
Where we're headed[Morningstar fam bam meeting]



5 Years
Dire wolf
09-26-2017, 12:25 PM
He was fed up and thoroughly pissed. Gabe was outcast as were him and his children, and to top it off Michael had the audacity to attack Gabe. It may of not been too physical but the intent was there. He wouldn't stand for it anymore. His children would be called for and counted today. He would leave no room for argument. Rarely did he put his paw down but today he was.

Michael had attacked him again this morning and Samael had had it. His face showed their most recent scrap. His neck was scabbing over and was tended to by his daughter and he figured likely Gabe when he would sleep. Not that he did much of that with the threat of Michael lately. His face held gouged now from the fangs of his brother. It happened when he went hunting early this morning for Gabe's breakfast and his own.

He shook his head and pelt. What was done was he had other plans to set in motion. He moved into the area. The trees were green still and the fruits upon them ripe. The weather today wasn't nearly as hot as it had been. A northern wind cooled the land and smelled of clouds and rain. He stopped in a small clearing where his children and Gabe should fit comfortably. He hadn't spoken a word to Gabe yet of his next plan but he had an idea that the Herald would be against it, that was just a risk he would have to take though.

He threw his head back, a howl echoing from him, deep in Its tone. It was a summoning. A mandatory call to Gabe and his children to answer. They would know it was one of rarity, he did not normally summon them in such ways. Usually he sought each out individually or they sought him out. Not since they had turned old enough to be on their own had he ever called them together like this. They needed to know though and decide if they cared enough to join him and oppose Abba's right hand directly and in doing so oppose Abba's harsh rule over his brothers.

Ooc: mandatory for Sam's kids and Gabe please post by the 3rd of October. I will post Sam again as necessary and on the 4th.

As his brother and current stalking interest Gabriel is allowed in any of his threads regardless of tags. Also as the father of Leviathan, Sathanus, and Mammon Sam is allowed to pop into any of their threads as he sees fits regardless of how they are marked.



6 Years
10-02-2017, 11:18 AM

The call of his father would wake him from his slumber, a raise of his head and then an awkward push to get his massive body off the ground. "Uhhhh" He thought, not really wanting to make the trekk all the way to the mainland and then some. Looking around the den and then outside, he wouldn't see Mammon in sight but just assumed she was out getting the king his breakfast. "Ava! Come on!" He shouted through the woods adding a howl of his own before darting off to the shores and across the water.


As much as Ava adored their father, he found him rather annoying. Leviathan had a tendancey to push his siblings in the other direction where as Samael would scold him and not put up with his crap. Of course there was Mammon who he loved unconditionally and the two would be together until death do them part... Or maybe longer...

He came to the orchid with ears gently laid back in an aggravated way. Coming to his father's veiw he would halt and shake the salty water from his pelt not caring if it splashed Samael. And then a seat, he looked at the man up and down and couldn't help but laugh out loud "The hell happened to you?" He would stop his deep laughter but continued once again not able to control it. Calming his self he looked around slightly to the lack of wolves being the first to arrive, "Any reason you dragged me from my island or just for kicks?"

Walk "Levi" Think

!Rated R! For Language and Sexual themes. Prone to Violence.

Those who can crash his threads: Mammon
Those who can powerplay him: Mammon

(Lee-vie-ah-thane Morning-star)

Alignment: Neutral Evil
Season: Spring
Status: Mated (Mammon), open for sex but not love
Size: 36 inches | Heavy

Important Details:

Plotting Thread



3 Years
10-03-2017, 09:58 PM

Sonorous tombre echoed across the lands. Atop her mountain peak, the bitch raised her head. Having been resting on the edges of the cliff, watching the herd on the plains in the distance rove along. With a huff, she lurched to her feet. Languidly she would stretch, feeling the delicious burn of her muscles. If her father was calling, it meant that something was wrong. No doubt it had something to do with the brutalized state of his throat and neck the last time they had met.

Heavy steps would carry her down the trail. The filthy stink of her brother's piss had faded drastically from the rocks. She wouldn't be happy until it was gone. Still sore from their encounter, she growled to herself. The pest. Hopefully he and Mammon had begun to realize exactly who she was, and how little she cared for their incestuous desires.

The journey to the Orchard was impossibly long. From the north, she had to all but sprint the entire way. Definitely late, but there nonetheless. Charcoal brows were drawn together as she approached. Tongue lolled from her jaws, she tried to catch her breath. By the time she broke through the foliage, only one of her siblings had arrived. "What's going on?" She questioned gruffly, low vocals carrying in the orchard. Making a point of ignoring the other male, she flopped down harshly on the grass. Her father was freshly wounded, face gored by someone's teeth. Based on the musk that still lingered on his coat, it was the same relative who had torn apart his throat.


Sathanus is an asshole with no morals who loves getting into fights. Plz know that Denny loves you and Sath's acts are nothing against you (the player) <3



3 Years
10-03-2017, 10:02 PM (This post was last modified: 11-17-2017, 01:45 AM by Mammon.)

Mammon was eyeing a hare in the distance, its tantalizing scent was already leaving her salivating and she was about to pounce on her quarry when a howl rang out for her... well her and her siblings. The rabbit bolted and Mammon gave a curse, pounding after it just missing as it ducked into it's warren. She snorted derisively at the hole in the ground but quickly forgot it as she heard Levi's summons. 

She didn't bother trying to catch up with him knowing they'd eventually end up in the same place. She approached the pair just in time to hear her brother's final question. She rolled her eyes but still nosed at her brother's cheek before approaching her father. She paused for a moment, well everyone was getting into fights weren't they? Still a genuine smile pulled at her lips and she finally reached her father. "Hey, Dad-" She pushed her nose into his cheek fur and had been about to give him a friendly greeting when she really took in her father's scent. 

It was his but there were something else... another scent. That of a man. It was one she had committed to memory, in her mind it was tinged with the acrid tang of blood. She pulled back from her embrace, her eye cold and her lips curling slightly. 

"Found a new bedfellow father?" It wasn't a real question, her tone icy. "Have you already forgotten what he took from us? From me?" She paused again a growl rumbling in her throat. "I will not forget, and I will never forgive." She turned then and settled herself beside her brother, icy gaze scanning the horizon, expecting to see her father's new "companion" arrive at any moment. She would tear his throat out herself. 

Walk "Levi" "Ava" Think

Leviathan or "Levi" as Mammon's brother and lover is welcome to crash all her threads regardless of tag rating.[Image: GMZH5Ns.png]



5 Years
Dire wolf
10-04-2017, 04:43 AM
His children arrived and each had their questions. His ears pressed with Ava's though. Hers was the only one that aimed to hurt him with more than words. He would have to put his paw down eventually. It seemed though that three of them would not come as he waited to see them at least on the horizon. He closed his eyes and let a sigh pass his lips. He couldn't wait much longer, and Gabe was not coming either it seemed. That hurt the most. That Gabe would ignore him still. Did Gabe still punish him for picking fights with Michael? He opened his eyes and directed them at his three children that had arrived.

"Let's get down to it then.... first off yes there is a reason I dragged you out here Levi. Secondly I'll address the problem Ava is now reminding me I have..... yes I've been spending time with your uncle Gabriel. The reason is as simple as this. He doesn't expect forgiveness, and sad to say that hurting him no longer hurts only Abba. To hurt Gabriel is to hurt me, which in turn hurts us all then. Not physically would it hurt you but I'm sure you can remember the depression I fell into after your mother and her sister." his tone turned grave when he spoke of his former loves. To think of them still hurt but he could not allow it to surface as he still had children to raise. He hoped they understood. He wouldn't explain that Gabriel was forced to choose between his love for Abba or his love for Sam, they likely wouldn't care. He expected Ava to blow up and Levi to follow her in such tantrums, but he did hope Anabiel wouldn't. If she did then perhaps he needed to rethink his children's places.

He gave another sigh. This was hurting him that his children would expect him to never move on nor find someone he could be happy with. Sure he could of chosen to ignore his feelings for gabe but he wasn't perfect either. It was time to discuss something they could all hopefully look forward to. "Now for the two reasons I have called you together under such circumstances. Your uncle and I have both been attacked, him verbally and me physically now twice. It has been done by Michael, and I want all three of you to steer clear for now, the time will come when we will be allowed to rip him to pieces. For now I must bide my time and wait until he decides how he will play what I'm assuming is this game of cat and mouse. My wounds will heal, but he will scar, though I didn't quite make my aim of his sight last time." his aim must be getting off. Though Michael was aiming to kill him both times so he had been more concerned with keeping the smaller man away from anything vital.

He eyed his children for any signs they would defy this one order. But more for their reactions to his next declaration. "That brings me to the biggest point in this. I will not stand idly by as Michael and Abba wage war on my children or those we love. I will be starting a pack here to give us all a place to call our own. I'll not expect you to join but for the sake of safety of each of you as it seems your siblings will not answer our calls anymore, I ask you to consider putting your hatred into a better use. I'm defying Abba openly by doing this and I expect to have an attack from him one way or another. Right now he outnumbers us, and I seek to even our odds. This is also a way to ensure if one of them step for over our borders they would be slaughtered on sight. I'm not seeking to make any of you fight for the ranks you do deserve but ill not assign an heir among you without first watching you work for the rank either. Who works hardest and I deem fit of mind will be given such the title. I want each of your input on this, and confirmation that you will join. Then I would like to hear suggestions on where we should stake our claim." he didn't want to hear arguments or accusations about Gabe right now. If they started then he would be taking his leave for them each to think about this situation and the danger they each were in now that Michael had decided to threaten more than just him. Hopefully he wasn't out there attacking Gabe right now.

As his brother and current stalking interest Gabriel is allowed in any of his threads regardless of tags. Also as the father of Leviathan, Sathanus, and Mammon Sam is allowed to pop into any of their threads as he sees fits regardless of how they are marked.



6 Years
10-14-2017, 08:19 PM

Sathanus and Mammon would arrive pretty close to each other and Leviathan would give a wink to his ruby-eyed sister as their last encounter wasn't something she would call pleasant, but of course he enjoyed to a great extent.

Mammon would approach their father first and Leviathan would pin his ears slightly as he wished she would have just came to his side and took a seat. As free spirited as she was, and Leviathan loved that, he sometimes wished she would know her place and do what he said or expected of her. He wouldn't quite understand what she was saying to Samael, he was too irritated with everything else going on.

He tried to listen to his father, his eyes mostly pouring into Sath with a thirsty grin, as if he was trying to piss Mammon off or something now. He was getting bored of his father's rambling. But he would try to catch the important parts, though his tones were lazy and not so intent on what was going on.

"If this guy is such a big deal, then why didn't you just rip his throat out when you had the chance? It would have made our lives a whole lot easier." His eyes finally coming off of Sathanus, he continued, "I hope you would know my place in this pack of yours. I'd want to your heir, I am your oldest son therefor I would have the right to take it." He glared more so at his not-mated sister, only for a second though. He and Mammon would rule the pack together if something were to happen to their father, little did he know that Samael had other plans.

Walk "Talk" Think

!Rated R! For Language and Sexual themes. Prone to Violence.

Those who can crash his threads: Mammon
Those who can powerplay him: Mammon

(Lee-vie-ah-thane Morning-star)

Alignment: Neutral Evil
Season: Spring
Status: Mated (Mammon), open for sex but not love
Size: 36 inches | Heavy

Important Details:

Plotting Thread



3 Years
10-15-2017, 11:29 PM (This post was last modified: 11-17-2017, 01:45 AM by Mammon.)

Mammon cast a withering glance at her brother as he ignored her, he was being a brat but the irritation he caused her was minor next to the slowly burning rage her father had ignited in her. Samael began to speak and she flattened her ears. "You don't get to call me Ava." She hissed. That was Levi's name for her, and his name only. She didn't care who wanted to call her Ava, it was not their name to claim. 

Still the rest of his words struck her strong. Of course she remembered the way the death of their mother had affected him... she had been linked to him in their shared depression and for a brief moment there was genuine pain upon her face. Then she kept it there, glued to her face as an impenetrable mask. For all who were not in her mind it's simply appear that her father's reminder of the pain of loss and how it was now linked to Gabriel was giving her pause. 

She listened with that mask of guilt on her face, a thought slowly taking seed in her mind. Levi responded to their father's news with predictable childishness and she gently pushed into his form. Casting a glance at her father she fixed him with a softer, guilt ridden look, heck throw in a pinch of barely contained pain. "I'll follow you father, you know that." She spoke softly but with enough volume to be heard by those gathered. 

Walk "Levi" "Ava" Think

Leviathan or "Levi" as Mammon's brother and lover is welcome to crash all her threads regardless of tag rating.[Image: GMZH5Ns.png]



3 Years
11-14-2017, 11:55 PM

In came Mammon, going straight to Leviathan in predictable fashion. Speaking of the irritating vermin, he was trying to get a rise out of her by winking. Crimson eyes would roll skywards, head shaking imperceptibly. I should castrate him. As soon as her sister's attention turned to their sire, the girl's attitude did a complete 180. Rage had her trembling, spitting ans snarling like a wildcat. "Found a new bedfellow father?" Mammon snapped. Oh, this was about to get interesting. Dark ears pushed forward to catch every little bit, she watched the chaos descend upon the group with fierce glee. "Have you already forgotten what he took from us? From me?" The ivory masked girl shrieked. A growl shook her form before she spoke again. "I will not forget, and I will never forgive." Just like that, she stalked over to Leviathan and slumped down.

"Mom's death didn't just hurt you, Mammon." The bitch grumbled quietly, gaze sliding away briefly. Whatever. It was always about Mammon, and it would probably always be that way. Leviathan was still staring at her. Regardless of what Mammon thought, that boy was going to grow up to be the biggest paedophile on the continent. Perhaps the world.

Their sire spoke, finally. "Let's get down to it then.... first off yes there is a reason I dragged you out here Levi. Secondly I'll address the problem Ava is now reminding me I have..... yes I've been spending time with your uncle Gabriel. The reason is as simple as this. He doesn't expect forgiveness, and sad to say that hurting him no longer hurts only Abba. To hurt Gabriel is to hurt me, which in turn hurts us all then. Not physically would it hurt you but I'm sure you can remember the depression I fell into after your mother and her sister." Which, of course, they all did. If he had been in his right mind when they were young, they wouldn't have grown up eating corpses in graveyards. Wouldn't have killed others as readily as they did now.

"You don't get to call me Ava." Mammon hissed. Wow. Way to completely ignore the point of literally everything he just said. From then on, Mammon kept this kicked puppy look on her face. Fuck, she was dramatic.

Their father sighed heavily, and continued his speech. "Now for the two reasons I have called you together under such circumstances. Your uncle and I have both been attacked, him verbally and me physically now twice. It has been done by Michael, and I want all three of you to steer clear for now, the time will come when we will be allowed to rip him to pieces. For now I must bide my time and wait until he decides how he will play what I'm assuming is this game of cat and mouse. My wounds will heal, but he will scar, though I didn't quite make my aim of his sight last time." Oh boy, oh goody. Having to wait around to tear into the bastard who had ruined their lives? Sounds like a blast!

Pfft. Not.

"That brings me to the biggest point in this. I will not stand idly by as Michael and Abba wage war on my children or those we love. I will be starting a pack here to give us all a place to call our own. I'll not expect you to join but for the sake of safety of each of you as it seems your siblings will not answer our calls anymore, I ask you to consider putting your hatred into a better use. I'm defying Abba openly by doing this and I expect to have an attack from him one way or another. Right now he outnumbers us, and I seek to even our odds. This is also a way to ensure if one of them step for over our borders they would be slaughtered on sight. I'm not seeking to make any of you fight for the ranks you do deserve but ill not assign an heir among you without first watching you work for the rank either. Who works hardest and I deem fit of mind will be given such the title. I want each of your input on this, and confirmation that you will join. Then I would like to hear suggestions on where we should stake our claim."

Well, well. Quite the development, this was. Charcoal brows would rise in surprise, though she would not. "If this guy is such a big deal, then why didn't you just rip his throat out when you had the chance? It would have made our lives a whole lot easier." Wow Levi! So smart!

Again, not.

"I hope you would know my place in this pack of yours. I'd want to your heir, I am your oldest son therefor I would have the right to take it." Leviathan continued, glaring openly at her for a moment. Another eye roll. She was going to develop a muscle strain if these two kept talking. Fucktards.

"I'll follow you father, you know that." Mammon said softly, voice wobbly.

"Just to, you know, actually offer something to the conversation here," Sathanus drawled, pushing herself into a siting position. No doubt someone was going to get mad because she wasn't appropriately respectful or some bullshit. "There are no packs in the north as of this moment, so it's all open territory for everyone there. Also, I guess I wouldn't mind being a part of all this." A heavy shrug of her shoulders, and she shut up. That was all she had to say, and now she wanted to see what happened next. There was no sign of the others, and she wondered where the hell they'd gotten to.

Walk "Talk" Think

Sathanus is an asshole with no morals who loves getting into fights. Plz know that Denny loves you and Sath's acts are nothing against you (the player) <3