
Stop Drop and Roll



2 Years
04-17-2017, 01:58 PM (This post was last modified: 04-17-2017, 01:59 PM by Glock.)
He grunted with extreme effort as he leapt from the emerald green grass and onto a downed log, attempting to get the bulk of his weight over the obstacle before gravity caught up to him. He grunted and huffed, his back legs attempting to catch on the log’s bark but mostly flailing helplessly in the air. “Uh oh.” He mumbled, feeling the grip under his front paws giving way and sending him down to the ground back first. His thick padding had thankfully cushioned the fall but now he was stuck, not unlike a turtle. He heaved a sigh and shifted his weight from side to side until he was back on his side and able to stand. So far he had tried and failed to make the jump over the log twice and he was already starting to feel worn out.

He sat for a moment, staring at the impediment with a critical gaze. He wasn’t like his siblings; graceful and sleek, he was the muscle, he wasn’t built to sail noiselessly through the woods and chase prey, he was made to barrel into anything that got in his way and take it down with his bulk. So it would only make sense that trying to go over the log would be a lost cause. The thought of going around the tree and finding a different way into the nook never even occurred to him, which in his mind, left only one option; Under it. He backed up as much as he could, eyeing the small triangle of space between the trunk of the tree and a boulder. He snorted like a bull and with a mighty roar, he charged.

At first his plan appeared to be a success, his shoulders and most of his torso cleared the space with relative ease. It wasn’t until he was about halfway through that he found himself hopelessly stuck and unable to progress. He struggled at first and attempted to kick his massive body through but ultimately found himself unable to budge. He wuffed a defeated sigh then looked at his surroundings. The Nook as it turned out was a beautiful place and brought a wide smile to his features, his tail wagging from the other side of the log as he uttered a quiet “Purty”




4 Years
Extra large
04-17-2017, 05:10 PM
His interaction with the tiny female on the cliffs had been entertaining to say the very least, but this was not the time to think on that. Wesson pushed it out of his mind in order to focus on priority numero uno - finding his family. He'd dilly-dallied too long and needed to hustle to find Glock and make sure he was good. This little brother was a stark contrast to him. Wesson was a wolf who prided himself on his appearance. He kept in good shape and made sure he was always well-groomed. He had a bright mind, despite lacking the education and information his sisters received. His intelligence was mainly applied to strategizing and rationalizing, rather than to knowing "what's what." Glock, on the other hand, was unkempt, out of shape, and a bit dimwitted.

For all their differences, Glock was easily one of Wesson's favorite siblings. He had a giant soft spot for him and his good heart. He would be quick to jump to his defense if he ever needed it, but that affection also created the risk of increased jealousy on Wesson's part if Glock seemed to favor someone outside the family more than him. So far so good, but Wesson saw the potential in the future and recognized his fault for what it was. He just hoped that, if the day came, he could control himself. His jealousy had caused enough trouble.

Skirting pack territory to get where he wanted to go was getting old, but he'd picked up his brother's scent and was a male on a mission. The nook he found him in was pretty indeed, but Wesson didn't take the time to check it out. He focused, instead, on the fact that his brother was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Quite literally, in fact. "Awh, Glock," he groaned from behind the brute, shaking his head. "How'd ya get into this mess? Keep your tail down, I'll see if I can't push ya out." With that, he bent low at the knees and pressed his shoulder against Glock's backside, prepared to give him a boost as soon as he said the word. "When you're ready, kid." (ooc; feel free to just play that Wes did the push when you make the move Fen!)


04-17-2017, 05:32 PM
He didn't have to search too hard after he climbed back down from the cliff to find his dirtier brother. His scent was strong enough to scare anything within a ten mile radius into hiding. Of course that was something Colt counted on. He wasn't likely to ding him by anything else other than the ruckus he caused. He could hear him ahead, crashing into something most likely and f or that colt only shook his head. Honestly he didn't know which of the two that had went ahead with him were more hard headed, Glock with his inability to see alternative routes or Wesson with his flirting all the time. He wouldn't change either of them though, he loved them both no mater how dense or pig headed they were. His jaws parted in a grin at the crash ahead and he loped forward.  Wes was just as quick to find where Glock had got himself stuck. A deep chuckle came from him and he moved to assess the situation. With Wes doin the talking and readying a push for Glock Colt gave a nod.

"Watch yur head Glock, ah'm comin' over. Ah'll pull while ya push 'im Wes." with that he looked to the massive log and gave a quick heave up. His body was able to land on top of the log and then another heabe and he was over next to Glock's head. He turned to look his brother over for damages really quickly before he bent his head to aim a grip on his brother's scruff. Only when he was sure it was a good grip and he wasn't in the immediate area Glock would pop out of, for knowledge that Glock wouldn't mean to but might gut check Colt, did he pull. At any sign he did harm Glock he was ready to release though. He kept his tongue back and from touching his brother for tghe fact that he wasn't about to taste whatever Glock had last rolled in, likely something's shit if Colt would guess. Yup he was definitely washing his mouth after this. It wasn't that Colt was being mean honestly, just that Wes smelled rather strong and well Colt never knew exactly why. His mismatched eyes watched Glock's face for signs that he pulled too hard or but too much.



2 Years
04-19-2017, 09:56 AM (This post was last modified: 04-19-2017, 10:02 AM by Glock.)

He heard Wesson’s voice and immediately flagged his tail excitedly “Wes!” He exclamed, turning his head to look at his brother and grinning idiotically as if his brother could see him through the log.

Awh, Glock, How'd ya get into this mess? Keep your tail down, I'll see if I can't push ya out."

His smile faltered and he mumbled a bashful “Sorry” in response, lowering his tail just as his brother had instructed. Until of course, he heard his brother’s voice

"Watch yur head Glock, ah'm comin' over. Ah'll pull while ya push 'im Wes."

His littermate sailed noiselessly over the log and his tail resumed its fervent wagging. “Colt!” He grinned, his tongue lolling from the side of his mouth. His brother grabbed his scruff while his tail batted against their older brother’s head. He had a faint idea of what his brothers were trying to do at first, he hadn’t quite caught that part in the excitement of finding his brothers, but as Wes pushed and Colt pulled the pieces clicked into place and he ceased his wagging  and dug his paws into the trunk of the tree to help.
The bark of the tree crackled in protest at it chipped away under the force of two large wolves forcing one slightly smaller but much wider wolf out from under it. With an  audible “Shlop” Glock popped through the small crevasse and landed butt over teakettle inside the nook, his tail once again resuming its happy tempo as his body slowly shifted forward, landing him on his back. “Thank ya!” he chimed, trying to catch a glimpse of his brothers while on his back, his tongue once again lulling out the side of his mouth, but now resting on the side of his muzzle. What his brothers had in size he made up for in girth and of course, enthusiasm.

Speech You



2 Years
04-20-2017, 09:36 PM (This post was last modified: 04-20-2017, 09:38 PM by Beretta.)
“Oh my stars. Wot in the bloody heck did ya’ll get yerself inta this time?”

Beretta just arrived on the scene in just enough time to see her older brothers trying to give Glock the old heave ho. She had a dead snake in her mouth when she first came to the nook, but it soon dropped out onto the ground in amazement. He was stuck under a log? That was quite the conundrum indeed, and Beretta could only guess how it happened. What was he trying to do exactly when he got stuck like that? Build a fort out of wood or something? That was the only real explanation the woman could come up with at the time. And if that was the case, that plan had failed. Miserably. Surely there were other dens around that could suffice instead, right? There just had to be because getting stuck like that would not do.
Beretta stood a few feet from her brothers, and would have volunteered to assist them, but it seemed like they already had it handled. It was like an automatic response for Beretta to shake her head in an amused manner with a paw to her temple and her indigo eyes closed. The brown female could not help but laugh a little bit too, watching the boys push and pull to unearth their other sibling. To an outsider, it might have looked like nothing short of a hot mess. This was nothing new to Beretta though; they had several adventures of the sort in the past. And this certainly was not the last of them either apparently. But Beretta would not have wanted it any other way.

“Errbody okay? I got us a lil grub whilst I was out, iffen yer hungry now that is,” Beretta said. She scooped up her prize in her mouth and moved closer to the scene in question. After a brief inspection, and confirmation that everything was fine, she gobbled some of the serpent for herself. She left the rest to the others to consume at will. The honeyed woman plopped her furry butt down near the group, munching away, and she swallowed the meat with a happy smile. Beretta’s tail brushed against the ground like a dust mop, and she waited for further events to unfold.

“So, now that yer free bro, what else is on tha agenda today? Anythang interestin’?”



4 Years
Extra large
05-13-2017, 06:09 PM
Teamwork was one thing this family did well, no matter what they had going on or how irked they were with each other. Sure as Colt had been a bit of an annoyance to Wes earlier, he was glad his younger brother was there to help remove Glock from his situation. Wes wasn't positive he could've done it entirely on his own. "Thanks, Colt," he said with a smirk and a shake of his head. Why did they always seem to find themselves in these situations?

Wesson nearly forgot that Beretta was there, so caught up in their project that he barely heard and processed her comments before they shoved Glock through the hole. He took a moment before going to Glock to approach his sister and deliver a small kiss on her cheek. "Glad to see ya, Beretta. I didn't expect to so soon. I'm full up, but I appreciate the offer." To be frank, the idea of eating snake he found a bit off-putting, but he wasn't about to announce that. He smiled, then made his way to where Glock laid upon his back looking all too pleased. "You're welcome, little brother. Get on up now and come say hello to your sister!"

sorry is crappy!