
What Have We Learned? [Amon Kiddos]



5 Years
Dire wolf

07-15-2017, 06:11 PM (This post was last modified: 07-17-2017, 11:33 PM by Amon.)
OOC: I just wanted to check back in with everyone, and I'm sorry I haven't been around as much lately. This thread is meant to reconnect Amon's first litter and check in with all of you to see who's still interested in playing them! Re-adopts may be on the horizon for disappeared members, and if you feel your kiddo is too much for consistency right now, just let me know! Either way, Im well aware I can't be on as much right now either, so if there are some extenuating circumstances, I'm always down to discuss!

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Amon was comfortable with the knowledge that Naamah was more than capable of protecting their pups, but that did not make him itch any less to return to them. He had ranged far that day in the hopes of finding any trace of his eldest children's scents. Astaroth had come to see them leave the den, and both Uvall and Archon had met Pyralis' brood. Beyond that? Well, the Titan was more than a bit disappointed.

He slunk through this murky forest with a sour slouch to his gait, bordering on the line of dejection. Was this fatherly sentimentality which had him feeling this way, or did he have real reason to be upset? He himself had ranged far and wide when he came of age, with a thirst to conquer. Did his children strike out with that same domineering drive? Or were they merely absent? He supposed that would all co e down to what they had to show for it.

He paused his trek and tipped his head back to let loose a long, drawn out howl. The haunt notes rang through the trees, and the mist which was beginning to flow through the evening's growing darkness. It would be familiar to them, if they had only the sense to listen. He stopped, and he waited.

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!


07-28-2017, 07:17 PM
Rahovart was busy brooding, something the young female had been doing a lot since her first heat. It was all because of that damned old man too. The one who was able to go toe to toe with her and just… ugh! Her lips curled up in a frustrated snarl, having lingered around this area for most of the time. That man… he came back more than once to find her. Was there some odd fascination for the mortal with the goddess? What’s more… why didn’t she merely kill him? Surely she couldn’t be developing an interest in the old fart, could she? At the very least she had a new scar to show for it on her right cheek, a sign she’d been busy battling, and further, lighter scars underneath her monochrome coat.

But the howl of her father was something Raho could not, would not ignore. Her paws strayed in his direction, though burnt orange eyes scanned for that silver-gray gaze of the man she was slowly becoming fascinated with. For a mortal he was pretty strong. Maybe even worthy of helping bring the next generation of Gods and Goddesses to this world. But no, Rahovart thought. There would be time for that, and the time was not now.

She’d been pretty distant all things considered. Wrapped up in her training… mentally… physically. But to her surprise, and indeed it was quite the surprise, she was the first of her littermates to show up to their father’s howl. At first she arched a brow, confused for a brief moment, before the young woman dipped her head to the fallen God before her. A greeting rumbled from her throat, low but respectful. “Father. Her gaze returned to him, lifting her head proudly. She was not ashamed to show off the scar she now bore… a wound she had tended to herself.

“Father… if I may, before the others get here… how did you know mother was a mortal worthy to help bear the children of a God?” Rahovart seated herself, though it was clear by her gaze that this was something that troubled her young mind. She wasn’t willing to taint their bloodline with just anyone… so she had to be absolutely certain before she mated that it was the right choice.