
Tangled In The Great Escape


04-30-2017, 02:22 AM

Lost was a good way to explain how he was feeling. He was a stranger to these lands, a foreigner, and everything about this continent was odd to him. He'd come from a continent far different from this one and he'd happened upon it by chance. He'd drifted out to sea one day after being caught in a storm on a beach and then drug out to sea. The only way he'd survived was by a large piece of drift wood and from there he'd landed on an island. It wasn't until the skies cleared and the morning mists had rolled away that he'd noticed a much larger stretch of land. He swam the rest of the way when he'd rested up and the rest was obvious. He'd made his way to Auster and had resided here for the past few weeks.

Going home wouldn't be an option. He had no desire to spend days out on the open ocean again surviving only by a piece of wood. Luckily for him he was an opportunist and, despite the fact he'd been separated from the only family he'd ever known, he saw this land for what it was. What he'd explored was, by far, far more beautiful than anything he'd ever seen before. He'd traveled at his own pace, enjoying the sights at his leisure, and had no problems finding food. The temperatures were rather warm and if it wasn't for the bouts of rain that plagued him now and again it would have been enjoyable.

Today he found himself occupied with a pile of strange rocks forming a circle. Strange runes covered them but no matter how many times he circled them trying to make sense of them nothing came to mind. His homeland had no such oddities and it was completely puzzling to the cream colored wolf. Not only was their placement strange, but the markings on them only made them that much more difficult to understand. What had placed them here? What were with the markings? Had there been a wolf native to these lands around he would have asked, but the hybrid hadn't seen anyone around since he'd arrived. He'd scented a few loners here and there, but their scents were old. At least the continent was still had those of his kind, well, almost his kind.

Walk, "Talk" Think



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
05-03-2017, 05:44 AM

The former alphess hadn't been out of Talis too much, but the last few days she was out and about checking out the lands around the pack. She hadn't yet seen much of Auster, but that would all change because the more she wandered, the more she wanted to see. Auster was full of beautiful lands, each territory more intriguing than the last. Boreas was beautiful but Auster definitely took the cake in terms of scenery. A light drizzle coated her, the random storms that had come to the lands was a welcome change. Though they hadn't been hit with anything bad, which was a good thing, she didn't mind the light rains that occasionally swept across them. She couldn't say that Tanaraq enjoyed the weather as much as she did, however. The whitephase raptor sat between her shoulders, her feathers puffed out as her face wore an obvious look of irritation and displeasure at having her feathers wet. "Why the sour mood? It's not as bad as it could be, you know." She glanced back at her companion with a grin. "You're better suited to this than I am. Your pelt is thick, it doesn't feel very comfortable to have wet feathers!" She pouted. Avalon laughed as she continued on, and soon her pace would slow as she got closer to an interesting sight.

She arrived at a place she hadn't been to yet, stones standing around in a circle like fashion with odd markings on them as far as she could tell. As old as she was, she'd never seen this before, but it intrigued her. Fluffy plume gently wagged as she walked around one of the stones, the woman stopping in front of it once more as amber gaze looked it over. As much as she tried, she couldn't decipher what was marked...or written? "Tanaraq, have you seen anything like this before?" Her companion could fly, after all. So she had to have seen a lot of things that Avalon had not. "I'm not entirely sure what they are, but I vaguely remember my grandmother telling me about these creatures called 'humans' who created things that we do not understand. Amron's castle is one of them, and these markings upon the stone must also be their doing." She concluded, and was just as interested as beady eyes looked them over. It had to be the work of humans. No animal she knew of couldn't have made such intricate markings on stone like that. But what did they mean? And why did they do it?

As the pair went on to investigate further, Avalon stopped in her tracks as the scent of another came upon her. A stranger, a loner. Someone she obviously didn't recognize or know. She stood tall, peering up to see who it might be. It was a male, obviously. But he seemed...different than the usual wolves she came across. She spotted him not too far away, and noticed that his coat was far thicker and shaggier than even her own. Was it even a wolf? His scent told her he was, but...there was something different about it as well. She was curious, and so she decided to get closer for a better look. Maybe he would know what these markings meant? "Excuse me, I'm sorry to bother you, but do you know what these markings mean?"



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05-23-2017, 02:48 AM

He'd circled the stones one more times, trying to see if there was any clue that would lead him to enlightenment, but he found no such thing. Eventually he gave up and sat before one to stare up at it in awe. He had nothing better to do with him time, save for hunting, but his stomach hadn't quite gotten to the point where he felt like breakfast was in order. Even he had to admit to himself that he was a sucker for sight seeing and he was reluctant to leave this place for a while longer. After all what if someone happened to come along - he couldn't be the only creature interested in the structures. Maybe they'd know more than him. At the very least he could get an idea of this new land and its inhabitants from another and more experienced traveler than himself.

It was a little while before he began to believe no one else would show up. The carvings kept him interested for a while, but eventually the heavy footfalls of another caught his attention. A fluffy ear flicked its way before the sound of voices traveled his way. His head turned slightly as a strange pair greeted his vision. The first was clearly a wolf, fluffy in appearance, slightly shorter than himself, and a pleasing mixture of gray and tan. The other was a somewhat strange concept to him. There was a bird sitting on the female's back. His head cocked to the side with curiosity as he stared at it and listened to them talk. He couldn't pick up the conversation, but it was odd that they were together.

Well it seemed like they'd noticed him. He got to his feet as she looked him over and yet he didn't feel self conscious. He'd gotten used to the strange stares he'd received before - after all he was different to look at. The fluffy fur and slightly different body type was certainly recognizable. Ears flicked towards the female as she shot him a question about the stones and he glanced back towards the nearest rock before he shook his head.

"No, I'm afraid I don't. I'm sorry. I was hoping to ask the next wolf I saw the same question." He explained with an apologetic look. Maybe the natives didn't know more than he did about the place either.

Walk, "Talk" Think



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
05-27-2017, 04:11 AM

The man saw her, though she was probably hard to miss anyway with her size. He approached, and she frowned slightly at his words. So he didn't know what they were either? That was disappointing, though she figured he wouldn't if she didn't. She could tell he was younger, though not by much. At least by a year or so, and she didn't come across many wolves as old or as close to her age. They were usually several years younger, and because of that she often felt ancient which was an icky feeling. "Oh, well...thank you. I was hoping someone would know," She smiled sweetly as she stopped a few feet from him. Amber gaze looked him over, trying to figure out what sort of wolf he was. She knew there were different species, but he was different. And...impressive looking.

Tan ruffled her feathers, sharp brown eyes looking at the man. "Where are your manners, dog? Are you just gonna stand there, or do you have a name?" She quipped from her perch on Avalon's back. Of course, Avalon was surprised by the birds remark. Quickly, she turned her head to look at her, "Tanaraq! That's rude, don't you think?" Her voice was stern, waiting for an answer. "I've been hanging around your boys too long, but really, I would like to know his name so I know what to call him. After all, I don't think "Dog" is his name." She peered at the stranger from between the wolfess' ears. Sighing, Avalon looked at the male, embarrassment flooding her. "I'm sorry, she's usually not so rude...erm, my name is Avalon. What might I call you? Your name isn't 'dog', is it?" She lightly giggled, trying to add a bit of humor to the situation after Tan's bold teasing.
"Talk" "You" Think


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06-26-2017, 02:03 AM

"Oh, well...thank you. I was hoping someone would know,"

He dipped his head, still feeling slightly apologetic as he looked at her, and offered her a polite smile. Well, no luck yet but there was still the chance that he'd find someone else with the answers. He opened his mouth, ready to speak again, when his eyes shifted to the bird companion she had with her as it ruffled its feathers. It was hardly ever that he was ridiculed for his "lack" of manners so needless to say he was a little shocked by the creature's words. He couldn't say he'd ever been scolded by a bird before.

The dog comment rankled him a bit. It was a reminder that he never quite fit into either worlds. Not fully a dog and not fully a wolf, but his face remained impassive as he watched the exchange of words between the wolf and the bird. Mostly he was just confused and it felt like he was learning a bit too much about the female far too quickly after literally just meeting. Whoever these boys were - well he didn't want to be them.

Finally their little quarrel had ended and his eyes flashed between the strange pair. The female introduced herself as Avalon and Aodhan shifted on his paws as his eyes moved to the bird again as he half expected another scolding again. A light chuckle left him as she inquired if his name was truly "dog."

"Aodhan Raekan. It's a pleasure to meet you both."

Walk, "Talk" Think



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
07-20-2017, 01:10 PM

She felt so embarrassed by Tan's rude comments, but alas, she couldn't control the raptor. She did as she pleased, and hopefully this was a one time thing. Tan was usually much more polite and mature, though maybe she was just as interested in this...wolf? Honestly, he looked different than most wolves did. But he looked handsome enough, so she didn't question it...yet. "Aodhan Raekan. It's a pleasure to meet you both." She smiled, tail wagging when the male introduced himself. "I'm Avalon Ancora, and this is Tanaraq. It's nice to meet you as well, glad to know your name isn't dog!" She laughed, "Not that it would be a bad name..." She didn't want to offend him, but her curiosity was also getting the best of him. Was he...maybe like her father? Gargoyle had been a hybrid, not quite a wolf yet not quite a dog...was this male the same way?

"I don't mean to be rude're a...a hybrid, aren't you?"

"Talk" "You" Think


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