
Living like spoiled royalty



3 Years
Dire wolf
07-01-2017, 04:29 PM

She was lounging upon the trunk of a gnarled fallen tree at the moment. She had no interest in looking for suitors right now, rather a thought had occurred to her. Let the males flock to her and allow them to fight over her. It would be fun, and she could watch some bloodshed while pretending to be interested. Then so long as the male that won showed her he was worth his salt she would think about letting him breed her. Persistence would be his only way of earning that though. After all she wanted strong genes and more in her children. Plus she could invite Pyralis to witness such a spectacle along with her children. It would be good to have the thoughts of another on such a thing.

She rolled onto her back on the log. She hadn't cleaned herself of the scent in hours, hoping It would become extremely potent so she could attract a few spirits in with the crowd of mortals that was certain to be drawn to such a glorious scent. Of course no mortal would be allowed to breed with her. She would kill any that tried. She gave a slow wag of her tail to waft her scent around. She was certain her calling card would even attract her own family just from the mere scent being flung about so close to the canyon but she didn't care.

Walk, "Talk", Think



3 Years
07-01-2017, 05:16 PM

He had spent the last few days in this new continent, just letting himself have a good look around before he went back home. Why not explore while he still could, right? Alarik trotted through a forest full of magnificent oak trees, his eyes up as he took in the sheer size of them. How old must those trees be? What stories would they tell if they could? Alarik couldn't help it. He was a dreamer. These were the kinds of thoughts that occupied his mind, especially when he was alone and had no pressing matters to attend to.

But his daydreams were soon interrupted by a scent, so strong he couldn't ignore it. The scent he had come to understand meant a female was in heat. And of course, that involuntary and instinctive part of him wanted to find where it was coming from. That was innocent enough. Alarik was a gentleman and of course he would ignore the other instincts that begged his attention. No. He wasn't that kind of man.

But still. He went looking for the woman the scent was coming from, eyes widening when at last he found her. What on earth was she doing? When Alarik arrived, the woman was laying on her back on a fallen tree, tail waving about as if to spread the scent further. Never in his young life had he seen such a spectacle. And in the end, he couldn't resist clearing his throat. "Milady, may I ask what you're doing?"

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
Dire wolf
07-01-2017, 06:44 PM

Her scenting was interupted and she tirned her eyes to the one that did so. Of course she knew playing nice was in order so that more might come in contactwith the scent of her and follow it to its end. She had it all planned, spread her scent around and then make sure it ended in one place where she could sit high with Pyr and look pretty while others fought for her. Not that too many were even worth her notice.

His question was met with a deadpanned face and silence. Was it not obvious. Oh of course not his mortal brain couldn't comprehend it so might as well make certain he understood at least a little. Though the grand scale of her plan wouldn't be revealed yet. "Placing a calling card, for a very special man." she wasn't lying. She was looking for Pyralis suitor to see just how much of a fire spirit he truly was. It also didn't hurt that she was trying to lure other spirits to her as well. This male to her wasn't noteworthy enough in the looks department to be one though.

"You wouldn't happen to know any spirits of fire, water or death's whereabouts would you? I wish to place my calling card upon their door step." so the heat was getting to her a little bit at least. She was starting to think that placing these calling cards would bring every spirit to her. She gave an incredibly convincing innocent smile to him before giving a strong wag of her tail, intending on using her scent to bend him to her will. It was thanks to put that she even thought of this, mortal men could be easily bent if she could figure out how to do so. Though this male would get no taste of her truly. Not unless he could somehow over power all others and prove he was strong enough to be someone to sire a litter for her, though she was of course just going to with kill or enslave the male she chose after her ends were met.

Walk, "Talk", Think




3 Years
07-01-2017, 08:29 PM

It seemed that Alarik interrupted whatever it was the woman was doing, but she just looked at him with a straight face, as if it should be painfully obvious what she was doing. And maybe it was obvious, Alarik just didn't want to believe she was really doing what he thought she was doing. But, she was. Spreading her heat scent around to attract a mate. Never before had Alarik heard of such a thing, and he just stared. "Really." He nodded a bit, pretending to completely understand. But really, he didn't.

Of course, Alarik believed that the ideal scenario when creating pups was having two wolves that cared about each other and wanted to have a family. But he was not so naive as to believe that was the only way pups were created. There were forced mating situations, and situations where wolves mated just for fun and ended up conceiving pups by accident... but he never imagined something like this. He blinked. Twice. And then he was finally ready to speak again. So this woman wanted to be impregnated by a deity? Was he hearing that right?

"Well, I'm sorry to say that I don't know any sort of powerful spirits... but if I find any I'll make sure to tell them where you are," he said. And with that Alarik, by now thoroughly confused and disarmed by the heady scent, turned to leave. Maybe if he got away from the smell she was spreading around, he'd be able to think straight. But probably not. Even without the influence of her scent, his head would be reeling just from the strange things she'd said.

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
Dire wolf
07-01-2017, 11:22 PM

She gave a small giggle as he acted as if he understood. Boys understood nothing of her really. She could totally take advantage of this man if she wanted. If she didn't find what she wanted who was to say that she ever would. At least she could torture a few mortals with her scent. She gave a sigh like he was disappointing her though. He wasn't yet, only if he proved to be a total stick in the mud would she be disappointed.

He went on to state how he didn't know of any and that was where she gave a tiny whimper, as if he was breaking her heart. Truly he wasn't she didn't really have too much of a heart to break. Only weak mortals had such a thing. "surely you must know someone impressive enough to help scratch my itch...." she drawled out the last word with a white, as if she was truly suffering from this. She wasn't, she was too strong too, but an act she could put on.

She rolled off the log to land on her rump, sitting up just as he started to move away. Oh the things she could do. To help further bending his mortal mind to her whims she gave a whine, this time louder. Of course she wasnt bedding the first male she came across, she wasn't that desperate.  She could have fun toying with him though. "I wouldn't go that way if I were you, I saw an angry goddess that way. She seems to have a spirit caged and I really want it." okay so that was a lie but not entirely. She just wanted to tempt him to go play hero in the canyon, so she could watch Amon and the boys tear him apart. It would be entertaining for her. She let her voice go low on the word really in a seductive way.

Walk, "Talk", Think



3 Years
07-02-2017, 09:24 AM

Truly, Alarik did not think he had ever met such a woman as this one. And he didn't really mean that to be a good thing. What on earth was she thinking, laying there wafting her heat around like a harlot? Alarik had never dared call a woman a harlot before, not even in his thoughts, but really. Just laying there, "placing a calling card"? It was clear that something was not quite right in her head, if she sought to mate with some sort of deity. It wasn't that Alarik didn't believe in deities. He had his own belief system. But none of those beliefs involved creatures that walked this earth and deigned to impregnant random women.

He shook his head as if to rid the thoughts, and that blasted scent, from his mind. But then she spoke again and he couldn't help looking back at her once more. If he had one positive thing to say about this woman, it would be that she knew how to use her womanly charm. Alarik was a gentleman, but he was still a man, and that whining sound she made caused his throat to tighten a bit. He gave no answer and went to move away again, which elicited an even louder and more insistent whine.

Alarik felt a bit of venom entering his voice as he replied. He needed to make it clear that this woman had no right to toy with him this way. "If I am not the powerful spirit you wish to mate with, why toy with me this way?" he asked. It was cruel, and in his opinion, completely unnecessary. Somehow he felt dirty just looking at the woman, because the longer he stayed, the more his eyes wanted to drift to the arch of her neck and the curve of her hips. He didn't like it. He wanted to get out of here.

"Are you a siren?" he asked, seemingly out of nowhere. He knew she wasn't. But if fantastical creatures really did exist on this earth, it would certainly seem to be a role she would fit into. "I know of no powerful spirits, and I do not wish to. Now if you'd be so kind as to let me take my leave," Alarik said, turning once more to leave the presence of this strange and disturbing woman.

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
Dire wolf
07-13-2017, 11:42 PM
Her father would be rolling in his grave if he knew how the mortal reacted to her. This male was daft to say the least. Though to be fair he was only mortal. She was having a grand time torturing him this way. His first question was met with a bout of laughter. "Why because it's such fun for me to toy with you. Besides your quite cute for a mortal that is." Skia finished speaking with a giddy laugh. She was bored, and no one other than him was about to entertain her. Besides if she had to choose a mere mortal she would have to know some to chose from. Not that any mortal would honestly be worthy, nor would they be raising her children. Weakness was not to be allowed into the lines.

Her ice blue gaze narrowed on him as he asked if she was a siren. She let a slight growl come forth. She was most definitely not a siren. "I am most certainly not, the very thought disgusts me. I am a goddess of war, and my kin are descended from the fallen god." was he blind to her raw power and beauty? Certainly not. For there had to be fewer in this land more fair than her aside from her own kin. She gave a small chuckle. "What's the rush, hmm? We only just met and I'm oh so bored." besides she could smell that he mingled with her cousin at one point and that might just put him as a fun toy. "Though if you really must be off, I guess I shall just go find my cousin. Though I'd guess you knew her whereabouts already by her scent mingling with yours as gingerly as it does."



3 Years
08-03-2017, 02:35 PM

Ah, so she was torturing him this was because it was fun for her. Well that made things a lot better. Alarik had trouble holding back another annoyed sigh. Normally, he was more of a gentleman, especially in the presence of a lady. But this vixen hardly qualified as a lady.

And what did she mean when she said he was quite cute for a mortal? Did she believe herself to be more than mortal? But, wait. That sounded familiar. And when he forced himself to push past the smell of her heat, he noticed something was familiar about her. Something reminded him of the woman he had spent some time with less than a week ago. Pyralis Abraxas. This woman must be of Abraxas blood as well. Was this what the rest of the family was like? Or were they more like Pyralis?

For the sake of every male in a five mile radius, Alarik hoped the majority of the family was like Pyralis. Then again, she had pups of her own. Had she used tactics similar to this in order to obtain those pups? Obtain. Ugh, he practically shuddered at the word. "I'm familiar with your kin," he responded, when she spoke of the fallen god they descended from. Definitely Abraxas. According to this woman, Pyralis was her cousin. "Yes, I met Pyralis. We spent a couple of days together, hunting and then making our way to this area. But I left her several days ago, and haven't seen or spoken to her since."

"No offense, but she had a bit more dignity than you." The look of distaste was clear on his face, wrinkled nose and all. Alright, so he was being rude. It was unlike him. But her constant lingering scent was making him, well, a bit irritable.

When could he get out of here?

"Talk" "You" Think