
Deadly Beauty


08-17-2017, 02:18 PM

The male was on his early morning trot, always trying to find a different route and see different sights. He didn't live anywhere really, under the stars and wherever his paws laid down that night. But he came across many places more than once, just not here.

He would slow to a walk and soon a stop, taking a break with heavy breaths looking to a dark cavern to his right. Only staring for a while, his nose would eventually catch a hint of a something strange. Something he had never smelled before. His breathing had soon settled and his curiosity had the best of him.

Walking inside, he was leary. Darkness surrounded him and he halted often, sides of the cave punching his shoulders or hips every now and then. He thought of turning back; surely whatever caught his attention was not worth all this stumbling and bruises. But just as he was giving up hope, he saw the glow in the back of the cavern. 

Hustling to light he came apon the radiating mushrooms, amazed that such things existed. He looked down on them for a long while, just mesmerized by the beauty.

Walk "Talk" Think



5 Years
08-18-2017, 06:59 AM
Nav points: Exploring Glowshroom Cavern!

It would seem that the Lost Boys had indeed become very lost. Jumanji didn't mind the time alone and had actually come to enjoy the solitude. There was no one to annoy or make her do anything, and she was free to speak her mind with no fear of reprimand from Falcon's disapproving stare. Oddly colored, mother of pearl eyes cast around at the almost violet hue of the cavern she had been living in, admiring the blue hue on her nearly colorless pelt. The pale woman wasn't sure what had led her down the mysteriously dark tunnels, but after stumbling around for about three hours, she had finally come to a place that she didn't even believe was real at first. Surely, there was not glowing fungus coming out of the cavern walls. There was no way, and yet, here she was. There was moss that covered the cavern floor, and she had taken residence within a large, multi-layered circle of the glowing mushrooms at the back of the chamber.

Relaxing, Jumanji allows herself to succumb to the relative solace of solitude, allowing herself to become shockingly unaware of her surroundings. Dozing lightly, she shuts her eyes but keeps her ears pricked up to catch any unexpected noise. A bright green luna moth comes and lands on her nose, causing her to snort softly with a sneeze though she doesn't fully come awake. Laying within her circle of glowing mushrooms, she could only imagine what she would seem like to anyone who happened to come upon the chamber. She had picked it because there were rarely other wolves here and had camped out for weeks before she decided to make this a home base of sorts. It wasn't long before she was forced to lay her head down and actually sleep, curled up on her bed of moss inside her glowing fairy ring, Jumanji felt she could safely say she had found a haven of sorts. She was not aware that there was another wolf inside the chamber at the very moment sleep decided to take her. And, since there was rarely a breeze within the damp confines of the cavern, she would be blissfully unaware until he either approached her or made some kind of racket.

"Jumanji." "You." Think.
Jumanji can be a violent creature, she is not the most stable of characters and it is hard to tell how she will react to certain personalities. Use caution when threading with her!


08-23-2017, 07:19 PM

Clicking came from a distant chamber, Gaius' ears flicking around from the echoing. Instantly interested, he would begin to quietly trek farther into the cavern.

As he came closer, and the walls became darker, he could smell her scent, a wolf of course. He wasn't threatened by her, though a part of him knew he shouldn't feel so relaxed. A woman put him down before and this one would mean no different.

But he still found himself slowly putting one paw down in front of the other until he saw the glow of the next room. Around the corner, he poked half his head, seeing the green florescent shine off her pelt and he was taking very kindly to not scare the crap out of her. "H-hello." He whispered, trying really, really hard. He wouldn't want anyone sneaking up on him like this either. Maybe he should have turned back a long time ago... Oh, well, too late now.

Walk "Talk" Think



5 Years
08-27-2017, 10:22 PM
There was a sound, and her mind recognized it as the voice of a stranger, which had her head snapping up. She blinked at the dark shadows, chasing sleep from her mind with the shake of her head, pink mother of pearl eyes scanning around the chamber. "Um...if you're a ghost, I don't want any..." Her lightly colored eyes couldn't make anyone out with the glow of the mushrooms making every shadow darker, there was always a bit of unease when she met new wolves. This was a little different, as she couldn't make out the stranger, it set her nerves on edge and had her slowly rising to her paws. Her shortened tail raised above her hips and she waved it slowly. It was strange that she could still feel the rest of her tail when she did this, but she tried not to think about that as she waited for the disembodied voice to find a body.

"Jumanji." "You." Think.
Jumanji can be a violent creature, she is not the most stable of characters and it is hard to tell how she will react to certain personalities. Use caution when threading with her!


09-05-2017, 07:35 PM

The woman would asked for a ghost, and Gaius would slowly come into her view with his entire body. "No, no ghost here..." Ears erect, and a blink to his eyes, "I just didn't want to scare you..."

Gaius was a friendly creature but his expressions were usually plain and of course he could have his hot headed side. But he always wanted the best from himself  and for others, he always had goals in his life.

Red eyes looked down at the glowing mushrooms, an amazement in his dim glimmer, "It's quite a sight to see." He stated, "Do you live here? Or just enjoy the radiance?"

Walk "Talk" Think