
World is what you make it


06-27-2013, 08:10 PM

Eren hoped that winter would be over soon. She hated this cold, knowing it'd get a little warmer in spring. It would give her more time to get used to this weather. If it hadn't been for her injuries and soreness she would have been able to get some training in, but that hadn't been possible thanks to that sandy rogue Gargoyle ripped to shreds. Now Eren was becoming used to being in these lands, but her attitude remained the same as to weather or not she should honestly trust these Glaciem wolves who were treating her so well. She had thoughts she didn't wish to convey because being alone is how she had lived her entire life. The lax girl had went out of the cave for the afternoon. Sleep still on her as she enjoyed the feeling, but waking herself up as she went. She felt no hunger since she had eaten before this, but she should have stretched out her muscles. The missing fur on her ears and left shoulder would tell others that her healing was going well. Seeing as the scab would not scar on either wound she was not concerned. She had only felt bad that she had not taken care of her own survival. Eren sighed a little bit as she stood on the top of the snow looking at the land. This was Glaciem, strange, but full of characters that weren't what she quiet expected.

Finally Eren brought her nose down, and began to dig in the snow. Once she was a few feet down, she examined her wolf sized hole. Eren was only 30 inches in height, though big for a female of her species, she still managed to get along slimly. She was beautiful and plain with her sea green eyes and accents of gray on her cheeks and top of her head. Apart from her healing wounds, her muscles were feminine and well thought out through her body. A perfect specimen who had trained her entire life on survival, never once having fun or thinking about having it. She eased into her hole and looked around, it was warmer, a little bit at least. So if you dug you could get some ounces of warmth? That was interesting, after doing so she hoped out of her hole and looked around she could smell another Glaciem wolf nearby, but payed no attention. Glaciem members would not attack her, and if they did she was prepared. After her last assault the information in her brain had already been processed.


06-27-2013, 09:00 PM

Glaciem was a pretty interesting place. How her mother and brother had come across this place she hadn't the slightest clue, but she was glad that they had. It was one of the most beautiful places she had ever seen, especially now that it was winter. The land was covered in powdery ivory snow, a thin blanket now that winter was beginning to come to a close. She really mind the winter, it wasn't too bad, especially if you had someone warm to curl up to at the end of the day or a warm place to sleep in at night. Seraphiel wasn't sure how long it had been since she had been in Glaciem, but she guessed it be at least a few weeks, maybe a month or so. Time seemed to fly by. For the first couple of weeks she had mostly stuck around with her mother and brother, preferring their company to that of a strangers. But after a while, being stuck in the den and the surrounding area had gotten really boring, really fast. And so the russet youth was finally out and about, exploring her new home. She wasn't exactly sure where she wanted to explore, just that she wanted to explore Glaciem. She was nearly and adult and needed to learn how to do things on her own without the help of her mother.

Russet and obsidian paws moved easily through the thinning snow, sapphire gems scanning the vast landscape before her, looking for any signs of her fellow pack mates. Since her arrival she hadn't met anyone except for Miss Oceana, the pretty alpha who had allowed her to stay inside of Glaciem with her family. The youth was still curious as to who the Chief was, but she figured she would meet him sooner or later. A cool afternoon breeze swept into the area, rustling the young girl's fur as well as bringing a strange scent to her nostrils. Seraphiel halted for a moment, muzzle thrust into the breeze, nostrils flaring. The scent was of a woman, and she smelled like Glaciem. A pack mate. Curiosity bubbled to the surface, spurring the young woman forward as she trailed the scent of the elder woman, sapphire gaze coming across her figure inside of a small snow hole. What are you doing inside there? She asked curiously, head tilting quizzically to the side. She was rather blunt, not the type of person to hold her thoughts back, regardless if the other person was a stranger or not.

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06-28-2013, 01:44 PM

Eren watched as the wolf approached, it was a yearling by the looks of it. With a nice brown coat and blue eyes. Somehow everyone tended to see Eren's eyes as a unique color, their sea green glow like that of a sea cave. Their luminescence was higher than usual eyes that was for sure. There were darker patches over the girl, making her that much more interesting. Eren didn't see many mismatched wolves in her life, her family was from black based wolves. Their father having gray eyes just like his brother. Eren's sea green eyes were said to have been passed down to her from her grandmother. So she was the only one in the family when she had lived there to have these eyes. Twitching her tail she marveled a little bit at her hole that she had created. Learning new things for her survival was the best. "Digging a hole, it's warmer when you surround yourself in it. Beats sleeping out in the cold if you can't make it to the cave in time." Eren answered.
Eren didn't mind bluntness though it may bring out parts of her she didn't even know she had. As the girl turned around towards her hole, she looked at it for a bit. It may have been strange, but it meant she could survive. She didn't bother how many times she had looked like an idiot climbing trees in the thick jungles of home to catch birds. Or when she got soaked from swimming in the pools of water to get fish. Either way the girl wasn't focused on what others thought about her, even if she was afraid of being rejected if they knew everything about her.


06-28-2013, 02:41 PM

The woman she'd come across was rather pretty. She had the same blackness to her coat that her brother Niko and the pretty alpha miss Oceana did, but it was slightly different. There were gray accents to it, around her muzzle, surrounding her cheeks and the tips of her fur. Her eyes were what really caught the yearling's attention. They were a very unique green, a green unlike anything she had seen before. It was the green of grass, nor the mossy green of plants that usually lived on trees nor the forest green of the pines. They were a really light green, definitely unique and extremely pretty. Seraphiel decided off the bat that she really liked the woman. If she was pretty on the outside, then she was probably pretty on the inside too.

Dark russet auds rotated forward, sapphire pools flickering from the black and silver woman to the hole in the snow she'd dug, listening as she explained that it was to keep warm if one couldn't reach the safety of a den soon enough. Digging a hole, it's warmer when you surround yourself in it. Beats sleeping out in the cold if you can't make it to the cave in time. She studied the snow hole for a moment before glancing back at the older woman. Do you always sleep in snow holes like these? She inquired curiously. It looked like an a cool place to sleep in every once in awhile, but Seraphiel didn't think she would always be able to sleep in a snow hole. It looked too lonely and she much rather sleep in a den with her mother and brother than outside in a lonely snow hole.

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06-28-2013, 04:29 PM

Hardly, who would spend their life in the cold unless they were made for it. Besides she simply had just discovered this curious as to what would happen. Her tail flicked as she thumped down into the snow with a crunch. Relaxing herself as she closed her eyes for a few moments before answering the young one. "No, I just figured this out now. Plus I stick to the cave where more heat is made, my body isn't quiet used to the cold yet and I have a thin coat. I came from thick jungle territory before joining Glaciem." She sighed a little bit. The cold was a horrible thing when you weren't used to it. Yet just as everything else, Eren experimented and learned rather quickly for someone of her age. Her eyes looked over the young one for a moment, why was she so interested in Eren. There was nothing special about her (besides for the fact that she had an amazing memory process and deductive skills), and she knew it.
"What about you, you used to the cold?" STUPID, of course she's used to the cold, she was born here. Eren feel like slapping herself in the face with a paw, but she acted as if it was a normal thing to ask. Her tail flicked, hoping that this conversation would end up weird, Eren hated being social at times. It was something that slightly scared her with rejection.


06-28-2013, 05:08 PM

The woman beside plunked down on the snow beside her and so Seraphiel copied her, allowing her own haunches to fold beneath her to sit beside the green-eyed woman. A moment of silence stretched between the two but the russet girl waited patiently, her sapphire gaze intent on the woman's silver accentuated fa?ade as she began to speak. No, I just figured this out now. Plus I stick to the cave where more heat is made, my body isn't quiet used to the cold yet and I have a thin coat. I came from thick jungle territory before joining Glaciem. A jungle? Onyx plume began to wag from side to side in excitement, audits perking forward with attention. Well you seem very smart for someone who came from the jungle. By the way, what is a jungle? This woman was a pretty interesting person to talk to. She seemed to know a lot of things her mother did, which was surprising to the youth. She'd always thought her mother knew almost everything, but apparently she'd been wrong in her assumption.

And then the woman was asking the girl a question, wondering if she was use to the cold. Russet shoulders rose with a shrug. I guess so. I mean, I don't mind the cold too much, but it's not my favorite season. Although Glaciem does look pretty cool covered in all this snow. Makes it look like an alien planet or something. She had yet to explore the entirety that was her new home, but she knew she would eventually get there, sooner or later.

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06-29-2013, 07:26 PM

Eren looked at the young one, yeah definitely not even an adult yet. Eren wasn't sure how to handle kids much, but it was better than nothing wasn't it. Her tail flicked as her eyes didn't move off of the brown colored female. "A jungle is a type of place where there are thick green tree's all over the place and serene rivers and lakes. There are unique types of lizards and birds there as well. It's lots warmer than here." Eren described her first home with no interest. She had left for a reason, because she simply did not understand the world, while she wanted to understand it. And she would, that was what she was keen on, surviving and learning everything there is. Even if it meant ruining the shape of her mind in the end. She closed her eyes for a moment and lowered her head into the snow, opening them to look across the wasteland of snow.
"If Aliens existed that is. I find it strange to have interest in snow." She didn't want to explain further. She kept it to herself, there was no need to say it and ruin another dreams. Snow was simply frozen water caused by constant cooling and heating in the air. Nothing magical about it, if things got too cold they froze, too hot they melted. It was that simple to the girl, Eren simply just didn't see the point of making something fake out of the world.


06-29-2013, 10:36 PM

She still didn't know the older woman's name, but that didn't bother the russet youth much. Names weren't too important at the moment. She was more interested in knowing what a jungle was than figuring out what the woman's name was. It wasn't everyday that she was able to talk to a woman that came from somewhere other than a forest. A jungle is a type of place where there are thick green tree's all over the place and serene rivers and lakes. There are unique types of lizards and birds there as well. It's lots warmer than here. Well it had trees. It couldn't be too much different than here, could it? Unique types of lizards and birds? Sounds like it's not too different from here, if you don't count the weather. So there's different animals over there than over here? The yearling had never imagined that there could be such a place that was so different from her new home. Guess that's why adults were so smart, because they were able to go wherever they wanted.

Although the woman answered her questions easily enough, she didn't sound very interested or proud when she talked about it. Did she not like her old home? Movement from beside her caught Seraphiel's attention, sapphire windows returning to the elder woman, watching as she lowered her silver face towards the snow, gaze intent on the landscape before them as she spoke, unable to understand why someone would like snow. Well snow isn't always fun, since it can freeze your toes or your tail off if you stay for too long, but it is fun to play in, if you have someone to play with. She rattled off, wondering if the woman had ever had anyone to play with like she did with her brother Niko.

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