
Prayin' for Daylight



6 Years

04-06-2017, 10:46 PM
*Navigation - The Frozen Field

It was hard to say what was on the gypsies mind, she was far too focused on tackling the icy slopes. Her claws bit into the sheer ice, grunting as she quickly pushed up to reach the ledge. It was just wide enough for her to stand on, and with a deep breath she leaned against the icy tower. Jaelle looked around for the little weasel, seeing his brown form racing up the slope. The tube of fur was trying his best to get up, tiny claws scrambling on the slick surface. She couldn't help but chuckle, leaning down to grab him. He squeaked out a complaint but was quickly tossed onto the mottled woman's coat. She felt his nails dig into her, but it didn't stop her for long. Carefully she turned the corner, hugging her little wall until she got to the other side. Seeing a nearby hill, Jae glanced at the gap between it. She could make it on a normal day, but when it was made of all ice? Was it worth it? Wiggling her bell clad tail, she bunched up and took the plunge without second thought.

Giet let out a loud screech as they flew through the air, a giggle bursting forth from the wolf's maw. Of course, as soon as she landed she started to slide down the hill. Digging in her claws, she tried to reach back up to the flat part but couldn't quite get it. Knowing that there was no use in getting up, she flipped around to face the bottom of the slope. If she wasn't going to get up, might as well have fun getting down! Howling in delight, she slid down with the stoat clinging to her neck. This way she was having fun. This way there were no thoughts of being left alone by Xephyris. Nothing but her and her companion, having some fun. It had been a year already since she had even been with Xeph, since they had... No. Just fun. Not worrying about her heat, not worrying about being on her own again. This is what she wanted, all she needed.

Art by Fox

Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.



04-08-2017, 10:55 PM (This post was last modified: 04-09-2017, 12:52 AM by Geneva.)
OOC: Hope this is still open for AW posting? :D

Geneva had never been in snow before. This crunchy white powdery stuff was cooling to her paws until it got so cold they ached. When she tried to eat it, her mouth went numb. It was a frustrating thing to be in though she didn't think it was because she was so far north. Geneva was used to the hot deserts of her old homeland. While this was a pleasant change, she really wouldn't mind something warmer. It crunched under her feet and made it difficult to drink water. The trees and stuff looked pretty, but it wasn't so much fun to play in when your body went numb. Watching her breath come out as steam though was pretty cool.

Before she could curse the snow even further, a joyous howl echoed through the trees and Geneva had to stop and look for a second. Eventually as she rounded a corner, a flash of white and brown flashed past her as a growl and a screech followed the blurred form. "Waaah!" Geneva screeched as she dodged the bullet quite literally. As she was spun around from the force of the flight, she fought to stop herself as she watched what was a wolf and a weasel slide down the slope at immense speed. That looked like tons of fun! 'Is that what you do on this stuff?' Geneva thought to herself as she clambered down slowly onto her belly. At the top of the slope she hardly moved so she belly flopped a bit until she started to move. "Wo-wo-woaaaah!" she shouted briefly before beginning to laugh. She wasn't sure whether she should laugh or scream as she slid down the slope and was heading right for the wolf as it reached the end of the slope..



6 Years

04-11-2017, 09:54 PM

Yipping as they slid, she nearly had a heart attack as a pale form came into view. She nearly ran into the child, but there was no stopping herself now. Thankfully she was able to move, and it wasn't much longer before she heard a cry behind her as well. Letting out a burst of giggles, Jaelle glanced around her shoulder to see her going down on her belly. Looking forward, she saw the end of her slope and quickly jumped forward to land neatly on her paws. Turning around, she waited to see if the girl would make it down with a smile on her maw.

Meanwhile, the weasel rolled off her back with a gasp. "You nearly got me killed! Us killed! What the hell Jaelle?" He spat, licking the ground like he was never happier to see it. The wolf tipped back her head and laughed, patting his short body into the snow.

"Calm yourself, Goat the stoat. We have company." Jae said, flicking her bell clad tail as she watched the child to make sure she would be safe. The woman couldn't see or scent any parents nearby, and she was following her example after all. The least she could do was make sure she was okay.

Art by Fox

Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.



04-13-2017, 11:58 AM
Geneva felt herself sliding down the hill as fast as a peregrine falcon would fly for its prey. The trees and other physical forms of the forest flew by her as if they were standing still. The wind whipped through her ears and her fur as hard as an ocean storm. The cold bit had her skin, her nose, and eyes like a thousand stinging bees. It was a sensation of cold that kissed and her skin and bit at her senses making it for a unique experience. She wasn't quite sure what to make of what she was doing. Not to mention this would be the first time she ever saw snow and the cold on their paws was a really odd sensation. It was numb and tingling at the same time and the way it felt was like dipping a paw hot water but it didn't hurt. It had a similar sensation however it was more pleasant. Geneva was pleased with the sensation causing her curiosity to grow even further to determine what the heck this stuff was. For now it would have to wait as she flew down like a bullet to the end of the snow slide with jumps that she would Keisha Leafly off of and land with a soft thump on her belly to continue sliding.

As the young pup continued​ to slide down the hill, she saw her older kin slide to a stop with her weasel partner screaming at her. When she realized that the end was drawing close, she began to panic and how to find the brakes. It was exciting to take a dive on something you've never done before but then to realize you had to suddenly come to a stop or otherwise risk injury became a very frightening situation. Suddenly enjoyment became fear as Geneva scrambled​ her front and back paws to slide to a stop with whatever she could manage to grab onto with her claws which was virtually nothing. The snow instead flurried in her face covering in a thick dusting causing her to be temporarily blind. Now that she couldn't see where she was going and still propelled forward, panic set in even further. Her body spun around and tumbled as she slid down to the end and nearly toppled into the adult wolf. Missing the female by inches Geneva and stead plowed into a soft pile of snow and disappeared deep within it. The top of it, in reaction to the sudden impact, flurried on top of the hole that Geneva had created and buried her down deep. Geneva quietly sat making sure that nothing else was going to happen before she began to move and found herself struggling against the heavy weight on top of her. Her hearing was muffled as she pushed against the strong force of the snow pile feeling it shift with her body. She had a firm grip on the ground below her but anything above her simply moved and shifted like sand making it a little bit more difficult to get out. However, by her back and she felt the snow loosen which told her where her exit was.

Eventually with her back feet she put herself forward and remade the whole she had originally created. As the now bright white wolf walked out of the pile, she took in her surroundings as two green orbs revealed themselves from the snow contrasting with the bright white color. Geneva shake the snow off of her coat causing thick cloud of white to form around her making her look like a ghost. it's slowly dissipated as her Brown and red copper toned coat reappeared. The smile on her face could not be wiped off Ashi replayed the slide in her mind and looked at where she came from. "Holy elk! That was fun! What do you call that?" Geneva said excitedly as she looked to the other wolf and the weasel next door. Geneva took in the markings and the physical shape of the Wolf to Forever burn it to her mind and not forget what she looked like. Geneva had never seen a weasel travel with a wolf before so she thought the companionship was strange. She kept it to herself as her adrenaline continue to pump through her veins.