
We Will Meet Again


5 Years
Athena I
07-02-2013, 08:01 AM

OOC: sooo apparently I never actually hit "add reply" last night >_< But I think it's better than the first time so yay?

Meili loved that grin. That grin that lit up his face and made him look like the happiest look around. Meili could see herself living for that grin, only wanting him to be happy and only wanting the best for him. She wanted to wake up every day and see that grin on his face. The sound of his laughter was infectious and soon she was laughing with him as they tumbled across the ground in a tangle of fur and limbs.

Once she was on her back beside him, it was no time at all before she looked up and saw Gael's handsome cerulean eyes right in front of hers when he pinned her to the ground. Meili saw the pure awe in his gaze and wondered how in the world he could look at her like that. What could he possibly see in her that made him look at her like that? And then she realized that she was looking at him in the exact same way. Her teal eyes locked on his cerulean ones and nothing else in the word seemed to matter but this young wolf. This wolf that wanted to follow in his father's footsteps to be a warrior, this wolf that was so naturally kind and protective, this wolf that had stolen her heart with just a glance.

A soft smile touched her muzzle as she looked up at him tenderly, knowing that he was steadily working his way into her heart for good. She almost didn't want to admit it to herself, but she knew she was falling in love with him. So deeply in love. Age didn't matter, only how she felt mattered and she knew she was falling in love. She gently kissed his nose and smiled again, just enjoying this moment with him.



07-02-2013, 02:13 PM (This post was last modified: 07-03-2013, 12:14 AM by Gael.)

He'd never thought himself to be the kind of guy to get attached so quickly to someone, but the more time he spent with Meili, the more he realized that she could be the one that would change that. Sure, he was able to click with others rather easily, his good-nature and friendly attitude allowing so, but as far as making deeper connections with someone, he had never encountered anyone during his travels that could create such a reaction from him. Until now. This smaller, teal eyed woman was beginning to grow on the young Adravendi, quickly finding herself a permanent spot in the young man's heart. The logical part of him was saying that it wasn't too good of an idea to get to attached to the woman. What if he never saw her after today? What if she ended up finding someone and becoming theirs? He could potentially be setting himself up for a heart-break, something he had never experienced, but he didn't care. For her, he would be willing to take that risk. She was well worth it.

Why now? Why now that he had returned home after his extended absence did fate decide to throw him a curve ball in the form of Meili? Why hadn't he found someone like her during his travels? Could it be that she was the key to him finding his place back in Valhalla? So many questions ran through his mind, but he couldn't find the need to pay them any attention. How could he when he was standing above one of the most gorgeous women he had ever encountered in his life, not counting his mother of course. The world was of little importance, anything and everything else that wasn't this woman right here was of little importance. Did she know how amazing she was? Having lost her memory, completely forgetting who she was, where she came from, who her family was, and yet able to pick up the pieces of what had been left of her previous life to build up a new one. She was absolutely incredible and he would take every chance he had to remind her. Starting now.

His own answering smile curled his earthen lips in response to her, a soft chuckle rumbling in his chest as she licked the tip of his nose, making butterflies flutter in his stomach. Has anyone ever told you how incredible you are Meili? He whispered tenderly, lowering his muzzle to brush it against her cheek, salmon tongue snaking out for a gentle peck before he pulled back, gaze never leaving hers.

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5 Years
Athena I
07-02-2013, 02:40 PM

The love-struck fea was completely over the moon. She blinked a couple of times from mild surprise at Gael when he asked if she had ever been told that she was incredible. The initial surprise faded away into a glow of happiness that lit up her whole face. Even though she wasn't exactly sure why Gael would ever think she was incredible, she thought that was the sweetest compliment she had ever been given. She could read the sincerity in his amazing blue eyes and knew he meant it, which made it all the more special. "No, I don't think so, but it means so much coming from you," she answered, her voice soft and sincere.

Her eyes closed briefly when she felt his muzzle against her cheek, the touch sending little sparks across her skin. She sighed happily and looked up at him tenderly, her heart pounding away in her chest. She had never once considered finding someone to spend her life with until now. She had been resigned to the fact that she was going to be a loner for the rest of her life and was content to be alone forever. But now that Gael had fallen into her life she couldn't imagine continuing to live her life like that. If he wanted her there, she would stay with him for as long as he wished. Meili gently brushed her muzzle against his cheek in return before she looked back into his eyes, her teal gaze glowing with affection for this gentle giant.




07-02-2013, 10:10 PM

He sat in silence, the man's eyes examining the scene that was unfolding before him. Tail tightened around him, grasping him in a firm touch. He defied the snarl that dared brew in his throat, stemming in the depths of his diaphragm, and oh how it was guttural. His son stood, no lay, regardless touching a woman, older than him by easily enough. Gael had barely turned around the age of a year, and to see something so carnal, it did not amuse the parental in the slightest, no, rage furrowed deep within' him, testing his temperament, and truth be told, he was failing the test with ease. Ears twisted forward as the words of the female fell and Collision simply had to know, what meant so much more from his son. the thunderous beast would lift his frame from behind the woods and he would descend on them. Eyes of molten gold would pressure the woman, his visage painstakingly neutral, for if he said too much he risked a bad reaction, if he said too little, well, the consequences were best not spoken of, "Gael, who's your friend" the word was enunciated perfectly, for her to be so easily pressuring a youth, he had to remind her of where they were to stand.


07-02-2013, 10:57 PM (This post was last modified: 07-03-2013, 12:09 AM by Gael.)

His heart skipped a beat within his chest as she nuzzled him in return, allowing his eyes to close for a moment, simply savoring the feel of her touch. He never wanted to spend a moment away from her. She was the first friend he'd ever made and he wanted to keep her in his life for as long as he could. And who knew, maybe sometime down the road, they would perhaps become more than friends. Or maybe they wouldn't and they would just be life long friends. Regardless of what they became to one another, as long as she was a part of his life somehow, he would be happy.

The sincerity in her voice was impossible to deny, but just as he was about to speak, a new voice came from behind him. It was stern, the pitch familiar to the young Adravendi. Collision. His father. So he was back from Glaciem was he? The youth stepped away from Meili, turning around to face his father, using his larger body as a physical barrier to block his new friend from the piercing golden gaze of his parental figure, the gaze that was now telling the young man that this interaction was severely looked down upon. A frown creased his earthen brow as he looked towards his father, nearly standing at the same height, though his father still had several inches of him. Audits pricked forward with attention as his father questioned who his new friends was. Nape bristled, whip-cord lashing in agitation behind tawny haunches. Hello to you too father. He answered coolly, wondering just how much his father had seen of his interaction with Mei and just exactly what he'd heard.

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5 Years
Athena I
07-02-2013, 11:13 PM

Meili was on cloud nine. Everything in her world was perfect for just a moment. That was, until a stern, male voice broke through her thoughts. Her teal eyes went wide, shock clear on her expression. With her ears flat to her head with worry and confusion, she scrambled to her paws. She couldn't see the wolf in question at first since her friend blocked her from him. Her curiosity got the better of her and she peaked around his larger frame, her teal gaze momentarily catching the full, seething force of his.

She ducked back behind Gael and wondered why in the world this brute was so angry... and then Gael addressed him as his father. Her eyes widened with shock, her face warming with a deep blush. His father had seen him on top of her? The older brute had caught his yearling son on top of a older fea. Meili was mortified. And to think she was actually considering trying to join Gael in his pack, now his own father was going to hate her. She hid behind Gael, too afraid to come out from behind him. Too afraid to face Gael's father's wrath.




07-04-2013, 01:09 AM

It would seem as though they expect something far more volatile to emerge from the lips of the king, and though his blood boils with scrutiny his eyes layer over the woman, watching her svelte frame, ah yes, naturally, his son had perfect taste appearance wise, as far as what would be most healthy for him, it would be time for the man to learn a thing or two, especially about what seemed to be a cougar, a child seeker. Tongue lashes across inky lips and knees bend slightly to support him and to level out his balance, shoulders lower, drawing relaxed as he creates a new scene, a new feeling, "Gael, introduce us, please," he slithers the word from his tongue in complete neutrality, the natural inquisition a father would have when addressing his child and another friend, and his eyes lift to Meili, "Or would you care to speak?" what was she doing with his son? Tainting him. It was Collision's law that he offer himself to no other woman, ever, and he would only pray that his sons could find that same mentality. Did Gael understand that taking on such an older task would bare him few children? Did he understand that in offering himself in such sacrament he would spend his days tending to an elderly versus loving in vivacious entertainment? She was far from available to him, how he was to convey that message, the man was unsure and could only pray she chose what was best for Gael, and not for herself.


07-04-2013, 01:28 AM

He hadn't expected to see his father again like this, especially not when he was spending time with his new friend, a friend who he could possibly be developing some type of feelings for. The young man bristled slightly at the presence of his father; after all he hadn't seen him in nearly a year. He wasn't sure how he felt towards his father at the moment. If he did feel anything at the moment, it was disapproval from his father. He could see it written all over his face, his body language speaking volumes. He didn't approve of his son being around a woman who was older than him. But should he care? His mother was a tad bit older than his father, so what right did he have to come around and be nosing in his business? Gael was practically an adult now. He had gone nearly a year without parental guidance and he had been just fine.

Cerulean gems narrowed, watching as his father attempted to relaxed, going through the motions of settling his body, clearing the disapproving look from his fa?ade. But he couldn't fool his son. He had already given everything away. The young Adravendi spared a glance back towards Mei, catching her at the moment she decided to peek towards his father, shifting so that he was standing before her again, still shielding her from his father as he asked Gael to introduce her. This is my new friend Meili father. Meili, this is my father Collision. The ex alpha of my pack Valhalla. He made no move to bring Mei into the view of his father, but he addressed her regardless. Why was his father so disapproving towards his interaction with the pretty dove? He had done nothing wrong with her. They had been simply romping around, having a good bout of fun, something the young man never did anymore and here came his father, ruining the entire moment. Typical parents. What would his mother have said if she would've seen him with Mei? Would she have been just as disapproving as Collision? Surely his mother would've been more understanding.

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5 Years
Athena I
07-04-2013, 01:58 AM

"ex alpha of my pack, Valhalla..." That one piece of information scared her to death. Not only was he Gael's father, but he was, at least formerly, the leader of Gael's pack! She wanted so badly to make a good impression with the brute before them, but she was afraid that was too far beyond her grasp at this point. How was she supposed to prove that she only wanted the best for his son? How was she supposed to tell him that they had fallen into this situation all because she had crashed into a tree? There was no way she was going to be able to prove to him any of these things, or at least not with any way that she could see.

One thing was for certain though. She knew that hiding like a coward behind Gael was not going to improve his father's opinion of her. Gathering every scrap of courage she could find, she pulled herself together and stepped out from behind her new friend. She brushed her shoulder against his side and gave him a glance, trying to tell him that it was okay. She had gotten them into this mess, she was going to be there to help get them out. She stood shoulder to shoulder with Gael and tried her best to not look intimidated by Collision, though she was afraid she failed at that. Even though her ears were still pinned back submissively, Meili tried her best to not make more of a fool of herself at least. She gave the older male a polite nod and told him in her naturally gentle voice,"It's nice to meet you, Collision. I am very sorry for the way you found us."
