
EVENT: A Monster Ailment



05-24-2017, 02:52 PM
A huge beast of a wolf staggered along. His massive black paws rent deep furrows in the white sand beach as they dragged. Heavy head swung back and forth mindlessly, red-tinged saliva dripping from exposed fangs and the tongue that lolled between them. Red eyes glared feverishly at his surroundings. The bright pleasantness of the beach and the bay it surrounded seemed to dim beneath his malevolent glare and the reek of blood and disease. With a groan like boulders grinding together, the male collapsed beneath one of the palm trees. His head dropped to the sand, eyes closed, and he was still.

Silence remained a heavy blanket over the beach.

What afflicts this terrible beast? Is it contagious? Surely there are healers in Auster bold enough to attempt to heal this monster of his ailment!

Participation is limited to the first four characters, so please stick to one character per person and only post if you can keep up! Rounds will progress to the next character if the previous hasn't posted within three days, so make sure you post when it's your turn or you may not get enough rounds to claim your points! Completing four rounds of treatment will give you +10 healing skill points. Working together with your fellow healers to successfully treat the patient will give you an additional +10 healing skill points for a total of +20.



1 Year
05-24-2017, 04:19 PM
They had been wandering for a short while, interested in learning the land. It was so nice here, even though it was a bit dry. Alexis loved the cooler seasons; likely because that was when they had been born, in Winter. But th warmer seasons were nice as well. Not as good as their birth season, but they would enjoy it.

Their thoughts were interrupted by the sight of large pawprints, much larger than their own, and their ears pricked at the scent of the other wolf. This wolf could be dangerous, they knew; their pawprint wasn't even big enough to even compare to the ones in the sand. Still, hesitantly, they moved towards the scent, wide red eyes sending occasional glances to the pawprints.

Finally, they stumbled upon the wolf, and stopped in their tracks. This wolf was much too big. Still, Alexis called out hesitantly, towards him. "What's wrong?" Maybe they could help.



5 Years
05-24-2017, 05:59 PM (This post was last modified: 05-24-2017, 06:00 PM by Lydia.)
Build me up from bones, Wrap me up in skin, Hold me close enough to breath me in

Lydia had moved south into the summer heat of Auster and she wasn't quite sure which was hindering her herb hunting more.  The winter frost of Boreas or the burning heat of Auster.  Grumbling she shifted the rabbit pelt full of assorted herbs in her mouth, setting it down just briefly so that she could stretch her jaw.  She gazed out across the sea, enjoying the view despite the clumps of kelp and plant matter that choked up the small bay.  When she heard the sound of shifting on the sand she turned and froze.  A gargatuan wolf was staggering along the beach.  She debated whether she should turn and run but when he collapsed she knew she had to help.  Carefully she reordered her herbs and folded the corners of the rabbit pelt together, securing the bundle in her jaws.  As she moved toward the dark shape she saw a young woman approach and wondered if the girl was a friend of the man's or perhaps a fellow healer.  

When she heard the girls question she assumed they were not traveling together.  Carefully she set her bundle of herbs down and dipped her head in greeting to the girl.  "Hello there, I'm a healer, can I help?"  She winced a little as she saw the red-tinged saliva, was he bleeding on the inside somewhere?  Her nostrils flared taking in his scent and doing her best to sift through it to see if there was anything she could glean.  Taking a few steps closer she reached out her right forepaw and gently tapped the mans shoulder. "Sir, sir can you hear me?"  Her ears flicked forward, searching for his response as well as any signs that he was struggling to breath.   



8 Years
05-24-2017, 09:23 PM (This post was last modified: 05-24-2017, 09:24 PM by Arke.)

Winter season had struck the lands, but in Auster it felt like dry heat. He had moved further away from pack lands in an attempt to find herbs, the ponds in the starlit plains had dried up so water was becoming scarce. He headed east away from the lands in search of water that might be harboring precious herbs nearby, but each land he crossed came up empty. He was becoming discouraged, and was about to turn around and head in another direction. That is, until he scented something strange. First, he caught the tailwind of strangers, two females who seemed to be loners. But beneath that, a scent that was steadily becoming stronger and tinged with sickness. He flicked his ears with hesitation. Wondering if he should head back home and alert his brother, but the healer in him also told him to go forth and investigate. After all, what if it was someone that could use his help? He knew Ankaios had some herbs stored in the cellar, but whether or not they were usable was unknown to him at the moment.

Finally, the boy decided he would go on ahead and see what was going on. If there was anything he could do to help, he would. Trotting forward, he came upon the sands of the bay and looked around until he spotted three figures several yards away. Inspecting them from afar, he confirmed that the two who were standing around what seemed to be a fallen figure were female judging by their scents. When his eyes spotted the fallen form of a rather gargantuan wolf, he immediately grew concerned. He headed towards them, wary but determined to help should they need it. "Greetings, what's going on here? What's wrong with him?" He approached the fallen form, opposite the other two. Bending down, he scented the fallen wolf and his hairs stood up in alarm. He was sick. Very sick from what he could tell, and judging by the red foam on his lips it was definitely something bad...but nothing he'd seen before. He stepped back a bit to give the wolf space. No doubt that if he woke up, he probably wouldn't be happy to find himself crowded by a bunch of strangers. "This man is very very sick..." He murmured.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



5 Years
05-24-2017, 11:02 PM (This post was last modified: 05-24-2017, 11:15 PM by Ankaios.)

Ankaios might have been vain, and he might have been cocky, but he knew he wasn't the most experienced healer on the continent. He would never pretend to be otherwise, but he definitely knew the scent of a sick wolf when he crossed it. Walking over the trail of the poor beast who had passed this way before stopped him in his tracks. He didn't pick up any trace of pack, only that he was in fact a he and consumed with illness. The rank stench clung to the trail, only growing stronger as Kai mindlessly turned to follow. He hoped Dragon wouldn't be too put out to find that he was again wasting his time on some rogue, but Ankaios couldn't bring himself to leave a wolf in need.

Of course, crossing two familiar scents as he went did something to bolster his confidence. The wind carried the scent of Lydia to him, and the scent of a youngling he knew was part of Talis but whom he'd never spoken to before. There was another, but they were a stranger to him. Coming upon the scene was a lot more than he'd expected, but he assumed his physicians guise and got to work. "It looks like we've got a party in the making here," he said with a wry smile. He gave Lydia a quick nod and a brief smile, the same to the young male who's name he was struggling to recall, which evoked a twinge of guilt. Well, he'd deal with that later. Kai got as close to the man as he dared, caution evident in his tip-toeing steps. Whatever the man had, he certainly didn't want to carry it home with him. "We should get him something to drink, perhaps." It would be a start anyways. The foam on his lips and the saliva dripping from them was tinged pink and red. Internal bleeding, perhaps? Or perhaps a poison of some sort? He knew he'd have to try to wrangle a response from the man before he pursued any of his vague guesswork, so he waited.

"Talk" "You" Think