
Cure of a no heart


06-22-2013, 01:02 AM

Selfish, was he? Dragneel had tried to stop thinking about this since he found Seraphine, before even thinking about serving her he had forgotten she had a mother. He feared rejection, he wished nothing more then to be told what to do and he had been itching to become attached to Seraphine all he could. Dragneel was worried, and didn't understand the feeling of doing so since he had never worried before not even about his own brother. Dragneel was nothing more than a machine driven male who took pleasure in being told what to do and pleasing others. A slave like relationship beyond that of wanting to be tortured, just to help as he was useless to himself as always. So sitting alone he had to think of a way to confront her mother. To tell her, he wished to serve and to be told what to do by her daughter. Seraphine's mother could do as she wished with him, Dragneel had no objections and was only in fear for death while pain was no stranger to him. His last master had constantly broken bones, and threw him into fights he should not have been in, but he gladly obliged because he hated having to make a choice for himself. Last time he did that, he had gotten a large scar that was now across his muzzle. A single scar indented into his skin.

Dragneel's red eyes looked out as his mind wandered, with so many what if's. This feeling made him very unsettled, maybe he should go hunting, maybe then the worried feeling would go away. Dragneel shivered and lowered his head, he wanted someone to tell him that everything would be alright. He also wanted someone to tell him to stop feeling this way. Would that even work? He hadn't known these stupid feelings to go away. As long as Seraphine and her mother liked him, he would have no reason to worry did he? Dragneel didn't know how things in Tortuga worked quiet yet, but he knew, that they were far smarter then the rogues he had been loyal to before leaving here with his brother.



06-22-2013, 12:43 PM

Since his wife having taken over the throne, thing in Tortuga had settled more or less. The agitation throughout the members had basically dissipated since they had apparently come to terms with the fact that Desdemoma had won her battle with Kaien, fair and square and this was the way that things were going to be now. He honestly had no problem with his wife being queen now. If she wanted to be the one to lead Tortuga in the right direction and bring into prosperity, then he would be right there beside her, doing everything in his power to support her. But if he was being honest with himself, he would've preferred if she wasn't queen. Since having ascended, she was always busy with pack business. Needing to talk to this alpha, making a treaty with this pack, it went on and on. There were a few times that she was able to stay home with him, comfortable in their den, and they would be able to just enjoy each other's company. But those times were few and far between now. He wasn't complaining. He was far from that, having already come to terms with her new title, but still he wished that things had remained like they had been during Kaien's rule. Just him and her, two members of a pack, trying to start their own family together. Nothing more and nothing less.

Not one to sit around idly and do nothing, the ivory knight moved through his home territory, trying to find something to do. He held no high rank, therefore no duties belonged to him. And yet despite having so much time on his paws, he didn't know a single member of his pack. It was sad really. Anyone who knew that would think that he was some kind of insecure social outcast that didn't like the rest of the population and preferred to be alone all the time. He was far from that though. The truth was that he preferred being around Desdemona more than anyone else. She was his wife and soul mate after all, how could he not want to be around her all the time. But she was busy now with alpha related affairs, leaving him to his own devices most of the time. Like now, simply wandering through Tortuga. A cool breeze rustled in, throwing his pale fur in a million directions as well as bringing a new scent to his attention. It was male and it smelled of Tortuga. A pack member, one he obviously had never met before. This was his chance to begin to meet his extended family.

Powerful limbs carried the ivory knight through the territory easily enough, mismatched gems coming across the smaller frame of the brute before him. Limbs came to a halt, gaze intent on the brute as he studied him. He seemed rather lost, as if not knowing where to go or what to do. He could definitely relate at the moment. Do you need some help? He called out to his fellow pack brother, plume wagging gently behind powerful haunches as he waited to see what the man would say.

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06-22-2013, 04:23 PM

Dragneel's red eyes looked up at the much larger male as he pressed his ears against his ears. Everything was wrong, but he wasn't going to explain it to the male not unless he wanted him to. Was something wrong? Dragneel didn't know, he didn't like the position where he had to choose his own path. He shook his head and then the rest of his body to get the nerves off of him. If he spent his entire time worrying about it he wouldn't get anywhere would he? He would simply have to confront Seraphine's mother and see how things went. Beg for all he cared in the world to get the thing that made him happy. To make use of his pathetic bag of fur. The reddish colored male lifted his head but not dare above his shoulders. If one hadn't second guessed, they could have seen him as one of the slaves here. Yet, no he wasn't, he was a member who hated to think for himself.
"I don't know sir, do you think I need some help?" Dragneel asked looking up at him. He didn't know how else to answer anyway, this was his attempt at conversing with another. Was it wrong or right, he had to be told because he didn't care about what he thought. He might as well been stuck in some thin gap to be thinking for himself. He'd probably get himself killed anyway.



06-25-2013, 11:58 PM

The other man seemed to cower in the ivory brute's presence, or at least, he didn't seem very comfortable with Demonio. He could tell that something was the matter, but exactly what was anyone's guess. This russet man had to be a new member. He hadn't found his scent anywhere else in Tortuga, at least not stale anyway. He felt kind of bad that he didn't know the lad's name or that he had even part of his pack until now. Perhaps he should spend his spare time meeting other Tortugans and familiarizing himself with his pack mates. The young man spoke up, asking if he thought he needed help. Perhaps, I'm not too sure. You look as if you need some help, but I'm not sure. If you do, I can try and help you with whatever I can. Mismatched gems watched the smaller knight before him, wondering if he would reveal what was plaguing him and allow the porcelain man to aid him in anyway possible.

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06-26-2013, 02:49 PM

His answer, made a light tsk leave his snout. Dragneel didn't like these kinds of wolves, treating him as their equal when he wasn't. Standing at a mere twenty four inches not only was he smaller, his personality was something many would scorn at. Though he would work with what he got. "Yes my lord. But unless you can stop an angry mother protecting her child then my problem is as it stands." The boy answered in a polite tone, his eerie red eyes looking up at the man. That wasn't just the start of his problems, but it was a best place to start as any. Dragneel's tail flicked, oh, his worried feeling went away. That was good, maybe having someone around was a good thing he would feel such things unless they told him to, or at least he would try.

"Trying to get close to Seraphine is harder than I thought. But I have to." Dragneel dug his paws into the dirt with eagerness. To be commanded, to be told what he should do. No matter how stupid the request was since it was a pup. He wanted to be of use, and he would throw himself out for the one he was serving.



06-26-2013, 03:09 PM

Audits pinned themselves against his skull as he watched the much smaller man, brows furrowing as the lad called him lord. He was no lord. He was far from being a man in position or even an alpha. There's no need for that kind of formality. I'm no one in power. You can call me Demonio. And well, perhaps I can. Nothing's impossible. A small bow of his head was given to the red lad, wondering just who exactly this angry mother was and what child was being protected. It was only a moment after he'd spoke that the lad provided the information, calling who he assumed the child to be by the name of Seraphine. Seraphine. He had never heard that name. Was she part of Tortuga? Demonio cursed himself and his lack of knowledge with his pack mates. Seraphine? Is she part of Tortuga? And may I ask why you must get close to her? Figuring they were going to be talking for a while, the much larger ivor man settled down, haunches folding beneath him, plume curling against his hind paws, mismatched gaze intent on the smaller man, awaiting an explanation.

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06-26-2013, 04:20 PM

Demonio was this lords name? Interesting, Dragneel always complied to whatever others wished. At the moment he wasn't serving Seraphine so that's how it would be until then. If things went well with her mother that was. Demonio asked why, that was an easy thing to answer as the emotionless boy looked over at the white male with bi colored eyes. "I wish to serve her Demonio, she's the daughter of Luce in Tortuga." He answered clearly, holding no secrets. That was his life, full of serving and he enjoyed it to the fullest extend. Digging his paws out of the dirt he flicked his tail.
Dragneel had all his back claws missing, but other than that and the large scar across his muzzle he was perfectly fine. Other than his slim looking body, to others he looked like he didn't eat much. Yet, he was strong, specially his bones with how many times they had been broken. "Is there anything else you'd like to know about me?" Dragneel asked his red eyes glinting over at him.



06-26-2013, 06:03 PM

He seemed like a rather calm fellow, not one to intentionally start any kind of trouble. It was a shame to Demonio that he hadn?t met the lad before. What would the boy think of him knowing that he had lived in Tortuga for a good while and didn?t know the rest of his packmates? He didn?t seem to mind, easily providing the answer to the white man?s question. Luce. Another Tortuga that he hadn?t met. Jeez, he really needed to get on track and know at least who his other pack mates were. This was ridiculous. Serve her? What do you mean serve her? Surely you can?t be talking about being a slave to the woman. We do not harbor slaves in our pack. Everyone is an equal. Everyone is treated fairly and with the same amount of respect. Brows furrowed together, mismatched eyes narrowing in confusion. He wanted to serve the woman Seraphine, daughter of Luce? What on earth could drive the young man to want to do such a thing?

Yes, the boy wasn?t the biggest of the bunch, both in height and muscle mass, but that didn?t mean he had to resort to making himself the slave of someone else. With the right training, he could become a fine hunter, perhaps a spy. Demonio was sure the boy had some talents he was unaware of. The lad?s question brought his attention away from the millions of questions revolving in his head. Could you tell me your name? He found it odd that the lad hadn?t introduced himself yet.

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06-26-2013, 06:14 PM

Slave wasn't entirely the word for it, his job was to serve and teach like a butler did in a way. His last master hadn't let him do anything to teach though but Dragneel was satisfied as to be at another's aid. Demonio was just like the rest, questioning his behavior like it was some kind of curse. His brother hadn't questioned it, and the boy was just this way. He hated being given a choice, he would rather be told to do something then do it himself. The result of thinking for himself, was the scar on his muzzle and the lack of back nails. "In that aspect, yes, but I am not a slave. I am a servant, there isn't much else to put to it. The more I think for myself, the more I injure my well being." Dragneel stated not sure how else to explain it, but then his name was asked for.
"Dragneel." Demonio could yell at him, he didn't care. Dragneel lacked the feeling to do so, missing emotions that had eaten away at his heart. While his mother and father were nice people, they had doted over Natsu. He developed the behavior from doing things for his brother at a young age, then getting mixed up with rogue who would have their way with him a thousand fold. Broken bones, missing fur, even other things that he would rather not dispute to the world. "Is it wrong to want to please others, to have an object that they can freely use as a friend or shield?" He didn't believe in friends, it was a fake word on his ears.



06-26-2013, 08:03 PM

He wasn't a slave, but a servant. A servant. The young was a servant to the young woman Seraphine. How could that be? He had never heard of someone becoming a servant, willingly or unwillingly. Demonio was na?ve to that kind of lifestyle, given that he would never allow that to happen to himself. He had too much self-respect to allow himself to be brought down to such a level. No wolf deserved to be the servant of another. So you serve her because you believe it will keep you out of harm? Disbelief colored his words as he stared dumbfounded at the young man. How was this possible? Why would such a young boy want to dedicate his life in such a way to another creature? It made no sense to the ivory brute.

Dragneel] That was the young man's name. It was a fine name, befitting the of the russet pelted lad, but a sense of pity overtook the porcelain man. He didn't mean to sound judgmental or anything because he wasn't, but he just couldn't understand that Dragneel would willing put himself in the position of a servant. He couldn't understand it at all. Is it wrong to want to please others, to have an object that they can freely use as a friend or shield? Dragneel's second question broke his musings, mismatched gaze focusing on the youth as a serious expression took over his fa?ade. No, that's not wrong, but Dragneel you're not an object. You're a living, breathing wolf who has feelings and desires and hopes and dreams. It's fine that you want to help others, I feel the same way, but you can't let others treat you as an object because then they will take advantage of you and treat you like you're nothing. That's not right. And you're far from being nothing. He wasn't judging the young man on his choice of lifestyle, everyone was entitled to live however they wanted, but he just didn't think it was fair that this young boy subject himself to being used. He sounded like had such a noble heart and it would be a shame to see him being taken advantage of for the wrong reasons.

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06-26-2013, 09:51 PM

The words were the same, it wasn't the first time Dragneel had heard them. The boy understood it was strange, but when given a decision he didn't want to choose. He would rather die and be hurt because of another orders rather than something he had decided himself. He had a hot temper that could not be tamed by anyone but the one he chose to become attached to. He was certain Seraphine would treat him better than his last master, she was only a pup after all. Dragneel happily thought of being an object to another, they could be proud of him if they wished it. But these feelings, desires, hopes and dreams Demonio spoke about, were none existent. "To anyone I serve yes, willingly I choose who interests me. Seraphine has yet to turn even a year of age, she is a pup innocent to the eyes of the world." He looked at the man with blank eyes, then turned back to the sky.
"I lack these emotions you speak of. Nor do I want to feel them. I have no goals, no dreams unless you count of being of some use to my masters. My brother killed my last master, but I felt no ill will towards the man." Dragneel flicked his tail. "If I were to feel, I would become a beast, and I would not last more than a day in these lands before having someone tear my throat out Demonio." Dragneel was not downing himself, he was speaking fact. He had no dreams, no goals, so he left himself as an empty shell.



06-26-2013, 10:32 PM

He still didn't understand why someone who willingly choose to dedicate their life to serving someone, but he was slowly coming to terms with it. Dragneel just lived a different lifestyle, one he had never heard of or encountered before, and that was completely fine. Demonio wasn't the type of guy to walk around telling people how to live their lives. Who was he to tell someone how to live their own life? Her certainly wouldn't want someone to come and judge his choice of lifestyle and try to tell him how he should live. Everyone was entitled to live the way they wanted to and Dragneel was no exception.

There was no expression in the ruby eyes that met his own mismatched ones as he explained that the child hadn't even turned a year yet and that he willingly choose those he served. Well I am not one to judge others based on how they choose to live their life. If you choose to serve someone, I find that very noble and worthy respect. It was an honorable thing to do, since not most people would be able to subject themselves to a lifestyle like that. Well I respect your choice of living. I might not completely understand it, but if you never need any kind of assistance, then please do not hesitate to call upon me. We are pack mates after all. A gentle smile curled the man's jaws as he looked down to the lad, finding that despite his unusual lifestyle, he had a good heart with him, even if he thought himself not to have emotions.

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06-27-2013, 02:44 PM

You didn't need to understand, most would jump at the chance to kill anything that unknown to their eye. Dragneel believe in no god, nor spirits of the world, but he knew wolves who would kill for that kind of thing. He didn't believe in his own free will unless he lost himself in the dark depths and killed himself only to melt away into the earth. The boy had invisible shackles all over his legs, and he enjoyed it that was for sure. Safe and secure from the emotions he did not want to feel. Regret, and happiness. His ears twitched as he listened to the mans words. Believe in no friendship, this was simply another offering to become of use, but it didn't work that way. Draneel would never be anyone's equal, because he did not wish to speak on equal terms of the world.

Dragneel gave a smirk with a small huff of air out of his nose tilting his head and closing his eyes for a few moment before flicking his ears and looking back at Demonio, in the most strange way possible. It wasn't really a look of hatred, but the fact that Dragneel knew in the bottom of his heart this man would never understand him. And he would never be able to pull him up to his level. The small male looked away and stretched his paws forward. Getting up and ready to walk away.



06-27-2013, 02:59 PM

Demonio would never understand what drove Dragneel to want to pursue that type of lifestyle, but the ivory man would hold no judgment against him. He was a fellow Tortugan, therefore he would accept him as he was. It obvious their meeting wasn't going anywhere. He would never be able to convince the lad that he was indeed an equal and the russet man would never be able to get through to the porcelain brute that serving others was his place in the world. They were from two different spectrums and would most likely never be able to understand one another. And that was fine with Demonio. Dragneel stood, stretching his legs and he took that as his cue to leave. Limbs unscrambled themselves from beneath his massive frame, hoisting back onto all four paws. It was nice to meet you Dragneel. Maybe we'll run into each other sometime again and I can meet little Seraphine. With a dip of his head the white man turned and headed back in the direction he came, possibly to run into another member or maybe just relax for the rest of the day.

EXIT DEMONIO (unless stopped by Dragneel)

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