
Why is everything so heavy



10 Years
06-24-2017, 06:14 PM

Truthfully, Ara didn't expect much to come of this meeting. Not in regards to herself, that was. Things had been peaceful and quiet, or so it seemed, though there was always news of wolves coming and going. She watched with a thoughtful gaze as the few wolves that hadn't joined slowly trickled in, a lovely woman with dappled grey fur, the Adravendi matriarch, Jackson and finally Bluemoon. Some were still missing, she noted, but Leo continued the meeting anyway. Perhaps he knew of their absences, or simply figured they weren't showing up now.

It wasn't surprising to hear that Heather was continuing her training to become Fiori's leader. In the little time she'd spent with her, she seemed a lovely woman and capable of learning to rule fairly but firmly. She had no qualms with the direction the pack was headed. The rest of the news was a bit more surprising - Razor had passed, and someone had trespassed. More patrols were necessary. Now that was something she could do, in all her wanderings. Ara nodded mutely in response, her expression unwavering.

Only a brief glimmer of surprise touched her soft features when Leo announced Athena was stepping down, though she didn't blame her. Her gaze followed Lionel, too, as he rushed in to announce he had caught scent of another loner at their borders. Huh.. how strange. The corners of her lips turned down in a small smile as she pondered the situation, though she had no idea who it might be, or why.



7 Years
06-30-2017, 03:19 AM (This post was last modified: 06-30-2017, 07:56 AM by Archelaus.)
There was no room for facade as the initial shock set in with her words. Knight? Him? After all the leaving he had done growing up? There were more than enough reasons that he could think of on why he should not be Knight. After all, he was the laziest out of Athena's sons.. was he not? Though one would have a hard time seeing that laziness now with all the muscle he had put on since coming back, he himself was still skeptical.

Although, he was acting like he was not just thinking the same thing...

"Call it a gut feeling but I guess I saw a fire in your eyes when I was watching you at the meeting."

And then, she called him out on those exact thoughts. His ears were perked, those ruby eyes a bit more wide and serious than they usually were while he watched the princess speak. When she admitted that they needed the help, that same protective feeling as he'd had in the meeting started to dive back into is soul. He was pretty sure Amalia was missing, and with the recent intruder.. something just did not sit right with him about it. It was up to them to do something about it, he could not just rely on the strength of his mothers anymore...

His eyes wandered for a moment, straying from the woman accompanying him so that he could look back to his mother. She was speaking to his brother, and of course he did not assume that there was yet another intruder, so he simply watched them speak way beyond earshot. His mother was mortal just like anyone else.. no one's duties could ever be filled by the same wolf for an eternity- it was common sense, and yet for some reason it was still hard for him to wrap his head around.

He would have to change, wouldn't he? Or.. perhaps he had already been changing? Oh, this was confusing.

His dark 'brow dots furrowed, his masked muzzle turning back to face Heather as he finished thinking it over. "I am interested, though just as you wish to speak to your Father- I would like to speak to my mother. In all honesty, I am.. not even entirely sure what all the duties my mother has been covering for us have been. I always sort of.. assumed she had it covered so I was never really curious." He scoffed, it was a bit embarrassing to say the least.

He remembered very vividly the day his mother warned him that she would not be able to support him forever, and it nearly made him chuckle how real that warning was. He did not see it at the time, he just wanted sleep. For so long, she took care of everything so that he could sleep peacefully... knowing they were protected.

Now was the first time he found himself wanting to return the favor, this time with his mother being the one allowed to sleep peacefully.

"Thank you, Heather, for your consideration- even if I am not the perfect fit for the role. I have a feeling I have a lot of learning to do, but I am more than willing to get started and see how it works out." Finally, his slack smile returned to his lips.. there was something utterly gentle about his calm appearance, despite his solid build and menacing red eyes. It came with the lazy, more than likely!
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