


03-20-2017, 08:48 PM

She had been here all day gathering herbs and sorting them into piles of their uses. As it turned night she had stopped to lay down near her new piles of herbs. Jett was of course more than happy to come from his hiding place in the treeline and lay with her. They didn't speak, neither had to to know what the other wanted but that was due to a long time bond between them. Their bond was so strong that neither could imagine life without the other. Jett made it easy to live without a pack, though Jett wouldn't have cared if he were alone or not but he did love the company Zenara gave him.

Jett laid down easily next to Zenara, his eyes closing soon after and sleep be falling him. This placed a soft smile on Zenara's face. Her eyes cast up to the brightly lit full moon then, it's light was cascading down and lighting the clearing with a beautiful glow. This place was perfect for them, Zenara could play with her herbs and hum her little songs and Jett could prowl the woods nearby and hunt his mice all day. They had been here for a while now and no one had bothered them or anything which was good since Jett would have probably upset them with his mouthy ways. It was hard to have friends because of him but she wasn't going to send him away. In fact she hoped one day that he might learn to be respectful. Her eyes turned back to him for the briefest of moments before she gave a small sigh of contentment.

Her form was well lit, giving away all it's feminine beauty to those that looked. Her fur was soft and plush, the muscles beneath were delicate with their touch. Though even in her delicacy she didnt look weak, in fact she knew how to fight just as well as any other. Her ears pushed forward as she listened to the sounds around. The light flickering of fireflies surrounded this place along with the sound of crickets chirping. It was peaceful and she loved it.

"Zenara speaks""Jett speaks"

It was only just a dream



4 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
03-23-2017, 09:18 PM

The young prince had never thought about taking a mate or finding someone to whelp his pups. Amon had talked to his brood about someday passing on their genes, only to those who were worthy to carry on the Abraxas name of course, but it was something that was far off. Archon's life, since puphood even while his mother was still in the picture, had consisted of training and their father drilling his ideals into their little heads. The boy had taken to his father's words like a fish in water, absorbing everything he was told and taking it to heart; almost of course. Trainings, lessons, spars, killings were the things that preoccupied his days. He had no room to concern himself with anything else, much less females. The only females he concerned himself were his sisters, specifically Lili since she was his favorite and he would go to hell and back for her. She was the most important woman in his life and he couldn't really see any other taking her place.

But as of late, the thought of reproducing had begun to take hold of his mind. His father was putting his plan in motion for their clan to take over these lands and the prince knew that once a territory was established, continuing the line would soon follow. Was he ready for that? Of course he was; he was ready for whatever his father asked of him. Did he want to? Of that he wasn't sure. Siring pups sounded like it would distract from their actual purpose of reclaiming the earth from the pathetic mortals so that they may one day return to their true home. But if Amon wanted them to have children, Archon would not be one to disobey. Speaking of their purpose, Archon had one that night. He was out scouting the far south lands in an attempt to find suitable places to claim as their own. The location he'd currently happened upon wasn't among his first choices to stake claim on, but the rocky terrain still could serve a purpose as a training ground.

So far he hadn't come across any other wolves, which led him to believe that the territory was uninhabited and ripe for the taking. His massive form moved silently through the boulders, weaving through them like a shadow in the night. Onyx nostrils would flare, the scent of another wolf catching his attention. Hackles would bristle along his powerful shoulders as he moved in the direction of the scent, annoyance flooding his system when he discovered that she was not alone. The smell of feline registered with the great beast, deja vu hitting him. Was this wolf mimicking his sister Astaroth in the way that she kept the serpent as her companion? It was an odd thing and he found himself already disliking this wolf. His bright turquoise eyes fell across the figure of the offending wolf lying among the rocks. He circled her, his stance menacing as he towered over her. "You really shouldn't be out here alone. You never know what kind of strangers you could run into." he rumbled,
his deep baritones ringing in the cool air around them.

"Talk" "You" Think


04-01-2017, 04:24 AM
The appearance of another didn't once cause a stir or rise in the female. Not even his aggressive posturing caused her to rile. Rather instead a soft smile spread over her face, like that of a mother gazing upon her child, though for her it was the tender smile of a healer. She was a herbalist and assumed this behemoth no matter how brazen wouldn't be stupid enough to right out attack a female that smelled of herbs and poultices. To do so would mean in the event he needed one would likely close a door. She neither feared nor disrespected him though. A soft laugh came at his words.

Her own reply was short and filled with a softer tone though there was a hint of amusement at his statement. "Strangers like you, you mean? Without meeting strangers though how can one ever find friends?" her tone was filled with nothing but respect despite that this male was clearly younger than her. Her ears stood upright in his direction. She was well aware of jett opening his eyes and watching the male. She could feel the bristle of him but did nothing but quietly nudge her shoulder into his. It was enough to settle him for now.

She gave a constant pleasant, soft smile as she made to introduce them both. "I'm Zenara Kasai, and this here is my adoptive brother, Jett. Perhaps you would like to enlighten us with your name so we are no longer strangers?" she gave a rise of her brow at her final question. It was the only one she needed an answer to for the moment.



4 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
04-07-2017, 04:43 PM

She seemed unphased by the behemoth's sudden appearance, her demeanor as calm and collected as could be. He circled her slowly, his powerful muscles rippling beneath his dark coat. She smiled at him and Archon didn't try to hold back the growl that rose up in his throat. Clearly she found the threat towards her life funny. Would she find it as funny when she was choking in her own blood? He let the thought linger in his mind as he watched her, careful to keep the feline she kept as company in his senses as well. His nose told him, as well as his eyes, that she liked to dabble in herbs and such things. A natural assumption would be that he would take an automatic liking to her since she liked to play with the same things that his sister did, but it was not the case. If anything it made him dislike her that much more. Lilith was still learning about herbs and how to be a healer, but she learned quickly and he knew that she would be the best of the best. This female served no purpose, unless she taught his sister...

He allowed no hint of his plan to cross his features. It was perfect. He knew that his sister wouldn't exactly be thrilled that he was bringing home another woman, but it was for her own benefit. He would keep this woman around long enough for Lili to learn all that she could from her and then dispose of her when she was no longer of use.
"Friends are a sign of weakness and can be used against someone." He didn't miss the respectful tone of her voice and he was glad for it. She had some sense to her. He diverted his attention to the feline for a moment, noticing how the creature watched him, clearly uneasy about his presence. The female noticed and was quick to correct her companion before he started some trouble.

Still quite comfortable and unafraid, the woman would boldly introduce herself and her creature. He stopped his circling so that he was standing directly before her, turquoise gaze scrutinizing her.
"I am Archon Kai Abraxas." he announced, his voice much softer and huskier this time around. If he wanted to bring her home for Lili, he needed her to come willingly. Well he didn't need her to come willingly, he could always force her, but it was more fun to make her think that he wanted her or even liked her. She seemed like she could provide some entertainment for some time.

"Talk" "You" Think


04-15-2017, 07:18 AM
His growls did nothing to rile her or make her give her calm demeanor up. He could continue to threaten as he wished but in the end it was just that a wordless sound that could neither help nor harm. Action would be the only thing she would give rise to. Why fear what did not act? There was no reason to. If he truly had wanted to attack her he would of done so already and she was well aware of it. Though she had to think he either had better sense than that or he just wanted to attempt to intimidate her for the fun of it. She wouldn't be allowing that to happen, best to give him no entertainment than to give in to his foolish idea of fun. She was wise beyond her years from years of training as a medicine woman, and she did expect it showed somehow. Her smile never faltered, only remaining soft with a softness to her eyes to compliment it.

His words showed his own foolishness. Friends were no weakness, a strong wolf with no friends was a wolf who fought for nothing and had no one to aid him, while a wolf with many friends had strength of heart and friends to fight with him. Life lessons were something she felt this wolf missed. Her next statement was just a reflection of that, words were respectful enough but she left the lesson in it for him to decide if he understood the meaning or not. "A pack divided will never fell the mighty buffalo, but a pack together can fell anything." she gave a pause as she sat up and leveled her gaze on him. She was an old soul in the form of a younger wolf. He hopefully didn't need her to explain the saying, though she would if he asked. Though should he disagree still they would just have to agree to disagree.

Jett was quick with his interjection to Zenara though, his voice disrespectful to her though she didn't mind. Rather she was used to him and his grouchy tones and attitude. "Yeah Zen? Well true strength comes from within. Standing alone means no one can hurt you or make you give up something for someone else. he gave her an eye roll before he stood and moved off to the tree line once more. She gave a sigh and shake of her head at him but didn't stop him nor argue. It was best not to with Jett. Her eyes went back to Archon as he introduced himself and she gave a nod. His name would be easy enough to remember. A joking tone came from her then as she gave him a small question, "So do you try to intimidate all the women you meet? Or did you just decide you wanted to try the bad boy thing out?" it was lighthearted and all in good fun. There wasn't even a disrespectful price to her tone.