
Some real trouble



4 Years
06-30-2017, 04:59 PM (This post was last modified: 06-30-2017, 04:59 PM by Jewell.)
She had left this morning after telling Faite she was going on an adventure. Of course she had promised to be back by bed time. She padded onward, not even trying to hide herself or her scent trail. Today found her going south to a place she could see across the desert from them. She trotted onto the shade of the land, panting from her jog across the land. She could hear the water in the underground cavern and trotted for it. Her pelt was dusty now from the dirt of the desert. She would need to wash it tonight when she returned unless she washed it here and returned by skirting the hot area.

She approached the water and didn't hesitate as she entered up to her belly into it. She dropped her head letting her tongue lapp up the water. It was cold from where it flowed down from the north but she didn't mind. It was extremely quiet here and she found that a slight bit unnerving but threw caution to the wind and smacked her front right leg into the water, creating an echoing splash.

Faite as Jewell's guardian is allowed in any and all her threads regardless of the tag. She may enter as she see's fit.

All of Jewell's French will have a span title over it, hover for translations.

Forsaken I


5 Years
07-05-2017, 08:41 PM
Forsaken knew with the coming of Spring he had to return back to the islands to check on his captives. Hopefully they haven't frozen to death during the winter. Oops. But he wasn't going back just yet, oh no, he was searching for another victim. Someone fresh. Someone different than the Adravendi bloodline he'd already taken from. Sure they were still up there along the enemy list line... by right now he felt the need to hurt someone new. Someone fresh. But there was no doubt in his mind that it'd be a pack wolf. A young one... a female. Yes, 'saken thought. Perhaps it was time he'd taken all of his little pets and shown them the kind of 'good time' he so loved.

A sadistic grin spread across the male's lips as he moved through the deluge, working his limbs steadily. His golden eyes gleamed with a sickening madness, for the male wasn't right in the head. He loved pain... both giving it and dishing it out. He licked his fangs, searching, praying for something... and that was when he caught the scent of a young female. Ahh, she seemed perfect. About the age of his first victim... perhaps...

Forsaken quickened his pace until he saw the dame... and then stopped dead in his tracks. What the fuck was this? She was... certainly different. Like... almost Ganta different. Forsaken narrowed his eyes, letting out a quiet growl, far enough from the young maiden that she wouldn't hear just yet. No, for now he could act as a gentleman... get him to the island... and then he'd have his fun.

"A bit cool to go swimming yet, is it not? Or is the water warm enough here?" Forsaken called, throwing up his mask. His tail wagged back and forth, but out of the thought of pain, not friendliness.



4 Years
07-05-2017, 10:48 PM

The approach of a male went unnoticed by her. She was just having fun making splashes in the water. She figured maybe next time she came here she could see if Rory wanted to come. he was fun last time she spent time with him, though the twins thing still thoroughly confused her. Like how could you have two of the same yet not the same. A voice behind her had her turning to face the owner of the voice. Her tail lifted from the water, soaked, and wagged at him in a friendly manner. Her eyes showed her excitement at meeting a new friend potentially.

She moved with a few hops to be closer, close enough to forget personal boundaries. She gave him a huge grin and one word, her accent thick. "Greet!" She didn't understand everything he said so she just made due with what she did know for sure. Her tail never stopped wagging. She was truly probably one of the most friendly wolves ever and had never learned a thing about stranger danger. She did her best to tell him that the water was cold but her sentences were choppy at best. "Water cold, Jewell not mind. Jewell play!"

Walk, "Talk" Think

Faite as Jewell's guardian is allowed in any and all her threads regardless of the tag. She may enter as she see's fit.

All of Jewell's French will have a span title over it, hover for translations.

Forsaken I


5 Years
07-07-2017, 01:52 PM
...she was innocent, not to mention foreign. But her voice was rather nice… Forsaken decided she could be useful. At least she didn’t sound whiny like the other little bitch he’d claimed. Forsaken took another step forward, ears perked as he picked apart her choppy words. “So it is cold huh?” He came to the edge of the water, lowering his gaze to the water. “Hmm… Jewell is it?” Forsaken canted his head to the side.

“I’m Ariet Lore… You’re a pack wolf, huh? You know my brother has a pack too. Do you want to come meet him with me? We can play games on the way there and back to your pack. Ganta and I just LOVE games.” Was the girl as simple as she looked, as easy to trick? If she wanted to play… he could play alright. But once they started the games HE liked he doubted she’d have very much fun. Forsaken offered an even larger smile. "You'll be nice and safe with us. What do you say, friend?"



4 Years
07-24-2017, 07:46 AM

She gave him a huge smile as she looked upon him. He was so much bigger than her but that didn't matter. She had a new friend! She couldn't wait until she told her momma. Faite would be so happy, especially since Aldric poofed. She could bring him home and she could meet him too. He seemed really nice. She gave a vigorous nod when he asked if her name was Jewell, her smile couldn't of gotten any bigger either. Her tail thumped wildly as she watched him go down to the water and her ears perked as he spoke. His name was Ariet Lore and he had a brother, who had a pack. The context made her pause. Was that what the group she lived in was formally called in the English tongue? A pack. "Mom Faite boss home pack. She friend Ganta too? Jewell want friend Ganta too! Ariet Lore Jewell friend!", she was excited enough that she bounced towards him once more. one hop and she dropped into a play bow as she had so many times with Faite.

His mention of games caught her attention completely then, plus it seemed he wanted her to adventure with him. She gave an excited bark at him. It wasn't that she was stupid, she just tended to be naive and childlike so much that it over road so many other things. "Play teach Jewell english?! Or Ariet Lore teach new game?!" The thoughts excited her to no end. She loved playing the games her and Faite and Faite's children played. Though she was usually the observer of such games. "Jewell go adventure, Ariet Lore, Ganta meet Faite for dinner!" She didn't even know the danger she was putting herself in or that she had unknowingly given away something that could potentially save her with this male.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Faite as Jewell's guardian is allowed in any and all her threads regardless of the tag. She may enter as she see's fit.

All of Jewell's French will have a span title over it, hover for translations.

Forsaken I


5 Years
07-28-2017, 07:43 PM
Ahh how wonderfully naive this girl was. She played like soft mud between Forsaken’s paws, and the brute gave a small nod, smiling a little. “Faite huh? That’s your Mom?” His mind was working, processing the interesting bit of information she had told him. Her mother was an alpha. It could be dangerous, however… he wasn’t about to let this opportunity slip through his claws. This colorful little shit could be more useful than he originally thought. His mind was churning wicked thoughts, dropping into a play stance himself. There was no need to rush now that his prey had fallen into his trap…

“Yes… we’ll all be friends. You, me, Ganta, and your mother…” His voice dipped with honey, but the brute was laying it on a little thick. Something a girl this naive was likely to miss. “I could teach you more English, if there is something you don’t know the word for.” Forsaken paused, canting his head to the side, as if in thought. “Since you don’t mind cool water… There is this really, really fun place we can go. But we have to swim to get there. We can race along the way.” Forsaken let out a light laugh, as if he thought all of this too was just some fun game. Perhaps even in HIS mind it was.

Forsaken batted a paw towards her carefully. “Come on! I’ll start the race. One… two… Three!” And with a laugh he started off, making sure he was slow enough in the beginning that the girl would be able to easily pass him. Hopefully she’d continue taking the bait!



4 Years
08-24-2017, 11:07 PM
She nodded quickly to his question. Yup Faite was her mom though only recently had she started to think of Faite as her mom. Her thought train need swiftly then when he spoke of swimming somewhere and racing. Races were fun! Her mom's other kids liked to race and she did too. "Race fun!"

When he counted down she was quick to take off on three. Though she figured three meant go not that it was a number. The language still tripped her up a little. She stretched her legs in a ground eating run. She was smaller so she's have to go much faster than him to beat him but at least she could pass him up now before he started running too fast. Her tail was up and out in a diagonal angle from her body to help balance her and help with quick direction changes. The swimming part would be easy. She swam alot in the pond at the willows normally. She let out a giggle. She of course didn't know where they were going so she fought to stay by his side instead of ahead of him.

As they reached the ocean though she could see the island ahead and didn't think twice. Her body leaped and she took the plunge quickly. Her paws and legs worked hard fighting the current to get to the island. Her fur was soaked in salt water.

As she emerged she was panting. She stopped and shook out her fur before falling onto her stomach on the shore. It was super tiring to swim so far. And the air was chilling now. She was shivering and wet. She looked to Ariet then to see if he was just as tired.

Faite as Jewell's guardian is allowed in any and all her threads regardless of the tag. She may enter as she see's fit.

All of Jewell's French will have a span title over it, hover for translations.

Forsaken I


5 Years
08-29-2017, 02:36 PM
Ooc:: Once at Ibis Islands

She came with him, the whole way to the island, just as naive and innocent as the two before her. But this one would be special, Forsaken thought. This girl was his… whereas Elpis and Viho could be for his siblings. He was breathing a bit heavier as he pulled himself onto the shore, his golden eyes gleaming as he looked over at Jewell. He came closer to her, his voice still a gentle coo for now. “That was pretty fun, wasn’t it Jewell?” Forsaken glanced around the island. “This is my home, see? You’ll have friends here.” He paused before pressing up next to her side.

“Hey Jewell?” Forsaken was starting to move past her, trying to round around to face her. “There are some other games I want to play… will you still play with me?” Forsaken canted  his head to the side. Whether she wanted to or not… she’d walked into his trap. And Forsaken planned to keep her pinned down here.