
About time I said hi



9 Years
Athena I
06-05-2017, 02:47 PM

Ever since the last unwelcome visitor he had it had rekindled his interest in the other packs. He felt like he had nothing to worry about with Abaven and of course Celestial was family. He hadn't seen anything of Talis in a while, but he felt comfortable with them as well as far as he could remember. Really, the only one he hadn't had any contact with was the one he had caught the scent of on the way to Celestial the last time he went to see Regulus.

Now that he was here and had a chance to take in the scent that was marking these borders he realized, with some surprise, that it was similar to Regulus' family. He blinked as he took this realization in before finally lifting his chin to call for the leader. Now he was even more curious to see who would come to greet him. He was almost a little guilty for taking this long to come introduce himself, but that was just part of life it seemed. Nothing ever got done at the pace that he wanted it to.

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years

06-19-2017, 12:59 PM

A lot of things had been mulling over Faite's mind. Winter was making it difficult to track down Miach and scents of Kane had all but vanished. How was she supposed to find Zuriel's two wayward sons? Miach would be the easier one. Before the snows had set in she'd found his scent by the river before they disappeared entirely. Had he left the territory through the water? At least it meant he hadn't headed north which was a relief but now it opened up new questions. How far south had he gone and how on earth was she supposed to track him?

A call for her interrupted her thoughts. She was hopeful, for a brief moment, that it was Regulus with good news. Had he found Creed, Valor, and Justice? Her hopes were dashed as she realized it wasn't him. She still headed towards the borders at a swift pace and was slightly surprised to see the stranger at her borders. She recognized the scent easily enough - Fiori. She smiled softly in greeting. She'd never physically met the man, but his scent coated the borders so it was easy to guess who he was.

"Greetings, what brings you all the way out here?" She had an inkling. She'd never gone to visit Fiori, but she knew it was about time she'd met up with them at some point. The family there shared the same name, maybe not by blood, but adoption was good enough for her.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



9 Years
Athena I
06-20-2017, 10:44 AM

Leo was patient and had no problems with waiting for someone to answer his call, but the answer came swiftly enough and he was happy to see the woman with bi-colored eyes heading toward him. He gave the fellow leader a polite dip of his head in greeting and smiled when she stopped in front of him. There was no denying that this was one of Regulus' siblings now that he could single out her scent from the rest of the wolves in the pack. He wished his memory was better so he could remember her name, but he wasn't sure if he had ever been told her name either.

"Hello there," he said in return to her greeting as he eased down onto his haunches, that ever present smile still lingering on his lips. "I noticed a pack scent I hadn't smelled before last time I passed this way to visit Regulus. It took me much longer than I had intended to come see you, but I had to at least come introduce myself. I just hadn't been expecting to run into family at the same time!" He chuckled softly, giving his distant cousin a grin. "I'm Leo by the way. I don't think we've ever been introduced."

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years

06-26-2017, 06:06 PM (This post was last modified: 06-26-2017, 06:06 PM by Faite.)

Faite returned the polite dip of the other wolf's head with a small nod of her own. He returned her greeting and Faite looked him over again as she tried to figure out who he was. For the life of her she couldn't though. Thankfully enough he jumped right into an explanation as to why he was here and she listened intently. His reason for coming made sense and honestly Faite felt a little disappointed with herself that she hadn't gone to scout out any of the other packs sooner. There was Abaven, which Regulus had been to before, and Fiori had also been a long standing pack for quite a while. She would have been to visit both of them if she hadn't found her time occupied with other things.

The bit about family made her smile. The Adravendi's seemed to be all over the place and ever growing. She waited patiently until after he'd introduced himself before she decided to speak. "It's nice to meet you Leo, I'm Faite. I'm one of Surreal and Falk's eldest daughters." She hoped that was enough to spark some recognition. While most of her siblings might not have been known she imagined Surreal's name would be easily recognizable to most of the older kin. "I've honestly thought about visiting Fiori on multiple occasions, but it seems as though there's always some distraction that sets me off course. It's nice to finally get the opportunity though."

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



9 Years
Athena I
06-30-2017, 02:06 PM

When Faite mentioned that she was one of Surreal and Falk's eldest daughters he smiled a little and nodded. So she was indeed one of Regulus' littermates then! He knew they weren't directly related by blood, but that didn't matter to him. Anyone with the Adravendi name, and even some that didn't, were family in his mind. It certainly helped him feel more at ease and less up tight like he might have been meeting another alpha for the first time. He still wanted to make a good impression of course, but it made him feel like he could skip all the formal pleasantries.

He chuckled and nodded with understanding. "There's always something, isn't there? Between children and family and pack members... never a dull moment, that's for sure. I don't think I'd trade it for the world though." Sometimes he wished he had more freedom to explore and visit other family members and see more of the world. He certainly wouldn't have minded avoiding fighting Athena's son for the pack and kept from having these problems with his back later. At the end of the day though being able to keep Fiori going for so long was something he was proud of.

"Say, have you had any problems with intruders lately? Or anything strange happening? In all the years I've been over Fiori I've only had maybe one or two loners wander into the pack and even then it was usually by mistake. Just in the last couple of months I've had two males come into my pack and neither seem like innocent mistakes." His tone grew more serious as he spoke, but he was also just curious. Was this kind of thing happening in other places or just in his pack?

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years

07-08-2017, 10:50 AM

It didn't surprise her that Leo could understand how the pack offered distractions from being able to go places. She still missed her younger days when she'd been able to explore at random. It'd been easier when she'd been in Celestial. Even when she'd been Regulus' Right Wing she'd still been able to leave whenever she desired. Of course she didn't have her kids then either. They were a year now and yet she was reluctant to leave them by themselves yet. It was mostly Jewell who concerned her. She was the same age as her own children and yet she caused her the most grief. Her lack of understanding for the english language didn't help either. All it would take was her wandering to some place she shouldn't and then she'd be gone like her nephews.

"Oh they definitely keep me on my toes. My own children tend to behave rather well, but there's just one who likes to wander. She's more than a handful by herself. I feel like I spend most of my time keeping an eye on her."

Faite's head cocked to the side as the conversation changed. She'd had her own issues with trespassers before, but never more than one in a short amount of time. Having two in a span of a couple months was concerning. For her there'd only been the male from the other pack, he'd been the most recent but he'd only been slightly over the borders, and then there'd been the male who'd she fought for trespassing shortly after she'd started the pack.

"I had an issue with an alpha a couple months ago, but overall it hasn't been nearly as bad as what you describe. I expect it from loners, but members from other pack members surely know better."

She wasn't really sure what could be done about it either. Regulus' approach about putting stones at the border hadn't been a bad idea, but it seemed taxing a lot of work for it. The only way she'd been able to circumvent the problem was to just chase them away, or fight them, if it came down to it.

"Speaking of issues, two of my nephews as well as my cousin have gone missing. My sister's children disappeared months ago, but I haven't managed to have an luck tracking any of them. Kane is black, almost a year old by now, and has red eyes. Then Miach looks a bit like me with mostly brown and gray and he has red eyes too. And then my cousin, I'm not quite sure what happened to her, but Fortune left without a word. She's mostly gray with some dark coloring on her back. Have you seen them by chance? I've tried looking for them, but it's hard to be gone for too long without needing to come back home. Ever since Fortune disappeared I haven't had a second to leave in charge while I go search."

She doubted he'd have seen them, but it was worth a shot. She owed it to her sister to find her children. Fortune was an adult at least ans could handle herself, but her nephews were just children. They could have just wandered off but they'd been gone for months now. It pained her to think that they might have gotten in trouble. She didn't even wanna think about them possibly being dead.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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[Image: sI0gGqh.png]