
'cause i'm stuttering



7 Years
Extra large

08-17-2017, 06:13 PM (This post was last modified: 08-17-2017, 06:13 PM by Lark.)
Lark was stunned. Absolutely, completely stunned. Any words that he wanted to say - and he had more than he could even grasp right now - seemed to stick in his throat, which suddenly felt quite dry. He wondered if Sparrow would be up for the responsibility of running Abaven, and he wasn't quite sure what would happen if she wasn't. Quite a few wolves had already expressed interest in leaving the pack, and Lark could only hope that with Sparrow wanting to rule that they might give their departure a second thought.

It was strange now that he'd rejected the offer to rule Abaven a second time. Well, the first time just merely been his father talking to him, not necessarily a true offer. If anyone had asked him when he was younger, he'd been certain that following in his father's pawsteps would be his future. He'd always imagined being groomed to rule, but now he wanted to do anything but.

A frown painted his features as he pulled away from the meeting, hardly even able to glance at Lillie. Would she be disappointed in him for not stepping up to the plate? What would she want to do now? His mind briefly went back to the thought thing between her and his sister, something he'd hoped that Bass would help them resolve, but he'd left before Lark could figure out what the hell was going on.

A heavy sigh fell from his lips as he moved across the plains, away from the gathering, not wanting to see who decided to leave and who would stay. It was all too hard to think about; he only hoped Sparrow would make the right decision now.

Sparrow I


7 Years
08-17-2017, 09:14 PM
Sparrow was unsure of how she felt. Maybe numb? Maybe panicked? She didn't see any of this coming.

Things between her and Vali were tense at best and Sparrow wasn't sure if she intended to keep her word.

She said it in front of the whole pack. They would know if she backed down now.

But also what if she didn't? Then Sparrow would lead the pack as soon as the seasons changed, right? She never thought of herself as a leader. She always had strong opinions on how she thought things should be done, so maybe it wouldn't be too bad. It might be disasterous, though.

If things fell apart, would Lark blame her? Would Lark be willing to stand by her side while she led the pack?

What about Lillianna?

Sparrow's stomach dropped. She and Lark had gotten so cozy lately. Sparrow had a terrible feeling she knew what the result of their closeness would be. If she were the alpha, how should she pursue that whole situation? There would be no higher ups to ask, no adults to give her advice.

She would be the leader.

Sparrow was already getting a headache. She didn't even know how to deal with the problems at hand, much less a pack. Her heart was hammering and she walked aimlessly away from the meeting.

She had almost a whole season. She could do this. She just needed to tie up some loose ends... right?

Motion caught her eye and she looked up to see Lark. Sparrow opened her maw to speak, but nothing came out. She sped up to walk by his side, giving him an anxiety-filled look. Was he mad at her? Surely he was mad at their father. This was all so new and fresh. Tears stung at the corner of Sparrow's minty green eyes and she wasn't sure if they were from her frustration or sadness.

At the least, she tried to nudge Lark softly, her tail swooping lowly behind her.



7 Years
Extra large

08-23-2017, 07:08 PM
Lark hadn't exactly expected Sparrow to catch up to him, but if there was anyone's company he could tolerate right now, it would definitely be his sister's. His mind was racing with unpleasant thoughts. He couldn't help but feel as though he'd been betrayed in the worst sense possible - this was a thousand times worse than Starling disappearing repeatedly, worse than Lillianna's time away from the pack. This felt like a sharp pain right through his head. His father, his own father, had left them. Left Abaven in inexperienced hands, to chase after a friend's children.

He hadn't been so hurt in his entire life. Angry, confused, frustrated, and so much more, all jumbled into one terrifying package.

He heard the rustling underfoot as someone approached from behind, though he didn't bother to look at who it was. Lark continued forward, only noticing it was his sister by her scent, and the realization made his ears twitch in recognition. After a moment he glanced up at her, offering her a questioning look - and noting she wore a slightly panicked one herself. "So, you mentioned feeling replaced awhile back," Lark drawled dryly, his voice touched with frustration. Not at her, but at their father, and at the entire situation. "How do you feel now?"

At least her touch calmed him, however slightly, though he was grateful for the company even if it didn't show. If it felt like they'd been replaced before, now it felt like they'd been thrown off a cliff entirely or something equally as morbid and unforgivable.

Sparrow I


7 Years
08-31-2017, 06:21 PM
Lark didn't offer much comfort, and Sparrow decided that this time- and maybe for one of the first times in his life- he was the one that needed comforting. Sparrow remained close by her brother as they walked. He gave her a small look then spoke, mentioning their previous conversation and asking how she felt.

Sparrow thought for a moment before answering.

"Replaced? Forgotten? Disappointed in him and Finch. I-" Sparrow swallowed dryly. She wasn't sure if she was more angry or sad, "I don't really... think they're coming back. That's how our family is, isn't it? Maybe Dad realized he wanted to start over when he started raising Storm's pups."

Sparrow tried to keep the bitter tinge out of her voice, but it was evident.

"How hard is it to keep a few pups inside the pack? Move them to the middle. I get that she's blind, but-" Sparrow clicked her tongue.

After walking a while more, Sparrow still couldn't feel good and calm. She licked her lips nervously, "Do you... do you think I made the right choice? Maybe... I mean- you know I always felt like I was missing something: that I didn't belong here, but..."

Sparrow stopped walking, her eyes fixing on Lark, "What if this is it? What if this is my calling? Being the... Being Abaven's alphaess?"

One last thing remained.

"But what if I fail?"



7 Years
Extra large

09-05-2017, 05:15 AM
It was strange to be the one needing comforting. It wasn't like he'd been the only one affected here -- and yet somehow it felt like he'd suffered more loss and abandonment than anyone. He was quiet for a moment as they padded on, listening to how she felt. He felt equally torn between being furious and sad, lingering enough between them that he mostly felt numb right now. "I doubt they're coming back, either," Lark admitted carefully after a moment. Perhaps it was for the best? No, it definitely wasn't, but he couldn't do the whole coming and going thing that he'd done with his mother. If their father was gone, it had to be for good, not something that'd change in a few weeks, and Sparrow seemed to think it wouldn't.

They could talk about how angry they were for hours, but would it truly do any good? Not really. Lark was glad when she shifted the discussion, asking if she'd made the right choice. He considered for a moment as they paused their aimless wandering, sea-green gaze fixing on her seriously.  "You did make the right choice," he reassured her calmly, confidently. A Destruction was always meant to rule Abaven - he'd never felt right knowing Bass had given Vali the pack to rule.  "And maybe this will give you what you haven't always been able to find here." Maybe it'd keep her from running, like the rest of them did; it certainly would keep him here. His gaze was probing as he watched her further.

What if she failed? A good question, but he shrugged it off.  "No use thinking about that now. You'll always have me as a loyal follower, no matter what you do." He meant that - family loyalty came above almost everything. Especially loyalty to the family that remained now.  "I think you'll make a fine leader, Sparrow. I'll help you, too, if I have to."

Sparrow I


7 Years
09-11-2017, 10:57 AM (This post was last modified: 09-11-2017, 10:57 AM by Sparrow I.)
Sparrow tried to take comfort in her brother's words. They agreed that their father was probably gone. It was a tough pill to swallow and Sparrow figured it would take some time to feel real. If he came back, she would deal with that then, but for the girl, she had just lost her father and sister.

Lark said he would always be her loyal follower and Sparrow's maw dropped open slightly. Soon, she smiled and bumped hr brother's shoulder with her forehead. It felt like they had totally traded places. When did Sparrow become the leader and Lark the follower? It was as if Sparrow's world had been turned upside down in every way recently.

Lark said he would help her if she needed it. Sparrow's smile widened, "I'd like that."

Another doubt set in, "I just wonder if she'll keep her word." Sparrow shook her head.

"She said so in front of the whole pack- what's left of them- but when the seasons change... I wonder what she'll say..."



7 Years
Extra large

09-23-2017, 09:03 PM
While it definitely would take quite some time for him to accept that their father was gone for good, it was something he had to convince himself and come to terms with - eventually. He wasn't a child anymore, he hadn't been for a long time, and he couldn't spend the rest of his life sitting back and hoping his parents would come home and they'd all live happily ever after again. He had to move on, and maybe Sparrow taking control of Abaven would be the first step for them in getting some sort of closure.

Feeling Sparrow lean forward, pressing her head into his shoulder made him smile despite his otherwise foul mood. He felt nothing but pride for her.. no envy or anything at all like that. He'd been offered Abaven more than once, and though part of him had always wanted the pack he had always wanted to do the best by Abaven, and him ruling had never been that. When she said she'd like him as a follower, and to assist him, he found himself grinning. "Good," he sighed gladly. At least, in spite of everything, he had Sparrow here still. What a strange thought - he'd always thought he'd remain here with Finch, or even Starling if he ever found his way back home permanently, but never Sparrow. He was grateful things had changed for the two of them.

He considered Sparrow's concerns. What if Vali didn't keep her word? "Well, the pack heard her say it," he started with a touch of wariness in his solemn voice. "If she refuses now, I say challenge her for it. I'm sure you'll have more than just me backing you." Lark shrugged his shoulders, but his tone was serious rather than dismissive.