
Just Fall



07-01-2013, 06:37 PM

Collision had spent a lot of time recuperating and deciding that he was going to do his best as a father and as a Valhallan once again. He had spent his time re-developing and truly getting back on top of things, and now that he was done fooling around and acting as a child, he was ready to man up and step up to where he needed to be. a Smile forged over his lips and his head lifted to the skies as he summoned his children to him. It had been quite some time before he was allowed to truly be with them and with the news that his son had returned, he was far too pleased.

Gaze falling to the land before him he would wait in silence for Gael, or for Azalea, or for anyone that needed to see him. He would need to confer with Chrysanthe, and allow her to know that upon his return he was going to be devoting his time to what it had been before. Perhaps alpha-ship had not suited him, but never before could anyone attest to him defiling Valhalla. he had never allowed those that did not deserve to be harmed, and he would not start because he had a minor falling out with his mentality. His life as a whole had been shaken, and now he was pulling it back on track.


07-01-2013, 06:46 PM (This post was last modified: 07-12-2013, 07:35 PM by Gael.)

It had been nearly a year since the young Adravendi had seen his parents. He could still remember his father, the towering gray man with a piercing golden gaze and his mother, the tiny ivory woman with the pretty blue eyes. Back when he'd been a child, his parents had seemed like giants, the biggest wolves he had ever met, but now he was older. A full fledged yearling, almost full grown. His parents, especially his father would no longer tower over him. If anything, they would be the same height, the grey man still holding a few inches over his son. Aza had told him that they had been in Glaciem, but she hadn't been sure of when they would be returning. So it was to expected how surprised the young man was when he heard the familiar call of his father ringing out across Valhalla, summing his family to him. His father had returned!

A mixture of fear and excitement rushed through his veins as his ivory tipped paws carried him towards his father, cerulean gems searching for the familiar grey figure of the man whom he called his father. Would his father be happy to see him after his prolonged absence or would he hold a grudge against him? Collision's figure came into view, causing Gael to slow his pace, apprehension tightening the muscles across his silver hued body. Father. He called out uncertainly, cerulean gaze meeting gold one, audits flattening against his skull as he bowed towards his father, body posture submissive as he waited to see what his father would have to say to him.

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07-12-2013, 07:21 PM

Collision had spent a very long time away from those he loved, but that wasn't exactly the point, was it? The fact, with this child, was that he had been so vacant from his life, even still, that had never been Collision's fault, whenever Gael had disappeared he and Soleil, together, and spent countless amounts of time searching for the missing babes. Soleon and Gael, however, seemed gone. As though something terrible had happened, and so, without closure, they had forced themselves to move on in silence and without any notification of where their sons were to have gone. His first borns...whisked away. His heirs.

Still, one had returned to him and Collision could not have been more pleased, he was faced with his children, his life, his world, everything he wanted and more. a solem grin passed over his features as he came forward, eyeing his son, taking in every morsel of his being, "Gael," He relished in the moment, allowing the boy's name to slip over his tongue with ease, "I've missed you, welcome home It was unspoken and yet perfectly clear, Collision would have begged the young man to stay, to turn and devote his entire life into living in Valhalla, into becoming the man that he could truly be for his family. his mother had become weak at one point, and collision had been terrified that Gael would one day return knowing that he never got to hold his mother in his embrace, never got to say goodbye or 'i love you'. It was all unspoken, and yet perfect, Collision let it go hoping that his son could find the same solace in the existence.


07-12-2013, 07:47 PM

At the time of his departure, he hadn't thought much about how his parents were feeling, especially his dad. Back in those days, Collision had been ruling Valhalla, therefore much of his time had been taken up by the pack and his responsibilities as alpha, so the young Adravendi hadn't been able to see his father as much he'd liked to. The decision to abandon his family had come out of selfishness. His family hadn't been paying him much attention, his father to be exact, and the young boy had become restless. He'd needed to do something and there was just nothing for him to do in Valhalla so he'd departed, without so much as a whisper to where he was going. His brother Soleon had felt the same way and so he'd accompanied Gael on the first leg of his journey before departing on his own way, leaving Gael to explore the outside world on his own. But now, stand here before his father, he began to see the idiocy of his decision. How had his parents reacted his leaving? Resentful? Alarmed? Worried? A part of him wanted to know just how much his parents cared for him, but he didn't want to bring up old memories of unpleasant times for his father. It was best to leave the past in the past. He was back home now and he wasn't going anywhere.

Gael. I've missed you, welcome home. Silver ears pinned against his skull, cerulean pools lifting to meet his father's golden gaze. His father's voice brought him back to when he was a pup, excited to see his dad come home for the day to their den. They couldn't go back to those times obviously, the young Adravendi was practically a man himself, but that didn't mean he had loose his relationship with his father. Dad, it's good to be home. I've missed you and mom a lot. The formalities dropped, Gael allowed himself to become his father's son once again, the small boy his father probably remembered from nearly a year ago. Nape was extended, muzzle reaching out to gently bump Collision's, unsure of where they stood with physical affection being this was the first time they'd seen each other in a long time.

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08-11-2013, 12:48 PM

He hadn't seen hide nor hair of his sons when they had disappeared, and so having them back was a blessing and a half. After all, his sons, were his prodigal heirs, to imagine them not coming back to was something he was rather certain he didn't want to tolerate, not anymore. Lips turned up in an inky smile and his tail moved happily behind him. He wouldn't forget this day, that Gael had returned, simultaneously, he was realizing it was without Soleon, and that piece of the puzzle truly broke the heart of the man. They had disappeared together, though the fact that they had not returned together, well, it left too much up to chance, "I assure you, we've missed you more," he didn't want to hear about where he had run off too for fear of needing to go there and figure out what had happened, non, it was a story for another time, and Collision would handle it when it all came to pass.

"Have you seen your mother yet?" he would return his son's touch with a bump to the shoulder with his own skull. He hadn't gotten much to do yet, but he would make sure their relationship was a closer tracked one, he wanted to be sure that his son didn't walk out again, because honestly, not him nor Soleil could tolerate such a thing.