
Holding power



3 Years
Dire wolf
06-11-2017, 12:41 PM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2017, 05:04 PM by Skia.)
She moved with deadly intent, a shadow across the land. Her target was completely unaware he was even being hunted. How could he be? Her cousin was ignorant of her existence, and if he remained so it could be a deadly mistake as she turned it into her own personal game of cat and mouse. He had her father's pride and she wouldn't have it without knowing why. No she was the princess her family deserved to have. She had heard of giants roaming the land, causing chaos, and she snarled at the thought. To be so blatantly bold and risk exposure before an empire could even be raise was foolish and as far as she was concerned stupid. They deserved no respect for it, only the fact that the name was attached to them saved them from her true wrath. 

She knew what they would probably think of her when they met. That she was some yearling mortal that wanted to prove her worth by slaying them. What could save her though was the icy gaze that was undeniably her fathers. The man had been old and wasted when she left, her last order from him was one she uncharacteristically obeyed without fault. His death laid at her paws, and she had done exactly as he asked. His words still played in her head like a mantra one could not refuse. "Skia, do not ignore what you are told this day. The god sings praise at what I have bred in you, take my life today, wear my blood on your fangs. Spill it in the name of purity and the strength in which i have given you, give it unto the true god. Then leave here, our time has been spent in the homeland, go follow your cousins, take from them what should of been mine. Spill his blood if you must, but leave the prodigal son alive to live under your shadow as i have done my brother for years." His voice was begging, pleading even. It sickened her that such a strong man had fallen so low. She knew the homeland was not to be hers but this foreign land, it could be if she played her cards just right. Though to usurp her cousin would mean to gain the favor of his own brothers and sisters. Her sacrifice of her father had been the start, though she knew better than to expect things to be as easy with the others. Though she knew word of her slaying of her own father had to gain some sort of respect among the family. 

She shook her head to rid herself of the thoughts, continuing on her youngest cousin's trail, after all Phenex would be moving to find Amon, or at least he could lead her close enough. She moved like the devil she was. Head down and ready for action should she need it. Her size wasn't anything to snuff at. She was a giant among these creatures, just as large as her cousin. Her dead mother was where she gained such proportions. Serrana had been an easy conquest for her father and when the Abraxas had weaned the unholy children her father had silently culled her. He would not let her weaknesses enter his children. Though she remembered him culling her two siblings quickly when they would not heed his words or do as they were told. She was smarter though. She learned the quickest way to survive was to be a cutthroat and always do as she was told. 

The savage she was was thanks t the man she called father. Though her uncle had always been weak and disapproved of his brother's tactics. She snarled once more at the thought. She was everything the Abraxas line needed. She stopped when the scent crossed that of something else. Another male, one that smelled like he had everything to do with Gaios, yet still nothing at all to do with the weak man. A smirk touched her lips, this must be him. She gave a good sniff to the scent before deciding which way it headed. She was quick to deduce its southward direction. This would be a cakewalk. 

As she crossed lands and came to a canyon, one such as the split of the fallen one, she stopped. A scent here of stale birth lingered and she smirked. So they were already raising the army, good one less thing to check off her list. Her first heat would come and she expected to find a suitor soon enough. She gave a small howl, one easily recognized as that of her father's kin, with its low decibels and haunting sound. He would come to her now. 



5 Years
Dire wolf

06-26-2017, 03:28 PM

Amon heard a howl ripple out from the canyon's far end. Knowing that both Naamah and Pyralis were likely nearby would have comforted him if not for the pups they protected, both born and unborn. The fur on the back of his neck stiffened and a lip curled upwards before the final notes of the howl settled and begun to make sense. It was a familiar sound, yet not a voice that was familiar to him. More family? Certainly no one he had met before, but clearly worth investigating. The titan hauled himself to his feet and began a well-paced trek towards where he assumed she must be waiting.

It was near enough to where Pyralis had given birth, though he did not know where she was at that precise moment. What he saw was indeed a new face, yet her features hid trace notes of the familiar. In the set of her eyes and ears, the bulk of her shoulders, her size. The wind pushed her scent towards him, which he considered carefully. He scent did not carry that of other wolves, but he knew it was a long journey from where the core of their family had last been located, and he would not have expected any tell tale scents to yet lingers. Regardless, he was confident in believing that this was another family members. Others in the area knew better than to disturb the demons who had made this place home.

His voice was level and calm as he greeted her, though he maintained a healthy distance of perhaps two dozen lengths between them. No need to push it. "Greetings. I am Amon Abraxas. You've stumbled onto the grounds where pups are being reared. Not the safest place for unfamiliar faces." If it was a threat, it was a mild one, and certainly implied that he expected an introduction of her own. The statement was true no matter where she might go, and he thought the woman would have to be an imbecile to push her luck with anyone protecting their young.  Certainly anyone would respect that. He meant her no ill will if she truly was kin, but he intended to unearth proof of the matter before allowing the youngling any closer. She was younger than his own children, he thought, so obviously would have been born after his departure. Was she a half sibling, or a cousin perhaps? Amon was eager to hear her explanation, and to know if she would be more deserving of kindness or violence. It was always a thin line to tread...
"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



3 Years
Dire wolf
06-26-2017, 04:14 PM (This post was last modified: 07-08-2017, 05:53 PM by Skia.)

He took his time to get to her and she took it as an opportunity to relax enough that she should be perceived as not a threat. She didn't sit though. No god should be caught too relaxed especially a goddess of war such as Skia. As soon as he appeared her icy eyes met his form with a cold gaze that could kill if she wanted it. There was a seriousness to her and a greenness that only the old gods could of instilled in her. She had no fear of her cousin for he was one in the same in her mind for now, though time would tell if they deserved each other's respect. His words were noted but met with a silence for moments as she eyed his form. He was true old one through and through. His bulk and height sought to it that all saw him for what he was. Her tail flicked as she waited for him to finished his own inspection of her.

As soon as she felt she had kept him in suspense for long enough her voice came forth. Her voice was smooth like silk yet still held the danger of her kin in it. "Pleasure to meet you cousin. I am Skia Abraxas, daughter to Kronoah Abraxas." her introduction was done and she gave him but a moment to process it before she moved onto his rather vague threat. Though she let it stsnd for him to decide if she had taken it as a threat or not. "An unfamiliar face I may be but I believe we can get past that, after all you were gone before I was born so I find the fault for you not knowing of me to be yours. After all my filthy mother was pregnant when you left from what I was told by Gaios and father." she kept everything neutral in her tone to leave him guessing. Might as well have a little fun with her cousin while they figured each other out.

She wouldn't sit until she figured him out. He wasn't like Giaos and Kronoah from her understanding. This would be a whole new learning experience for her. She eyed the distance between them and gave a snort of laughter at it. It seemed he was too cautious or afraid, so she did him the favor and moved to be in a more familial range of five to six feet apart, keeping face to face. "Don't tell me you fear your uncle's legacy. Or any other for that matter, it would be so disappointing to learn that you do after all the stories I've heard of you, prodigal son."there was a jest to her tone at that though she was half serious about it. She knew her father was a war machine to be feared by many, after all neither he nor her truly had a shred of care for mortal kind and enjoyed the art of war. Hopefully Amon remembered his uncle well enough to know he wouldn't of raised her to allow any weakness to stand anywhere in the family lines. Purity was everything to both of them.

Walk, "Talk", Think



13 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipDouble MasterLegendaryPride - BisexualAuster Explorer
Treat 2019Famous
07-01-2017, 01:04 PM

Pyralis ripped into the hare, gorging herself as she sat atop her cave, well out of the way of her mewling pups. She'd share kill with them soon enough but not right now. Licking blood-smeared lips she froze when she heard an unfamiliar howl ring out through the land. Her eyes narrowed. Too close for comfort. Pyralis got to her feet and stretched, peering down to see that Lydia was tending to the pups before she headed for the source of the call. Her mission was simple. Maul the living shit out of the moron that was way to close to her densite. It wasn't until she got closer that she could see Amon was already handling the situation and… and…. Pyralis' nostrils flared as she drunk in the woman's scent. It was different but similar enough to her own to mark the woman as family? She grinned and brushed against her brother. "What have we here Amon? Another long lost relative set on conquest?"

"Talk" "You" Think
Please note that Pyralis is a ghost. It is up to you to decide what level your chars can see/hear her. She was killed by having her throat ripped apart. At times the wound may be visible and be actively bleeding.

Hear ye!  Hear ye! Beware her Ladyship, her Excellence (etc. ad infinitum), Captain Pyralis Abraxas.  Thread with at yer own risk!  This cutthroat savage stands accused though not convicted of heinous crimes including murder, maiming, brawling, cursing, kidnapping and an unspeakable event involving a newt, two coyotes and a distressed potoo.  Ye've been warned!



5 Years
Dire wolf

07-08-2017, 05:55 PM

Amon stood in stony silence as the young woman began to prattle on and on. The more she spoke, the more he began to wonder if she was in fact as mentally unstable as he had initially thought. How she faulted him for his absence he could not understand, as he might have faulted her for not being conceived just as easily. Should he perhaps fault her father for not conceiving her earlier? Or maybe no one was as fault at all, because the longer she spoke, the more relief he felt that he had not had the displeasure of meeting her before this point.

She gave him a look, and then a snort of laughter. Amon lifted a brow, content with saying nothing at all until the girl, Skia apparently, got it all out of her system. He briefly contemplated dragging her to the canyon's edge and throwing her over the side just to be rid of the annoyance, but she was clearly well bred. Insanity could be useful, if channeled in the right directions. "Don't tell me you fear your uncle's legacy," she pressed, which drew out a rippling growl from deep within his chest, which ended in a bout of dry laughter. "Whatever jealous lies your father might have told you hold no sway here, foolish child. Insulting your elders will find you nowhere but belly up at the canyon's bottom." He curled a lip in disgust.

Why was it unthinkable that any children sired of his uncles line would be anything but sound, clear thinking creatures. Perhaps living under Gaios' shadow for so long had simply warped their sensibilities. "I fear nothing but the judgement of the Fallen God, and he has seen fit to bless me thus far. Your judgements are little more than gnats in my ears. Now, would you care to try this introduction again?" He leveled the young woman with a dry stare, as frigid is glacial ice. He had neither the time nor patience for wolves who could not show even a modicum of basic decency. Ambition was one thing, and something he certainly appreciated in his family line. It would carry her far, but with a mouth like that it would carry her no where but an early grave.

The arrival of his sister nearly escaped his notice. His ears flicked back at the sound of her approach, and it as only an instant later that her scent filtered past his nose. He let out a breath and forced himself to relax. Amon's tone was clipped as he replied to Pyralis, his displeasure clear. "A cousin, in fact. One of Kronoah's brood." If the girl had a death wish, this would certainly be her day. Or perhaps he would be surprised and she would show sense. After all, Amon was nothing if not opportunistic. He was not the sort to turn away a potential ally, but nor was he the sort to suffer insult. Skia would simply have to choose the path she chose to walk down, and suffer the consequences of it, just as they all did.

"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



3 Years
Dire wolf
07-08-2017, 06:48 PM

Her eyes leveled him just as he leveled her. She wasn't backing down from any. Stupid as it may be, she like her cousin feared none but the fallen god, and even he seemed to let her be. A flick of her tail as she waited for him to finish his spout of rage. So he couldn't take a joke then? Fine by her he would be one then to not joke with. She could find the fine lines of them all. She gave him a smirk then after he finished and asked her to try the introduction again. "I see we do have one thing in common then, Amon. It was but a jest, calm yourself cousin if you'd please. Seems I have found my boundaries with you, I'll not cross them again if I can avoid it. Though if it pleases you I shall apologize for crossing them in the first place." her eyes went to the shorter female that joined them. Her eyes studied the female as she sought to find this ones identity.

She was still avoiding sitting if she could. Her ears pinned before perking. She felt like she was still too long. She then turned her eyes to Amon expectantly. Of course she expected introductions to be done by him but when he didn't offer more than her lineage to the woman Skia gave a sigh. The woman turned her head to her other cousin then. "Aye, I am Skia, daughter to Kronoah. And if conquest is what you offer, then I shall gladly join you on. Though I have to ask, what's on the menu in these lands, hm? Mortals to terrorize? Perhaps others like our lineage?" her tone held clear curiosity at her own question. Were they hanging mortals from the canyon? Or were they finding they weren't the only earthen gods? The possibilities were clearly endless. She turned to eye them both then, hoping to hear good news. Of course she wanted the purest of children in the future so she hoped it was news of strong gods.

Walk, "Talk", Think



13 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipDouble MasterLegendaryPride - BisexualAuster Explorer
Treat 2019Famous
07-08-2017, 06:59 PM (This post was last modified: 07-08-2017, 06:59 PM by Pyralis.)

Pyralis blinked for a moment at Amon as he stated that the woman was a cousin. "Oh, really?"  She glanced at the woman, her head tilting to the side as she examined her.  She always thought that Kronoah was a backwards old bat but she wasn't going to voice that out loud since she wasn't sure where that opinion would fall and for once she was trying not to get into a fight.  Caring for babes in the middle of summer was taxing.

Pyralis watched the interaction between her brother and the stranger, knowing that she probably had missed a significant part of the conversation.  The woman was more forthcoming about her name, stating that it was Skia.  She looked at Pyralis in conclusion so the pirate stepped forward. "I am Pyralis, one of Amon's littermates.  What's on the menu is whatever you can catch though someone did promise me bison meat." She playfully bumped Amon's shoulder and left the other questions for him.  She didn't know what his plans were but she was going to lounge about and be waited on for awhile and then go wandering til she couldn't feel her paws.

"Talk" "You" Think
Please note that Pyralis is a ghost. It is up to you to decide what level your chars can see/hear her. She was killed by having her throat ripped apart. At times the wound may be visible and be actively bleeding.

Hear ye!  Hear ye! Beware her Ladyship, her Excellence (etc. ad infinitum), Captain Pyralis Abraxas.  Thread with at yer own risk!  This cutthroat savage stands accused though not convicted of heinous crimes including murder, maiming, brawling, cursing, kidnapping and an unspeakable event involving a newt, two coyotes and a distressed potoo.  Ye've been warned!



5 Years
Dire wolf

07-11-2017, 04:50 PM (This post was last modified: 07-11-2017, 04:55 PM by Amon.)

She claimed it was a jest and little more. Privately, Amon did not find her sense of humor much to laugh at, but he had greater tact than to say it. At least that made one of them. Soured by the way their meeting had gone thus far, he was irked further by his sister's nonchalance. Who could ever guess how Pyralis would feel on a given day, he mused bitterly. The fact that Skia seemed interested in joining them and their purpose was somewhat alleviating, even if he found it difficult to put much faith in her so far. At least she wouldn't be useless.

Her questions seemed pointed, as if she had gathered some manner of intel before arriving. Amon's ears perked, but he would sit on that thought until it ripened. He opened is mouth to say similarly, that whatever she could eat was whatever she could catch, until Pyralis beat him to it. He chuckled under his breath, and to his sister replied, "I will fell the beast myself if only to get you to quit badgering me about it. Though you are right, its far past time for my children to return from their ventures and show me what they have accomplished. Perhaps the time for that hunt has come at long last." He tossed the idea over in his mind for a moment longer before returning his attention to Skia.

Perhaps he ought to give the woman a fair chance. He himself had been as frigid at two years as he was then, if less refined, but thoughts of his other siblings allowed him to begin rationalizing her brash behavior. Perhaps she simply needed a chance to live up to all she seemed confident of... Time would tell. "Pyralis speaks truly. I've been the last few moons calling our family to arms. We've made a study of this realm, and I believe it to be the seat of power we deserve." He lifted his chin, a reaction of pride he could not control, nor was even conscious of. "It is wide and varied, plentiful and clearly touched by divine influence. Any Abraxas willing to live by the family name, uphold the will of the Fallen God and stay true to their kin are welcome to join us in the war to come." It was a hefty promise for some to make, he believed. So many touched by the Fallen God would rather use their strength to feed selfish urges, to quest senselessly after mortal power. Amon wanted more, and he always had. He wondered if Skia felt the same.
"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!