
Healing is the worst part


06-25-2013, 11:02 PM

~even angels have their wicked schemes~

Eren was resting, that was the best thing she could do right now, and she was used to resting a lot and getting used to the cold weather was the worst part minus the stinging wounds. Waking up in the middle of the night constantly just to make sure the wolf that had been with her stayed with her deep in the Glaciem territory. Eria was her name correct? Yes that was it, and Eren had been curious about the girl if nothing at all. Her ghostly sea green eyes looked about as she dizzily sat her head up from the small circle she had made from where she had been sleeping. Her ear twitched as she took in the sounds of her surroundings, sleeping was almost like a drug to Eren. When she got enough of it she was as calm as could be, and when she didn't get enough she acted funny. The girl yawned and shook her head freely with a bit of a stretch making sure not to rip open the wound on her left shoulder. Her tail was also sore, but it was mostly the muscles around her chest area considering the force of the attack and how Garygoyle had torn the rogue off of her. That nameless rogue in which Eren held no grudge towards. If she had survived many would have thought her to want her dead, and she was certain other wolves would want her dead. Why though, Eren was almost a complete stranger, she was new and still feeling slightly like an outsider.

After thinking for a small while Eren looked about and scratched the side of her face for a moment. "Eria, are you still here?" She asked in a dizzy like state. She enjoyed this feeling if she had to lie to herself. It was nice, that was why she conserved her energy so much, not lazy, just didn't see the fun in the needless activities that didn't train your body. Eren was average, she was curious and smart but never considered it a skill. While she looked past every clue, because she enjoyed looking deeper. There was always only one truth as she said. Before all this she had been the same, the only thing the experience had taught her, was more pain and soreness. It was no different from the pain of her mother turning her head when she had tried to hard to impress her. Eren wanted to make sure Eria was still here though, she'd be slightly upset if she wasn't

~but you take that to new extremes~


06-25-2013, 11:57 PM

The day that Eren had been attacked went by faster than Eria had thought. Before she knew it, the pack had gathered to rest in the cave, eager to get some sleep and avoid the dropping temperature. The puppy side of Eria wouldn't have minded playing out in the snow, despite the frozen nips she would get. However, the grown-up side told her to stay in and get some rest. More energy would be needed for the next day.
So now, Eria was dozing, letting the cold temps wrap around her body. The thick fur she was born with was good for keeping her warm, and she was grateful for that blessing her parents had passed down to her. As she was curling up into a tighter ball, she heard a stirring and a soft voice not too far from her. 'Eria, are you still here?' was what made her eyes slowly open. The darkness, which had hit their part of the cave first, consumed Eria and kept her hidden. She knew this was probably why Eren didn't see her firsthand. Now, as Eria yawned and opened her eyes, the light ocean blue color stood out against her fur. Like tiny beacons of light, they roved around the cave and then back to Eren.
The last time Eria had checked Eren over was a couple of hours before. She was getting settled and hoped to get some sleep before the morning arrived. However, she was awake now and that concerned Eria. The dark fae rose and took a couple of steps closer to Eren's laying form. Reclining to her haunches and lowering her front half to meet Eren at eye level, she nodded. "Yes, Eren, I'm here," she said softly. Eria didn't want to wake up the rest of the pack, so her voice didn't carry too far. "Is there anything the matter? If there is, don't be afraid to tell me." Her voice was calm, gentle, and genuine.



06-26-2013, 12:55 AM

~even angels have their wicked schemes~

Oh right, there were others here, lots of others. Eren had forgotten that there would be this many wolves here, after all she had barely been used to her family. Even then she had slept separately from them. Eren shivered slightly trying to shake off the bits of cold that were nipping at her joints. Being born with a short coat of fur did not help her at all, specially since she was sore all over. "It's nothing, I just forgot that there were so many wolves here. I was afraid you'd left." Eren whispered making sure not to wake up her other pack mates. Her voice was still laced with sleep as she sighed, enjoying and savoring the feeling but she'd be hungry before long.

Eren attempted to make herself stand but it was a futile attempt as she tripped over the sudden pain shooting through her shoulder. Falling on her stomach with a thud, she braced herself in the echoing sound to make sure she had not woken anyone up. "Man I'm sore all over, I feel useless, I won't be able to hunt probably for a few days at least. And at best a week before I can actually go at full strength." Eren sighed. She didn't like being unable to care for herself, it was a weakness she wanted to avoid.

~but you take that to new extremes~


06-26-2013, 01:22 AM

She smiled as Eren realized that there were other wolves present. Having the company of a pack was something Eria herself was getting used to, but she was used to it a couple of years ago...before her life changed forever. Her eyes took in the details of her pack. The sleeping bodies and their undisturbed dreams made her own dream a reality. Her ears turned in Eren's direction as she tried to get up and walk. With her failed attempt came a loud smack to the piece of cave floor they rested on. She couldn't help but squint her eyes, making a face that indicated pain.
Eria opened one eye to see the sore Eren regretting trying to get up and her heart went out to her. "I wouldn't leave unless I told you first," she softly chided, lightly tapping her tail against the cave floor. "If you are hungry, I will be more than happy to go get something for you to eat." It didn't bother her to slip out and bring back a bite for Eren. That puppy part in her was itching to frolick in the snow under the moon, anyway, so it would be a win-win for the dark fae. She waited for Eren's response to her offer, hoping she would agree to it.



06-26-2013, 02:02 AM

~even angels have their wicked schemes~

She slightly felt misused in a way, not sure how but the mysterious of the world were still as they were to her. Eren sat herself up this time she was able to keep her balance, since she wasn't surprised by sudden pain. Not only was she an outsider, but now, she was a useless outsider. Her ears flicked as she listened to the female, it was easy for Eren to tell she wanted to go out in the snow and play. How nice, an opposite of her own, where she saw no point in playing. Not even as a pup did she partake in such things. Not once had she played hide and seek, or play fought, she trained and became smarter. Eren let out a puff of air from her lungs like a sigh, but an exaggerated one. Well as long as she got something to eat she didn't mind. Didn't make her feel less bad though, it wasn't like Eren was in any condition to go out anyway. "A pups curiosity is written all over your face Eria. I'll wait here."

Eren flopped over on her good side, crossing her two front paws together. She was having to deal with the odd feeling that she was being served. She just wasn't used to it, and she was so normal or maybe she was more odd? Somehow she thought for a moment that Eria would look much better crying. That was her sadistic side talking to herself, but she pushed the thought deep into her brain. Eria was going to become her friend, and sadistic things were only for those who wanted them for friends right? Right.

~but you take that to new extremes~


06-26-2013, 10:42 PM

She watched the struggle on Eren's face as she thought about being planted on the floor and having an offer for food to be brought. Eria's ears perked as Eren finally said yes, which caused her smile to widen. In an excited whisper, Eria said, "Okay! I'll be right back." The young fae rose to all fours, making sure her paws touched areas of the ground that weren't occupied by sleeping bodies.
Eria checked out the patterns of vacant spots before she walked anymore. She didn't have to worry too much about going far, which helped her get closer to the entrance. When her paws touched the cold snow with a crunch, she looked over her shoulder and back to the beacons that were Eren's eyes. Eria nodded her majestic head and then set off. Her nose hit the air, being hit back with a cold breeze. She sniffed for a scent, and caught one of a snow hare. Her tail shook behind her and she increased her pace through the winter wonderland.



06-27-2013, 05:33 PM

Eren sat inside the den, wondering about the behavior of Eria. Eren had been a thoughtful wolf ever since her puphood, she had never played before and found no joy in doing so. It had all been about surviving, when she had tried to impress her mother or father, she had been shunned. While she had some logical talking with her brothers Anakain was the one who had finally convinced her to leave and come to this land. Eren's drowsy feeling remained happily as she tried to figure out why she was being treated with such kindness. Her tail flicking in response to the deep questions that were inside of her head. The girl let out a sigh and set her head down starring at the entrance of the cave watching the snow.

After a little bit Eren decided to stand and walk around a little bit to stretch her muscles. "I wonder who had injured that female before she came after me." Eren whispered to herself in thought. Judging by the wounds, she had narrowly escaped a larger wolf. The gender were unknown, but she could scent a rogue on a rogue that was for sure. Her scenting skills were really good. Eren sat down after walking around in a circle to think about it. Think, her ear had been torn off, large gashes near her chest area and possibly a fractured leg. Things had happened so fast that she hadn't had a chance to stop the girl and ask her. Eren's habit of lightly tapping her tail against the floor while thinking was happening. The female rogue had been slender, and sandy colored. Trouble with the cold, she lifted up her head for a moment. So her assaulter had been large, viscous in some sort of sick game. "Male, gray in color from the tufts left in her fur. Large, viscous, scent memorized. Hell, how the heck had that girl even escaped him." Eren created an image in her head and then sighed. Mystery solved for the most part, she certainly hoped she would never run into the one who had attacked the rogue. That was a definite yes on avoiding him.

Gargoyle I


06-27-2013, 08:23 PM


Gargoyle awoke much the same as he always did - with a blink and a sigh and a twitch and a yawn. He didn't shift around or stretch much, partly out of habit, but mostly because he didn't want to awaken his family. His little group always slept together. His favorite was when Ocena slept curled up at his belly, and the pups slept curled up at hers. Despite their considerable differences, they'd really clicked as mates. They still had their little secretive outings together, and Ocena fully understood Gargoyle's busy schedule. This morning was a good example of that - he needed to get moving. To be out patroling the borders.

With surprising grace, the hulking chief pulled himself up and and stepped over the sleeping bodies of his family and pack mates, navigating himself towards the entrance. He saw Eren, relaxing near the 'doorstep', and paused. She was looking well enough, though... was she... talking to herself?

The alpha's claws clicked on the stone floor as he took a few steps over. "Enjoying your hospice care?" he rumbled dryly. That sweet wolf Eria had been good enough to keep an eye on Eren recently, but she must've stepped out. Gargoyle had sensed a dislike from the sea-eyed fae when it came too much attention and not enough work so he made her an offer. "If you feel up to stretching your legs this morning, the pack's young 'uns could use some prey brought in." It wasn't an order, he was just drawling out an offer.



06-29-2013, 10:18 PM

Eren honestly wish she could, but she would be doing no moving today, seeing as she could barely hold herself up to walk around. Her sea green eyes glowing with no amusement. Anything that was funny, or meant as a joke she did not get at all. Or fun for that matter, her left ear twitched as she gave a heaving sigh. "I would if I could, but I can barely walk around today. It'll probably tomorrow when I can actually move again, and I still won't be at the best of my hunting abilities." Her ears flicked at the sad fact. She felt like she was being a little bit disobedient, she wasn't sure how authority worked here. Her parents words had been law when she lived with them. Even if they payed her no attention. She lowered her head and body to the floor again painfully wincing as she relaxed on soft impact with the floor.
"I apologize for being useless." She commented flicking her tail. Uncomfortable as it was, this man had saved her life and she was a bit grateful if anything at all. She closed her eyes for a moment when her stomach growled again. Hopefully Eria would be back with food for her soon. That would make her night.


06-29-2013, 11:06 PM

She had been chasing after the scent for a good five minutes. Time didn't register with Eria as her nose led her to the source of the invisible trail. Her eyes rose with her head and narrowed in focusing on the hare that was a few feet in front of her. She pushed her hind paws deep into the snow, finding sturdy ground beneath the layers of frozen water. Finally, she was off and chased after her prey.
The rabbit zigged and zagged, hoping to throw off Eria with her tactics. Eria didn't mind the chase, and it wasn't long before she and the hare fought for dominance. Her teeth sank into its neck and shook her head from side to side, hoping to have its life slip away. In a matter of minutes, after snow flying everywhere from the struggle, Eria stood with a triumphant look and rabbit hanging from her mouth. She turned back the way she had come and increased her pace to the packlands.
Eria trotted into the entrance of the cave, eyes alight from the chase and the bounty she had gained. Looking over to Gargoyle and Eren, she walked in their direction and dipped her heavy maw to the tall male. Tail swept behind her as she lowered her catch in front of Eren's paws. "I hope this will be enough, Eren," she gently said. The rabbit was quite large, even for a female. Just looking at Eren's dinner made her hungry, but she pushed the thought down and would come back to it.


Gargoyle I


06-30-2013, 07:47 AM


"Then think nothing more of it," Gargoyle rumbled when Eren explained herself. He meant it, he'd merely been giving her an opportunity to get out of the cave if she was looking for one, but he had no intention of making her feel bad about not being able to. "There's always other hunts, what's important is that you get better."

"I apologize for being useless" Gargoyle heard the words and, though he didn't frown (his expressions didn't register emotion like most), his tattered ear flicked, a usual sign of annoyance. He understood the feeling as perfeclty logical, it had passed his mind many of times during his first year when he'd been recovering from the ambush that had left him more than half dead. But all the same, it was illogical. "I hope you won't judge me so harshly when I get laid up or injured." he rumbled. "This isn't something you can control. If blame must be given, hand it to the rogue who did this to you. But you needn't worry. I predict you'll be back on your paws soon enough." It was the couple of days after the initial injury that were always the worst - every tiny bruise and lesion was felt tenfold where shock and adrenaline had helped at the time of impact.

Gargoyle's head turned from the fae when Eria walked in. And baring a rabbit no less. The Chief returned her dip of greeting, and then rose to his feet. "Thank you Eria," Gargoyle said in his low, muted tones, "I am glad Glaciem has such kind souls as you." He staid only long enough to see that Eren was about to accept the meal, and then, twisting his ears towards the cave mouth, strode off into the cold outside world.

