had enough healers with these herbs but what he had was important. All herbs found in the maw and in most cases rare otherwise. His eyes were blackened with tiredness and perhaps the strain of holding in his emotions for a long time. What would he tell Bass? About Raba.... about what happened. Of course for a long time he looked to Bass for guidance for the short moments he'd been in Abaven his birth pack. Not only that but the friends he had met along the way, they seemed to have vanished in the masses. Delaney was gone, his father he had previously loathed was dead as was his daughter Nah. Of course they had shared no blood that he knew of, but she had been his and his responsibility to take care of. Not to mention his unspoken feelings for Raba. Now that she was gone - he selfishly just wanted to cry for the gods to give her back. He trekked on and stopped at the borders. Gently letting down his herbs as he raised his head in a call.

He didn't look like his chipper usual self. Frankly he just wanted to know if he could stay find his old den and curl up in it for the night. After all by the time he had collected his things and left the sun was now just tinkering under the mountains. The dark would take over soon and he certainly hoped it wasn't intruding to be doing this. Qualm strained his eyes - ignoring the sore feeling around his heart and took in a deep breath. He was alive, and tomorrow would indeed be another day.




7 Years

03-07-2017, 12:58 PM

His head rose as his ears pricked at the sound of the howl. Was that not Qualm? They had spoken only a few days ago about his father and sister, and now here he was at his borders. Curious, and because it was his duty, he pulled himself to his paws and started towards the man. He could smell the puppy breath all over him, and with a faint smile he wondered if Qualm would think that they were his. No, he didn't have any more babies, but he was helping Storm with hers. They were quite the handful already, their spunky attitudes kept his old bones moving. Rolling his shoulders he picked up the pace to a trot, soon seeing the blue form of the man in question.

It wasn't hard to see that something was wrong, the small smile dropping from his features as he frowned. Had something else happened? Lowering his head to attempt to brush his nose across Qualm's cheek, he sat himself down and got right into it. "Did something happened?" It may be a stupid question, but he had heard about his father and told him that he lost an adoptive daughter. That would make any wolf somber, but he felt like this was a different sort of pain. Curling his pale tail around himself, he waited patiently for him to speak. Bass wasn't bothered by the hour, he was surprised that no little ones trailed after him though.




2 Years
03-07-2017, 06:52 PM

His ears filtered to the corners of his skull as Bass brushed his nose against his cheek. Right now he could want nothing more than to feel those he loved around him. Though no doubt the news would strike Bass as well. Yet well.... Qualm had complicated unrequited feelings about the missing alphess still. "One of our members was poisoned by another. Raba went to find the wolf who did it and when she did.... the posioner got away. Me and Kassander were able to heal daegmar but.... Raba chased the culprit and passed the pack to a young man named Chaos." Qualm tried to explain the best he could through sputtering words. "I'm sorry Bass, but at least she's not dead." he had to look at it that way. He highly doubted he'd ever see her again.

"She made Chaos promise to change everything, so it's not ivory ridge anymore...... I loved Raba and now she's gone everything feels like it's slipped my paws. I just want to go home." he looked at the bundle of herbs he had taken with him. Carefully wrapped in the leaf - surely they could use this. If Bass welcomed him back, Qualm wouldn't care if he were turned away. It was his choice to leave Abaven in the first place when Raba had offered him a place in her pack. He looked back at the alpha taking in a deep breath.




7 Years

03-10-2017, 02:15 PM

Bass' ears flicked back to his skull as a large amount of information was dumped on him at once. He was still trying to process the poison when he barreled on, his brows knitting together as he tried to catch up. Finally he lifted a paw to silence the boy, it was too much all at once. So someone was poisoned and Karabela left? And wait, Chaos Saxe? One of Valentine's children? He was the one with the large teeth if he remembered right, he had had quite the lisp when they met. All those teeth in there, no doubt he did. And Daegmar? Wasn't that the one that Raba had come to him that was missing? With his head spinning he was silent for quite awhile, to the point where he missed that Qualm had said that he had loved the woman. He spoke of home and of wolves leaving, what in the world was going on here? Firmly he shook his head, his yellow eyes clouded as he tried to make heads or tails of this situation. "Thank you for telling me all of this, but it would be Chaos' place as pack leader to come to others with this type of information. We may have been on common grounds, but that still doesn't make it right to spread news that they may or may not have wanted to be shared. Don't speak of this to anyone else until Chaos comes to me, understood? It's not your place." Perhaps his tone was a little harsh, but he was still trying to break down the layers here. It sounded like they knew who had poisoned her, and Bass wondered if this was the same wolf who harmed Finch. They were never sure if it had been something that she had ingested of if Finch really was force fed something. But his daughter never remembered who it was, she blacked out and had crazy nightmares for awhile.

Blowing out a huff of air, his features softened a bit as he looked towards Qualm. He had lived here for so long, but this wasn't his home anymore. He had chosen to leave and join Karabela, to drop loyalty so quickly was a bit alarming. "Why didn't you choose to stay with Chaos? He's a good kid from what I remember, and if Karabela trusted him enough to take over then she must have faith in the boy. Well... man now. So why come here? You might have been born here, but you chose to left your home to find another. Why abandon it as soon as things changed?" Bass' tone wasn't assusing, a lot softer than it had been before. He just wanted to understand what was going on here, he felt a bit in the dark. It didn't help that he had missed the bit about his feelings for Raba. He would never turn Qualm away either, not when he was so visibly distressed. However, he did need to understand why. Was he here for the night, or forever? Would he pack up and leave again as soon as something better came up? He didn't want Quake to have her brother back just to have him leave when he changed his mind again. Bass had always been a more gentle male, but he didn't appreciate being used.




2 Years
03-10-2017, 03:19 PM (This post was last modified: 03-10-2017, 03:20 PM by Qualm.)

Qualm ignored his scolding, he didn't really care. It was just a matter of fact he'd done nothing to betray Raba and the information he knew about. He knew that for a fact so whatever Bass thought it didn't matter. Though he gave a simple nod that he acknowledged the man's word. It wasn't as if he spilled out secrets and he was sure Raba wouldn't have cared either. Who else did he had to tell to begin with? He had no friends, no family...... Qualm let it gloss over on his eyes. His sister was here and he wanted nothing more than to embrace her but she probably wouldn't want that either.

"I didn't agree with how Chaos wanted to the pack to be. I told him truthfully that I did not want to be in a pack that I could not put my full effort or loyalty into. Because that would be an insult to him and his new pack." Qualm's ears twitched momentarily. Lowering his head, "I also can't bare to be there when so many memories of Raba remain Bass..... I've trained quiet a bit to be a healer and I believe I could be an asset to Abaven more than I EVER was before." he lifted his head and looked at Bass even if his eyes betrayed him glossed over with pain. He'd gotten used to trying to ignore it.
