
Don't Be A Girl About It



06-25-2013, 10:39 PM
Trotting along onto the 'beautiful' lake she had spotted as she traveled, Claston surveyed the bleak landscape with a sour yet satisfied expression. It was the prefect place to practice fighting moves during winter.

Blinking, her toxic green gaze fixated on a clear space that looked like it had lots of room for her twists and turns, so she trotted towards it. She slowed, carefully flexing her claws in the ice, scratching at it and growling low in her throat. She closed her eyes tight for a second, gathering a somewhat dark peace of mind for practice, and then lunged forward at nothing, practicing her take-offs for attacks. She needed to be quick, her movements counted and precise. She needed clean-cut attacks that would deal a lot of damage, and not leave her winded after.

Landing heavily on her paws, she whipped around, tail out straight like a flag, ears flat against her skull, and eyes narrow. She darted forward quick, body low to the ground, zig-zagging like a snake would. She needed to practice these movements more, even though she had practically perfected them already. She needed new techniques, more knowledge. More spars with real wolves, not the grass-stuffed things she made, voodoo-like wolf dolls that were difficult to put together, and easy to destroy. She never had enough of those, she needed real flesh to fight against, to sink her teeth into, and claw and slash at until it was no more but a corpse...

Knight Cloud

06-25-2013, 11:43 PM

The cold air bit the mans nose as he shook off the snow that had fallen on him from a tree branch. Ruffled, he kept walking. That's the third time today that snow falls on me. I guess mother nature is out to get me for a while. He thought with annoyance. It wasn't the first time snow had fallen on him, or drowned him, or threw itself at him or just plain out attacked him the past few days. Maybe the snow from his homeland had found him and decided to nag at him for leaving. But he had no choice, everything he knew was gone. There was no turning back now. Even if he wanted to, he'd have a helluva time trying to get back there. It was miles and miles across the Ocean, all the way at the Northern Edges. There'd be no way to get back. Ever. So now he'd try to find a place that called to him. So far, everywhere he had been through didn't feel like it. He wanted to find a place soon, Spring time was right around the corner and Knight much preferred the snow.

The Knights paws began to feel weary. He hadn't been able to find food for the past few days, so he'd have to stop somewhere and find something. He quivered at the thought of having to eat Carrion, that would be his last resort. Pressing on, he licked his chops as he remembered how thirsty he was. Maybe there was a stream or lake somewhere he could take a drink from. Sure Snow was just frozen water, but he didn't want to risk catching a mouthful of dirt or other bacterial menace that hid itself. Wrinkling his nose, he climbed up a slope. Shoulders hunched forward, tail low and head down he looked like a snow encrusted corpse. Tired, hungry, and internally desperate to find something or someone, anyone to know that there was life out in this desolate landscape.

Upon arriving at the top of the slope, he glanced down to see a frozen lake. And on it, a creature running frantically back and forth across its surface. Brows furrowed and eyes narrowed, he crouched low to the ground. Pressing his belly into the cold ground. From here, he'd look like a strip of dirt...he lay unmoving as he watched the figure below. What is it doing?

Normal, Think, Speech, You,



06-26-2013, 11:35 PM

Claston slowed, not winded in the least, and she sat. She licked at her chest fur, having the strange sensation that she was being watch. She lifted her gaze, looking around, not seeing anybody on the flat, frozen expanse. Assured that no danger was lurking too close, she turned her gaze to the hills surrounding the place. She surveyed them, seeing clumps of trees further of, and... A unique brown lump on one of the hills. She was unaware that it was a wolf, and that it was watching her carefully, so she resumed her training.

Clawing the ground once more, she darted towards one of the outcroppings of ice, giving a powerful push of her hind paws, launching her small body onto it. She stood, tall and proud, glaring around at the terra surrounding her, pride evident in her stance, the way she held her ears high atop her crown, and tail aloft in the air. She then lifted her snout to the sky, nostrils flaring as she scented the air, picking up the smell of another wolf. Male. Perfect.She thought darkly to herself, a cruel smirk growing upon her maw, and she barked out strongly, "Show yourself, Brute! I don't take kindly to hiding strangers watching me practice. Though, if that's where you get your kicks... So be it. But at least let me see you."

The flirty devil in her was coming out to play, and Claston would gladly embrace that side of herself, enjoying the cat-and-mouse game. She loved playing with her victims before she ruined them. It gave her pleasure, however sadistic it might be. She would never change, or would she?

Knight Cloud

06-27-2013, 01:08 AM

The Knights confused face watched the brownish figure race across the ice. One brow raised, the other lowered as he bore a questioning look on his face. For a moment it had stopped, glancing around the terrain. Studying it. He pressed himself closer to the cold ground as it looked his way. The cold seeped through his fur, forcing him to shiver once as the ice touched his belly. The creature moved again, continuing its strange movements across the ice. It seemed to be sparring with the ice rocks and snow banks...? He was confused even more now. He wondered if she was playing with the ice or... The wind had shifted past him, towards the other wolfs direction. Cutting off his train of thought. At the same moment another wind picked up, pushing west from them. He caught a trace of its scent, but not enough to tell if it was a male or female. Just then, he noticed that she had stopped again. Watching her, he heard it speak.

"Show yourself, Brute! I don't take kindly to hiding strangers watching me practice. Though, if that's where you get your kicks... So be it. But at least let me see you." "It" was a female. Her voice sounded sweet, and seemed to contain an accent as well. He sighed, so much for being hidden. Though he must've done a good job if she didn't notice the first time. He stood then, and slowly made his way towards the frozen water. He kept a guarded expression in his eyes. His face donned a neutral, emotionless mask. He would approach her, she had been the first wolf he met since he arrived at this continent. His cool jungle green eyes watched the girl carefully, if she had been practicing her fight skills then he didn't want to invoke an unnecessary fight. He thought it wouldn't be a very fair one, especially with her being so much smaller compared to him. The mottled brown brute stopped on a rocky outcrop in front of her.

He lowered himself to his belly. His wet belly fur pressing against his skin again as his body made contact with the cold rock. "I apologize if I intruded on I'm just a passerby, I mean no harm." He told her simply. His voice never quavered or betrayed anything other then an apologetic tone. He really did not mean to walk in and disturb her day, but he hoped he could get some answers as to where he was.

Normal, Think, Speech, You,



07-06-2013, 09:44 PM
((So sorry for takin so long. I got kind of bad again. I was a bit unstable. I wasn't in the right mind to roleplay. D:))

Claston pasted a flirty smile upon her maw, leaping down off the jutting ice and strutting over to him, tail lashing side to side, ears perked forward with interest, and hips swaying with every pawstep. "It's fine." She soothed, her accent thick and sweet, eyes scanning him. She was looking for potentially vulnerable spots on his body. She had an ever-present darkened mindset, yet she wouldn't show that throough her movements, instead preferring to present herself as a flirty little wolfess. She wanted him to think she could be taken advantage of, so that he might flirt back, and she could see how strong he thought he was, or if he was any bit arrogant or cocky.

Toxic gaze softening, she lowered herself carefully onto her haunches, her movements graceful and fluid, beautiful compared to her violent practice moves earlier. "So what brings you to this part of Alacritis. Or even to the lands itself?" She snorted disdainfully, "I personally came to find a tough pack, one that excels in fighting." She batted her lashes at him, smirking cheekily. Arrogance at it's finest.

"As you can see, training and fighting are my life." She fixes a lonely face, her lower lip out in a pout, "It gets lonely." She gazed down at her paws, before glancing sideways at Knight. "What about you?" She was feigning interest in him, as she obviously enjoyed taking the muck out of males.

Knight Cloud

07-11-2013, 04:33 AM

The mottled rogue's ears flicked back, standing still as the female approached him. His gaze remained steady, emotion unapparent. His face bereft of any clue as to what he was thinking. Jungle green orbs followed her as she slunk towards him, audits silently listening to her speak. Her voice deceiving in so many ways, of that he was sure. He could see right through her, something he learned along his travels was to be careful of who your company was. He had never had a mate, never a girlfriend or a crush, and he had never given in to the urges of a man or woman. It was not like him, not something he did.

Staring at this woman, toxic eyes incredibly close to him, he simply stood there and glared back. His answer simple on his lips. "My purpose in...Alacritis as you call it, is unknown. I'm a rogue, a loner hailing from the farthest regions of the Northern world. Farther then you've ever been I would think. As for being lonely...that's something I am all too familiar with. Not something I am bereft of. It's my sole companion." He replied steadily. His eyes never left her...what was she up to?
