Glaciem Meeting
07-02-2013, 01:27 AM
And thus the pack had been torn bough from bough, their Alpha lying helplessly at the thrashing jaws of an unsuspecting superior; sprawled in a faultless lake of crimson, heart barely beating beneath the ragged cage of his ribs. Oh how the youth had clutched his life so effortlessly within hungry palms, her shuddering and shaking being revering with the with the want to finish him, to draw their vicious battle to a triumphant end. To feel through the pores of her toes as his jugular gargled powerlessly beneath her touch and as all traces of life depleted from his lemon-gaze; but alas, the lady had surprised even herself. Something, and god only knows what force of supernatural it had been, but something had ceased her; destroyed her body?s cravings to devour him, and replaced them with the need to leave his wounded body be. He was a grand fiend, but he hadn?t been quite grand enough. Where he lay now was submitted to the palms of unknown, perhaps he was healing safely away from view, or perhaps he had failed to survive. The russet queen would leave it only to time to tell.
It had been barely long enough for her wounds to scab, no more than a meager three days of physical recovery in solitude before the multi-toned banshee would begin the creep towards her new kingdom; a cautious pride simmering ever-so-visibly beneath war torn skin. Spine curled, guiding the agile ghoul between a sparse array of pines; the area was far more favourable than where the pack had recently resided, and quite frankly, the novel sovereign couldn?t care less who decided to follow her and who would stray away. She would summon them regardless, as socially raw as the initial assembly may be. Haunches found a haven of respite beneath the twisting arms of a lone pine, oblivious to the sting of snow-kissed earth, thick tail coiling elegantly about the striking vixen?s haunches as she would ready her psyche for companionship. It was there an imaginary crown would tip backwards, lustrous in a feeble royalty as a shrill drawl would crawl free of ebony lips; a single, prolonged invitation for new and past members a like to rejoin her, or to announce their leave.

07-02-2013, 05:48 AM
Awaken was walking to see this new 'Alpha' and give her a piece or her mind. Crusade was already speaking to her. He growled at the sight of her. How he'd love to sink his poison coated claws into her fles and watch her writhe for weeks. Awaken's growl turned to an out right snarl.
"So your the new girl who somehow managed to beat Gargoyle. You may have beaten him, but to me I still follow Gargoyle. He reeked of hand made toxins. He was coated in nightshade extract. It covered his back, neck, belly and sides and if injested would cause seasures. "And you know what? Screw you if you think you can keep me here! Or any of us for that matter. Those who want to stay with Gargoyle can come with me im out of here. He turned angrily, his paws hitting the snow hard and tearing through it as if it were nothing.
07-02-2013, 03:57 PM
Awaken glanced tward Crusade. "Meet me in the old pack den later today. I need help getting ithurial and any pups out. I see arrogance in this one and i dont trust her around the young anf wounded." he wispered at her ear. ?He gave one last glance at Eos. The rage in his eyes apparent.
"whoever wants to go with Gargoyle can come with me now. " he threatened. "Cifer. Would you mind helping me carry a wounded denmother to her adopted father. ?He asked point blank on his way out
{for the final time as a glacian. Exit: awaken}