
Better Luck Next Time, Prince Charming


05-16-2017, 02:43 PM
Though he had finally confessed to his father the truth about Razor, as well as his death, Alfred did not feel much better. His heart still ached, though he seemed to find himself a bit more instead of just wandering around in some daze like he had before. With a heaviness still settled upon his chest Alfred began to focus a bit more on staying around Fiori… but he felt useless. He felt like he was still lost, unable to find himself after his love had passed so suddenly. One day they were happy, smiling, laughing… and now…

Alfred had returned to the edge of the Mangroves to where he’d buried Razor. He was alone… it was still early in the morn and Koron was back at their den resting. But Alfred could not rest. His heart gave a pang as he saw that mound of earth, tears beginning to form anew in his eyes. Alfie whimpered, taking a few staggering steps forward. “R-Razor…” He whispered, moving until he laid across the grave. He curled his tail around his body, giving a small, shuddering sigh.

It wasn’t fair.

Razor shouldn’t have died… It wasn’t fair!




3 Years
05-21-2017, 12:51 PM

Death. It was a concept that slipped past Heather often. It had reached her ears that Razor had passed, and again she had found jealousy climbing up in her heart. One of the things she hated most because it made her what she assumed was to be bitter. It turned out that her brother had been fond of the male. Their cousin by adoption. So her paws found themselves mindlessly stalking forward as she heard her brothers cries. She found herself.... not caring. Which was a scary thought, she smiled however keeping that stretched on her face as she attempted to nose her brother in the cheek. Push his head up, chin up whatever it may be to make him look towards her.

"We all knew this was coming Alfred, with Razor's condition how it was. I'm sorry it had to be so soon though." she apologized, looking at the mound of dirt. Her paws pressed gently against the dirt making a single defined paw print. Her tail swished off to the side as she stood there. She needed to protect this pack and if she needed to then she had to know the right thing to say in these situations. "The lucky ones get to know what happened though, we know for a fact Razor is here and his spirit is where he chose for it to go." she muttered to add on. The girl never got over the fact that wolves were lucky to actally have that kidn of closure. Her heart ached every time she thought of it.


Leo as Heather's father is free to crash her threads as he see's fit. Lionel as her close brother is also allowed to do the same.
Heather has boderline personality disorder in the event of extreme stress she can become aggressive and gloomy with no filter but will have no memory of these episodes after.


06-19-2017, 02:44 PM
Alfie listened to his sister, though it didn’t make dealing with the loss of Razor any easier on him. For a moment he looked at her,then he looked away, his heart heavy with regret… with pain. “He shouldn’t have died, Heather.” The young man whispered. “He… we…” His body shook a little, the tears forming back in his eyes. He looked back at Heather and swallowed the lump in his throat.

“I don’t think you understand…” He whimpered, ears flat against his skull. “I didn’t just… I didn’t just love Razor…” Family love was one thing. “He was my mate.” Alfred lowered his gaze back towards the grave. “I mean… I know other wolves have lost close loved ones before… Hell, we lost mother… but… but this hurts in a way I can’t describe, Heather… It just hurts so much…” The tears began to roll down his cheeks as he glanced back at his sister.

“I want him back…” His voice cracked.




3 Years
06-19-2017, 04:35 PM

Heather wanted badly to snap at him, her brain warped. How dare he accuse her of that? Of not... understanding. Perhaps it was the notion that she didn't understand it that pissed her off so much. Yet today she didn't want that to be how it went. She boldly controlled the emotion to snap at him. For Alfred to stop being such a baby, as if he'd been ignoring the lot of them from the start. Heather pushed those thoughts aside, her expression softened and regardless of what she believed she would have to be here for her brother where it mattered. She didn't want him to go off and leave like Roza did. From what she thought, maybe Razor had been his only reason to stay.

"Well it kinda hurts that you assumed I didn't know you were mates." she let her ears flicked. "It hurts knowing that you're in pain and somehow I feel like I can't help you. I want to get angry but I don't want to lose you." her eyes darted to the floor. "Alfie, I know. I know you want him back so bad I wanted mother back so bad that my brain got twisted! But Alfred I need you right now." Heather felt her ears pull back against her skull. "Think about what Razor would have wanted you to do, he knew this was coming! And yet he still lived life with a smile on his face. I'm going to be the queen of Fiori and I don't want to do it alone. Alfie I'm going to need you with me. So please.... don't leave." she stood and took a gentle step forward. Furrowing her brows, she thought maybe if she gave him a purpose it would help distract him from the pain.


Leo as Heather's father is free to crash her threads as he see's fit. Lionel as her close brother is also allowed to do the same.
Heather has boderline personality disorder in the event of extreme stress she can become aggressive and gloomy with no filter but will have no memory of these episodes after.