
Bulls In The Bronx [Raid]



9 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-25-2017, 08:16 AM
A youth she had not noticed yet stepped forward to bark some sarcastic nonsense at her. Gwen eyed the child with clear disappointment, but merely shook her head. So young, surely too young to be thoroughly trained, yet brought along on what was clearly going to be a dangerous intrusion onto another pack's territory. What had this alpha been thinking? "Go home," she urged the male again, this time including the youth confronting her and the second plastered to the male's side in her urging. "Don't risk your lives and your bodies for... this."

But the taller youth seemed determined, and set herself in a clumsy warrior's stance, drawing a sigh from Gwen who slipped into her own with the grace of an otter into water. It came to her with the ease of long practice, her head dipping level with her spine, her paws sliding out into a stance slightly wider than hip and shoulder width and squared so that her centered weight fell evenly over all four paws. Her ears pinned back not in anger, but protectively, to minimize them as a target, and her eyes narrowed for the same reason. Her joints bent slightly to lower her center of gravity, but she kept them loose for freer movement. Her chin she tucked slightly to protect her throat, for though her opponent was taller than her by a pawful of inches she was not so tall as to not easily drop her teeth that far. Gwenevere had years more experience than the poor child; it would hardly be fair to punish her for the poor decisions of her elders. But it was what it was.

The youth charged, and Gwen set herself as though to take the hit, but sidestepped neatly to the right before the attempted shoulder slam could land, avoiding the paw stomp at the same time. Sterling's teeth barely caught Gwen's ruff as she moved, leaving minor lacerations beneath the ivory fur on the left side of her neck about a quarter of the way up from her shoulder.

Gwen shifted her balance to her hindlegs and pivoted on her hindquarters ninety degrees, attempting to bring herself to face Sterling's left shoulder then, with her weight still balanced on her hindquarters, she reared halfway up in an attempt to slam the front of her chest against the side of Sterling's leg shoulder. As she did she brought both paws up and sought to wrap them around Sterling, her left paw seeking to hook around the front girl's chest and the right over her spine halfway before her hips in an attempt to hold her close and immobilized her. Simultaneously she reached her jaws to her left in an attempt to snap them into the back of the neck immediately behind Sterling's skull, carefully as she was trying not to cripple her but rather to grip and hold in the hopes of controlling her movements.

It was clear that Gwen did not want to harm the youth, but she couldn't simply roll over and let the girl tear recklessly into the main battles, where the rest of the pack may not be so forgiving of her youth. But if she could hold her here until she gave in...

Round 1/2
Height 30"
Build Medium

The Judge


07-25-2017, 06:09 PM
It's been brought to our attention that there is some confusion regarding the fights in progress by Dragon, Regulus, Justice and Fern. After discussing this we've come to the conclusion that the fight is now a melee fight. Justice's Round 0 serves as notice of intent and Regulus' inclusion of her in his first post means that Justice is a part of that fight. Fern's post also regards the fight as 2 vs 1 before joining in.

In conclusion, Regulus x Justice vs Dragon x Fern will be our first melee fight of the raid. Dragon will have 3 days from Fern's post to respond before being defaulted.



3 Years
07-26-2017, 01:55 AM
Exodus heard a call ring out for the pack - oh, that was Marina, Chasm's mother! - but this time it was not a meeting, it was not a training session. It was a call for help. There was an intrusion, and he felt a state of urgency as he jumped to his paws and shot out from his den, trying to shake the sleep from his mind as he tore away from the plains and into the moor. He wasn't sure what he was going to do when he got there - did he have enough training to take on a trespasser? But what if one of his packmates was in trouble? He couldn't just stand by and do nothing. He had to try, even if he was out-ranked by the enemy. As he was getting closer, he heard Regulus' familiar howl ring out. Now things were really getting serious. Exodus put on a burst of speed until he could hear the growls and scuffling of claws digging into the ground. There was definitely something bad going on.

When he arrived, he saw that many of his own pack mates were already battling unfamiliar wolves.
His multi-colored eyes gazed around in shock. These wolves... they were so violent. They had come in the middle of the night to trespass, fight and steal, and they looked eager to fight with the wolves of Celestial. This was wrong... just so wrong. As he looked to Regulus, where the scarlet-coated male was locked in battle with the other packs' Alpha, Exodus felt a fire ignite within him. These vicious bandits were not going to get away with this. The hefty young male stood to his full height, his amber eyes blazing, the violet and magenta flecks seeming to stand out as his gaze sought out an enemy that was not fighting yet. He spotted a girl, probably about his age; she seemed like she was second-guessing her presence here, and she was leaning into a larger male who stood beside her. His eyes locked onto the dark-gray male, seeking out his blood-red eyes. That would be his target. He wasn't going to attack some scared little girl.

Stamping toward Steel, Exodus squared up in front of him, although his eyes briefly drifted to Jade. "You shouldn't have come here," he warned in a deep, rumbling growl as his gaze then snapped to Steel, a fierce snarl over-taking his facial features, "We don't let trespassers go without a good remind of the mistake they've made." He tried to sound threatening, to sound more confident than he really was. He'd never been in a real fight, but he wasn't going to stand by and let the rest of Celestial defend the pack. After all, this was the job he was striving toward. It was sooner than anticipated, but he wanted to protect his pack and make their Alpha proud. These wolves had to pay for their transgression. They were not getting off easily.

Exodus shifted his paws into an even, widened stance that would help him keep his balance, his knees and elbows bending for flexibility and to lower his center of gravity. He readied himself to fight quickly, putting his training into action. Toes splayed for balance, nails digging into the ground for traction and head lowering to align with his spine. His ears flicked back defensively. His tail lifted to align with his spine, hackles rising along his back and neck. His shoulders rolled forward protectively,
his scruff bunching up to keep his neck safe. Then he kicked off, trying to close the distance between himself and Steel as quickly as possible. He wasn't going to take it easy on the brute, in fact he wanted to make sure that his actions matched his words. And maybe then the girl beside the male would take off when she realized her pack didn't stand a chance.

He lowered himself a little more by bending his legs as he neared his opponent, weight shifting to his hind legs so that he could propel himself forward with more power, jutting out his right shoulder as he aimed to slam the bony part of that shoulder into the middle of Steel's throat. He hoped to leave moderate bruising and choke the male, to leave him gasping so that Exodus could take advantage of him. Then his parted jaws turned to his right, aiming to strike the right side of Steel's face, upper fangs seeking to dig into the man's temple and lower fangs aiming for the lower cheek with the intention to leave severe lacerations down the side of the man's face. Lastly, his right forepaw lifted and then was thrown downward, aiming to slam down on Steel's right forepaw in hopes of fracturing the toes. Exodus hoped he'd make a good example out of the brute, so that the invaders would think twice about ever repeating this mistake.

Exodus vs. Steel for Maim [Severe facial scarring]
Round 1/2?
Height: 36"
Build: Heavy



9 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - LesbianCritical Hit!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
07-26-2017, 07:27 AM

The man shifted to his left and she snarled in pain as her left shoulder collided painfully with the front of his right shoulder leaving severe bruising.  She was almost grateful that her right paw missed it's target for as soon as it connected with solid ground her weight shifted evenly to her hind legs and right front leg to give her left shoulder a glimmer of respite.  Their chests collided dead center leaving light bruising.  Due to the mans shift in position both sets of Valdís fangs snapped together over his left cheek leaving deep punctures but not gaining a worthy hold.  Valdís knew she'd be hard pressed to keep a grip on such a challenging target with a small surface area in her possession. She immediately let go, twisting her head violently to her left and down as he opened his jaws, attempting to catch the mans lower jaw in between her own jaws, knowing full well her own muzzle would likely end up mauled.  Valdís sought to catch the middle of his lower jaw with her upper fangs placed perpendicularly across his tongue and her lower fangs underneath his lower jaw so it was nicely sandwiched between her own.  Her goal was simple, a crushing bite that would break bone and put the clever old geezer out of commission before he did her in [counter… again, sorry  ><].

The man pushed his weight forward, his chest pressing into hers and her weight shifted to her hind legs as her tail flagged out behind her for balance.  Valdís tried to throw her front legs over the top of Castiel's upper neck, a few inches back from his head in a tight hug, partially to help her maintain her own balance.  Her right front leg seeking to curve around the left side of his neck her left front leg seeking to curve around the right side. She sought to pull down, to make his neck bear her weight at such a delicate point that it might cause him strain in addition to throwing him off balance.  Thanks to her front legs rising his paw slam would miss and she hoped that the sudden addition of her weight when he lifted his right foreleg might be enough to make him stumble and tip forward.  She wanted to get him on the ground.  Valdís maintained what defenses she could her eyes narrowed and her ears pinned in case he would go for those again.  Her hind legs were spread wide, knees bent and her weight spread evenly amongst them as her tail flagged out behind her for balance.  Her abdomen tensed tightly to aid her balance and her hackles remained standing on end.  Her shoulders were rolled forward as her arms extended up to try and wrap around the mans neck.  Her toes were spread, hind claws digging into the earth, desperate for anything that would help her remain upright.  

Valdis vs Castiel for MAIM (piercing and blinding of left eye)
Rd. 2 of 3
Height: 37"
Build: Medium

notes:  I talked with Keno and she clarified that both Valdís upper and lower fangs connected with Cas' left cheek.

"Talk" "You" Think



9 Years

The Ooze ParticipantDouble Master
07-26-2017, 07:38 AM
That Sea is just a Gambler at Heart

Everything started happening so fast.  Regulus arrived and wolves piled in from either side and soon fights were breaking out all around him.  Dómari quickly set his defenses, his skull and tail moved to align with his spine as his chin tucked lightly into the curve of his neck.  Dóm's neck scrunched back, his shoulders rolling forward and his hackles standing on end.  He could feel his heart hammering in his chest and fury burning in his gut.  How could they do this?  Justice's words dug into his heart.  These wolves were family?  He snarled, he couldn't imagine one of his family members pulling a stunt like this.  He almost wanted to cry but he bit back his tears in rage.  They were going to pay for this.  Dómari spread his limbs equidistant apart and his toes splayed wide, claws digging into the earth.  His ears pinned tightly to his head and his eyes narrowed as he tried to figure out who to attack in this chaos.  However, the choice was swiftly taken from him.  As he locked eyes with a blonde male from Talis the invader charged straight for him!  

Dómari burst forward in an attempt to close the distance and meet the man head on.  He'd been raised by the hellion Valeriya and he'd never back down from a fight, especially not now that he had a message to send to these cruel beasts.  As Ramsay darted to his own left Dómari would pivot towards his own right in an attempt to keep them facing head on.  He didn't want to let Ramsay get behind him.  Dómari attempted to use his heavy build and momentum to slam his chest square into Ramsay's chest [counter].  His goal was to cause severe bruising and to knock the breath from his opponents lungs.  Every second counted and a gasp or falter might give him the edge.

As he was charging forward there was no avoiding Ramsay's forelegs.  Dómari practically ran into his open arms though his change in position to bring them head on had changed the position slightly.  Rather than wrapping under his neck Ramsay's right foreleg wrapped around the left side of the base of his neck, just in front of his shoulder blades.  Ramsay's left foreleg wrapped around the right side of the base of his neck, again just in front of his shoulder blades but that was fine with Dómari.  If the poor Talis wolf needed a hug then Dómari was all to happy to give the poor guy one.  Just as Ramsay's arms began to wrap around him Dómari moved to do the same.  He sought to wrap his left foreleg around Ramsay's right side, under the man's raised right foreleg, and just behind the armpit.  He also sought to wrap his right foreleg around Ramsay's left side, again under the man's raised left foreleg, and just behind the armpit.  He hoped to couple the move with his chest slam so he could knock the light man onto his back.

But that wasn't all.  There was a message that needed to be sent here.  While Dómari wasn't one to maim lightly, despite his rebellious mothers more violent nature, the sheer brazen impudence of these wolves and their disrespect could not stand.  Dómari's jaws parted as he attempted to seize hold of the left side of Ramsay's face.  His upper fangs sought to dig into the flesh just in front of the base of Ramsay's left ear, his lower fangs hoped to dig into the lower portion of the man's left cheek.  Dómari's goal was to gain a strong hold by bringing his jaws sharply together to deeply shred one of the key muscles that aided in opening the lower jaw.  His intent was to partially cripple this man's jaw… permanently. It would not prevent the man from opening and closing his jaws but it would make the task more difficult and hopefully make his future bites less of a threat.  

As his head was moving in for his own bite there was no avoiding Ramsay's jaws though his shift in position to align them head on displaced Ramsay's bite and rather than fangs shredding his right ear those fangs struck the center of his forehead and cut deep lacerations all the way up but the round surface was difficult to grasp and no hold was gained.  Only pain… and lots of blood that Dómari hoped to pay back swiftly.

Ramsay vs Domari for Maim [Crippling of lower jaw and severe facial scarring]
Round 1 of 3
Height: 37"
Build: Heavy



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
07-27-2017, 03:37 AM
ooc//using my Fight pass.

It didn't take long for he and his members to be confronted, though the members of Celestial that had arrived simply issued warnings. Telling him to take his comrades and leave. Except for one old geezer who launched himself at Valdis. Tail swished calmly behind him, at any moment any one of the defenders could attack, so his own senses were completely alert, Kimahri ready at his side. Green gaze searched for his brother Kharnage, and as soon as he was spotted he called to him. "Hey Kharn! How does being promoted to Taxiarchos sound?" His brother had come to him prior to the raid asking about it, so now seemed as good a time as ever to promote his sibling. Through the tension in the air, a familiar scent caught his attention, and not long after she appeared. Justice. His cousin. The one who had recently gone to Talis to tell them of Creed's passing. The news had devastated her mother, and so she decided she wasn't coming. She felt like it would be a betrayal to her family, though in a sense…was it really? Things like this happened all the time, didn't it? Dragon bore no ill will towards those of his family, they were simply doing what they had to do to survive, and he wasn't one to go around begging the other packs. Especially when he didn't know them personally. Wouldn't that make his pack seem weak? If they needed to beg for the help of others? His attention was brought back when Kimahri issued a warning growl, and then Justice had come before him. She was angry, and rightfully so. It probably seemed like he was out to hurt them while the death of Creed was still on their minds, but that simply wasn't the case. He calmly listened to her outrage, fur relaxed as was his posture. Sadness clear in his eyes. If she were to launch herself at him, he would be ready in an instant.  Though it looked like she wanted to seriously hurt him for just trying to survive. He did have a plan forming in his mind, however. Maybe he could talk to her later…after all, regardless of what happened tonight, she would still be family to him.

That wasn't how he felt though. He didn't want to fight her. He didn't want to seriously hurt her. So despite all the anger she spewed at him, he remained calm. "Justice, it is not my intent to hurt you or our family. I bear no ill will towards anyone, we're just doing what we have to in order to survive." He wished he could tell her more, but with fights breaking out left and right, he wasn't sure if he'd have time before someone decided to try and catch him off guard. Before he tried to say more, however, a big red figure lumbered towards him. He couldn't quite remember his name, but he vaguely remembered a big red wolf back in his youth. Clearly, however, the other male remembered him. As Regulus spoke, it clicked. Aaahh, now that he thought about it, Celestial had been the pack he had made it to when he was in Imperium. But when the other alpha said he had let him off lightly, Dragon couldn't help but to scoff. "I was a pup, what were you gonna do? Eat me? Or did you let me off 'lightly' because two of my pack members were there? I don't think Imperium would have let you off so lightly if you had." Whether Reg heard him or not, he didn't really care right now. The red male continued, and his ears flattened. He wasn't going to come begging for supplies. And he didn't have to explain himself to someone he didn't know. Regulus was not his family. He said his piece to Justice, and though he had come with the intent to take the supplies they needed, he hoped she would hear him out later. He wasn't going to let Regulus scare him off so easily. Or at all.

While Regulus spoke, Kimahri had slid away from Dragon's side to circle around Regulus and Justice. Meanwhile, Dragon had not only been setting his defenses, but had also taken a few steps back to set them approximately ten feet apart instead. There was no way in Hell he was going to let his opponents stand that close to him. Or anyone who he might fight, for that matter. After all, he had no reason to trust the big red brute, nor those of the opposing pack (save for maybe those that bore his same last name) now did he? Regulus had threatened him when he was a child, and he was threatening him now. Granted at this moment in time there was reason to threaten, but back when he didn't know about other packs borders? Meh. All thoughts aside, the earthen male's hackles rose, teeth bared in a fierce snarl, tail aligned with his spine and head, ears pinned to his skull, eyes narrowed to emerald slits, the skin on his face bunched around his eyes and muzzle to aid in protecting him. His scruff rolled back, the loose skin bunching up as well. Head tucked, chin tilted down to protect his throat, weight centered and legs equidistant apart. He was ready.

As soon as Regulus launched forward with all the intent of battering him, Dragon acted quickly. He waited a second before Regulus attempted to make impact, watching for a brief second as those jaws came flying at his face. Dragon was a few inches smaller then Regulus, so he would use it somewhat to his advantage. In one fluid motion, the earthen male dropped the front half of his body to the ground in a sort of play-bow like motion, dodging the onslaught and causing Regulus' attacks to miss. His opponents teeth would snap on air, Regulus' chest missed his own, and instead barely grazed the top of his head with no damage done, and the red males forelegs would find no purchase upon him. Dragon tucked his tail as his rump was half in the air, his weight settling mostly on his hind legs, ready to spring at a moments notice. He pushed himself forward with his hind legs, his forelegs slid across the ground beneath the red alpha, and it was here he'd attempt to make his attack. Jaws gaped open, the earthen male's head lunged forward towards Regulus' unmentionables (testicles). Dragon sought to wrap his jaws around his opponents man bits, his head tilting slightly to his right so that his top jaw could wrap around the right side of his target and bottom jaw sought to wrap around the left side of Regulus' parts. He sought a vice like grip, aiming to chomp on them and tear them free from their host. While it was a type of attack he had never really considered, he figured that Regulus aimed to hurt him as much as possible, so he'd attempt to do the same. Though at the beginning of all of this he hadn't considered doing any sort of maims at all, but the wolves of Celestial seemed to have other ideas. As he attempted this, he would raise his right foreleg. While he knew his blunt claws wouldn't do much, he would still try to distract the other male. Right forepaw struck forward, aiming to scratch down Regulus' inner left hind leg, also seeking to drive that same paw downward in an attempt to hold Regulus' left hind paw to the ground. Though it would more than likely be a futile attempt, he'd still try. At most, if anything, he'd probably leave some annoying scratches and maybe even scratch the delicate webbing between the red man's toes.

Narrowed green eyes watch Kimahri, the Jaguar lingering behind Regulus a good few feet as he waited for his opportunity to strike. If there was one thing about his companion, is that he was an opportunist. He'd wait until the perfect moment, as did all predators…somewhere around him, he heard Fern's approach as she launched herself at Justice. He was glad he wouldn't have to fight this alone and that she was aiding him. She was one ambitious woman! He only hoped that she had enough experience to throw off their attackers.

Dragon x Fern vs Regulus x Justice: MAIM [Castration]

Round: 1/2
Height: 39"
Build: Heavy


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
07-27-2017, 05:58 AM
The yearling curled her lip in clear disgust at her cousin's words. "Doing what you can to survive by taking away OUR ability to do so?
Yeah that's real family-like of you! Why don't you just fucking kill our pups while you are at it, huh, it would be better than them dying slow from not having what you want now fucking wouldn't it?"

Justice stiffened as Regulus appeared, snapping out field promotions and addressing the very wolf she had been attempting to drive off. Her ears laced back in irritation. Did he always have to show up to interfere with whatever she was already doing just fine? He treated her like a child who couldnt stand on her own paws without tripping, always getting in the way and acting like she didnt know what she was doing. She had survived just fine without him or his pack before, when he had gone off to find the nomads. She was no child, and no idiot either. She was handling it, handling it just fine, and he...

He suddenly launched himself at the other wolf without warning, exactly what she had been told off about and the whole reason for her not already having her fangs in Dragon's throat, and a howl of pure rage and betrayal echoed from the girl, this time directed at the red giant. "No!" She snarled, shaking as a dark red glaze seemed to drop over her sight. "This is mine!" How dare he interfere and block her from her rightful prey and the righteous justice he deserved to be given... to be given by the fangs of an Ancora, not an interfering Adravendi!

Before she could launch herself at Dragon, though, a smaller elderly wolf tapped at her to leave him alone, and Justice was forced to spin half away from her rightful prey to face her. "Mind your own business, bitch," she spat maliciously, quickly resetting her stance as she faced Fern, trying warily to keep Dragon's companion in her peripherals as she did so.

Automatically her head dropped level with her spine, tail coming up to join it for balance, and her black fur bristled all along her back. Ears pinned back to her skull to make them less of a target, her eyes narrowed partly in anger but also to protect them. Paws slid just over hip and shoulder width apart to make her harder to shove over, with her paws spread wide and claws digging in for grip. Her weight was held evenly distributed on all four paws, her joints loose and slightly bent, exactly as if she were preparing for difficult prey.

Fuck if she was going to stand there and wait for the interfering old busybody to hit her though.

With a deep snarl in her chest she threw herself forward at a sharp angle towards Fern's right flank, hoping to use the woman's own momentum to drive it in all the harder while avoiding her own shoulder strike due to her changed position. She jutted the point of her right shoulder forward and sought to drive it into the boneless body cavity halfway between her right ribs and her right hip, halfway down from her spine. She was a couple inches taller than Fern, and her sturdy frame made her strong for her size, so she hoped she could strike hard enough with a small enough surface area to cause damage to the unprotected organs there.

As she did she lifted her left paw and attempted to hook it around hFern's hind legs just below her hocks, trying to catch her left hind leg in an attempt to pull it towards her and pull Fern off balance.

Simultaneously she turned her head slightly toward her right, toward Fern's right hip. Jaws gaping, she attempted to slash her fangs through the skin and thin muscle that protected his stomach cavity just below and before his right hip, seeking to open the cavity to expose those tender organs.

She was in a fury, but not uncontrolled in her own way. This was the way to take down large prey like elk, to disembowel and hamstring rather than face antlers and smashing hooves, so it was reasonable to use it against a wolf. She knew, too, that if she didn't take this Talis wolf down now it would be more difficult to reach Dragon and turn her fangs on him... she would either need to drive the bitch towards Dragon or risk her fangs at Justice's back... but she would not give up on her battle... regardless of the red alpha who had attempted to steal her fight.

JUSTICE and REGULUS vs FERN and DRAGON for MAIM (severe facial scarring FERN)
BUILD HEAVY (misread size as build >.>)


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (120)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

13 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
07-27-2017, 06:58 PM (This post was last modified: 07-28-2017, 01:22 PM by Greed.)

He was bloodthirsty, and there was nothing that could stop him. Except for maybe an interference...Blue eyes flashed, catching sight of another who was charging straight towards him. Teeth glinted in the moonlight, cold blue eyes narrowed as he snarled. So this pack played dirty? It seemed so. Marina did his family dirty, so this pack was fitting for her. She would pay for interfering with his life. His family. Breaking it apart. Now that he thought about it, it was her fault. Taking advantage of his father after his mother disappeared. That was it, wasn't it? She seduced him. More than likely forced him to mate with her. She was a bit taller than he and his sire, and she probably spewed all sorts of poison to convince his father's weak mind to go and chase some wild dream. Were it up to him, she'd be dead! But he knew full well his Alpha probably wouldn't appreciate him killing another pack member when all they were doing was raiding for some supplies. It irked him, but it couldn't be helped now.

As Acapella raced towards him with all the intent of battering him, he dug in his claws and bunched his hind legs like a coil before they sprung him forward, launching him like a spring. Acapella would miss his rib cage, and instead, she would graze the very end of his rump on his left side, leaving a moderate bruise. His tail would tuck here, not giving her the chance to grab onto it. He had braced himself for the impact, keeping muscles loose so his muscles wouldn't seize up like they might have had he kept rigid. Adrenaline coursed through him, any and all pain numbed until later. Thanks to his quick movement, Acapella's teeth would miss grabbing his left ear. Instead, her fangs would snag skin and fur on his left side, just barely at the top of where his rib cage ended. Mild cuts would be left as a result, the irritating feeling of fur being pulled made him snarl, but it was nothing to sneeze at just yet. At least his ear was safe...for now. As quick as he possibly could, the dual toned male would distribute his weight to his forelegs and his right hind leg, the male then raising his left hind leg and slamming it towards Acapella's left forepaw, aiming to crush her toes and break them with all the force he could muster. Whether it was a hit or a miss, he would seek to replant his foot on the ground once more.

Meanwhile, his jaws would barely catch Marina's right cheek, the male successful in at least gaining a slight hold. Marina's left shoulder would collide just off center of the right side of his chest, leaving a lighter bruise than what would have been since Acapella's interference had slowed him down a bit. Though he wasn't successful in smashing her toes, he at least got one of them, and he was satisfied for the moment, at least. As he felt Marina begin to shove towards him, Greed braced himself. Weight became evenly distributed, his ears remained pinned to his head, teeth bared and snarling. The skin around his face bunched up, hackles bristling, tail remained tuck, elbows and knees slightly bent to give him room to maneuver should he need to. All four paws were on the ground since his paw slam had just gotten one little toe. His toes evenly spread and claws biting the earth.

As her jaws came at him, he would twist his head to his right, jaws gaping as he sought to clash against her! He aimed to catch her bottom jaw in his own, head tilting slightly upward due to her being a slight bit taller than he was. Greed's top jaw sought a crushing grip on the right side of Marina's lower jaw, and his bottom jaw sought the same grip on the left side of her bottom jaw. He aimed to deliver a crushing grip, to potentially shatter the bone within and tear the flesh. While doing so, he aimed once again to slam her toes. Right forepaw rose before quickly attempting to slam down on Marina's right forepaw. The same foot where he had previously broken her toe. He sought to worsen the damage, along with potentially scratching the same leg or even damaging the delicate webbing between her paws with his own claws on its way down.

Greed vs Marina x Acapella for: MAIM [Blinding in Marina's right eye/severe facial scarring]
Round 2/2
Height: 36"
Build: Medium
OOC//Edited Round count with Tea as witness.


Art||Plot with me!

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



6 Years

07-27-2017, 08:59 PM
This whole thing left a bad taste in his mouth, especially with how quickly things were spiralling out of control. He was surprised when he noticed someone approaching him, a lovely female with a pale coat and striking pale copper markings - she was familiar, but vaguely so, and he couldn’t remember if he’d ever seen her before. For a moment he was transported to his childhood, when he had lived peacefully and without worry - her coloration was similar to the woman he remembered from the Adravendi family.. She didn’t greet him with aggression, none at all, but a simple warning to return home. His nose wrinkled, and he shook his head slowly. He would’ve preferred to go home, he truly would, but he couldn’t. “I.. can’t,” he replied simply, somberly, though his demeanor changed rapidly when he spotted Sterling moving to attack the woman that had given him the warning.

He felt his chest tighten. He was not a man of violence, not like his father had once been, and while he’d always wanted to learn to fight more effectively to defend his family he’d never wanted anything like this. But now that Sterling was engaged - a quick glance around told him Jade and Esarosa were still safe - he knew he couldn’t get out of here without a fight, even if he hated every second of it.

It wasn’t long before another spat a warning at him, and Steel’s stony gaze turned to him. Sterling, though without much fighting experience, could certainly defend herself.. Right? He had to hope so. She’d always been confident and fiery, and he hoped she could use those things to her advantage. His attention snapped back Exodus. The boy was far younger than him, perhaps around the age of his children, and he had no interest in attacking him. If he had any say at all, he’d be happy to retreat and go back home immediately, but it was too late for that. A heavy sigh fell from his lips as he realized that a fight was inevitable, and as he felt Jade pull slightly away from him. He hoped she wouldn’t end up fighting, too - she was even less a fighter than Sterling was, in his mind, but he supposed she would have to fend for herself too..

It was hard to tell if the yearling before him was skilled at all in fighting, or if his facade was merely a ruse. As soon as Steel watched him settled into a stance that preluded an attack, he followed in suit, his head dropping as instinct took over, his head squaring with his shoulders and tucking slightly down against his chest as his tail flicked out level with his back. He let his weight spread to all four limbs, spreading them slightly to keep his balance easier if Exodus tried to attack first. His toes spread slightly too, claws aiming to dig into the ground for added balance.

Adrenaline began to sprout from deep within his chest, as his lips curled back to reveal his teeth and his hackles raised defensively.  His posture tightened as he watched Exodus kick off, charging what seemed like straight toward him. Steel watched as he lowered himself, aiming to keep his own body weight centered low and tilted forward slightly to prepare for the charge. He winced when he felt Exodus’ right shoulder collide roughly with the center part of his throat, feeling the wind get knocked out of him briefly and pain blossom from the spot he’d collided with. He tried to maintain his balance, shifting his weight to his back limbs to let himself stumble backwards slightly without falling completely.

Without hesitation, he saw Exodus’s parting jaws as they aimed to strike the right side of his face, and felt another sharp strike of pain as the hit landed. Luckily, thanks to his furrowed features, he’d been prepared to take such an assault to the tender flesh of his cheek, and hoped his curled lips and wrinkled cheeks had absorbed some of the damage. It was hard to tell, feeling less pain than normal, the way adrenaline coursed through his veins now like wildfire. He swore he hardly felt the paw that slammed down on his own right front paw, feeling a warm sensation spreading through his toes but little more than that. Wanting to twist away from the assault, but knowing they were in close enough quarters that he couldn’t re position himself entirely, Steel aimed to swing his head to the side in retaliation, jaws parting wide as he pushed his weight back to his front paws and tried to put pressure back into the other male, using his right shoulder against Exodus’s own to push into him. He aimed to snap roughly at his face too, while he kicked off with his back legs - hoping the attack would push him back as well as distract him from his own face. The last thing he planned for today was to go home bearing scars like his father's, and he was determined to put up a hell of a fight if it came to that.

Steel vs. Exodus for Maim (Facial scarring)
Round 1/2
Height: 36"
Build: Medium




7 Years
07-28-2017, 03:23 AM
Inexperienced and too headstrong, Sterling was startled when the course of the fight changed, and things didn't go as she'd expected. Her ears remained folded back, mostly from uncertainty now, although it still served its protective purpose. Had she been too reckless, thinking she'd overcome the challenges she'd face in this raid through sheer will alone? Feeling her opponent's skin barely slip through her teeth, and stumbling forward as both her shoulder and paw slam missed, she knew she'd have to adjust quickly. As Gwenevere pivoted, Sterling took several steps forward in the direction she'd already been moving, displacing her opponent's chest slam so that it connected with the side of Sterling's left hip, leaving a mild bruise and causing her hind legs to stumble to her right. Shifting her weight to her forequarters and digging her nails into the ground for traction, toes splayed for balance, she re-balanced herself and stepped to her right, dodging out of reach from her opponent's attempt to grab her. She heard Gwen's teeth snap together on open air, as she had narrowly escaped the woman's jaws as well. Her hind paws moved to pivot her back end several more steps to her right, attempting to align herself so that she was facing Gwen's left side head on.

With all four paws flat on the ground, her legs bent to lower her center of gravity and she distributed her weight evenly to each paw, muscles coiling as she prepared to leap forward again. Her tail remained neatly tucked under her belly, hackles raised along her back and neck. Her shoulders rolled forward as she lowered her head to align with her spine. Chin tipped downward to protect her throat, while her muzzle wrinkled up, the skin bunching around her face protectively, eyes narrowed to keep them safe. She darted forward in another attempt to attack the other woman. This time she thrust forward her right shoulder, trying to smash the muscular side of her shoulder into the very middle of the left side of Gwen's ribcage, in hopes of leaving moderate bruising and leaving her somewhat winded. Then, with jaws parted and teeth exposed, she turned her neck slightly to her right, aiming to make a bite just behind Gwen's left shoulder where it met with the ribcage. She wanted to get a good grip and leave moderate punctures, and all she could hope was that her opponent wouldn't dodge away so quickly this time. She was really beginning to see the difference between a practice spar and a real fight now, and she could feel herself losing her cool; what would she do next if her opponent got away?

Sterling vs. Gwenever for Dominance
Round 2/2
Height: 34"
Build: Medium



4 Years
07-29-2017, 05:32 PM
When Ramsay saw the male charging toward him, changing his position to keep them head on, he made sure to brace his hind legs for the impact by bending his knees and spreading his hind paws an equal distance apart, dropping his weight fully to his hind legs. Hackles still raised as adrenaline raged through him, he exhaled sharply to lessen the impact on his lungs when they would collide. He felt Domari's chest collide with the front of his sternum, and severe bruising spread under the skin painfully. In the heat of the moment, it was easy to ignore. Things moved quickly as Ramsay's forelegs wrapped around his opponent's neck, his right foreleg around the left side at the base of Domari's neck, his left foreleg around the right side of the base of the neck. He felt Domari's forelegs grasp him underneath his armpits, the man's left foreleg around Ramsay's right side and right foreleg around Ramsay's left side. After Ramsay felt his fangs dig satisfyingly through the alter's forehead, although not his intended target, he pulled his head away, tucking his chin toward his throat defensively. Though he had braced his hind legs, it wasn't enough to hold back his heftier opponent. Toes splayed and nails digging into the ground for traction, he took several steps backward on his hind paws to maintain some control of the way he fell. His brothers had been bigger than him, so it was nothing new for Ramsay to end up at the bottom of a tussle. As he went crashing backward, the muscles in his forelegs and shoulders tensed, tightening his grip around Domari's neck and trying to pull the man towards himself forcefully - he hoped this would throw off the man's balance as they moved toward the ground so that Domari would have to release the grasp he had on Ramsay with his forelegs.

Ramsay rolled his shoulders forward as he fell straight backward, tightening his abdominal muscles and pulling his hind legs up against his belly, also tucking his tail against his belly as he did so. The back of his shoulders hit the ground first, then his back, but his neck was held up off the ground due to the hold he had around Domari's neck, avoiding hitting his head on the ground which could have badly shook him up. With ears still tucked back defensively, Ramsay ducked his head slightly to his right, so that Domari's jaws landed near his left ear, instead of the side of his face and jaw. The upper fangs dug into the upper middle point of Ramsay's head, the lower fangs landing in his left temple, leaving severe punctures but not gaining a hold. As Domari's body came over top of him, Ramsay would try to kick out his hind legs with great force in an attempt to strike both hind paws directly into the man's private bits, hoping to leave severe bruising and cause him enough pain to put even a small pause in his actions.

Then, with lips peeled back, muzzle wrinkled and skin bunching up around his face, eyes narrowed protectively, Ramsay turned his neck to his left while tipping his head to his right, jaws parting as he aimed for a bite several inches below Domari's jawline. His lower jaw sought to clamp onto the right side of Domari's throat, upper jaw aimed for the left side of the throat, intending to bite down hard to leave severe punctures and gain a firm grip. He would suffocate his opponent if possible, prepared to do anything he needed to do in order to come out the victor. For his own pride, and for the pride of Talis, he could not lose this fight.

Ramsay vs. Domari for Maim
Round 2/3
Height: 36"
Build: Light
All of Ramsay's siblings are allowed to enter any of his threads, regardless of whether the thread is private or not!



8 Years
07-29-2017, 06:24 PM

These wolves have trespassed, invading their home for supplies they probably could have just traded for. She had no remorse for them, taking what isn't theirs was wrong in so many ways. She at first felt unsure of what to do, but seeing her alpha charge in to defend the territory assured her that attacking to defend was the best thing to do. She had no idea that this male and Marina had a bit of a past, nor did she care. Marina was a pack member and therefor was part of her family. She did not consider her actions as 'dirty' because Marina had to much to risk. Not that Acapella thought she couldn't fight, but she was still healing from her last attack. She was also with pups so for her to get hurt was a risk towards her young even with the pack pitching in to help. She was just doing what she felt was needed to keep her pack defended.

Her mark didn't hit as expected, but it didn't keep her focus from the fight at hand. The male seemed more interested in harming Marina and Ella was going to do her best to keep from any severe injuries. Her main attack barely grazed his rump though it was enough to cause some bruising. Her bite landed just behind his ribs only leaving mild cuts. Eyes glanced towards him as she noted his quick shift in body weight. Eyes quickly roved his form until it spotted the movement of his leg. Seeing his paw shift and then his attempt to slam it into her toes she jumped back slightly in enough to put two feet of distance between her and the male, avoiding his attack and keeping her toes safe from harm.

Snarling she quickly got back into stance, evenly distributing her weight on all fours. Rolling shoulders forward to bunch up her fur and skin on her neck area. Exposing her teeth and bunching the skin up around her face and eyes. Folding her ears and aligning her face and neck evenly with her spine. Her eyes caught his attempted attack on Marina and when his leg lifted for his attempted slam she made her move. Ducking her head she plowed forward get her head under his abdomen to push his back end forward (which would be to his right). Opening her jaws wide she sought to chomp down on his right hind leg, just above his paw to do damage enough to weaken the limb so he would either buckle or allow his body to be pushed around.

Acapella & Marina vs. Greed for MAIM (Removal of Left ear and Facial Scarring)
Round: 2 of 2
Height: 35 inches
Build: Medium



3 Years
07-29-2017, 11:33 PM
Exodus allowed a gruff growl to escape him as he felt his attacks land. Had his training paid off more than he realized? He felt a surge of confidence, even though he knew he'd soon be experiencing pain - exactly what he'd feel, he wasn't certain yet. Exodus placed his right forepaw back on the ground after feeling it crack down on Steel's toes, bracing himself for retaliation. His paws were spread equidistant apart, weight distributed evenly and legs bent for balance, as well as his toes splaying and nails biting into the ground for traction. He felt the man's right shoulder dig into his own right shoulder at the front of the shoulder blade, leaving moderate bruising there, but he was able to absorb the impact with his sturdy stance, preventing himself from being shoved back or unbalanced. His tail was straight out behind him, aligned with his spine for additional balance. Lips pulled back to reveal his teeth, bunching up the skin around his face and eyes, ears remaining pinned back and eyes narrowed.

As Steel aimed a bite for his face, Exodus side-stepped to his own left, lowering his head to align with his spine and ducking away from his opponent's jaws with his chin lowered to cover his throat. This displaced Steel's bite, causing his teeth to just clip the outer edge of Exodus' folded down right ear, leaving a severe puncture. He grunted from the sudden and sharp pain that tore through his ear as blood began so soak the short, soft fur around the fresh wound. The severity of it wasn't something he'd ever experienced in a spar or training session, and it was almost enough to make him freeze in startle. He was just glad the brute hadn't been able to land that bite on his face, and it became apparent to Exodus the gravity of the wounds he'd inflicted on his enemy's face. He couldn't really say he enjoyed it - he felt powerful, knowing that he could send a message that could not otherwise be inflicted by words alone. Yet, he really did not want to hurt others, and his perspective began to shift - he understood truly what his duty would be to defend his pack and family members. Snapping out of the stupor he'd been in for just a second, his mind came back to the crucial present moment he was in. He needed to keep moving.

Shifting his weight to his forequarters, his hind paws would take several steps to the left, pivoting his position in an attempt to line himself up with Steel's right shoulder. Rolling forward his shoulders and bunching up his scruff, he would try to lunge forward, aiming the front of his chest for the side of Steel's right shoulder, hoping to leave a moderate bruise and unbalance the man - ultimately, he wanted to get his opponent on the ground and make him surrender. At the same time, his left forepaw would leave the ground and attempt to hook around Steel's right foreleg several inches above the wrist, trying to pull the leg toward himself while he was trying to shove his enemy with his chest slam. Hackles still raised, determined to make a point in this fight, he would aim to reach forward with his jaws. Upper teeth aimed to dig into the very upper portion of the right shoulder, nearly where the shoulders met at the top, while bottom teeth aimed several inches below that. His intention was to leave severe punctures and gain a solid hold so that he might later try to make the wound worse. This would really teach these wolves to think twice about invading territory that didn't belong to them, and threatening the livelihood of the residents.

Feeling like he was accomplishing something, he felt himself glowing internally from the thrill of his first real battle. It was exciting, as well as sobering, to experience for the first time what he knew would be his calling, to use his protective nature to keep his fellow pack members safe, while keeping this vengeful thrill he felt in check. It was not his aim to bring harm to others - in fact, he much preferred harmony - but he must cause harm if another threatens him or his family. He must ensure that wrong-doers know their mistakes, and do not repeat it. He must then be ferocious, and Exodus knew now just how much harm he was capable of doing.

Exodus vs. Steel for Maim
Round 2/2
Height: 36"
Build: Heavy



12 Years
Extra large
07-30-2017, 01:50 AM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

No sooner had his opponent dropped into the bow than Regulus was adjusting for it. As his jaws snapped shut and his front legs came down from his rearing, failed attempt at a hug, he gathered his weight into his haunches and launched himself forward to his right in a swift bound, seeking to surge past Dragon's left hip in the movement, his hind feet jerking up toward his belly in a quick, defensive jerk. Dragon’s jaws, thus, snapped on air, much as Regulus’ own jaws a few seconds previously, though the smaller male’s claws grazed briefly against Regulus’ inner toes of the left hind paw as it passed, leaving faint, mild scratches.

Regulus sought to twist his body sharply in his bound, arching his front end to his own right, his hind end swinging to his left, wishing to come down to earth in a rough 90-degree angle with Dragon’s hind end with his head and shoulders level with Dragon’s rear, right side of his neck to Dragon’s tail, his own tail flicking level once again with his spine as a balancing rudder as his head ducked sharply to his own right, jaws slashing open in a savage bite for Dragon’s left hind leg, seeking to slash the Achilles tendon with his upper canines and render that leg useless for bearing weight upon.

His weight had fallen into a semi balanced stance upon touching the ground again, and he shifted his weight swiftly to the rest of his limbs as he sought to snap his right fore-paw up and slam it down again with force, aiming to shatter or fracture the toes of Dragon’s right hind paw. Simultaneously, he threw his weight forward, head still lowered, and sought to throw that weight into a heavy, battering ram head butt with the top of his cranium, wishing to impact the inner thigh of Dragon’s left hind leg, with the wish to stagger the male, or bowl him over fully, and at the very least moderately to severely bruise the muscle with the impact, even if he might come away with a sore head.

He savagely thrust his right shoulder forward in the next moment of breath, seeking to drive the hard, bony point of his right shoulder into the back of Dragon’s right hind leg at the point of mid-hip, aiming for moderate to severe bruising, and an added hope for knocking the younger wolf onto his side in the heather.

His left fore-paw snapped up, hind legs shifting to absorb the weight, as he sought to hook the claws and pads of his left front paw over the hock of Dragon’s left hind leg, just at the point where tendon met joint and bone, wishing to jerk it toward himself in an effort to twist it in an uncomfortable wrenching motion in the thigh’s socket, and to trip up the earthen fellow and further obstruct Dragon’s balance, with the added intent of raking mild scratches over the skin.

His eyes were narrowed, ears laid back, though listening for the cat. He thought he’d spotted the jaguar as he’d leapt a moment ago, and he had little doubt it would join in, soon. His chin tucking to guard his throat, he spread his hind toes to gain traction, claws extending to aid in the effort. His hackles remained lifted in a fluffy ridge down his spine as he ensured his shoulders were rolled forward enough to guard the base of his neck, scruff rolled to develop a layer of protection over his vertebrae. His elbows and hocks bent to afford swifter, looser movement, and his face wrinkled in a silent grimace, jaws slightly parted.

He was calm, conserving his energy as best as he could, knowing he’d need it if he continued on from this battle as the victor. In between attention to his opponent and the cat, glances and checks of attention were thrown toward the growing melee of wolves, noting who seemed to be holding well and who might need help, and who all were possible candidates for a next fight. He knew Justice was tangling with a female from Talis. He had heard the furious howl as he'd surged forward, but that would be dealt with later.

Fight Stats

Regulus Adravendi and Justice Ancoravs Dragon and Fern for Maim (Slashed Achilles Tendon)
Round 2 of 2

Height: 42"

Build: Heavy

Extra Notes: Good fight, and Good luck. (PS, I was so tempted to call Dragon's rear a 'bo-hunkus'. If you've ever read/listened to the Hank the Cowdog series by John R. Erikson, you'll get it xD)

[Image: T8yHvja.png]


08-01-2017, 12:05 AM
Fern figured her attack wouldn't hit. It was just a distraction, really. The problem was that the female was a lot more skilled than Fern had anticipated.
She couldn't be much more than a yearling, and yet she knew moves that surprised Fern. She had always considered herself skilled in battle, and yet... pack wolves fought so much better than the rogues and loners she had fought in the past.
No matter. She was but a pawn for Dragon to use as he wished. And right now, defending him was her sole purpose, whatever the cost.
She expected the girl to move out of the way, not come charging at her like an enraged hornet, cusses spilling from her mouth.
The enemy thrust her right shoulder forwards, seeming to aim for Fern's right flank. Not only that but, judging from her position, there was more coming. This wolf had some battle experience, for sure.
Fern kept her head scrunched back, lest the enemy attempt to go for her throat. Her ears were set back, close to her head, both in rage and for protection. As she ran, she shortened her strides so that her hindquarters were more frequently covering her tuck-up and the back half of her belly, lest the jewel-eyed female attack there. Her weight was distributed as any running canine's would be-- moving from front legs to back legs with each stride.
All this was done in less than three seconds. The girl was quite close now, and her gaze was focused on Fern's tuck-up. She was definitely aiming for that area. Hoping to disembowel Fern? As if she'd let that happen.
Fern slowed her strides down. She knew she couldn't evade, but instead, she hoped to keep the enemy from hitting her vitals. Slowing down put most of her weight on her hind legs, unfortunately, and Fern hoped she'd be able to stay balanced when the attack hit.
As she had hoped, the girl came in a fury, but missed her mark. Instead, her shoulder point slammed into the front area of Fern's right ribcage, where it extended outward before curving back in towards her spine. It hurt, and there was definitely going to be a sizeable bruise the next day. Fern guessed it was on the heavier side of moderate, or the lighter side of heavy. Not enough to seriously hinder her next attack, though. It did, however, knock her to the left, and Fern stumbled to the side. This, fortunately, saved her from the jaws of the attacker. She heard the distinct click of teeth, and saw that the dark female had just barely missed the sensitive skin of her tuck-up. It seemed that Fern's ribcage wasn't enough of an obstacle and the female's momentum had kept her going, continuing with the planned attack. It was by pure luck and happenstance that Fern evaded that injury. She felt a sting, though, just below her right hock, and came to realize the enemy had attempted to hook her paw around Fern's left hindquarters, but due to her stumble, had missed and instead managed to scratch her right hind leg. She suspected that it drew blood, but was just an external injury, and hadn't cut any tendons.
Now it was Fern's turn to attack.
As the two wolves were making a near 90-degree angle, Fern figured that she'd have to move fast, so she did. Keeping all her previously stated defenses, Fern managed to right herself, evenly distributing her weight on all four paws, which were just wider than shoulder-width apart. She pivoted then on her left hind paw, swinging right to face the she-wolf.
Then she sprang at her, hoping to wrap her left front leg over the girl's nape where the shoulder meets neck. She then would lunge for the enemy's face, wanting to clamp down on her muzzle and bite down to scar it and cause some damage to the bone structure. Her other leg would stay planted on the ground, face turned up so most of the force in her jaws was on the right side, allowing her to stay upright. Her hind legs would be slightly wider than hip-distance apart, with her weight evenly distributed upon them.

Fern and Dragon vs Justice and Regulus for maim (Moderate muzzle scarring Justice)
Round 2/2
Height: 31"
Build: Medium



9 Years

The Ooze ParticipantDouble Master
08-01-2017, 01:08 PM
That Sea is just a Gambler at Heart

They collided, Dómari's chest slammed into Ramsay's and Dómari knew he'd receive moderate bruising to his own chest in return for his attack but it was well worth it.  His forelegs wrapped around Ramsay exactly where he'd wanted and he could feel the other male starting to tip.  Dómari bent his knees and hopped forward as Ramsay began to fall onto his back, tucking his tail swiftly between his legs and keeping his abdomen tight, Domari sought to keep them in close contact, pressed into each other, so he could use his weight to his advantage and follow Ramsay down.  It had been his goal after all, to tip his opponent, and he was more than ready for when that moment came.  Dómari attempted to keep his left foreleg tightly against Ramsay's right side, just under his right armpit to act as a partial guide for the fall but he swiftly shifted his right foreleg seeking to pull the limb in and slide it up the underside of Ramsay's neck, seeking to press his right forepaw on the center of Ramsay's throat while keeping the back of the forelimb pressed into the underside of the man's neck to help minimize the limb as a target should Ramsay try to bite back.  Dómari hopped that by focusing his weight onto that point and allowing gravity to bring him crashing on top of his opponent he could severely bruise the man's trachea and neck.

As they fell Ramsay shifted his head and Dómari's bite was displaced, his upper fangs digging into the middle of Ramsay's head and the lower fangs landing in the man's left temple, leaving severe puncture wounds. Dómari knew the location was no good for a hold and so abandoned his original goal of lacerations in favor of trying to counter Ramsay's jaws which were swiftly twisting back toward him.  Dómari retracted his head, tucking his chin sharply and diving his jaws down to meet Ramsay's which were seeking the Celestian's throat.  Dómari sought to snag the man's lower jaw in between his own.  As their jaws were perpendicular Dómari aimed for his upper fangs to land on the left side of Ramsay's lower jaw and his lower fangs on the right side of Ramsay's lower jaw, right in the middle.  He wanted to seize the man's lower jaw in a crushing grip with enough power to gain a solid hold and hopefully fracture the appendage.

Ramsay's hindlegs struck Dómari's tail which was tucked protectively over his groin and underbelly, causing severe bruising to his tucked tail, which bore the brunt of the attack, and put pressure on his groin but with them in such close quarters there wasn't enough pain caused by the kick to make Dómari back off.  His shoulders were rolled forward, hackles still standing on end and his ears pinned tightly to his head. Domari sought to have his weight bearing down on Ramsay, chest and belly pressing into the others chest and belly.  Dómari's hind legs were tightly crouched, toes splayed and claws digging into dirt as he sought to rest the weight of his lower half on Ramsay's hindlegs to limit the motion of his kicks.

Ramsay vs Domari for Maim [Crippling of lower jaw and severe facial scarring]
Round 2 of 3
Height: 37"
Build: Heavy



6 Years

08-01-2017, 07:13 PM
Steel got no satisfaction out of the way his teeth snagged the edge of Exodus’ folded right ear. He was instantly rewarded with the feeling of blood trickling through his teeth, as Exodus side-stepped his snapping jaws and avoided much of the bite. As Steel pushed forward, aiming his shoulder to collide with Exodus’, he tried to keep an even stance still with his legs spread as best as he could, lips curling and snout wrinkling as he felt the other male pull away from the full force of the attack. As some of the initial adrenaline began to fade he could feel the injuries left by Exodus began to make themselves apparent as a flash of white-hot pain shot through the right side of his face - the extent of the injuries, though, he was uncertain of.

As Steel felt his opponent shift, he kept his head lowered - aligning it with his spine and tail, which occasionally lashed out behind him to aid in his balance - and let his claws flex slightly into the earth, hoping to keep traction. He felt the pressure of Exodus against him as the other male used his weight to push off his back legs, pummeling forward with his chest to collide with his shoulder. The pain was steady, and Steel attempted to rear back slightly on his hind legs and then push back against him, to keep his balance instead of being sent toppling backwards.

He didn’t fully expect to feel one of his opponent’s paws lashing out to hook around his own, and for a second he found himself stumbling slightly, shifting back to lean more on his back limbs to avoid falling to the ground. Since he was pushed hard up against him, though, he didn’t have time to react before he felt teeth digging deep into his right shoulder. His instinct was to jerk away, but he knew that would cause more damage than was necessary. Instead he kept his head lowered, chin tucked down slightly to protect his more vital areas. He knew nothing about these wolves, and since Talis were the invaders here he would put nothing past the wolves wanting to defend their home. But it seemed Exodus merely wanted Steel to forfeit, not to die, and he had similar intentions. Deal with this one first, then make sure his children and wife were all in one piece.

The thought of them being harmed made another rush of adrenaline pump through him, as he felt the sharp sting of the fresh wounds of his shoulder. In retaliation he tilted his head to the side, a snarl leaving his throat as he aimed to push roughly forward - into the bite, which caused an immediate and sharp yowl of pain and frustration - but it also gave him enough room to aim for his jaws to open and close down against the top flesh of Exodus’s right forelimb, aiming to bite where the bone sat in its joint, hoping it was enough pressure to force him to relinquish his hold on his shoulder.

Steel vs. Exodus for Maim (Facial scarring)
Round 2/2
Height: 36"
Build: Medium


Marina I


7 Years
08-02-2017, 09:36 AM
Pain. It resonated within her body, making her want to scream and tear things apart at the same time. Marina hurt… but it was more than just physical pain that plagued her. Emotion and mental pain, somewhere deep in her conscious recognizing just who it was she was fighting and hating herself for it… yet wanting to rip him apart at the same time. They were fighting a bloodied battle against each other in a feud that wasn’t likely to end… but to Marina that didn’t matter right now. She had to keep fighting. She had to come out of this and go to her babies… she had to win.

Her own attacks had been mildly successful, and the female had managed to hopefully bruise the brute a little. Somewhere, deep in her heart she knew she didn’t want to hurt Greed. But what choice did she have? With hackles raised, eyes narrowed, and ears pinned she kept her battle stance up. Her tail remained raised, a banner behind her to aid with balance as her weight redistributed across her four limbs and claws bit into the soil. Jaws open and snarling she shifted her head with her opponent to attempt to counter his own counter and catch his lower jaw as he planned to catch her own. Her upper jaw sought the right side of his lower jaw while her lower jaw  sound the left side.

She tried to push forward as well, continuing to favor the leg with the broken toe to keep it out of trouble as much as possible. Luckily Acapella was trying to help with that as she  tried to get under the brute and attack, thus displacing that paw stomp. Though by how much Marina didn’t know, didn’t care. It avoided her, and that was enough. The female shifted towards the left, aiming to keep the momentum going heading in the direction of Greed’s right. She sought to use her back legs a little more in this attack, shifting her weight to them before pushing forward in an attempt to bowl the male over and, as she came down, hopefully catch his right forepaw under her left forepaw for some mild to moderate bruising.

Marina and Acapella versus Greed for Maim {Removal of Right Ear}
Round:: 2/2
Height:: 38 inches
Build:: Medium

Ooc:: So out of practice... -Gurgles.- Best of luck Drag~ <3

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]



4 Years
08-03-2017, 02:25 AM
Blood ran down the side of Ramsay's face from the wounds on his head, causing an enraged growl to rumble in his throat. Just then, he felt Domari's right foreleg shift, his forepaw slamming down on the center of Ramsay's throat to cause severe bruising, silencing Ramsay in the process and causing him to gag. At the same time, he felt the other male's weight pressing down against his chest and belly. Fury coursed through his veins, and Ramsay began to writhe under the brute's hefty frame. His olive green eyes were still narrowed, ears pinned back, tail still tucked against his abdomen. His muzzle also remained wrinkled up, so that the skin around his face was bunched up protectively and his lips were pulled back from his exposed teeth. As Domari retracted his head slightly in response to Ramsay's attempted throat grab, the blonde, black-marked male saw his opponent's retaliation. Domari's chin tucked and jaws came down toward Ramsay's lower jaw, blocking his intended path to the brute's throat, so Ramsay tilted his head slightly up to his left in an attempt to counter his opponent. His abdominal muscles tensed as he tried to thrust his jaws forward into Domari's open mouth, aiming to moderately puncture the man's tongue. If he were to succeed, his opponents teeth would still leave severe punctures on the upper surface of Ramsay's muzzle and the underside of his chin.

Growing tired of being on the underside of his opponent and feeling the brute's weight bearing down on him, and not wanting to spare any more time clashing jaws with the man, Ramsay would then retract his head and withdraw his forelegs from Domari's neck. With some difficulty, he rolled his entire body sharply to his own right, dislodging Domari's right foreleg from the underside of his neck as he did so. As he was rolling, he thrust his left forepaw toward the inner surface of Domari's left foreleg, a few inches below the inner elbow, hoping to dislodge the grasp Domari had, and then slide the paw down toward Domari's left forepaw, hoping to pin the paw against the ground and fracture the toes in the process. He was still directly below his opponent for now, Domari practically straddling him. Ramsay completed his roll manuever and moved his other three paws under his own body, his legs bending at the knees and elbows as he crouched tightly underneath the other male. His shoulders rolled forward, scruff bunching up and the hair along his neck and back bristling to create a protective layer. His toes splayed against the ground for balance and claws dug into the ground. His head lowered to become level with his spine, chin dipping toward his throat.

The muscles in his hind legs coiled, then unleashed as he tried to throw his weight forward and upward, attempting to thrust the upper surface of his shoulders, where they met at the base of his cervical spine, against the underside of his opponent's chin. His hope was to moderately bruise Domari's chin, as well as force the man's jaws together sharply to break a tooth. He wasn't going to give his opponent a break, nor make it easy on him. Ramsay had too much to prove in this battle!

Ramsay vs. Domari for Maim [Ripped/torn right ear]
Round 3/3
Height: 36"
Build: Light
All of Ramsay's siblings are allowed to enter any of his threads, regardless of whether the thread is private or not!



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
08-04-2017, 12:04 AM

Teeth snapped on air, though his paw struck Regulus' left hind toes, barely leaving the red male with a few mild scratches as he (reg) surged past him. Almost immediately, Dragon would readjust himself to remove himself from the position he was in. As Regulus surged past, Dragon would bunch his hind legs and bunny hop forward about a foot, before landing to turn himself sharply to his right and towards Regulus. As a result of his movement, Regulus' attempt at biting his left hind leg would fail, though he'd still gain a hit. Dragon felt Regulus' teeth slash his lower right thigh when he turned, cutting flesh and fur to leave moderate lacerations. The adrenaline, however, would keep him from feeling the pain for now, though he could vaguely feel the warm trickle of blood from the bite wound. Regulus' attempt at stomping on his right hind toes would barely hit thanks to his (Dragon's) movement. Instead of smashing all of his toes, Regulus' toes would come down on Dragon's outer toe on his right hind foot. It wasn't enough surface area to break, but there would be a moderate bruise there later for sure.

The earthen male would keep his defenses going, ears pinned to his head, hackles bristling along his body, teeth bare in a furious snarl. Green eyes narrowed, the skin bunched up around his face for further protection. Toes were splayed, his weight evened out as much as possible across all four limbs. His tail remained tucked for the sake of protecting his belly, claws biting the earth for traction as well. Regulus' headbutt would miss Dragon's left hind leg thanks to his (Dragon's) turning. The red male's shoulder would graze his outer thigh on the right side, leaving light bruising though not enough to knock him down. Lastly, Reg's attempt at hooking his left hind leg would miss and rake through air.

Dragon would continue his movement, aiming to bring him and Regulus to a rough "T" formation, hips swinging away from Regulus. With his head close to the center of Regulus' back (facing directly to Regulus' right side). With defenses in check, Dragon would begin to make his move. Dragon would kick forward, aiming to close the last bit of distance. Right shoulder jutted forward like a javelin as he aimed to slam it directly into the right side of Regulus' rib cage just in front of the abdomen, hoping to bruise or fracture one of Regulus' ribs. Simultaneously, he'd also use his momentum to smash his entire chest into Regulus' right side as well, aiming to bruise and wind the other male. Dragon's Jaws would gape open then, the earthen male twisting his head downwards towards Regulus' abdomen and sought to slash his teeth down Regulus' right side of the abdomen where the flesh was more tender. Top fangs sought to slash downward and bottom fangs sought to grip just where the belly was. As he did this, his left forepaw would rise before quickly smashing down towards Regulus' right hind foot, aiming to smash and break or bruise toes.

While Dragon was tangled in the fight, Kimahri would at last make his move. The jaguar would crouch and quickly slink forward before breaking into a fast bound, aiming to close the distance between him and his opponent. His sights were on the big red male, and without hesitation once he got closer behind the red alpha, he leaped forth and opened his jaws. His head twisted to his right, long fangs seeking to attain a crippling grip upon Regulus' spine closer to the base of his tail. Top fangs sought to tear into Regulus' right side and bottom fangs sought to tear into the left side of the spine. His own tail lashed for balance, the Jaguar attempting to latch on and bite with as much force as he possibly could...

Dragon x Fern vs Regulus x Justice for MAIM [Castration]
Round: 2/2
Height: 39"


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.