
Bulls In The Bronx [Raid]



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
07-21-2017, 02:19 PM

He moved in the cover of darkness, and with him the rest of the party. The western packs weren't as far as he previously thought, but still he made his pack mates rest during the day so they'd be refreshed and ready. During that time he briefed them on the task at hand, get in, find what they need, get out. If they met opposition, then let 'em have it. They were going to do their first raid, a prospect that both excited him and made him nervous. He had never done this before, but he kept reminding himself it wasn't like a siege. They were just coming to get some much needed herbs, to stock up for Auster's winter season. He could scent rain on the horizon, but so far it was nothing more than a light sprinkle. Good. It would help to hide their scents once they crossed into pack borders. "Are you ready?" Ears perked at the sound of his companion's voice, a deep and excited breath slipping past his teeth. "I was born ready!" He responded with some humor.

As they neared the borders of Celestial, he raised his tail to signal the others to fall silent. The moon hid behind a veil of clouds as he stepped across the borders. Beside him, Kimahri's fur bristled with anticipation, as did his own. Tonight they'd test themselves. For better or for worse, they'd see how well they would do. Heart hammered with anticipation as they delved further into the moore. He glanced behind him to make sure the others were keeping up, not that he was going very fast. He was moving at a slow trot, eyes and ears peeled for the first signs of opposition. Tonight, would be an exciting one.

Talis vs Celestial for Raid
(Something like that lol)
OOC//Remember to try and keep this clean, no ooc-ic, vice versa etc etc. Good luck to both parties! Pm/skype me if there are questions or anything.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.

Marina I


7 Years
07-21-2017, 02:39 PM
Marina had been out, her brilliant pink and red gaze shining in the darkness as she walked. She had finally told Chasm about the truth behind his siblings… about how she’d been raped by the male who called himself Satan… but she had not told him the secret fear she had. The fear she had of the growing children. Each seemed… quirky she supposed was the best way to put it. She hadn’t meant to dote so much on Argus, but as the runt it was hard for her not to worry about her special little daughter. It seemed as though Ochitsu was still silent to the day and, Azazel… did he perhaps resent her for the attention she managed to lavish the girls in? Was it because the males reminded her more of the man that raped her, their father, that she found it harder to connect with them?

The rainbow marked femme gave a soft sigh; she was getting too old for all this drama. She just wanted to raise her babies, pretty much rest on them like a mother hen on her chicks, and never let them out into the darkness of the world. But even as she thought of this Marina caught the sounds of movement along the Moor. She found herself testing the air for the scents and when she caught them she bristled. Strangers. Other pack wolves. She threw her head back, letting out a loud warning howl for Celestial and it’s wolves. Danger was approaching!

Then Marina began to charge headlong at the wolf who seemed to be leading the raid party. He was young, perhaps about the age of her first litter of children… and Marina found her lips lifting in a snarl. How dare he… how dare he bring these wolves here, when there were hardly but babies and apprentices about? She wasn’t sure who, or how fast others would gather, but one could be sure as Hell that she was going to fight tooth and claw for her pack. The pack that, against everything she would have thought, accepted her and her children, made sure they were safe.

Now it was time to repay that debt.

Marina slowed once she was roughly three meters away from the strangers, tail raised high and her snarl on the wind. “Turn back now!” She warned, her eyes glinting dangerously. If Regulus got here there would be no doubt that there would be a scuffle… and while Marina would fight if she had to the female preferred a bloodless encounter. She had her babies to think about after all.

Ooc:: Anyone in Talis can feel free to start the fight with Marina. <3 I'm just lazy about making the first move~

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]



9 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - LesbianCritical Hit!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
07-21-2017, 04:37 PM

Excitement shivered down her spine and her limbs as her heart pumped loudly in her ears. Valdís took a few deep breaths, willing the heat that adrenaline was spreading through her body to dim and cool. This was going to be her chance to prove herself. As a Crusader she felt she had to make a particularly good showing and as they moved under cover of darkness her keen green eyes took in the moor ahead of them that was rimmed in fog. At first she wasn't impressed. This sort of land would be of no worth to her but she knew that it supposedly held herbs that the healers of the pack would find useful.

The stopped near the border for a moment before Dragon looked back at them and then they moved into the territory. She felt a rush as they broke over the border like waves over rock. At first they met no one but then a bizarrely colored femme appeared, warning them to go back. Valdís glanced quickly to Dragon then back at the woman. She realized she'd forgotten to ask if they were to attack Celestial members on sight. Would it just be one woman to show? Some how Valdís really doubted that and she was unsure if she wanted to wait for more members to show up but she held her position, awaiting her alpha's orders.

"Talk" "You" Think



9 Years

The Ooze ParticipantDouble Master
07-21-2017, 04:41 PM
Seabound and Aimless at Best

Dómari was out in the moor gathering herbs, deep in the night and away from the beating sun of a a hyperactive spring. A searing heat spell had driven the dark-pelted man to gathering during the night, at least for now. He knew it wouldn't last. He was hopeful for cool spring rains. As he busied himself plucking a modest gathering of dandelions he caught an unfamiliar scent wafting on the wind and his eyes narrowed. Trespassers? Swiftly he followed the scent to see a strange group of wolves on Celestial territory! A rainbow-colored woman who he knew was a packmate but had not formerly met was standing her ground. Dómari raced over to her and faced the group, his hackles raised, ears back and his lips curled back in a snarl. "Beat it! We don't take kindly to trespassers."



11 Years
07-21-2017, 07:49 PM
The call of a female caught Castiel’s attention as he lay in the den with his mate and daughter in the middle of the night. He woke with a start, blinking his golden eyes as he rose swiftly. Trouble. His gaze shifted to Kalliope, speaking swiftly. “Kalli, gather your herbs and be prepared for when I come back. Etain, stay with your mother.” The brute then left the den, swiftly moving in the direction of which the rainbow mark female had called for the pack.

Luckily she was not alone, yet neither was the enemy. A female drew his attention, as well as the brown male… Bastards. Coming to invade their territory? Castiel narrowed his eyes, protective nature surging in. Marina had just recently had a litter… he’d seen them at the meeting. He’d be damned if he let anyone hurt the older mother. She had a total of six children here in Celestial with her… though Cas had to admit he was proud to see the woman taking a stand for their pack.

Castiel didn’t think attacking a younger, spry wolf would necessarily go well, be hell, the older male wasn’t going to sit there and just allow them to turn tail and leave their pack without some battle wounds to remember them by. He was sick of these other wolves thinking they could just mess with his pack... His home! The male brought his tail over his back, baring his fangs as he put on an extra burst of speed. The female he was targeting was a monochrome colored femme, green eyes, and he ate up the ground between them, or at least tried to.

The female was holding her ground, just as Marina was, and Castiel let out a warning snarl as he aimed to come barreling straight into the she-wolf. His golden eyes were narrowed, ears pinned, claws biting into the soil as he ran… his hackles were raised and his tail moved like a banner behind him, aiding his balance. Things were going to go down. Castiel was aiming to hit her dead center in the chest with his right shoulder, thrusting the bone forward in hopes of causing more than a little bruising. He also twisted his head up towards his right and up, hoping to snap his jaws down upon the young woman’s right ear and tear with enough force to damage it, if not tear it away from her body. Even if he lost this fight, the brute swore, she would remember him.

Castiel versus Valdis For Talis’ Raid on Celestial and Maim [Removal of Right Ear]
Round:: 1/??
Height:: 39”
Build:: Heavy

Ooc:: Love you Luns! <3 Good luck!



5 Years
07-21-2017, 08:20 PM

He had been doubling his patrols since the trespasser some time ago. He felt it was needed and it also provided secondary eyes for when his brother was busy with things. Now that there was a new litter of pups he felt it was more important then ever to keep patrolling the borders. He had been worried his cousins turning up missing and he wasn't going to let someone else disappear if he could help it. He had been in the plains, patrolling the borders there. He didn't know that the night would turn into another pack raiding on their own. The lanky male's head rose quickly to the sound of Marina's howl calling for back up. His fur prickled, standing up on end at the call. Without hesitation he took off, long legs and stride carrying him swiftly over over the territory. Into the Moore and sliding to a halt as the gathering of wolves came into view. He was just in time to see his Uncle's attacked launched on the visible female of the opposing side. His fur continued to rise. He couldn't see anyone else from the opposing pack, but he was sure they were out there.

This had never happened before and mentally Lais was panicking a bit. He had only ever had one real spar and now this big threat to his family and his home was right in front of him. What should he do? Fallow suit with his uncle and attack? Wait for his older brother to get orders? Surely these wolves would have already been told to leave and yet here they are. What should he do? If he attacked now surely others could ambush. Shoving himself forward he moved over to stand beside Dom, one of the newest members. He stood and got to his defenses while his greenish eyes looked for more to come. He would be ready to fight, but he wasn't sure if starting a fight was the best thing either. He knew his uncles emotions were probably all over the place, he had a lot going on right now. Throwing his head back he let out another, loud and deep howl to add to Marina's calling to the pack to get their butts out of bed.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: blue_5_6_by_nnightcrawler-danjgwa.png]
[Image: c9VTOML.png]



8 Years
07-21-2017, 08:32 PM (This post was last modified: 07-21-2017, 08:35 PM by Acapella.)

She had surprisingly been awake and moving about unable to fall into a comfortable slumber. She didn't quite know why she couldn't sleep, but she just couldn't. She had found a spot in the plains where she had a nice view of the stars in the sky. It was a pretty view but she could see darkness in the distance. Rain was coming, a much needed rain. The land was starting to become dry and if the prey couldn't find enough food and water, they would be moving on. She sat gazing at the sky until the call from the rainbow women snapped her attention away. Why was she calling for backup? What was going on?

She rose to her feet and took off, sprinting as fast as she could to the gathering of wolves. What was happening? Her mind raced as she crossed the plains and headed into the Moore. A second howl added some urgency to her step wondering what in the world was going on. When she arrived she saw several pack mates and two strange wolves. Castiel was already in a fight with the one and she wasn't sure what to do. Her fur rose and she shook herself out before going over to stand beside Marina, eyes looking for others and her nose twitching about.

She wasn't sure how they should handle this. She wasn't a great fighter, but she would defend the pack if it is needed. Standing beside the rainbow women she looked at the brown male, lips peeling back showing her teeth in warning while she waited to decide her next move.

"Get out!" She snapped.

"Talk" & 'Think'



6 Years

07-21-2017, 08:53 PM (This post was last modified: 07-21-2017, 08:53 PM by Steel.)
Steel wasn't feeling at all comfortable with the idea of a raid, but he certainly wasn't about to back out now. If his mate, and his two daughters were participating, he wanted to at least know exactly where they were and what they were getting into. He wouldn't be able to forgive himself if he stayed behind while they possibly risked their safety for the pack, definitely not.

He was silent as they traveled, using the night as cover. Dragon led the group, and Steel hung in the far back, keeping an eye on his surroundings cautiously. Intruding on a strange pack's territory felt deeply unsettling to him, but he continued on without protest. He moved slowly but carefully, his gaze shifting side to side as they traveled.

Only when they were found out, quite quickly too, would his posture stiffen - everything happened rather suddenly, a female moving to attack one of their group - and Steel felt his hackles raise instinctively, lip curling to reveal his teeth. A rush of protectiveness flooded him, mostly for his family; he'd have no qualms with defending his family, even if this was a fight they had walked head-first into.



9 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - LesbianCritical Hit!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
07-21-2017, 09:02 PM

Valdís didn't have to wait for orders.  Another male showed up and another close behind and she quickly set her defenses, hoping the rest of Talis would show up soon.  She wasn't overly fond of being outnumbered.  Valdís lowered her head to align with her spine, shifting her tail up to do the same as her shoulders rolled forward, her neck scrunching back to push fur and fat over her vitals.  Her chin tucked slightly and her hackles stood on end.  She growled, her limbs spreading equidistant apart, bent slightly to lower her center of gravity and to prepare her to spring into action at a moments notice.  Her weight settled equally across her limbs as her toes splayed, her claws digging into the earth.  Valdís wrinkled her brow in a snarl, her ears pinning tightly to her head as her emerald eyes narrowed.

Celestial was the first to attack with a large, old man attacking her head on.  She saw the intent in his eyes that this was more than just a simple dominance match.  This man wanted to hurt her, brutally.  Well, then she would return the favor.  She was used to others wanting to hurt her and she wasn't going to start rolling over now.

As the man charged so did Valdís.  As he shifted to line his right shoulder with the center of her chest she shuffled to her own right in an attempt both displace the man's attack and to line the front of her left shoulder with the crook of his shoulder where his right shoulder connected to the right side of his chest.  She aimed to launch her left shoulder forward into this nook with enough force to cause severe bruising and to tear the ligaments [counter].  Hopefully, the injury would slow and cripple his movements.  He was elderly after all, and she knew old men always complained about their aching joints.  Well, if she succeeded he'd really have an ache to complain about.  

In addition she thrust the center of her chest forward hoping to striking the left side of the man's chest, her goal to cause moderate bruising and perhaps to knock the air out of his lungs with her momentum.  She exhaled swiftly before what she hoped would be impact so she wouldn't knock the breath from her own lungs.  He was larger, true, but he was also much older and she hoped that her youth and hardiness would aid her in this endeavor.  Simultaneously, as her weight shifted to her left front leg and her hindlegs for her shoulder throw she sought to lift her right foreleg so she could try to slam her right forepaw down on the man's left forepaw in the hopes of spraining some toes.

The man's jaws lanced toward her head but her shift in position would leave his jaws on the left side of her head but her left ear was still vulnerable, even pinned, and so she sought to counter his attack.
Valdís raised her head and twisted it inward, jaws aiming to connect with the left side of Castiel's face.  Her upper fangs sought to piece his left eye, in the hopes of permanently blinding him in that eye, her lower fangs sought to hook into the flesh just below his left cheek where she sought to cause deep puncture wounds.  She hoped to snap her jaws together in a tight grip on the man's face and to give herself some leverage in this fight.   They wanted a vicious crusader and that was what she was going to give them.  Any scar, any maim, any missing piece would be nothing but badges, marks of experience gained.  She'd been reared a fighter from the day she could walk and she sure as hell was going to die as one if that was what it came to.

Valdís vs Castiel for MAIM [piercing and blinding of left eye]
Rd. 1 of 3
Height: 37"
Build: Medium

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
07-21-2017, 10:23 PM
Since her recent return from the southern continent at the very start of spring, Justice had been resting and recovering from the long journey. Now though, fully recovered and in fact the stronger for the endurance training it had provided, she had begun to work hard to make up for the time she had not been able to give the pack. First from her journey north, then for grieving, then for the even linger journey south. She had been doing a lot of patrolling once again, though it seemed that there were a lot more adults about than when she had left. Regulus must have been recruiting...

She was out on a night patrol now, something which she was particularly suited for with her smoke-and-midnight coat, when she heard an urgent howl from one of the other members warning of danger. She wasted no time doubling back on her path and sprinting toward the call, fur bristling in aggression. Trespassers! A whole pack of them. Well probably not a whole pack but she could see it was certainly part of one, and she wondered if they had more wolves waiting to ambush the defenders. Then the actual scent of the pack hit her, and the sight of their leader, and a fiercely pissed off snarl bared every tooth. "You!" she roared, sliding to a halt a short distance before the familiar form of the Talis wolf she had informed of her father's passing. "How dare you?" Every instinct in her body screamed at her to throw herself into battle with this wolf, this BETRAYER who would take advantage of her father's death to lead his pack against her family. Amethyst eyes blazed with an unholy light in the darkness, so strong was her fury, but Regulus had insisted that trespassers be given warning. So, quivering, voice harsh with rage, she warned him. "Take your wolves and leave, or I will make you leave, and I will make certain you will not be able to lead another raid against my family ever again."

JUSTICE vs DRAGON for MAIM (blinding, left eye)
Round 0/?
Height 33"
Build medium


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (120)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

13 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
07-22-2017, 03:24 AM

At last they were on the move, the Armada boy trailed behind the alpha and a few others, though when it came time to cross the borders of their target his fur bristled in anticipation. The moonlight illuminated the foggy terrain, the air silent until a somewhat familiar form came to stop them before sending a call for help. It was the rainbow woman, and before long, others had joined them. One old man had decided to go straight in for an attack against their newest member, and he watched with intensity for a moment before a few others arrived. His alpha was being challenged, accused of something that Greed didn't understand nor care for. Who cared whether the guy was dead. He didn't. Especially since he didn't know who the hell she was talking about, but he didn't care much for anyone anyway. His duty was to his pack, and to himself, but he had a bone to pick with the rainbow marked woman.

His teeth glinted in the light as he sneered, circling around to better face the old woman. She was the one he saw at his fathers challenge, smelling heavily of pups...though did he care? Not really. Without warning, Greed charged straight at her, the brute attempted to close the distance with blazing fury. She had interfered with his family, and was probably the reason that his father decided to leave. She was probably the cause of the pain and hurt he felt when his father packed up the rest of the family and left him behind. It. Was. Her. Fault. Hackles bristled along his body, ears pinned to his head as his eyes narrowed. Teeth bared, the skin around his face bunching to aid in protecting him. His tail fell in alignment with his head and spine, shoulders thrust forward to protect his neck and his scruff bunched. His claws tore up the ground, toes spread for balance and traction as his weight was evenly centered.

He was going to tear into her, one way or another. With a vicious snarl, Greed feinted two steps to his right before moving two steps back to his left, attempting to throw her off before he sought to close the distance between them with a full force head on collision. Right shoulder was thrust forward, aiming to slam the point of his right shoulder straight into her wind pipe. He wanted to basically choke her out and force the breath from her body.  Sure, he was probably being too harsh, but in his mind, she deserved it. With a vicious snarl, his head whipped to his right, jaws gaped open as he sought to bring his teeth down upon the right side of her face. Top fangs aimed to pierce through her right eye socket while bottom fangs sought to attain a grip just beneath the right side of her lower jaw. He wanted to tear away part of her vision and leave scars in the process. As he attempted this, he would shift his weight to his three grounded limbs as his right forepaw quickly lifted and then slammed towards the ground, the male aiming to crush the toes on her right forepaw. He wanted to hinder as much of her movement as he possibly could. And make her pay for messing up his family.

Greed vs Marina for MAIM [Blinding in right eye/Severe facial scarring]
Round 1/???
Height: 36"


Art||Plot with me!

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



9 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-22-2017, 06:17 AM
Gwenevere was, like any reasonable creature, sound asleep when an urgent call woke her. She shook her head groggily to try to shake the cobwebs from her brain when a second voice added an impetus to the warning and sent her out into the darkness. As a wolf she was well suited to the darkness, and the nearly colorless sight she had was nonetheless clear as day as she loped to the border. A practiced eye took in everything at a glance - wolves from her pack and another throwing them at one another in rage, with obvious intent to maim. For a moment She was reminded forcefully of the siege that had so affected her family as a child, but the memories were easy to set aside, particularly as She had not actually been there to see it. Even if She had though this was not the time for rash judgements. She weighed the option of maiming one or more of the strangers coolly and decided she certainly had no qualms with idea, but also felt it a route she preferred not to take if she could avoid it. It would be enough here to send them off with tails tucked and thoroughly paddled. Instead of a fierce snarl her fiery features bore an open invitation as she stepped forward beside her other packmates to lend her support to those not yet in direct battle. "It would be better for you if you left," she said reasonably to the one stranger who was not yet locked in battle. Steel, though she did not know that name. He looked... familiar, somehow, in a distant sort of way, and she wondered where she could have seen him before. But no... He was too young for her to have ever met him here. "You can see that my packmates are not the easy meat I am sure you were promised. There is no shame in going home without a fight."



12 Years
Extra large
07-23-2017, 01:09 AM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

He had to admit, he was excited. The past few days, he had been floating on happiness during his patrols. He knew, after two litters from his mother, what the change in Solveiga’s scent after that glorious night in the Plains meant. He was going to be a father. And she a mother. Come summer, their first litter, one of them his heir, would be born. Gods, what would they look like?

It was a pleasant night, and he was making his way to patrol the borders in the Moor. It was when he was almost there that the wind shifted, and he caught the scent of not one, but multiple pack wolves. The certainty that hit him mingled with the beginnings of that icy feeling slipping through his veins. This wasn’t some wolf crossing the border by accident, and he wasn’t going to give them a chance to leave.

Not when one of them carried the distinct scent of a leader. Marina’s howl split the air, and he nodded to himself, coldly pleased as he turned to lope toward the call, moving economically to conserve energy. He threw up his own howl, and in it, there was a message for his pack. If they didn’t get their tails in here and help defend the pack’s borders, they would be sent to find a new home. It was a call for all able-bodied wolves that could fight, and it was a command. He had warned them at the meeting that lax behavior when a call announcing intruders wasn’t met with quick attendance would not be tolerated. He only hoped they would remember that warning. It almost coincided with his brother’s howl.

He arrived on the scene, in time for Justice’s roar of fury, noting with a mental nod that several of Celestial’s members had already arrived, and he was pleased, but didn’t allow it to shatter that chilling fury in his chest, as he slid out of the drizzling mist, snapping out a firm, “Marina, for your quick action, you are promoted to Legionary. Don’t bother with warnings—they aren’t here by accident. Domari, Justice, everyone, well done on your quick action. Castiel, I’m promoting you to Legionary. Gwenevere, the same. Brother, Legionary as well. Acapella, you are released from Punished.”

For Domari, he would have to wait to deal out any promotion, and he hoped the boy would understand. Had he only been a Legionary, his promotion would be dealt swiftly on the spot to a higher rank come the end of the skirmish. But he also had the boy’s healing experience to consider. With Justice, the same situation kept him from promoting her to becoming a Paladin, though once her training continued, she'd be well and swiftly on her way to that rank.

His eyes flicked to the other leader, and a silky smile crossed his jaws as he recognized the earthy tones and bright green eyes. “Is that young Dragon, trespassing again? And this time knowingly. I let you off lightly last time because you were a child who had not yet been taught about respecting borders. This time, you won’t get that kindness. You don’t have the excuse of not knowing better. And how touching. You’ve come to steal from your own family. Didn’t Justice here tell you? Creed was murdered. Your cousin. And here your pack comes in a time of grief. You could have just asked. We would have given freely. But this… thieving. Wrong move.” His tone was light, even conversational, but the chill in his eyes was unmistakable, even if his expression was practically friendly.

He didn’t wait for a response from the other leader, launching himself forward without preamble or pause—in fact, it almost sounded like he was going to speak on. He’d pressed ahead of the others of his pack save for Castiel, trusting Marina’s ability to defend herself from the near rabid attack of one of Talis’ wolves, or that one of the others would join to give her support, gaze unwavering as he’d spoken, seeking to pause at a distance of about five feet, and now he sought to close the rest of that distance hard and fast, defenses leveling into place as he went with seasoned ease an efficiency.

His tail swept level with his spine as his head lowered to align with shoulders that slid forward to guard his neck. His hackles had already lifted to their full height, bristling down his back from the base of his skull to the top of his tail. His chin tucked briefly as a guard to his throat, jaws parting as his eyes narrowed to protective slits in a face that had wrinkled into a silent snarl.

His balance was set to land squared on all four legs, elbows and hocks bent to loosen his movement, while his toes spread apart for further balance and traction, his claws gripping at the mossy ground to aid in the goal. His aim wasn’t to drive himself into his opponent as he usually might.

Instead, his jaws parted further as his head tipped sharply to his own right, and he lunged with those jaws, twisting slightly downward for Dragon’s face, upper canines seeking a precise, puncturing hold in Dragon’s left eye, while his lower canines sought similar placement in Dragon’s right eye. Simultaneously, he threw his weight into the last push of his haunches, seeking to slam his whole chest into the front of Dragon’s chest, wishing to drive him back and blast the breath from his lungs with the collision.

His weight canted back into his hind legs, hocks bending slightly to take the shift and maintain balance, tail acting as a balancing rudder, as his forelegs both snapped up to seek a firm hug around the other alpha’s neck – right foreleg aiming to land on the base of the left side of Dragon’s neck, his left foreleg seeking a similar placement on the right side of Dragon’s neck, at the base - striving to obtain a tight hold that would be difficult to shake loose.

He hadn’t missed the big cat’s scent that was present, tightly mingled with Dragon’s own, and kept his awareness open, ready to move quickly if it joined the fray.

He wasn’t just acting as a furious leader protecting his pack. He didn’t precisely know what this fool and his cronies had come in hopes of taking. He doubted it was a real siege – he’d noted that the majority of the others with Dragon hadn’t attacked immediately, save for the black and white one – but this was, to him, an act of unforgivable hostility against his pack and family, and retribution would be swift in coming. Talis had made a grave error in starting trouble with Celestial.

But no, he was also acting with the protective rage of a father-to-be. What threatened the resources also threatened Solveiga and their unborn children in her womb, and he would kill if it meant they’d be safe. None of the full force of that anger showed in his face, and he kept himself calm mentally, using that chill to keep his mind clear, calculating his moves, not allowing adrenaline to overtake him. He wanted this opponent down fast, with the hope that it would scatter the rest of the enemy.

Fight Stats

Regulus Adravendi and Justice Ancora (? I forget if I should include her here >.>) vs Dragon for Maim [Full Blinding]
Round 1 of ?

Height: 42"

Build: Heavy

Extra Notes: Distance agreed upon by Dragon. (Justice/Tea, forgive meee, but I already had this thing almost finished and I can't get my brain to work to try again with something else. xD)

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



11 Years
07-23-2017, 07:00 PM
It was no personal qualm with the femme, but Castiel was just so sick of it all. Liar’s challenge… and the recent events with so many deaths in their pack. Castiel just felt frustrated… and Gods forgive him if he was out of line but hell, the man knew there was no going back now.

The male kept some of his defenses up naturally as the distance between himself and the female closed, for she too was on the move. His golden eyes remained narrowed to help protect them, ears pinned to his skull. His hackles were raised to make him look a bit bigger as well as help protect his body from bites. He kept his weight distributed across all four limbs in a slightly widened stance, shifting that weight into his front right leg as he launched his attack. His tail remained sticking out, his rudder, his balance as he worked on his attack.

The woman was no greenhorn though, that was for certain. Castiel, while expecting a counter to his attack thanks to his warning, did not expect one so expertly placed. Seeing as how she shifted he too leaned a bit more, this time to the left as she started moving to her own right, to try and sync up their attacks. The end result, supposedly, was the attempt that their shoulder bones ground together dead center with enough force to cause them both severe bruising. [Counter… to the counter?]

At least that displaced her second push, their chests bumped into each other with less force than intended, and due to it being more centered, the effect of impact wasn’t as great as it could have been. Cas let out a coughing noise but kept his attack with jaws coming. He ended up overshooting though, his jaws winding up on the left side of her head and clasping air with an audible click. Because of his own bit of an overshoot Castiel felt the woman’s teeth sink into his left cheek. There were definitely going to be some deep puncture wounds left behind, but Castiel wasn’t giving up yet.

Though it was again thanks to the fact he sought to sync up with her directly that caused the woman’s paw stomp to miss. If anything her paw was likely somewhere in between the middle of his front legs and closer to his left foreleg.

Now was the time to keep the fight rolling. Castiel aimed to pull his head forward and down a tad, jaws opening once more to attempt clamping down on the left side of her neck by hooking his bottom jaws towards the direction of her throat and upper jaws laying across facing the sky at a forty five degree angle. Even if he ended up deepening the wounds on his face in the process he had to get ahold of her somewhere, get her to release him.

Cas then aimed to throw all his weight into his back legs and push off the ground, claws biting the soil, to push his body directly into the woman’s own. Being a little taller here, his main goal was to push her back, maybe keep her from getting her breath. His right foreleg also came up, aiming to simultaneously come and slam his right forepaw onto the left one with claws coming down in an attempt to rake at the webbing between the toes, or at least catch her flesh on the way down to smash her toes with severe force. His weight had only one to go; forward, so he was hoping for the best!


Castiel versus Valdis For Talis’ Raid on Celestial and Maim [Removal of Right Ear]
Round:: 2/3
Height:: 39”
Build:: Heavy



2 Years
07-23-2017, 08:31 PM
Jade really wasn't quite sure what this whole raid thing included. But she knew one thing - if her family was participating, so was she. She didn't think much about the consequences of what they were doing might be. Instead, she copied the quiet, elusive gait of her packmates as they moved through the darkness of night. She trailed close by her father and mother, keeping Sterling in her sights too. Jade sensed a fair bit of nervousness in her father's demeanor in particular, but she supposed sneaking onto some strange pack's lands would make her a bit nervous too.. well, should be making her nervous if she knew any better.

Their quiet journey didn't continue for long once they crossed the borders. They were spotted quickly, confronted by the wolves whose land they were infringing on. Before she could even register everything that was going on it seemed like wolves were jumping to defend their territory - fights began to break out around her. She'd never really fought before, besides some very basic training, and she flinched a bit and moved to press against her father's side - hoping her features didn't betray the uncertainty that suddenly gripped her.



8 Years
07-23-2017, 08:58 PM

She stood strong spreading her legs and balancing her weight on all fours evenly. Tail leveling with her body and head lowering to be in line with her body for balance. She rolled her shoulders forward and bunching her neck and head up so that she had skin and fur covering her easy spots. Flattening her ears and peeling back her lips to expose her teeth. Bunching up the skin on her face also helped to cover eyes. She was ready to rumble, ready to defend her pack with her life. Regulus arrived at the scene giving out a few quick promotions, including her own out of the punished rank. Though now was not the time to dwell on it with this intrusion at hand. Suddenly her eyes caught the quick movement of the black and white, young male. He was about the same size of her and he made movement around his gaze zeroing in on Marina.

She was turned slightly to her left standing on the right side of the older women ready to jump into action when it was needed. Eyes narrowed as she watched him and before long he began a full out charge towards the older women. Without a second thought she launched forward running straight at the male's left side. She was close enough to cut him off before he rammed into Marina and she planned on doing so. Claws dug into the earth for traction as she tore forward barreling towards the male with as much force as she could muster.

Then she sprung, launching herself the rest of the way with her head and neck pushed slightly to the left. She pushed her right shoulder forward more and was going to use it as her battering ram. She aimed to drive the point of her shoulder into the male's rib cage, just behind his left shoulder to knock him out of alignment for his attack on Marina and to hopefully knock the wind right out of him. At the last moment she arched her head upwards and to the left more while opening her jaws wide angling it to try and grab a hold of the male's left ear and the skin directly below it. The older women had pups to care for and Ella was going to back her up no matter the cost.

Acapella & Marina vs. Greed for MAIM (Removal of Left ear and Facial Scarring)
Round: 1 of ??
Height: 35 inches
Build: Medium



4 Years
07-23-2017, 09:40 PM
Ramsay hadn't felt this enthused in a long time, anticipation tingling through his body with every step that brought him closer to Celestial. A thirst was building in him for the blood that would flow, and conflict that would arise on this night. He knew it was merely a raid, an attempt from Talis to gain resources by testing themselves against another pack, but for him, it was a chance to release pent up aggression. Anger that had been festering since the day his mother had left his family, and his father began with the endless lies. His heart thrummed against his chest, and with each beat he felt fury building within him that he would be pleased to unleash on the first wolf that caught his attention. He didn't care who was punished by his wrath, as long as he got his chance to sink his teeth into someone.

When the Talis wolves arrived, the first to oppose them was Marina, the rainbow-coated freak that had contributed to the further separation of his family. Nothing had remained after the bitch made her appearance. Ramsay was ready to launch at her, but Greed burst forth and beat him to it. His muscles tensed irritably, yet an amused grin still crossed his face. At least it would be his brother to leave a mark on her. His eyes shifted to the male that had come to stand besides Marina (Domari),
deciding to target him as the male tried to tell Talis to "beat it". Yeah right!

Ramsay left his place at the sides of the other Talis wolves, charging head-on toward Domari as he attempted to close the distance between them, ignoring the other fights that were breaking out around him. As he strode toward his opponent, his lean body became streamlined, his head lowering so that it was even with his spine and his chin tilting downward to cover his throat. The hair along his neck and spine rose in anticipation, creating a buffer between his skin and his enemy's teeth. His ears folded back, eyes narrowing protectively and tail flagged out behind him, leveling with his spine. Knees and elbows bent to allow him better balance, toes splaying as he distributed his weight evenly to each paw, nails digging into the ground for traction. His black-marked muzzle wrinkled up, the skin bunching up around his face and eyes defensively while revealing his teeth as he prepared to make his attack.

The blonde male darted to his own left, hoping to bring himself closer to Domari's right side. Then he turned sharply to his right, claws digging into the ground, shifting his weight primarily to his hind legs as he attempted to thrust the very front of his chest forward. His aim was to slam the front of his chest into Domari's right shoulder, square in the middle of the muscle, hoping to leave moderate bruising and throw off his opponent's balance in order to affect his reaction time. As he did so, Ramsay's black forepaws lifted upward and reached forward, trying to get a hold of his opponent with his lengthy legs. His weight was balanced upon his hind legs, as his right foreleg was aiming to reach around the underside of Domari's neck, his left foreleg aiming to reach over top of Domari's neck just above the back of the other man's shoulders. His muscles were tensed as he tried to bring his forepaws together, hoping that he would achieve a tight grasp of Domari to prevent easy movement and retaliation.

Then he would whip his head to his right, jaws parted wide as he tried to clamp down on the wolf's right ear. His lower fangs aimed to dig into the outer edge of the ear at the base, top fangs aiming for the upper tip of the ear in an attempt to leave severe lacerations that would leave the ear in tatters. He growled with pleasure, his heart racing with the thrill of the fight he'd commenced, ready to adjust if things didn't go according to plan. Bring it on!

Ramsay vs. Domari for Maim [Right ear - ripped/torn]
Round 1/?
Height: 36"
Build: "Emaciated" (supposed to be Light)
All of Ramsay's siblings are allowed to enter any of his threads, regardless of whether the thread is private or not!



7 Years
07-24-2017, 01:43 AM
Sterling moved along with the group, weaving between the other wolves as they traveled at a steady pace. Her dad and sister were amongst them, but Dragon had asked her mother to stay behind with the other party to help the wounded, or to help carry supplies when they had completed the raid. As they got closer to pack-scented territory, Sterling fell in line behind Dragon, trying not to let her excitement cause her to waste energy bouncing around. When they arrived, she fanned out behind their leader, positioning herself closer Steel and Jade. She watched with growing excitement and nervousness as the wolves of Celestial flood the area in order to oppose them. It seemed they weren't going to be as quiet and absent as had been assumed from the scouting mission.

The girl's nose wrinkled up as one wolf ran up and began shout and snarling at Dragon, and fights began to break out all around her. She wasn't sure where to get started, but as she watched, she realized it really was a free-for-all. Her attention snapped to an older woman that approached Steel -
her tone was calm but there was a hint of warning in her words. Sterling's eyes rolled at the woman's words - of course there would be shame in turning tail and heading home without a fight. Why did she even bother to try to convince them to leave? Well, Sterling wasn't going to just stand around wasting time. The girl's tail flicked and she stepped forward to stand beside her dad, glancing at him, and then at Jade, briefly before eyeing the woman in front of them. "We didn't get here by mistake," she sassed, shoulders tensing, "Why would we leave without a fight?"

Glancing around her surroundings one more time, seeing all of the fights going on, Sterling knew it was her turn to get her paws dirty. Emeralds eyes locked onto Gwenevere, hackles rising along her spine as she prepared to throw herself into the fray. There was nervousness in the bottom of her belly, but she wasn't about to let that stop her. She bent her legs to lower her center of gravity and shifted her paws to an equal distance apart, muscles tensing as she remembered the training Kharnage had given, before she launched forward, aiming to close the distance between herself and the older female, her path leading her slightly to her own right. Her nails dug into the ground for traction, toes splaying for balance, and tail tucking defensively. Her eyes squinted protectively, ears pinning back and head lowering to align with her spine as she dashed forward. Her shoulders rolled forward to protect her neck and chin tilted downward to protect her throat.

When she thought she was close enough, she made her move. She turned her neck to her right and jutted her left shoulder forward, her left forepaw coming up as she did so, as her weight shifted to her hinds and right foreleg. She aimed to smash the bony front part of that left shoulder toward the front of Gwen's left shoulder blade, hoping to dislocate the shoulder joint, to make the rest of this fight easier with a slightly disabled opponent. Then she whipped her head to her left, jaws opening as she tried to make a bite to the loose skin at the middle of the left side of Gwen's neck. She would try to grab a good mouthful of scruff, hoping to leave moderate punctures and get a solid grip. Lastly, her left forepaw would aim to come down on Gwenevere's left forepaw, attempting to moderately sprain the toes.

Sterling vs. Gwenevere for Dominance
Round 1/?
Height: 34"
Build: "Emaciated" (Supposed to be Medium)


07-24-2017, 12:35 PM (This post was last modified: 07-26-2017, 07:28 PM by Head Judges.)
Fern had crept silently through the night, hyperaware of every gust of wind, every rattle of the leaves on trees, and every drop of rain that beaded on her fur. When Dragon and some others headed straight forward, she slunk into the brush, gait smooth as a shadow, paws soft as moss. She'd had her eye on a young male, black and white, who couldn't be more than 3 years old. Less, likely. She'd been about to initiate the first attack on him when racing paws rang in her ears. Faster than hummingbirds' wing beats, fights broke out all around her. It seemed the howl of the rainbow abomination had brought many pack wolves out, and they were itching for a fight as much as she was. The first scent of blood arose from the fight, invading her nostrils. That released her. Fern's gold eyes widened, and a savage grin spread across her face. She lifted a paw to step out of the brush when Ramsay raced towards the youngling, his harmful intentions palpable. This was his fight now, and it wasn't her place to intrude. With a quiet snarl, she turned her head towards the rest of her pack, and-- there. Dragon was being attacked not just by one wolf, but two! A smaller female seemed to have a bone to pick with him, as did a larger male who, judging by his rapid-fire promoting, must be the leader.
Dragon was young, Fern knew. He would be able to handle himself in a battle against one wolf, but two? The leader was huge. The youngling looked fast. Fern had to step in, before Dragon was hurt or worse.
Emerging from the brush, Fern stepped towards the fight, barking to catch the slight woman's attention. "Hey! Step away from Dragon," she snarled. There was no reason to wait for her response, as chances were she was too involved in the heat of the moment to respond. So, Fern readied herself for battle.
She bent into a crouch, pushed her head back into the rolls of skin and fur that surrounded her vitals, and with a roar, charged. Her claws dug into the soft earth, tearing up the ground beneath her. She was facing the woman's left flank, angled so that her current course would take her between the female and Dragon hopefully before an attack could set in between them. She planned to charge at full speed and bowl over the girl, knocking her to the ground. Fern would hit the enemy's flank with Fern's own right shoulder, effectively knock her over, and hopefully cause some moderate to heavy bruising before the real battle began. She planned to leap up and over directly after impact, avoiding the girl's fallen form, then pivot on her left two paws to keep the stranger in view in case of a fast recovery. Just in case of her seeing Fern's attack, and snapping at the silver she-wolf, Fern kept her head scrunched back, skin bunched around her neck. Her sides were relatively unprotected, but her speed should have kept her safe from major injury.

Fern vs. Justice for Dominance
Round 1/?
Height: 31"
Build: Medium

[edited by Lunarcat7 to adjust fight to Dominance match per Fern's request]

Marina I


7 Years
07-24-2017, 08:31 PM (This post was last modified: 07-24-2017, 08:34 PM by Marina I.)
Marina had caught the movement of the young male, her alpha’s words falling on deaf ears for the time being. Her focus was on Greed, though it was with a heavy heart that she faced him. The intent in his eyes; she saw malice. As much as Marina felt the heavy pang in her heart, knowing this was her ex-mate’s child, she knew that if she didn’t fight he’d hurt her. He’d hurt her badly. All of this was recognized within a few moments. The female let all other thoughts go, slipping into the madness that had claimed her so many times before, embracing the darkness that had saved her and damned her as the woman known as Rainbow.

Those feelings welcomed her with a dark embrace, eyes narrowing as ears pinned to the skull. The woman lowered her head, aligning it with her spine, and lifted her tail to do the same for the sake of balance. She sought to distribute her weight among all four limbs evenly, widening her stance while digging into the earth with her claws. Hackles raised, jaw partially open in a snarl as she watched him try and come at her.

As Greed neared so did an aid for Marina from her right side. Marina registered Acapella as there, but couldn’t place her name. Not in that moment. She was trying to read the boy’s movements. She didn’t doubt that he aimed to slam into her, and Marina let the breath go from her lungs as she braced for impact. With her back leg still mending, still gaining strength, she doubted she could afford leaping at him back. But she wouldn’t just take it, no, she’d use her slightly superior height to her aid and see about teaching this young one some respect.

In the split second that Greed neared impact and Acapella leaped at the brute Marina attempted to shift her weight to the left, to dance away from his jaws. They would catch the very bottom of her cheek, slashing into skin and gaining a mild hold on the area, but not so much of one that Marina could not move her head. She pushed her own left shoulder forward, to meet with Greed’s right shoulder or even the center of his chest depending on how successful Acapella’s attack was. This, causing displacement on Greed’s own attack, would cause the paw stomp to miss most of her toes save the one on the very end. Pain flared up inside her as it was smashed down on, bruised and broken.

The she-wolf favored that leg as she launched her own attacks, pressing with her back legs into the ground to dig her left shoulder point into wherever she could get it. Her jaws also twisted towards the young man’s head, also his right, and attempted to snap at the only thing in front of her; his right ear. Her aim was to grab and tear, to pull it away from his body and leave him with a bloodied mess to think about. Her eyes were dancing madly in the night, daring the young brute to keep the pain coming.

Marina and Acapella versus Greed for Maim {Removal of Right Ear}
Round:: 1/2
Height:: 38 inches
Build:: Medium

Edit approved by Lunar to add stats.

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]