
If we know what's good for me



3 Years
07-17-2017, 09:11 PM

She was going to step outside of her borders after she had made a round about. Lining scent markers, knowing her brother had been there and such. She did feel restless though, she wanted Fiori to prosper. While her head had been in the clouds she silently cursed herself and those feelings. Perhaps she just needed to stop thinking so hard. Nothing had changed after all, she was just in charge of a pack and everything. She reminded herself if something came up that she didn't know how to handle she could simply consult her father. Not everyone had those privileges.

The Rock Garden is where she had ended up and her paws carried her to stand on one of the rocks. Her sister now had pups, and she was an aunt. That was a big thing to take in as well. She sat and sighed, trying not to let her thoughts wonder to things that would never happen with her. After all, she was a Fiori queen and the wolf she had her eyes on belonged to another pack. It was against the laws not to mention it would cause her a lot of strife. She groaned a bit, why did life have to be more complicated the minute she thought she had figured it out.


Leo as Heather's father is free to crash her threads as he see's fit. Lionel as her close brother is also allowed to do the same.
Heather has boderline personality disorder in the event of extreme stress she can become aggressive and gloomy with no filter but will have no memory of these episodes after.



3 Years
07-21-2017, 11:20 PM (This post was last modified: 07-22-2017, 11:16 PM by Hirondelle.)

[The Rock Garden for Nav Skill]

Dell’s first thought she had seen the giant rocks had of course been to climb them. Which she had done, no small feat considering her stature. It had taken a while but she had finally found a smaller boulder and from there bound to higher and higher rocks. The last one had been a bit taller than anticipated, her paws had just barely hit it’s surface and she had been forced to scrabble for purchase before finally heaving herself upwards and then… 

What a time to learn she was afraid of heights. 

Despite battling vertigo as she scrambled back from the ledge she refused to lose optimism. This was just another adventure. Someone would probably wander by and if not? Well she’d cross that bridge when she came to it. 

So Dell settled in and found herself dozing off, she flickered in and out of awareness; until finally the scent of a stranger drifted towards her. Suddenly very much awake she jumped to her paws and scanned the horizon for the source. Then she spotted them, a wolf moving among the boulders. Grinning and tail wagging Hirondelle barked out a greeting. 



[Image: 2lvy346.png]



3 Years
07-23-2017, 03:05 PM

Heather was soon called to, making her ears swivel forward. Her paws moving off to the side as she saw another female. She looked like a smoke cloud, those white tufts of fur moving about in a strange pattern over her. It was hard not to say she was a little curious. A smile as she jumped down from her rock. Might as well get to know a stranger right?

"Hello, here to explore the rock garden?" she asked. Perhaps she would do well with showing her around. Her tail wagged a little bit, the female seemed friendly so she would remain the same. At least she could deal with having a distraction anyway. "My name's Heather what's yours?" she'd learned it was polite to ask for names.


Leo as Heather's father is free to crash her threads as he see's fit. Lionel as her close brother is also allowed to do the same.
Heather has boderline personality disorder in the event of extreme stress she can become aggressive and gloomy with no filter but will have no memory of these episodes after.



3 Years
07-23-2017, 10:00 PM

The other wolf reacted to her call and despite herself she took a step towards the edge of her perch. Hirondelle suppressed a grimace as a wave of nausea rolled through her. Instead she smiled, tail beating the air even faster than previous. The stranger that approached was a sight to behold, muted as she was Hirondelle found her gaze drawn to those small splashes of color then to her spotted... rump. Dell immediately focused her gaze elsewhere, blood rushing to her face. 

Luckily for her the other woman spoke, giving her a reason to draw her attention back up to the stranger's face. Dell suppressed a giggle at the question. That had been what she had been planning but then well... she got stuck up on a rock. 

"Yup! That was the plan... and then I kind of got stuck up here..." The blood rushed to her face once more and she glanced down out of habit. Bad move. She took a faltering step back, the grimace rising to her face this time. "Name's Hirondelle Libre, you can call me Dell,"  Her voice shook slightly before she finally felt her stomach calm and her usual happy, light tone returned, "My specialties include stranding myself on boulders and embarrassing myself in front of attractive strangers apparently."

She stepped forwards again, keeping her eyes locked on Heather as she did so, though she still felt the vertigo starting to kick in. "You uh... wouldn't happen to be willing to help me get down would you?


[Image: 2lvy346.png]



3 Years
08-14-2017, 04:23 AM

If Hirondelle could have seen Heather's cheeks flushed. Attractive? In what way, her head tried to wrap around it as she sheepishly smiled letting out a laugh as she lowered her head. Trying to hide the embarassment in her eyes. She looked back up then though her tail giving a soft wag. "You're one to talk, you've got a more interesting coat pattern than mine." Heather had always been proud of her appaloose spots, but the way the white danced across her pelt was like clouds in a dark sky. It somehow brought her breath away.

"No problem, try jumping on my back that should do it." Heather got as close to the rock as she could. Turning so she was at an angle, hoping that dell could then step on her and get on solid ground. Her tail off to the side as she looked up with her blue eyes. Hoping that this didn't go bad and end up in some sort of disaster.


Leo as Heather's father is free to crash her threads as he see's fit. Lionel as her close brother is also allowed to do the same.
Heather has boderline personality disorder in the event of extreme stress she can become aggressive and gloomy with no filter but will have no memory of these episodes after.



5 Years
Dire wolf
08-14-2017, 08:38 AM
He apparently couldn't catch a break recently. What with his siblings now being in the lands and his children vanishing. Perhaps it was better this way though. His children were a pawful and his siblings weren't fond of his children in the least, all because abba said they inherited his sins. It was a load of crap though.

He shook his head and kept moving. It was probably best to put as much distance between himself and Gabriel as he could. Abba would have Gabe's head if he knew that he wasn't attacked on sight. He rounded a boulder and came to a stop. His sunset eyes blinked as he took in the sight. A woman stranded and another looking like she wanted to be used as a stepping stone. He heard the words before about coat patterns and couldn't help the smirk that tugged at his lips.

If it was looks they wanted he had em.

He approached them and barked out a laugh. "your gonna end up getting a hefty bruise and maybe a broken back if you let her do that. I've a better idea though." and with that he was launching himself up the path he figured she had taken. Of course it took a minute before he was up on the same rock as her. He was bigger than normal wolves so it took him a little less time than some. His aim was to be directly next to the splattered woman. Might as well play the hero while he was at it. As he made it up there he stuck his tail out and steadied himself.

He gave her a half smirk half smile as he turned his eyes to her. He spoke quietly to her then in an attempt to keep her calm and get her to work with him. "Guessing you decided you have a fear of heights.... I want you to trust me, I'm going to grab your scruff and back you off this rock. Your gonna close your eyes and when it's all said and done you'll be on the ground." he waited to see if she was going to trust him first. No point in making her uncomfortable if he didn't have to.

As his brother and current stalking interest Gabriel is allowed in any of his threads regardless of tags. Also as the father of Leviathan, Sathanus, and Mammon Sam is allowed to pop into any of their threads as he sees fits regardless of how they are marked.



3 Years
08-14-2017, 05:27 PM

Hirondelle watched with piqued interest as the spotted woman responded to her flirtations, a crooked smile affixing to her face as the woman looked down. Dell preferred to think it was either embarrassment or feeling flattered that drove that reaction and as Heather laughed she felt her insides tingle as if a million little bubbles were breaking against her chest and stomach. She laughed as Heather returned a compliment, her brows raising. If she hadn't been doing her best to avoid the edge of the rock Dell would have draped herself languidly along it's edge and swapped further admiration but as it stood she was very much concerned with getting down, further flirting would have to wait.

Luckily it seemed the woman was as helpful as she was complimentary, though Dell had to admit she wasn't too fond of this option. She inched ever so slightly closer to the edge of the stone, feeling her stomach flipping as she watched the woman press against the rock. She hovered a paw over the open air and the world spun. She screwed her eyes shut; a whine escaping from her throat. She imagined flinging herself out into all that open space and missing; she'd be a Hirondelle shaped splatter on the ground.

Fortunately she'd be saved from finding the truth of that idea as another voice broke her panicked dreaming. As the two women had spoken another wolf had approached the pair and Dell snapped her eyes open, panic set in and she once more scrambled back from the ledge, feeling her stomach doing flips and in her rush she tripped over her own paws, landing in an ungraceful sitting position, safely in the center of her perch.

Her violet gaze scanned the surrounding area landing on a male and she silently cursed her luck. That whole embarrassing herself in front of attractive stranger thing? Apparently she was doomed to doing that a second time today!

Hirondelle was more than happy to stay where she was as she watched the black marked male make his way up to her. "Good of you to make it." She teased lightly though her tone was shaky. His words were soft spoken in a calming tone and she found her shakiness dissipate some. His plan made sense, though she wasn't really sure she liked it anymore than the first plan. She could just live up here from now on, she could get friendly passerbys to bring her food and she'd drink rain water that collected on the stone's surface!

Dell swallowed the lump in her throat and meeting the unknown male's sunset gaze she nodded.


[Image: 2lvy346.png]



3 Years
08-14-2017, 08:50 PM

When the newcomer came it was almost obvious about Heather's demenor. She narrowed her eyes at the male, her tail flicking to one side. She hated this feeling bubbling in her stomach. Jealousy probably as she calmed herself and simply would step back. She could let her feelings aside - as long as Hirondelle would be safe she did suppose. Then again she didn't mind the thought of taking an injured girl back to Fiori - she day dreamed and then scolded herself for thinking of such a thing.

She inched closer to them on the other side though. Just in case he decided to drop her or they both came tumbling she didn't care. She'd cushion their fall to make sure injuries were at a minimum for the two. "Just be careful." she said worriedly as she watched from afar.


Leo as Heather's father is free to crash her threads as he see's fit. Lionel as her close brother is also allowed to do the same.
Heather has boderline personality disorder in the event of extreme stress she can become aggressive and gloomy with no filter but will have no memory of these episodes after.



5 Years
Dire wolf
09-28-2017, 10:30 AM
He was a giant compared to the girl so things should go rather smoothly for the both of them, provided she didn't struggle to much. Shrugging her at such an age would likely prove uncomfortable for her. Though if his plan worked which he was certain it would she would only have a little discomfort to complain about.

When she nodded he lowered his head and aimed to take her by the scruff. His hold was firm but not enough to break skin. He didn't care to hurt the dame just get her off her rock. As soon as he had he he lifted his head, aiming to lift her so she wouldn't be touching anything. Then he would move, gently and steadily. He layed himself at the edge of the rock with her dangling off and lowered her by stretching his neck. It was almost like stuffing his kids when they were a few months old and he stifled the chuckle at that. He waited until she was near enough to the ground that no harm would come to her before he released.

If he had planned it right she would land on her rump with only a minor bruise to show for this. And Sam was anything but a daft man so likely that was exactly how this went.

He stood and aimed to jump down beside the now grounded woman. A small smile was on his lips as he looked to her. "Any damage? I'd hate to think I'd hurt you." there was no jest with this, nor any teasing. He was serious. For once in his life anyway.

As his brother and current stalking interest Gabriel is allowed in any of his threads regardless of tags. Also as the father of Leviathan, Sathanus, and Mammon Sam is allowed to pop into any of their threads as he sees fits regardless of how they are marked.