

Medusa i


5 Years
07-01-2013, 07:37 PM

Alliances. Medusa was no great ruler, but she wanted the best for the pack that she was trying to build. Even if it was barren and empty now, soon she would bring into it several new lives, new lives that needed her protection. If they proved devoted, she would provide for them. As it stood, the best way to do that was to find herself a group of close allies. Ludicael was a given, but one pack alone would not save her Kingdom from burning down. She knew it would be foolish to seek many allies, but she had a few in mind. Seracia, whose King she remembered tossing flirtations at in a friendly member. Her neighbors, too, would be a good start. They had the best access to her lands, after all, and would be quickest to reply to a sound of distress.
Her journey was exhausting, sprained left leg fighting her all the way. She would have run if it was at all possible, but Medusa was still injured from her battle. This journey was likely pushing it, but she could not sit idle for long. Not when her opponent wanted her throne back, not when their fight had been so very close. Medusa was David, but she had not killed Goliath. There had been no point in such a feat, but part of her regretted it. For now she was secure, but her power held no strong footing. She knew little of Newt?s successes or allies; at any moment she was prepared for an invasion.

Her feet carried her to the West, where she found herself at a border. She paused, knowing that now was not the time to test manners. Lifting her head to the skies, the serpent let out a summons for any rulers who would come to her. The serpent would sit and wait, keeping her distance outside the borders respectful. She did not know if they were aware that she?d made her opponent fall, or if they thought her a curious rogue. Regardless, if she wanted their assistance, their help, she would need to play by the rules.

OOC: Any Valhalla wolves are welcome to this c: Medusa's going to discuss a possible alliance/inform them that she's taken Amenti if they don't already know.



07-01-2013, 07:58 PM

Cormalin had been enjoying a pleasant, strolling patrol along the borders of Valhalla when he heard the call of the unfamiliar wolf. It didn?t have the tones of a wolf seeking entrance as a member, now the rankling challenge of a fool out for trouble. Merely a summons. His path averted and he took off at a light trot, thick black fur rippling over muscles that were still hard and strong, despite Spring?s arrival that brought his eighth year of life to come. His fine condition was due in part to Erani?s constant badgering t stay active and eat herbs that would boost his health. And when Surreal and the other two girls that were his nieces added to it, how could anyone say no, or maybe later.

It was a part of Valhalla that he loved. His family. Valhalla was strong with Love, and united in Loyalty. He was proud to be a Beta here. He just wished Akana and their children could have come to this family sooner. He forced his mind away from his thoughts as he came upon the dark female, and immediately he was reserved about the female. He had a strong sense of perception, and was second best only to Erani when it came to reading someone. This female could be trouble, or she could be an asset. He studied her. She held herself as though in pain, and she bore marks of recent battle. None of the injury he could see seemed serious to the point of needing to call the nearest healer, however. The lass mostly looked exhausted.

The large black Beta dipped his head in a polite nod, then spoke, baritone voice neutral, but interested, the mild Irish hints and British accent rolling some words. ?Good day, Madam. What brings you to Valhalla?s borders?? The formal greeting to a stranger. He knew that Chrysanthe, or Aislyn would be here soon enough.



07-01-2013, 08:10 PM (This post was last modified: 07-01-2013, 08:11 PM by Chrysanthe.)
She had been on the battlefield, she had seen the fights that had progressed on that day. It was the clash of titans, a death match and a pack challenge happening only yards away from one another. It filled her stomach with knots, even though she was not involved with them politically she had, in those brief moments, been involved simply by watching. The victor in the fight for Amenti was surprisingly the smaller of the two. Medusa, she knew nothing about this female, but she seemed to be aligned with Jupiter - and that paired with her being a talented warrior was enough to earn Chrysanthe's respect.

She had heard her, smelled her coming, was curious as to what had brought her. If she was smart about this, felt the tension in the air after she had managed to win - she would be coming for protection. An alliance. And honestly Chrysanthe was on the fence about doing so. She respected Medusa, but that did not mean that taking her side in this made for the most intelligent of choices. How many would side with the old queen and her followers? How many enemies had she made in claiming Amenti? Yet at the same time, there was no better pack to seek solace in than Valhalla - they were huge, and they held treaties with nearly every pack within these lands.

Treaties in war though, were easily broken. Did she want to break the dam that kept this pack on top?

"And so the new Queen makes time for us. Far sooner than I expected... Congratulations on winning Amenti - that was a spectacular battle." Her congratulations were laced with amusement, but she dipped her head in respect. With that she would wait for the female to explain what exactly was on her mind to bring her to the borders.

Medusa i


5 Years
07-02-2013, 07:28 PM

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It was not all that long before she was met with a member of the pack, whose rank she knew not. She observed him like one might observe a piece of meat, taking in the scars on his face and the darkness of his pelt. He would do for now; she could tell from the way he carried him he was no alpha. She let out a low purr in her throat as she offered her response. ?My, my, what a curious thing you are,? she told him. She knew that questions were clearly going to happen; she had arrived at their lands, after all. ?Mind if I wait for your leader, dollface? I want to see if they?ll make this journey of mine worthwhile,? she said, words dripping into a sultry purr. It was Medusa?s way of dealing with others; nonetheless she dipped her head in greeting after she?d spoken her piece. She was rather close to their territory at the moment, after all.

The next to arrive was beautiful, although beauty was not truly a factor in Medusa?s flirtation, it certainly didn?t make her want to cease them. ?Hello, lovely,?she told the woman, who soon spoke up, making it apparent that she knew of Medusa?s accomplishment. The compliments were accepted with a mere dip of her head; she bathed in attention, after all. But she would not let them go to her head. She had victory, but for how long? When would Newt strike again? The serpent could not know. ?Perhaps,? she said simply. It remained to be seen if Medusa had particular skill in battle, or if she was simply a lucky motherfucker.

Having accepted that, she decided that it was time to speak her part. ?My name is Medusa, Madame of Amenti and your neighbor. I have come to ask about your opinions regarding the pack?s former leader, Newt, and my close ally, Ludicael,? she said, cutting straight to the point. Are you open to an alliance? was what she was basically asking. Perhaps it would have been nice to play around with this beauty, but there was simply no time. The thought was somewhat upsetting, but not in any way that Medusa would mind for long. When she settled her kingdom and neutralized the threat of Newt, she would be able to relax.



07-04-2013, 06:51 PM

Cormalin didn?t think much of this female. She appeared to be one of those who enjoyed toying with others, from the purr she uttered at him as she spoke. One horizontal point of the four point white star quirked upward at the words, though that was his only discernable reaction. Inwardly, he grinned as he thought of what Akana would have said in response. For a dainty, tiny lady, she had a spicy sense of humor. Green eyes glittering in mirth, she could have cut a wolf down with a few cutting words, and stood them back up again with a playful joke.

The black female spoke again, and he nodded. She wasn?t long at all in waiting. Chrysanthe came into the scene at that moment, and he gave the young alpha a wave of his tail in welcome and stepped off to the side, watching the following conversation. It seemed males weren?t the only gender that this female purred at. Chrysanthe seemed to have seen this lass fighting, and complimented her thus, and then the female got to the point of her visit.

Her words caught his curiosity, and he listened. So Amenti?s alpha had been overthrown by this Medusa. The wondered if she would be any better. From what he?d heard of Amenti, it had gone by another name, had once been a female dominated pack, and then had been taken over and been renamed. Its morals seemed to have darkened over time, and he?d heard that it considered itself a legion of assassins. He?d heard a great deal of tales about the male Alpha, Kaios, and non of them were good.

He looked to Chrysanthe, wondering what she was thinking. The choice of an Alliance with Medusa was hers, though if she wanted to speak to the Council about it first, he?d happily give his own guidance. His mismatched blue and gold gaze turned to the black Madame. ?As for myself, I haven?t heard many bad things about Newt, however, her mate has been spoken of at length. I?ve heard tell that he is a rapist, and a cannibal, readily gets into fights, and that half the packs have a price on his pelt. My opinion of him, obviously, is very low, and may he find a swift demise for his wrongdoings.

As for Ludicael, I?ve met Deteste, the male alpha, and He represents Ludicael well. I?ve heard that they are a good pack. I have also heard a great deal of good things about Jupiter. We also have an Alliance with them, and I hope that continues.?
He gave a light smile. Then his eyes turned to Chrysanthe, waiting for her input.


07-05-2013, 12:47 AM

Once again Deteste found himself trotting heavily in the trail of Medusa's diplomacy. He almost hoped that her lack of consultation would end in something detrimental. But he didn't. He was patient and he was tolerant. At least he was not extremely late to the show this time. This was the first time Deteste had entered Valhallan lands, though he had met many respectable Valhallan members. There was one in particular that had he liked best. It was the beta, Cormalin and Deteste wondered whether or not he would see him in his time here. It wasn't long until he could hear conversation a short distance from himself. As usual Deteste paused to collect himself and steadied his rushed gait. He could hear his name being spoken. It was funny how alike this experience was with the Amenti meeting.

Slightly distracted by the need to rush Deteste did not distinguish the speaker but only what was spoke and he was pleasantly surprised to find that it was Cormalin who spoke them. Hello he greeted curtly, desiring not to interrupt any planned words between them. Having just arrived Deteste was unsure what Medusa had said so far and judging by Cormalin's affect he could tell that first impressions had not gone favorably. He took his position beside Medusa, taking a stance that explained his role in the meeting and his position in Amenti together in one gesture. His glance fell to Chyrsanthe and upon catching her gaze he dipped his crown lowly in proper respects. My lady. he spoke, continuing to keep his greetings short. But before reclining Deteste made sure to offer Cormalin a friendly grin and show his respects in a casual nod. He would surely be confused. Many changes had occurred since their last meeting. But Deteste was glad that they would have something to talk about.




07-09-2013, 03:22 PM
So she called herself Madame. It fit in an odd way, in a way that alpha or queen did not. There was something about the woman that seemed more easy going than Chrysanthe expected of a new leader, but she enjoyed her no nonsense approach and that she didn't beat around the bush in terms of why she had come. Cormalin seemed to know a bit more about Amenti than she in terms of their members. Her mate though, was someone that had a bit of an infamous reputation here in Alacritia. She remembered the bastard calling himself some twisted version of satan - he was undoubtedly mentally impaired. Hopefully he was no more... "I know nothing of Newt save for her poor choice in men." They didn't seem to be any sort of threat to she or her pack, she supposed they were a smaller gathering much like Ludicael. "Jupiter is a friend of mine, I met her a season ago, just before she had her children." Perhaps it was a stretch to call the woman her friend? Yet she would do what she could to make sure that her pack and her family was safe should the time come they were threatened.

"If you are closely tied with Ludicael, Valhalla will have no problem with you. You have our ear should you want it, and the right to be escorted into our lands as guests." Jupiter wouldn't send enemies knocking at their borders. The last to arrive was a dark male, one that she did not recognize, but smelled to be a mixture of Amenti and Ludicael. She greeted him with a nod of her own, before looking back to Medusa. "As for our standing beside you in battle, I would like to know more about your pack first. It has remained a mystery for some time now." She was curious as to how large it was, and what it stood for, if it had any sort of moral standpoint at all. Chrysanthe needed more than being a friend's friend to risk her pack's lives and well being. The alpha assumed that she knew a bit about Valhalla, they were somewhat well known - but if there was anything she or the dark male wanted to know, then she would answer her. "Do you have enemies that we should know about?"

Medusa i


5 Years
07-13-2013, 10:46 PM

Medusa would do her best to be respectful and listen, knowing that her biggest strength laid upon her ability to listen and her occasional skill in the art of manipulation. It would seem that Newt herself was not all that infamous; Queen Slayer though she may be. In fact, it was the male whom Jupiter had challenged to a match to the death who had been far more known. It bode well for her that these wolves thought very low of him, and possibly the old pack. If the serpent had that, at the very least they might be relieved that Amenti had come into new hands.
Deteste was quick to arrive, almost as if the beta?s mention of him had brought him to life. ?Speaking of the devil,? she joked, offering her secondary alpha a swift nod. The Madame had a bit of a problem communicating with him, and perhaps it was something she needed to work on. She had wanted to see if she could annoy him, but for now he would remind composed, slightly to her dismay. ?Deteste is going to be the Master of Amenti, the secondary Alpha. Jupiter thought it necessary to improve stability,? she said. Perhaps her secondary alpha would come in handy (not that he wasn?t handy otherwise) here.
Chrysanthe would speak, and upon the conclusion of her speech Medusa would voice herself. ?I suppose you could say that I have a close bond with Jupiter,? she told the Alpha, wondering if she would catch the implications. Medusa didn?t know what sort of label applied to them. Were they mates? Were they just lovers? She didn?t know. ?I am willing to extend the same to you and yours,? she told the woman.
It was now that she would try to win the support necessary, with her mention of their enemies. ?So far, Newt and her loyalists are my only enemies. I do not know for certain how many allies she had previously, but I haven?t come across many a wolf who called her a friend. Neither was her group of loyalists particularly impressive in size,? she said. ?I do not know what sort of battles they will seek; I know Newt desires her throne back, but beyond that I am uncertain. She is likely to come after Ludicael, in which case I would obviously assist,? she spoke. Ludicael and Amenti were sisters; they were completely different, but they would guard one another nonetheless. ?I do not know what Amenti was before, but now it will be a pack bound by nothing but one?s personal morality. I won?t force anyone to live a particular lifestyle; my only rules are that my members do not harm our allies and they do not harm our fellow pack members,? she spoke. Something told her that the truth might be powerful here; why beat around the bush when the reality wasn?t that frightening.
?Severe crimes are discouraged, for I will not defend somebody who causes too much trouble,? she said. Amenti would not be a pack set upon one way of life, but they would not be a pack who would be home to solely nefarious wolves. No, they were neutral if anything, mostly because of the nature of their pack.



07-16-2013, 04:26 PM
Deteste here was popular then? Going from being one pack's alpha to the other, that was interesting. She thought it curious, with Ludicael possibly being a target of ill intent, but she supposed more would have it out for Medusa and her pack than anything else. Wolves didn't seem to take too well to new leaders in this land unless it was handed down naturally. There was much change in the air, and Chrysanthe could understand how hard it was for these new leaders, her siblings were a pair of them after all.

Hearing the dark female speak of her bond with Jupiter, she didn't question just how close that the two were. Their relationship wasn't her business, but the bond between their packs was. Chrysanthe wouldn't take the amount of followers that the dark woman had under speculation just yet, Amenti was new, they would need time, and the young woman was willing to give them that. "If she went after Ludicael, Valhalla would assist as well." It was something that she had in common with the dark woman, and honestly it was enough to forge something of a bond between their packs on.

The way that she ran her pack was interesting. It wasn't something that the Adravendi was expecting, and a part of her wondered how a place so neutral would manage to stand on it's own. A pack needed morals, viewpoints, in order to become a unit - at least, that was what she understood about Valhalla. Perhaps Amenti would succeed in this, having a place for wolves of all walks of life to settle so long as they pulled their weight and didn't stir up unneccesary trouble.

Thinking it over a final moment, she knew that she had a decision in mind. She wanted to be connected to the packs of Alacritia. Perhaps true friendship could not be offered to every single pack here - but she would respond positively to the olive branch extended to her by the leaders of Amenti. "Your pack sounds interesting, it is nothing at all like Valhalla, but to some I am sure that it has its charms. I wish you well in your new position of leadership Medusa, Deteste." He was not new to leading, but he was new to being Amenti's leader.

"Consider Amenti and Valhalla allies - should you ever need us just call at the borders. Our warriors will aide you and our healers will assist your wounded. I look forward to our alliance." Perhaps a joint meeting was in order? Or perhaps the high ranking members of the two groups could get acquainted? Either way, the future looked pleasant for interactions between the two packs. "I will keep an eye out for Newt and her followers." If she heard anything, she would keep Medusa in mind.

If that was all, this meeting could be adjourned.



07-17-2013, 01:53 AM

Speak of the wolf, and here he comes. Cormalin greeted Deteste with a wag, a smile and a nod, then turned his attention to Chrysanthe?s next words. He listened with interest, pleased when she asked good questions, and interested to hear the Madame of Amenti?s answers. Full tail curled about his haunches as he listened to her replies. A curious glance was cast to Deteste at the news that he was the Master of Amenti. Stability for Amenti, but what about Ludicael. Last he had heard, Jupiter had been pregnant. She would have had the children long before now, according to how pregnant he?d heard she was when she came to secure an alliance with Valhalla.

Medusa went on, and an brow point arched as she emphasized the word bond in relation to Jupiter. The lady sounded possessive. Interesting. One ear flicked back as she offered that same bond to them. He didn?t think he wanted that sort of bond. Finally, Medusa came down to the list of enemies. It wasn?t large, only two points, but how many of those who had been under Newt?s rule were still openly loyal, and how many were biding their time? The old story Bear the Elder had told him and his siblings when they were pups came to mind. Next, Medusa was naming the new nature of Amenti.

A faint frown pulled at his brow. What was to stop a member of such a pack from trying to steal the status of Alpha? He would just have to wait and see what would come of this pack. Mismatched eyes slid to watch Chrysanthe take in the information. She did well. Her second alliance made in her rule and she hadn?t been and Alpha for more than two seasons. He nodded in agreement. And Alliance would be good. He rose. ?If I may be excused, Ladies, Deteste, my sister wanted me to watch her children for the night. She wanted to get some air. I get to be the doting uncle tonight.? He chuckled, winking to Deteste, then bowed his head and padded away to continue his patrol before going to relieve his sister from rambunctious pups.