
Shut your dirty, dirty mouth



5 Years
Dire wolf

06-13-2017, 11:45 PM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2017, 11:46 PM by Naamah.)
Today found the woman lazy, content to lay in a scattering of rabbit bones and random bits of fur. She had come across a hovel full of them, and plundered until she couldn't move. Her dark, steel grey stomach bulged and she felt life stir within her. Lilith marveled constantly at the new lives that were growing, cooing over them and telling them stories. They may not remember when they get older, but the goddess was a motherly figure with a soft spot for tiny puppies. Their stirring kept her awake as night came, her mismatched red eyes half closed as she lightly dozed on the small game trail. She was at home here, in the labyrinth of trees that belonged to wraiths, if one believed the legends. She could afford to be lazy, she had fattened herself up over the season. Her appetite had been insatiable as she hunted day in and day out, craving this or that and being too stubborn to seek out Amon or any of the wolves she met for help. It was clear she didn't need it.  
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.



3 Years
Dire wolf
06-14-2017, 02:53 PM

The behemoth of a woman moved slowly through the land. Her pace was leisurely and filled with her confidence. Her icey blue gaze was cold and held that better than anyone else look. She was as far as she was concerned. Her painted pelt was only rivaled in beauty by that of her cousins from what her father had always said. She was a goddess and one of the most ferocious and beautiful. She stopped as she came to a pile of rabbit bones and curled her lip in disgust at such a thing. But it was more so directed to the fat lazy woman on them. She smelled of Amon. Amon she felt would be disgusted that his breeding partner was out so far from him and his children were inside her from the smell of her. "I'm hoping my cousin has given you permission to be so far from him, or you have an excuse while you bear his children, that way I don't have to drag you back to him and force you to stay where he can keep an eye on you." Not that she would mind the fight. Though harming her while she bore the children of a god could incite the wrath of the one that fathered the litter.

God's knew the fallen one would strike her down for doing so as well. She stood with a look on her face that said she expected an answer immediately. Her tail swayed impatiently as she waited. She supposed a name should be given but of course she didn't care for respecting one that did not stay where her brood would be safe and well looked after. "If you had been so hungry you should of called upon an Abraxas to hunt for you, those young are too precious for you to risk in such ways." every word she had said was matter of fact In every way. They were words she had heard from Kronoah to the last woman Giaos had bedded, words she hung on and believed in fully. Every child of an Abraxas was too precious to risk in any way, be it big or small. "You carry the legacy of a god, you should think of them above all else." did she know amon's chosen woman was a gods vessel? No. Though had she she wasn't sure she would have treated her any different.

Walk, "Talk", Think



5 Years
Dire wolf

06-15-2017, 11:25 AM
The sound of approaching paws and a heavy frame being carried on them made her look up expectantly, hoping Amon would happen by as he often did. The face that greeted her was not friendly, however, or familiar and it had her on her paws and puffed up in half a second. Far faster than one would expect for her larger frame, but Naamah wasn't willing to risk an attack while she was laying down. The words were almost too fast for the darker woman to catch, but the tone said everything she needed to know. Patronizing, condemning, harsh, all were good words to describe what the stranger said to her. "I am needing no asking or excusing to be where I am wishing. You may be trying to get me to him, forcing me you say,  but I am being warn you, I am heavy." She stood stock still. Her eyes hard on the other woman while her back was to the trees. More words came from the stranger, more chastizing, more rules. Naamah growled her offense and lashed her black tail, though she did her best not to react, hormones made civility difficult.

"It is being rabbits, not bears..I hunt for me, has always being so. I know the weight I carry, and I am provide." Had she been human, she would have struck a fist over her chest with pride and frustration. As a wolf, her head and tail raised proudly and she stared the the taller female, the only thing holding her back was the fact of her claimed relation to Amon. Being chastised by a stranger had her hackles raising and she growled softly. Lilith paced in the confines of Naamah's mind, waiting for the woman to react in the proper way. All she needed was one excuse, one good reason to put this woman on her back and be done with this conversation. She would find Amon after this, and tell him of the incident. They were going to have a long talk about what was expected of her, for now, she had to deal with the wolf at her door.
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.



3 Years
Dire wolf
06-15-2017, 01:31 PM

She eyed the woman as she spoke with annoyingly broken English. She gave an eye roll. This woman was stupid, obviously. She needed no permission or excuse? She had killed others for less. She seemed to Skia as if she was spitting on the honor of bearing a litter of Abraxas children. Her own tail raised and she eyed the woman with a disappointment that showed her true thoughts. She was disappointed in Amons choice of mortal, in her disrespect and blatant lack of care for those of her betters. Her tail lashed, once, twice them a third time before stilling. Had this mortal not bore the children of Amon she would of killed her for such things. Kronoah would of laughed at this mortals stupidity and she had half a mind to tell her how serious her situation was. That she could very well be killed for insolence.  

She gave a roll of her eyes. Obviously she didn't get the point, it wasn't the choice of prey but the thought that she could strain herself, or be attacked by something much bigger. "You spit on the honor of bearing a child of an Abraxas then? Of bearing a god? Hmm?" she shook her head at the woman. "no surely you couldn't be so stupid for Amon wouldn't have bedded you had that been so." she answered her own question with that statement. Her voice as she answered herself had a tone like laughter at a good joke. She knew she needed no help to move the woman.

She waited for only a minute as she watched the woman seemingly puff up. Good so she knew the danger of enraging a goddess. She knew that if she said the wrong thing that Skia would not hesitate to kill her as soon as the pups no longer needed her. She would only be protected if Amon wanted to keep her as a breeding bitch. "And had you been attacked without him knowing where to find you? Or something else wanted to make you food? It is not your choice of prey I find fault in, but your lack of thought for what our patriarch would feel had you lost your life or his children in such ways." her words now we're calm, patient even as she spoke now. She reminded herself of the ignorance of others to keep herself calm.

Walk, "Talk", Think



5 Years
Dire wolf

06-16-2017, 12:18 AM (This post was last modified: 06-16-2017, 12:25 AM by Naamah.)
The woman saw fit to question Naamah, over and over with her questions! There was a twitch in Naamah's neck that pulled her head slightly left then set it normal again, her pupils dilated and her voice took on a deeper, almost dual-tone timbre as Lilith finally had enough. Black tail lashing as white-lined eyes watched the stranger and her posturing, the hidden goddess studied the one who walked in the light. She growled out her offense at Skia's words, nearly taking a step forward before her demeanor changes and she seems to calm herself. Back at the helm, Naamah speaks finally, her words caustic and almost mean. "Well, I am never being far from an Abraxas, it is seeming. You are being everywhere! I come here, to my birth place, to be raising our children in safe place! Here I am, being chastizing by strange wolf in fancy clothes, in my home, in my palace!? No, no, no, no! I will not being attack, my home is being safest! Amon would not be letting me out here alone, stultus , if he was not trusting me to being keeping the sleeping ones safe." With a huff she ended her rant against this rogue Abraxas, and stared hard at her with angry red eyes. She had never looked more savage, despite her calm.
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.